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2011-10-17 6:03 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

WOO-HOO!!! Way to rock the marathon, Tammy! Hope you thoroughly enjoyed the whole celebration process afterwards, from the cute firefighters in tuxes to the margarita(s) big enough to do swim training in! Enjoy some well-deserved time off: you ROCK!!

Wilson, I look forward to hearing more about your bike's personality as you get to know her! *grin*

Today was a beautiful day here for a run, but I gotta say that running AFTER weight training is a challenge...still, I thought of you all and told myself to HTFU and treat it like a brick workout. MMMer-dom does have its many advantages, including hearing Hilde's voice in my head telling me to get a move on! *grin*

2011-10-17 6:48 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Product Review Time

I sent this email to RoadID:


Hi guys - love your product!!! I have three young energetic kids, twin girls 5 yo and a 7 yo son, that really liked the idea of Daddy wearing the RoadID so I don't get lost!! After my fun explanation of why I wear it they immediately said "we want one Daddy" - so in the name of safety and their cute little faces I bought 3 slim IDs for them. Whenever we are in situations with large crowds and a slight chance of them getting lost they ask -- "Can we wear our RoadIDs Dad?" Of course we get our really cool tin boxes and retrieve them - then they make sure Daddy has his on just in case I get lost..haha...They always tell my wife that they will stay with her because she doesn't have one and they don't want her to get lost...very cute! My son, the 7 yo, has taken his RoadID wearing to a new level - he wears it all the time saying you just never know when you might get lost..haha...Pretty smart little guy - he must take after his mother! I looked at his RoadID yesterday after two months of wearing it to school and the ID plate is no longer legible - he has worn it all the way down beyond the engraving. I'm not sure you intended for a seven year old to wear it everyday - but I need to get it replaced....just in case he gets lost..haha Is this covered under the warrantee or do I just need to buy another plate or two or three???...haha..

Anyhow, thanks for offering such an awesome product and I hope I never have to use it for real!!! I religiously wear it for SBR and it does bring some peace of mind knowing that if my arm isn't ripped off they will have my vital information!

Have a great week!!!

Wilson Silverthorne

And then they sent this response -->>>

Hello Wilson,

Thank you for sharing your story with us, I feel even more proud to be doing what I do here everyday.  I think it is awesome that your kids realize the importance of ID as well as over all safety and concern.  I think that this is one of the best stories I have heard.

I do apologize for the issue you are having with your son's ID, that should absolutely not happen and I want to get it remade and sent out to you right away.  Also, I am going to send a Self-Addressed-Self-Stamped Envelope for you to return his ID, I want our Engineering Department to take a look at this to see if they can figure out what had happened.

Please make sure you keep the band for I will only be sending the plate.  For further instructions on how to attach that plate, I have provided a link below:

You will be receiving an email conformation for this shortly.  Please note that you were not charged and if you scroll down a bit you will see the adjustment on your order receipt.

Again, thank you for sharing your story and you obviously have some wonderful and intelligent children.  Also, I again apologize for the inconvenience to you as well as to your son.

If I can be of further assistance, please let me know. 

Be safe out there, 

Christy Holt 


I really thought this customer service was awesome!!!!  You don't find this very often these days!  The next email I got from them was the shipper with my new ID plate for my son....I didn't do a thing, it's on the way!  So support RoadID, they Rock!!!


Since it's getting dark sooner and I still want to ride after work I decided to get a head lamp.  I searched and searched through many reviews and came up with this Chinese Gem - MagicShine MJ-808E.  This light is 900 lumens and runs at that rating for 3 also has medium and low and a really cool strobe function.  This thing really lights up the road... a long way!!  It is comparable to lights that cost 250ish up...I'm very happy with this purchase.  I bought mine on Ebay for 93 bucks.  I shot a video and I'll see if it looks decent and post it if it's okay.


On the same theme I needed a tail light.  I bought the BlackBurn Mars 4.0 for 25 buck with side lights in addition to the back.  This damn think is killer bright tail light also has a flash mode.  I love it!!!  Lasts for like 50 hours on a couple AA.  These two light along with my vest should light the road up at dusk.  Both lights are so bright, I'd ride in the complete dark and wouldn't worry about being any less visible than a motorcycle.  Good stuff - check it out!


