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2010-02-21 7:21 PM
in reply to: #2684762

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-02-21 4:54 PM Not a bad week for me: 100 minutes swimming 300 minutes cycling (all trainer) 167 minutes running (~34km) and ~100 minutes cross-country skiing (barely aerobic!! ) So about 11 hours keeping myself busy. No mall-ratting for me!

Nice!    My cycling was short by 90 minutes but I had this scheduled as a recovery week, so am OK with it.   Trying to not be so rigid.       With tri sports and yoga came in at 10 hours and at the end of the week am feeling really good that I will be ready to start a program.  

Was very excited that today I ran 3.06 km continuous with NO neuroma issues, not even a twinge.   

Better get back to the hockey game.  

2010-02-21 7:37 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Congrats on your mucho minutes.

Question?  I was scheduled to run 3.5 miles at a certain pace.  I had a really bad day today - no energy.  So I took 2 walking breaks of about a minute each.  Would it have been better to reduce my pace and run the 3.5 without walking.  Or doesn't it really matter?

2010-02-22 6:24 AM
in reply to: #2684973

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE - neuroma.......HAT TRICK! May your scoring touch continue!

Confession: Men's hockey is the only "event" that I don't want to see Canada do well at. This all stems back just a few years, when Gretzky deceided that he needed Todd Bertuzzi on the last olympic team. Bertuzzi's victim, Steve Moore, still hasn't played.....and there was Bertuzzi being named on the olympic team. For the life of me I couldn't understand that, stiil can't, never will. So that was a team I did not want to do well.....and it has continued from there.

When we were in Edmonton in the 70s I avidly followed the junior Oil Kings, when in Saskatoon I would regularly walk three miles each way to watch the Blades, and arriving in Ottawa found me going to 90% of the Hull Olympiques games for a few years. So I come from a personal tradition of loving canadian hockey, but I guess that is changing. And more on Gretzky -- he was critical of fighting in hockey, and yet he seems to have forgotten that he was able to score at will because he had Dave Semenko riding shotgun on his wing, willing to destroy anyone who came within ten feet of the Wayner. And then there was the Bertuzzi thing. Yecchh. I think the guy (W.G.) is a self-important hypocrite, and I really didn't want him to be one of the flame-lighters. Let career amateur athletes have the honor, not a multi-millionaire.

But Yzerman is now the major domo of team canada, and he was a great guy, and it's hard to not wnt him to do well. So it's not easy for me, being a big old stick-in-the-mud about this. Decisions, decisions!

When is your next run scheduled for? Tomorrow? I want an instant update on it when it happens!!

2010-02-22 6:33 AM
in reply to: #2684998

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


There are three approaches to the situation you found yourself in yesterday. You mention two of them, and the third is just to bag the workout.

As for the decision you faced, I think it's a toss-up. You can argue both ways -- that what you did was vaild in that you met your pace several times, and that doing the 3.5 slower-than-planned was at least continuous. The LSD (long slow distance) run is a big staple of run programs, and I think equal validity could be applied to a just coined SSD (shorter slow distance) run. It depends on what your preference for the day really is.

I guess it comes back to you - do you wish you had done the other way, or are you content, in hindsight, with wnat you ended up doing?

As for bagging a workout, some people do it when they feel that their form will be compromised by how they are feeling. I'm not sure I've ever bagged a bike, but i certainly have on swims - or at least stopped a workout when the form is getting demonstrably sloppy. As for the run, I have modified workouts when I feel "cumbersome" or "clutzy", I just have no pep.

Long answers to a simple question, eh? I think you did well in the adjustment you made.......but check your heart and see what if it agrees!

2010-02-22 6:45 AM
in reply to: #2685294

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE again -

I gilded the lily on the Saskatoon walk - definitely not three miles each way, maybe more like about 1.87. But they were coooold miles, and it was always nifty to cross the bridge over the S. Sask River, with the steam rising from the water into the -25C air. That was the old arena downtown, too, where the interior temp was not that much warmer than the outside temp! It was the quintessential hockey "barn"!

I really loved Saskatoon, and cried when we left it. I'd be happy to have an excuse to move back there.

And I still follow the Blades from afar. They are having a great year, in the Memorial Cup mix, I believe. (I hope!)

2010-02-22 8:12 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Good morning everyone.  There is some awesome training going on with this group!  Shaun, big congrats on your long race.  I can't even imagine running that distance. 

