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2011-04-24 6:20 PM
in reply to: #2944040

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: Ironman Texas

I did 21 miles starting at 1:45 and I lost close to 10 pounds.  I think I should have ran a different route that had water closer.  I did not feel dehydrated, but I had major cravings for the next water station.  I am surprised I feel better running now then when I did my open marathon which could mean I did not train hard enough on the bike or swim for that matter........

I saw 3 snakes on my run today.  One was dead, one was alive and small, and the other was about a 2 foot long moccasin and I did not get close enough to see if it was alive.  If you see me at the swim start you may want to get away.  I hate snakes so much I think they get close to me to get a reaction.

2011-04-24 7:08 PM
in reply to: #3463429

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Subject: RE: Ironman Texas
mountain_erin - 2011-04-24 4:53 PM

I had my last long run today as well - 3 hours, nearly 16 miles.  Only I had 20 x 3 min fartleks tossed in there.  And as a bonus, I did not get snowed on (although the temperature was 37 when I started).  I had to to yesterday's ride on the trainer because of the snow.  I am going to die with the heat, but there's not much I can do about it.

Run was good, though!  I felt like I could have gone on for a good bit.  The only thing that was bothering me was my feet, but that's why I have new-ish shoes to change into at special needs.

Better get in the sauna!

2011-04-24 7:40 PM
in reply to: #2944040

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Kingwood, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Texas

Did my one long 3hr run today in the afternoon - it was hot, but the wind was good to keep  somewhat cool, can only expect we wil have this heat and more on race day.   Planned for 16 miles (8 miles out and back) shut it down at 15.25 miles when I hit 3 hours and wlaked it in, no reason to go over three hours I was dragging!  I guess it in reality it was 16 miles in 3:15 or so...  You definitely have to plan out those water stops, I walked in to the local Groceries about every 40 minutes dripping with sweat and hydrating up!  After that run race plan has changed to (1) Average swim,; (2) Strong the bike; (3) See if I can get over 1000 people to pass me on my 26 mile jog/walk! 

4 weeks to go!  Better news - 2 weeks until Taper time - on that note, I am a solid taperer...


2011-04-24 9:44 PM
in reply to: #2944040

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Austin, TX
Gold member
Subject: RE: Ironman Texas
Starting weight of 168.  Took in about 4 pounds of water during the run.  Final weight of 160.  Total water loss during 3 hours 6 minutes: 12 pounds.  That's almost 2 liters per hour.
2011-04-24 10:16 PM
in reply to: #3463695

Subject: RE: Ironman Texas

Wow, not sure what to think about the heat...I did a 4 hr bike ride today in the snow.  Wearing a balaclava and ski socks & gloves

2011-04-25 7:33 AM
in reply to: #3463566

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Extreme Veteran
Cypress, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Texas
jls42 - 2011-04-24 7:40 PM

After that run race plan has changed to (1) Average swim,; (2) Strong the bike; (3) See if I can get over 1000 people to pass me on my 26 mile jog/walk! 


I know you speak in jest but slowing the bike down a little can pay huge dividends on the run.  Taking 15 or 20 minutes longer on the bike if it allows you to finish 30 minutes or 45 minutes or 1 hour faster on the run is smart racing.  As the saying goes, push too hard on the bike and you'll have 26.2 miles to pay for it.  No sense in passing a couple of hundred folks on the bike only to have two or three times as many pass you on the run.

2011-04-25 8:20 AM
in reply to: #2944040

Subject: RE: Ironman Texas
Post from a local IM TX news group I am on:

> My friend and I were riding the bike route on Friday and got a ticket just west of Richards for failure to stay to the right. Really it was just a warning and a lecture, but I'm guessing they are getting complaints about the all the cyclist. If you're going to ride the course in the next few weeks, be aware the state troopers are starting to pull people over.

That section West of Richards is really bad road. Staying to the right can be a challenge until you make the turn South on 2560 (?) or whatever it is .
Be careful and vigilant out there.
2011-04-25 2:07 PM
in reply to: #2944040

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: Ironman Texas

What distance should I plan for the aid stations to be apart? 

2011-04-25 2:20 PM
in reply to: #3464895

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Ironman Texas
TriPatrick - 2011-04-25 2:07 PM

What distance should I plan for the aid stations to be apart? 

100 yards
2011-04-25 2:32 PM
in reply to: #3464895

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New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Texas
TriPatrick - 2011-04-25 2:07 PM

What distance should I plan for the aid stations to be apart? 



According to the website, every mile.  

2011-04-25 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2944040

The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Texas

What about the bike? I looked on the site and it didnt mention anything about where the aid stations will be located. At least I couldnt find it on the site.

2011-04-25 3:12 PM
in reply to: #3464963

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: Ironman Texas
agslax - 2011-04-25 2:32 PM
TriPatrick - 2011-04-25 2:07 PM

What distance should I plan for the aid stations to be apart? 



According to the website, every mile.  