2011-10-17 7:34 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Video of Headlamp and Tail light!

My driveway is about 60 feel long or so....I'd say it lights up easily 150 feet in front of can see how bright the tree in my front yard is...maybe 75 feet away or so???  Tried to show it's power..dunno - I tried.  I'll tell you it's damn bright!

Edited by wsilverthorne 2011-10-17 7:36 PM
2011-10-18 6:14 AM
in reply to: #3727562

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Wow, that's some major lightage, Wilson!  Do you plan on riding in the dark, or is that just for safety if it's dusky out?  Does the tail light only attach to your seat post?  I don't have ANY space on my seatpost due to my dwarfishly short legs.  I have a blinky light that goes on my flat bag.

Great post about Road ID!!  I'm not surprised the plate wore out... it's not really etched in there, more like printed on.  I wear mine every run and every ride and every OWS, "just in case"!  I have the ankle one and like to use it for my timer chips when I can.

2011-10-19 8:14 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Sorry I've been MIA, I've been a very naughty MMMer.  The Hilde is very upset with me and even put a dead Tarantula in my mailbox. She's so SICK!  My corporate "Sweeties"  leave tomorrow afternoon, and I will be back on a mission.  Hope everyone is doing well! 
2011-10-19 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3729573

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
A tarantula is the LEAST of your worries as to what you will find in your mailbox!!  Better get at it missie, Warrior Dash is coming up pretty soon and I'm gonna leave you in the dust!!

2011-10-19 5:05 PM
in reply to: #3727849

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
hildekq - 2011-10-18 7:14 AM

Wow, that's some major lightage, Wilson!  Do you plan on riding in the dark, or is that just for safety if it's dusky out?  Does the tail light only attach to your seat post?  I don't have ANY space on my seatpost due to my dwarfishly short legs.  I have a blinky light that goes on my flat bag.

Great post about Road ID!!  I'm not surprised the plate wore out... it's not really etched in there, more like printed on.  I wear mine every run and every ride and every OWS, "just in case"!  I have the ankle one and like to use it for my timer chips when I can.

My plan was not to intentionally ride at night, but if i was having a good ride and time was short I could stay out in the dark with no problems.  A night ride would be kinda cool....I hope we have a few more nice days to get rides in and if I end up beyond dusk, no biggle!!  I have a feeling the bike is gonna go on a trainer soon - to stay there until too!

I agree the RoadID isn't engraved deep enough...they need to change the settings on the laser to get more depth of penetration.....Ethan's ID is almost all gone - not a word to read.  I have a coupon for a RoadID for anyone that wishes to get one...only $1 off, but better than nothing...If you don't have one - get one and wear it.....look at all the stuff that's happened to this small group, better safe than sorry.

2011-10-19 5:06 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!


Hey Everyone,

I just ordered one of the best products ever. It's called a Road ID - perhaps you've heard of it. If you haven't, go to their website and check it out. Road ID is a great product that could save your life someday.

When I ordered, they gave me a coupon that I could pass along to my friends. Here's the coupon number:

Coupon Number: ThanksWilson9092286

The coupon is good for $1 off any Road ID order placed by 11/18/2011. To order, simply go to or click the link below:

If you prefer, you can call them at 800-345-6335.

You can thank me later,

Wilson Silverthorne

Oh by the way, their website is awesome, the customer service is outstanding, and the owners are very smart and good looking. 

2011-10-19 6:31 PM
in reply to: #3729837

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Wilson - I'm green w/envy about your new toys!! Found a bike the spouse and I both like (he wants to get matching bikes!)  It's the Fuji Aloha 2.0 and is on sale for $995!! Hmmm I may have just enough dough to get the kids their Christmas stuff and 2 bikes as our presents to each other for Christmas...;-)

Turtle - You are AWESOME for finishing the marathon in the time you did! I hope to complete one next year...we shall see :-)

Kati - HURRY UP and get your booty back out there on the bike/run!! You may find something worse than a tarantula in your mailbox...eeeeek!! 