Denise, sounds like the wetsuit thing is quite a challenge!  Glad that is something else I don't have to worry about.  I found Steve B's answer to your question on the run interesting.  I am so much in the early stages of really training that I have many days where things just don't go the way I planned, moreso on the running than anything else.  Unless things are really bad, I usually try to go the full distance with the short walks in the middle as you did.  But I have my first 5K in one month and I really want to run the whole thing.  I am very afraid I am going to end up walking part of it which would be a major disappointment.

Steve A, that was a pretty impressive scouting report.  Sounds like lots of hills in your near future. 

My training has been way off.  Have had contractors here working on the house and I'm trying to stay ahead of them on the things I want to get done here.  As a result, I've been wallpapering and painting rather than training.  They will finish the floors this week and I hope to be back on track by next weekend. 

In the meantime, I finally got out on my new bike on Saturday for some time in the parking lot and a short ride.  Denise, you were right, I love it!  It is so much easier to ride than the old bike I rode last fall.  And the shifting is fine.  I was so scared to try this that the reality was much easier than my fears.  I will have to work on some seat tolerance as well as my shoulders.  The additional pressure on them on the rode bike caused some discomfort after 20 minutes.  I now understand why my trainer was concerned about them with the biking as well as the swimming.  But my first tri in May is only 8 miles and I easily did 5.5 miles on Saturday my first time out so it shouldn't be a problem.  The stationary bike work really seemed to make a difference, at least with my legs. 

The really great news is that I am no longer having any pain with my shoulders when swimming.  The bad news is that I cannot believe how slow I am at swimming.  Steve B, is the slowness pretty normal for beginners?  At this point, I am trying not to stress too much about speed and working on form instead.  But it is hard to imagine that I am going to be able to do a reasonable speed even by May at this rate.  I have so much to change and learn with the TI things that when I try to speed things up my form falls apart.  And my trainer wants me to change my recovery form, where I am focusing on rotating my whole shoulder rather than the TI recovery.  So each time I swim I pick a couple of things to work on and focus on those.  I am assuming the speed will come with time but not sure.  I have 10.5 weeks until the May tri.  At what point should I start working more on speed?

When I see what everyone else is doing here, I am feeling like the training is three sports is daunting and somewhat overwhelming. 

2010-02-22 9:52 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

You might consider bike shorts - they have some padding.  I wear them even on the stationary bike.
I have been swimming for a year now and keep getting faster but the progress is very gradual - one advantage of being one of the last out of the lake is that you might be able to pass some people on the bike and run which is really a boost for the ego.
The best way to run the whole thing is to run slower.  Your total time might be the same whether you take walking breaks or run slower but, as Steve says, you might feel that you accomplished more if you run the whole thing.  The hard part is figuring out what your pace should be so you can run the whole thing.
2010-02-22 11:16 AM
in reply to: #2685468

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
FoxfireTX - 2010-02-22 9:12 AM

Good morning everyone.  There is some awesome training going on with this group!  Shaun, big congrats on your long race.  I can't even imagine running that distance. 

Denise, sounds like the wetsuit thing is quite a challenge!  Glad that is something else I don't have to worry about.  I found Steve B's answer to your question on the run interesting.  I am so much in the early stages of really training that I have many days where things just don't go the way I planned, moreso on the running than anything else.  Unless things are really bad, I usually try to go the full distance with the short walks in the middle as you did.  But I have my first 5K in one month and I really want to run the whole thing.  I am very afraid I am going to end up walking part of it which would be a major disappointment.

Steve A, that was a pretty impressive scouting report.  Sounds like lots of hills in your near future. 

My training has been way off.  Have had contractors here working on the house and I'm trying to stay ahead of them on the things I want to get done here.  As a result, I've been wallpapering and painting rather than training.  They will finish the floors this week and I hope to be back on track by next weekend. 

In the meantime, I finally got out on my new bike on Saturday for some time in the parking lot and a short ride.  Denise, you were right, I love it!  It is so much easier to ride than the old bike I rode last fall.  And the shifting is fine.  I was so scared to try this that the reality was much easier than my fears.  I will have to work on some seat tolerance as well as my shoulders.  The additional pressure on them on the rode bike caused some discomfort after 20 minutes.  I now understand why my trainer was concerned about them with the biking as well as the swimming.  But my first tri in May is only 8 miles and I easily did 5.5 miles on Saturday my first time out so it shouldn't be a problem.  The stationary bike work really seemed to make a difference, at least with my legs. 

