Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!Sharyn5 - 2011-12-16 11:53 PM LockOut - 2011-12-16 10:48 AM Just gave in my card and phone. Guess it's real now. I'll be around till 11:30 or so, then Imma bounce. SWEET! it's like handing in your gun, as a police officer. excited for is your emancipation day! weeeeeeeeee!!! happy friday, TAN.  Hallo shkinny Shar  Yes it has been. With one notable exception. And it was merely great irritation that I can accept possibly had some purpose. Nevertheless, visitors to this country might think, my being from here and lived here for the better part of my life, that I know a thing or two about this place. But no, go right ahead with your own plan and wind up BFE asking me how to get home ... |