?Hilde - You didn't REALLY put that ugly spider in her mail box did you?!! LOL

The foot is healed enough that I made the 1/2 mile round trip walk to the girl's school, although I did it MUCH slower than my usual pace and it is now THROBBING to its very own beat. Did I tell you that stitches come out next Thursday and then I can SWIM?!! One way to get me back in the pool is to tell me that's the ONLY thing I CAN do.. 

2011-10-20 4:40 AM
in reply to: #3730764

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

There is no way in effin' H3LL I touched that tarantula.... I kicked it off the driveway with my shoe and it gave me the heebie jeebies!!  It was most definitely dead, and left a small pile of slime, I think it was on the verge of liquifying, ICKIE POO!

Yea for Tammy's foot getting better!!  Those Fuji bikes are pretty sexy too!

2011-10-20 9:40 PM
in reply to: #3730764

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
TTucker - 2011-10-19 7:31 PM

Wilson - I'm green w/envy about your new toys!! Found a bike the spouse and I both like (he wants to get matching bikes!)  It's the Fuji Aloha 2.0 and is on sale for $995!! Hmmm I may have just enough dough to get the kids their Christmas stuff and 2 bikes as our presents to each other for Christmas...;-)

Turtle - You are AWESOME for finishing the marathon in the time you did! I hope to complete one next year...we shall see :-)

Kati - HURRY UP and get your booty back out there on the bike/run!! You may find something worse than a tarantula in your mailbox...eeeeek!! 

?Hilde - You didn't REALLY put that ugly spider in her mail box did you?!! LOL

The foot is healed enough that I made the 1/2 mile round trip walk to the girl's school, although I did it MUCH slower than my usual pace and it is now THROBBING to its very own beat. Did I tell you that stitches come out next Thursday and then I can SWIM?!! One way to get me back in the pool is to tell me that's the ONLY thing I CAN do.. 

Glad you are healing up!!!  Exciting that you'll be looking forward to swimming..haha...funny how that happens when swimming is all your allowed to do....maybe this is your method of becoming a dolphin!!  Hey, hope you get the matching (how cute) bikes!!!  I liked the Fuji stuff, but the geometry is not right for me at all.....but for you it may be a match!!!!  We need some more bike porn, so bring it on.   The kids will understand not getting anything for christmas as long as mom and dad are happe....YEAH RIGHT!

2011-10-23 8:29 AM
in reply to: #3732619

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Looks like things are slowing down training-wise for a lot of you as the weather cools down.  Now is the time to focus on your weak leg, for me it's running and I am prepping for a Dec. half marathon.  Still swimming a couple of times a week to maintain and trying to fit in the bike while the weather is still fairly warm, but pretty much failing at that... I get busy doing something and the poor bike hangs on the wall.

Yesterday I attacked a chore I wanted to do during the summer and didn't do... cleaning the computer/dog/pantry room.  OMG it was dirty!  Dust bunnies galore from both the dogs and the kitchen fiasco.  I really wanted to repaint and put down some peel and stick tiles, but I guess now is not the time for that.  Maybe over Xmas break.

So I took a break to hit the movie store and the grocery store yesterday, and ended up slipping on water or something at the grocery store.  I was wearing Crocs, of course didn't see it, and one leg slipped forward and crashed my shin into the bar at the bottom of the cart, the other slid backwards to compensate and I must have really jammed my big toe... I'm hoping it's not broken!  Doesn't hurt to walk on it, but does hurt if you push it in a certain direction.  I guess we'll see when I head out for my 8 mile long run here in a bit!  Then it will be time to finish up the cleaning job, which is mainly cleaning all the bottles and boxes from the pantry shelves which are also coated with dust! 

I had to take my pound puppy back to the pound on Friday... I had Kane over the other night while Kati had to go to a work dinner, and the darned dog bit him!  Luckily no wounds, not even a mark, but I'll be damned if my poor grandbaby is going to end up afraid of dogs!  It broke my heart to leave her there, because she was such a sweetie to me, but we just don't put up with dogs that snap or bite.  The shelter guy seemed to think she'd get picked up fairly soon because she's housebroken and spayed, I sure hope so.  She'd be a gread dog for an older person or couple, just not good with kids.  So we are now down to a manageable 2 dog family, the catahoula who looks like a chocolate lab, and the basset.  The basset HATED the pound puppy and we got her so they would be companions, ha ha! 