The really great news is that I am no longer having any pain with my shoulders when swimming.  The bad news is that I cannot believe how slow I am at swimming.  Steve B, is the slowness pretty normal for beginners?  At this point, I am trying not to stress too much about speed and working on form instead.  But it is hard to imagine that I am going to be able to do a reasonable speed even by May at this rate.  I have so much to change and learn with the TI things that when I try to speed things up my form falls apart.  And my trainer wants me to change my recovery form, where I am focusing on rotating my whole shoulder rather than the TI recovery.  So each time I swim I pick a couple of things to work on and focus on those.  I am assuming the speed will come with time but not sure.  I have 10.5 weeks until the May tri.  At what point should I start working more on speed?

When I see what everyone else is doing here, I am feeling like the training is three sports is daunting and somewhat overwhelming. 

Hi Diane,

Glad to hear you were able to get finally get on the new bike.   I agree with Denise re the bike shorts.   They really help.   For some reason it seems harder on the butt when riding the trainer than when you get out on the open road.  

I would not be too concerned about your swimming speed.   It will come with time and the important thing is swimming the distance.   I was last out of the water for a long time and again, as Denise said, it has its advantages.   I remember my first tri of only 375 meters took me just shy of 15 minutes.   And now I can do it in under 9 min.    And don't be concerned about swimming the whole thing free style.   I have talked to LOTS of people who are now fantastic swimmers say that on their first swim they had to ditch the freesytle and do backstroke, breast, etc.   I ended up doing side stroke. 

Just take it as it comes.   I have found that if I keep in mind that I am doing this for fitness and fun and it isn't 'just' training, it becomes far less daunting and overwhelming.  

Good luck with the house reno.   
2010-02-22 11:24 AM
in reply to: #2685468

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
FoxfireTX - 2010-02-22 9:12 AM

Good morning everyone.  There is some awesome training going on with this group!  Shaun, big congrats on your long race.  I can't even imagine running that distance. 

Denise, sounds like the wetsuit thing is quite a challenge!  Glad that is something else I don't have to worry about.  I found Steve B's answer to your question on the run interesting.  I am so much in the early stages of really training that I have many days where things just don't go the way I planned, moreso on the running than anything else.  Unless things are really bad, I usually try to go the full distance with the short walks in the middle as you did.  But I have my first 5K in one month and I really want to run the whole thing.  I am very afraid I am going to end up walking part of it which would be a major disappointment.

Steve A, that was a pretty impressive scouting report.  Sounds like lots of hills in your near future. 

My training has been way off.  Have had contractors here working on the house and I'm trying to stay ahead of them on the things I want to get done here.  As a result, I've been wallpapering and painting rather than training.  They will finish the floors this week and I hope to be back on track by next weekend. 

In the meantime, I finally got out on my new bike on Saturday for some time in the parking lot and a short ride.  Denise, you were right, I love it!  It is so much easier to ride than the old bike I rode last fall.  And the shifting is fine.  I was so scared to try this that the reality was much easier than my fears.  I will have to work on some seat tolerance as well as my shoulders.  The additional pressure on them on the rode bike caused some discomfort after 20 minutes.  I now understand why my trainer was concerned about them with the biking as well as the swimming.  But my first tri in May is only 8 miles and I easily did 5.5 miles on Saturday my first time out so it shouldn't be a problem.  The stationary bike work really seemed to make a difference, at least with my legs. 

The really great news is that I am no longer having any pain with my shoulders when swimming.  The bad news is that I cannot believe how slow I am at swimming.  Steve B, is the slowness pretty normal for beginners?  At this point, I am trying not to stress too much about speed and working on form instead.  But it is hard to imagine that I am going to be able to do a reasonable speed even by May at this rate.  I have so much to change and learn with the TI things that when I try to speed things up my form falls apart.  And my trainer wants me to change my recovery form, where I am focusing on rotating my whole shoulder rather than the TI recovery.  So each time I swim I pick a couple of things to work on and focus on those.  I am assuming the speed will come with time but not sure.  I have 10.5 weeks until the May tri.  At what point should I start working more on speed?

When I see what everyone else is doing here, I am feeling like the training is three sports is daunting and somewhat overwhelming. 


Talk about feeling overwhelmed - I feel that way every time I come to this board! It really is humbling (although inspiring) to see what others are doing and accomplishing.

Regarding the swimming - I'm right there with you. I started swimming back in November and still cannot complete 500 meters without rest. In fact, I'm still working on an interval plan where I do 10 sets of 50 meters with rests in between, gradually shortening the rests so that I can do the 500 meters without stopping by around June or so. I'm also doing TI, and there's so much to think about. Have you checked out the TI book (Triathlon Swimming Made Easy)? I would recommend it. There's a chapter near the end of the book that discusses how to improve your speed once you get your form down.