Sorry I ment the bike.  I have heard 10-25 miles.  10 miles would be great 15 pushing it for a 2 bottle set up I am planning on using

2011-04-25 4:10 PM
in reply to: #2944040

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Extreme Veteran
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Subject: RE: Ironman Texas

I checked the next two races, Australia is every 15km, and St. George ranges from 11-17mi. I'd guess we will be similar to St. George, depending on where there is room. 

2011-04-25 7:23 PM
in reply to: #3462603

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: Ironman Texas
JeffIrvin - 2011-04-23 6:27 PM
dodgersmom - 2011-04-23 6:13 PM
dodgersmom - 2011-04-23 6:01 PM
dgunthert - 2011-04-23 5:38 PM

dodgersmom - 2011-04-23 11:06 AM Has anyone heard whether they are going to offer the GPS tracking for the race? 

You can rent the chip from  They won't be at the race, but they'll ship you the chip and then you ship it back.  My dad is insisting that I get one so he can track where I am, despite the fact that they'll be there. 

Thanks Dennis.  Just checked that out.  Think I may rent it as my mom will not be there and it will be nice for her to see exactly where I am

Sent an e-mail to them asking if they will be at the expo.  Replied almost immediately (+1).  Said they will not be there but I can choose the one-day rental ($20).  They will ship it to the hotel for arrival Thursday or Friday (+2).  All I have to do is drop it back in the mail Monday.

In the scheme of what I have bought for this race, I think a $20 investment is not a bad deal!  Plus I was impressed that they responded to an e-mail on a Saturday night.  Granted, this may be one guy working out of his parents basement but what the heck!


Marcy,  My buddy did this last year at IMlou and it was great.  His parents followed him on an iPad at the race. We tracked him all day on the pc and it was very easy to use.

they went up to 29.95 since this post

2011-04-25 10:50 PM
in reply to: #3462167

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Texas
TriPatrick - 2011-04-23 10:10 AM

I had my butt handed to me by the wind yesterday.  I did an out and back from my house to Dobbin on the IMTX course and I was blown all over the place.  I think on race day I am going to set my watch to cadence and HR so I do not see MPH.  I get myself in trouble doing that. 

 I usualy see dead snakes on the course, but yesterday I almost ran over 3 live onles.  Two just scared me, but the thrid scared the out of me and I almost broke my cleat trying to get my leg away from it.  It jumped back, but it was a coral snake and I know they have some serious venom.  I also saw a huge tortise leaving the road towards a ditch with water.  I think this time of year turtles lay eggs, or it could just be the drought since I have seen a few the last couple of weeks. 

Myself and my neighbors have been seeing a LOT of snakes lately. My neighbor was walking to the mailbox last night as a 3 foot copperhead was slithering across the road. I still haven't gotten over being in the lake with a water moccasin last year! Thankfully I was just in to my waist and got out quickly!
2011-04-26 11:06 AM
in reply to: #3465560

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Ironman Texas

they went up to 29.95 since this post

Yeah saw that but bit the bullet and just ordered it.  Figured it i just dropped $40 on 2 hats because I could not decide which one I liked best I can shell out the $$ for this!

2011-04-26 11:42 AM
in reply to: #2944040

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: Ironman Texas

Do you think mirrored or blue lens for the swim?  I need a new pair of goggles so I want to buy specific.

2011-04-26 4:52 PM
in reply to: #2944040

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Tyler, Tx
Subject: RE: Ironman Texas
Remember when we were in High School and you just couldn't get yourself to study that last month before graduation?  That kid is me burned out with all the training that it's hard to remember why I am doing this.  Even telling myself only 4 weeks left doesn't get me excited to train.  Maybe it is me, but I am more mentally tired than I have ever been physically. 
2011-04-26 5:18 PM
in reply to: #3466660

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Kingwood, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Texas
TriPatrick - 2011-04-26 11:42 AM

Do you think mirrored or blue lens for the swim?  I need a new pair of goggles so I want to buy specific.


I always go with clear - works best for me in any situation.


2011-04-26 5:48 PM
in reply to: #3467507

College Station
Subject: RE: Ironman Texas
TxMatt - 2011-04-26 4:52 PM

Remember when we were in High School and you just couldn't get yourself to study that last month before graduation? That kid is me burned out with all the training that it's hard to remember why I am doing this. Even telling myself only 4 weeks left doesn't get me excited to train. Maybe it is me, but I am more mentally tired than I have ever been physically.

Same here!

Today I quit halfway during my swim...I just mentally couldn't do it...Physically I didn't feel tired or sore or anything...but mentally I wasn't was a SAD DAY

Edited by ballerandrew 2011-04-26 5:49 PM
2011-04-26 6:18 PM
in reply to: #2944040

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Ironman Texas
Come on kids...


2011-04-26 7:04 PM
in reply to: #3466660

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Subject: RE: Ironman Texas
TriPatrick - 2011-04-26 11:42 AM

Do you think mirrored or blue lens for the swim?  I need a new pair of goggles so I want to buy specific.


I wouldn't pick blue.  From what I understand, they make certain color buoys more difficult to see outdoors.  At least that's what I read somewhere. 