Still doing well on my own, the boys come home later this week from their Yosemite/Oregon fishing/Alcatraz excursion.  I talked to Ron yesterday and he made it sound like they had an "I Shouldn't Be Alive" journey!  Reade found a short cut up this mountain or something, Ron said his truck is 6 feet wide and parts of the "road" were 5 feet wide with a cliff drop off on the side, no guard rails and it got dark, no way to back up!  I HOPE he was exaggerating!!

Time to head out on my run before it gets too warm... keep on a keepin' on my peeps!!

2011-10-24 12:20 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Southern Maryland
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Well, things are finally calming down.  The wedding is done (thank God...I'm hitched, and I ain't doing that again!!!), and the post-wedding craziness is done (name change, DMV, etc).  Last week I had a stomach bug, couldn't venture too far from a bathroom, and had no appetite.  But I'm feeling much better now!

I'm doing the Marine Corps 10K on Sunday.  Not sure if I'll finish, but we'll see.  Then its time to concentrate on the CPAT (Candidate Physical Agility Test) for the fire department.  The test is in February, and there is weekly mentoring starting next month.  I'm going to pass this one, dammit.  

I got RoadID for my husband and I.  He runs when he gets home from work, so it's dark a lot, and he doesn't carry any id with him.  I'm not worried so much about when I run, but the drivers around here are crazy, and I'm nervous when I bike on the road.

I'm trying to convince my husband to let me use some of the money from the wedding to buy a road bike.  Not sure if it'll fly though....

2011-10-24 6:06 PM
in reply to: #3735918

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
MATCHING road bikes would be a FABULOUS wedding present!!!
2011-10-24 11:04 PM
in reply to: #3735918

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
gnome - 2011-10-24 11:20 AM

Well, things are finally calming down.  The wedding is done (thank God...I'm hitched, and I ain't doing that again!!!), and the post-wedding craziness is done (name change, DMV, etc).  Last week I had a stomach bug, couldn't venture too far from a bathroom, and had no appetite.  But I'm feeling much better now!

I'm doing the Marine Corps 10K on Sunday.  Not sure if I'll finish, but we'll see.  Then its time to concentrate on the CPAT (Candidate Physical Agility Test) for the fire department.  The test is in February, and there is weekly mentoring starting next month.  I'm going to pass this one, dammit.  

I got RoadID for my husband and I.  He runs when he gets home from work, so it's dark a lot, and he doesn't carry any id with him.  I'm not worried so much about when I run, but the drivers around here are crazy, and I'm nervous when I bike on the road.

I'm trying to convince my husband to let me use some of the money from the wedding to buy a road bike.  Not sure if it'll fly though....


Jen, Congrats on getting hitched! I agree with Big H, bride and groom bikes are called for!!

I was of the same mind as you- not too worried about cars when I run, just when I ride- until a couple of months ago. Early one morning (but after sunrise), a woman was running on the sidewalk in my part of town- a fairly quiet residential area. A driver fell asleep at the wheel, crossed oncoming traffic, and hit her on the sidewalk. She was killed instantly. Not a happy thought, but I wanted all of you to have a reminder to keep your eyes and ears open even when you think you're perfectly safe. 


In other news, I will probably be AWOL here for most of the next 2 weeks. On Wednesday, I'm headed to ROME! I'm taking my mom on a European cruise. It's my first cruise, and our first time in Europe! We'll see a bit of Rome then cruise for 7 days, with stops in Spain, France, and Italy. I hereby pledge to not eat so much I have to buy a new wardrobe on the boat! I already signed up for 2 spin classes!

2011-10-25 4:29 AM
in reply to: #3736812

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Why Tammy Turtle, it seems we have another European jetsetter (or cruise ship mama) amongst us.  Keeping this a secret till the last minute... hope you are taking some running shoes so you can run the ship's deck!!  And of course you can swim in the mermaid shaped pool!! Have a FABULOUS time, so great that you can do this with your Mom... check in if you can and post pics when you get back!!