I've yet to even begin bike training - am planning to integrate that in the Spring.


2010-02-22 11:24 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Did a 3 mile run today. The neuroma seems to be getting progressively worse, I'm afraid to say...

2010-02-22 11:25 AM
in reply to: #2685294

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-02-22 7:24 AM ANNE - neuroma.......HAT TRICK! May your scoring touch continue! Confession: Men's hockey is the only "event" that I don't want to see Canada do well at. This all stems back just a few years, when Gretzky deceided that he needed Todd Bertuzzi on the last olympic team. Bertuzzi's victim, Steve Moore, still hasn't played.....and there was Bertuzzi being named on the olympic team. For the life of me I couldn't understand that, stiil can't, never will. So that was a team I did not want to do well.....and it has continued from there. When we were in Edmonton in the 70s I avidly followed the junior Oil Kings, when in Saskatoon I would regularly walk three miles each way to watch the Blades, and arriving in Ottawa found me going to 90% of the Hull Olympiques games for a few years. So I come from a personal tradition of loving canadian hockey, but I guess that is changing. And more on Gretzky -- he was critical of fighting in hockey, and yet he seems to have forgotten that he was able to score at will because he had Dave Semenko riding shotgun on his wing, willing to destroy anyone who came within ten feet of the Wayner. And then there was the Bertuzzi thing. Yecchh. I think the guy (W.G.) is a self-important hypocrite, and I really didn't want him to be one of the flame-lighters. Let career amateur athletes have the honor, not a multi-millionaire. But Yzerman is now the major domo of team canada, and he was a great guy, and it's hard to not wnt him to do well. So it's not easy for me, being a big old stick-in-the-mud about this. Decisions, decisions! When is your next run scheduled for? Tomorrow? I want an instant update on it when it happens!!

Next run is scheduled for tomorrow - 4km.       We'll see what happens.    My 'long' run will be 6km this week on Thursday.   Still another week of slow pace, I think, before I can do some tempo work.

I enjoy watching good hockey, and I do support Canada, but generally I'm always cheering for the underdog.  The only team I ALWAYS want to win is Toronto!   Embarassed  Sorry, can't help it.    I didn't like the whole Bertuzzi thing either.   

It's snowing like crazy here now.   Supposed to snow every day through till next Tuesday, so I think we are going head north next Monday for a day of x-country skiing   Have only been out once this year.  

2010-02-22 12:06 PM
in reply to: #2683909

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
thall0672 - 2010-02-20 3:32 PM
latestarter - 2010-02-20 5:54 PM Does everyone else take multi vitamins, plus... ?  
I take a daily multi, and an extra calcium supplement too.

Multi vitamin
Vitamin C
Fish Oil (for my Omega 3's)
Calcium and Vitamin D supplement
2010-02-22 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2684386

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-02-21 6:43 AM STEVE - Re: bricks; especially long bricks. We can talk about this more, as I have two views on it. One is to keep them kind of short, just to prevent injury or overtrianing pressures. The other is to rool the dice and give longer ones a try, just to help build confidence for race day. This is a good approach for people who don't have a history with overuse injuries, and/or have the work and family flexibility to take the time for them. For what it's worth, below are the longest six bricks that Matt Fitzgerald sets for any of the ten different ironman training programs in his book. I think the most rigorous of the ten programs get up to the longest one once; the less rigorous programs scale down from there. The longest six: 2 hours bike, 50 minute run 2:15 bike, :55 run 2:30 bike; :55 run 3:00 bike, :60 run 3:30 bike, :60 run 4:00 bike, :60 run Biggish bike jumps, very small run jumps. Whadaya think?

I like it, if only because it jives with where I was going anyway!  LOL.  Seems to reflect that thought that the brick portion is really about the transition and getting comfortable in the run.  Controlling heart rate, setting turnover rate, taking in fluids/nutrition.  In what I've done so far in terms of bricks, it's generally the first hour that's the most difficult.  Once I settle in and get past the transition from one sport to then next, then it's all about general fatigue.  I like it.
2010-02-22 12:15 PM
in reply to: #2684513

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-02-21 9:01 AM CATHY -  That Nordic event was off he charts for excitement, and i hope you saw it. If you didn't, watch for it on replays at some point in time. Just for now, the temps during it were 52F. Fifty-two. Five-two. How on earth do you even wax for that?? The effort they put forth was colossal, and I can't imagine the toll that took on their bodies. Makes me proud to be a humanoid!