2011-04-26 7:51 PM
in reply to: #3467712

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Extreme Veteran
Cypress, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Texas
You basically can't tell the difference between the yellow and orange buoys with blue tinted goggles.  I have first hand experience with that.
2011-04-26 8:43 PM
in reply to: #2944040

indian land, South Carolina
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ironman Texas

For all of us heading in to the last week or so of build phase, this is something that my coach shared with us after this weekend's long training efforts:

I think everyone knows the expression “misery loves company” and I just wanted to let you know you are not alone  

Here are some of the posts I got this morning after the weekends training…

Many of us are overreaching for IM TX, the cyclists are peaking for State Crit and Athens and just about everyone is “cooked” 

This time of year it is easy to hit the panic button and think you are not ready as the training seems to be getting harder and not easier.

The training is harder as you feel the effects of cumulative load.  

The entire season is starting to catch up with you and your body is starting to really “hate” you  

Now is the time to bust out all the tricks – good food, better sleep – massage – ice baths – 110% gear - compression – stay off your feet – really – this stuff matters. 

One more hard week and then the taper starts…relax and know all this by design and you are not alone. 

-It's official...this is just silly...20M run and dreading it...I would rather be in detention in HS with the clock that ticks backwards

 -I punked out and lost motivation. going to rest and finish up later - I think I'm burned out... Tried picking it up to race pace and just felt out of control 

-Got a late start after sunrise Easter service. This was just a continuation of the bad T-run from yesterday. Legs still heavy, not comfortable, and HR was all over the place. SO I turned around, went home took a nap and vegged out on the couch for a few hours trying to stay off my legs....will try again later.

Tried the long run again later in the afternoon. Felt better, but not great. Legs feel SO heavy! I had nothing left for a tempo effort. Great excuse for an ice bath and a Dr Pepper...I love Dr Pepper...but I digress... Today was the first day that my mind actually started freaking out to how close the IM is and how much this weekend's workouts sucked.

-I was hoping for a better day than this. Was tired when I got up...even though 8.5 hrs sleep. I'm thinking the back to back "big" days make it hard forme to hit both. I knew before I hit the 3 hr mark that it was gonna be a long ride. I stuck it out and got the miles in. Last 2 hrs were a struggle. I was supposed to hit it faster than IM watts...nope.

-Ugh! 1st 2 miles were 8:48 & 9:24 - felt like crud. Backed off from there - Avg HR ~ 133

 -And here's where the wheels started coming off the wagon. Legs were heavy. Couldn't get a comfortable rhythm in my pace. Not sure if it was the heat or fatigue from the ride effort, but it was not fun.


2011-04-27 5:50 AM
in reply to: #3467910

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Cypress, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Texas
Wow, nice to know I am not alone..... As I drag my self to head out for an 8 mile run in a couple.
jaxbamf73 - 2011-04-26 8:43 PM

For all of us heading in to the last week or so of build phase, this is something that my coach shared with us after this weekend's long training efforts:

I think everyone knows the expression “misery loves company” and I just wanted to let you know you are not alone  

Here are some of the posts I got this morning after the weekends training…

Many of us are overreaching for IM TX, the cyclists are peaking for State Crit and Athens and just about everyone is “cooked” 

This time of year it is easy to hit the panic button and think you are not ready as the training seems to be getting harder and not easier.

The training is harder as you feel the effects of cumulative load.  

The entire season is starting to catch up with you and your body is starting to really “hate” you  

Now is the time to bust out all the tricks – good food, better sleep – massage – ice baths – 110% gear - compression – stay off your feet – really – this stuff matters. 

One more hard week and then the taper starts…relax and know all this by design and you are not alone. 

-It's official...this is just silly...20M run and dreading it...I would rather be in detention in HS with the clock that ticks backwards

 -I punked out and lost motivation. going to rest and finish up later - I think I'm burned out... Tried picking it up to race pace and just felt out of control 

-Got a late start after sunrise Easter service. This was just a continuation of the bad T-run from yesterday. Legs still heavy, not comfortable, and HR was all over the place. SO I turned around, went home took a nap and vegged out on the couch for a few hours trying to stay off my legs....will try again later.

Tried the long run again later in the afternoon. Felt better, but not great. Legs feel SO heavy! I had nothing left for a tempo effort. Great excuse for an ice bath and a Dr Pepper...I love Dr Pepper...but I digress... Today was the first day that my mind actually started freaking out to how close the IM is and how much this weekend's workouts sucked.

-I was hoping for a better day than this. Was tired when I got up...even though 8.5 hrs sleep. I'm thinking the back to back "big" days make it hard forme to hit both. I knew before I hit the 3 hr mark that it was gonna be a long ride. I stuck it out and got the miles in. Last 2 hrs were a struggle. I was supposed to hit it faster than IM watts...nope.

-Ugh! 1st 2 miles were 8:48 & 9:24 - felt like crud. Backed off from there - Avg HR ~ 133

 -And here's where the wheels started coming off the wagon. Legs were heavy. Couldn't get a comfortable rhythm in my pace. Not sure if it was the heat or fatigue from the ride effort, but it was not fun.


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