2011-10-25 8:52 PM
in reply to: #3734810

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Well Hilde I know things are slowing down, but I'm trying to speed up!!! Promise..haha..I'm struggling with getting up in the morning...well, not struggling - NOT doing it!!  That would help me tremendously since the family schedule can easily trump a workout these days.  I just convinced myself that you might be right..haha...I need to get back into the pool very soon rather than wait till next year.....If I wanna gain some confidence at the HIM distance I really need to get in the pool and get a little wet behind the ears.  Come November 1st I'm gonna try running again.  The pain in my leg is better, but not gone.

Good job conquering the dust bunnies without getting bitten..haha That sucks about the grocery store slip - you just never know do you???  Some of the simplest things can bite ya in the A$$.  That sucks about the puppy - that probably wasn't very easy to do.  But, your Bassett probably likes you a whole lot more...and we all know how important it is that the dogs like us - cuz some people suck and dogs are sometimes better than people....maybe more times than not...eekk  Hope Ron and crew are having reasonable guy fun!!  That sometimes seems dangerous..but I assure you, they are professionals!

2011-10-25 8:55 PM
in reply to: #3735918

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
gnome - 2011-10-24 1:20 PM

Well, things are finally calming down.  The wedding is done (thank God...I'm hitched, and I ain't doing that again!!!), and the post-wedding craziness is done (name change, DMV, etc).  Last week I had a stomach bug, couldn't venture too far from a bathroom, and had no appetite.  But I'm feeling much better now!

I'm doing the Marine Corps 10K on Sunday.  Not sure if I'll finish, but we'll see.  Then its time to concentrate on the CPAT (Candidate Physical Agility Test) for the fire department.  The test is in February, and there is weekly mentoring starting next month.  I'm going to pass this one, dammit.  

I got RoadID for my husband and I.  He runs when he gets home from work, so it's dark a lot, and he doesn't carry any id with him.  I'm not worried so much about when I run, but the drivers around here are crazy, and I'm nervous when I bike on the road.

I'm trying to convince my husband to let me use some of the money from the wedding to buy a road bike.  Not sure if it'll fly though....

Jen, congrats on all the wedding stuff and being done with it - it was 17 years ago for me, but I remember the hectic stuff and stress.  Another hottie Triathlete off the market..haha  Great job on getting the RoadID - did you use my $1 off coupon - I hope so.  And I agree with Tammy - matching road bikes would be awesome...that is true love and will make the honeymoon last forever - lol

2011-10-25 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3736812

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Turtle, I already miss you!!!!!  Have a great trip - enjoy Europe and the seas!!!  Look forward to hearing about it and seeing some pics.  Hilde's right - you can run the deck and swim in the teacup.

Stay safe - watch those European men....they ain't right!

2011-10-25 8:59 PM
in reply to: #3736865

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Hilde, you are almost to 1000 posts....that's an awesome milestone.
2011-10-25 10:40 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Southern Maryland
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

By the's a link to a video that explains what the CPAT (firefighter physical test) is.  It's a gold plated ...

2011-10-26 4:52 AM
in reply to: #3738285

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Wow Jen, the ultimate obstacle course!  I think the very first one, the stair stepper while wearing an extra 75 pounds looks the hardest... I guess the test is exactly the same for women?  I have no doubt you can ace it!!
2011-10-28 11:01 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Southern Maryland
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Yeah the test is the same for women (fire doesn't care if you've got indoor or outdoor plumbing...)  You're right, the first part is the hardest.  That's where most people fail, and where I've failed in the past.  

The dept I'm applying for has a 12-week mentoring program where you go and 'peer fitness' firefighters help you train and show you techniques for passing the test.  Starts Nov 14, 3 times a week.  Can't wait.  It'll be worth the 1.25 hour drive.

2011-10-30 11:49 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Happy Halloween from Kati and Kane down South! XOXO


2011-10-30 7:50 PM
in reply to: #3744326

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Southern Maryland
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Too cute!  Happy Halloween! 
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