I saw this - it was awesome!  I think of all the Olympic events, the ones I admire most are the Nordic/cross country events.  Especially Biathlon.  Probably THE most cardiovascularly fit athletes in the world, and a sport that you could see having some practical applications in the world (hunting/survival).  To go from a red-line HR while cross country skiing to being steady enough to shoot a rifle at tiny little targets and then up and skiing again....just awesome!
2010-02-22 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2684762

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-02-21 1:54 PM Not a bad week for me: 100 minutes swimming 300 minutes cycling (all trainer) 167 minutes running (~34km) and ~100 minutes cross-country skiing (barely aerobic!! ) So about 11 hours keeping myself busy. No mall-ratting for me!

That's awesome - especially the x-country skiing (see Biathlon post!).  I was in KC and it was terrible weather - I have to admire all of you who are putting up with trainer work all winter long.  Mind-numbing as it is.
2010-02-22 12:55 PM
in reply to: #2685975

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

thall0672 - 2010-02-22 11:24 AM working on an interval plan where I do 10 sets of 50 meters with rests in between, gradually shortening the rests so that I can do the 500 meters without stopping by around June or so.  Tracey

Tracey, your post made me laugh!  I am working on 200-250 YARDS, not meters.  I'd be thrilled to be doing your distance.  But I've only been back in the pool a couple of weeks so I am totally at the beginner stage.  Thanks to everyone for your encouragement.  I have the bike shorts, and the rear is not too bad.  My shoulders bothered me more than the rear.  I also have the TI book and DVD although I have not finished the book yet.  So I will just keep plugging away.  I need to keep reminding myself that with the first one my only goal is to finish. I remain so impressed with the training some of you are doing!

2010-02-22 2:02 PM
in reply to: #2686238

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
FoxfireTX - 2010-02-22 10:55 AM

thall0672 - 2010-02-22 11:24 AM working on an interval plan where I do 10 sets of 50 meters with rests in between, gradually shortening the rests so that I can do the 500 meters without stopping by around June or so.  Tracey

Tracey, your post made me laugh!  I am working on 200-250 YARDS, not meters.  I'd be thrilled to be doing your distance.  But I've only been back in the pool a couple of weeks so I am totally at the beginner stage.  Thanks to everyone for your encouragement.  I have the bike shorts, and the rear is not too bad.  My shoulders bothered me more than the rear.  I also have the TI book and DVD although I have not finished the book yet.  So I will just keep plugging away.  I need to keep reminding myself that with the first one my only goal is to finish. I remain so impressed with the training some of you are doing!

Hey Diane,
Great news on the shoulder and the bike.  If I may, be sure to keep your shoulders relaxed when riding the bike.  It's easy to get into a position where you are leaning on straight/locked out arms, and that'll put pressure on your shoulders and upper back/neck area.  Be sure to do your best to keep a slight bend in your arms and think, "light on the hands" when you are riding.  It'll force you to engage your core more, and take pressure off your shoulders and wrists.

Happy riding!
2010-02-22 2:15 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Hope you had a good weekend.  Game was great - good to get into the Field House and see some tradition at work. Very cool!

Had a good long run yesterday.  About 12.7 miles in 1:50.   Goal was to do 13.1 in 2 hours, and I misjudged the distance, but I was ahead of pace and figure 13.1 would have been at 1:55 to 1:56.  So, I'm pretty pleased with the result so far.  That run included my jaunt up Dixie Canyon as well (I think I posted the route on an earlier post), so there was some fairly challenging hill work after the first 8 miles which I handled well. 

Form started to break down around mile 11 - I think likely due to the downhill on Dixie.  I'm still forumuating strategy for handling the downhill running on the course, as that's much more demanding on me than the uphill.  

I'm also switching back on shoes.  I just ordered the Jesper SC-3 online.  Found them in my size online for $75 including postage.  At that price, I figure it's worth it to get back into that shoe.  My knees continue to be tender, especially on the left knee, on the soft tissue to the lower left of the kneecap.  This is my most concerning pain center, as that knee has taken its share of abuse over the years.  Anyway, I've felt that since I got the new shoes, the way my foot is striking seems off, and I seem very flat-footed?  Like my feet are slappiing the ground.  I've been told I strike mid-foot pretty well, and am no longer the heel striker I used to be, so now the sensation of me slapping the ground has me concerned.  Also, I know I've been doing more hill profiles lately, but the strain on the calves seems more than it should be - again not sure if it's the shoe or just the hills.  I've run these hills before and not had this much soreness in the calf muscles.  Could it be the extra weight of the Mizuno?  Just in my head?  Thoughts?

Last question - do you ever advocate training on two different shoes?  Or, if I go back to the Jesper's, just go back to the Jespers and don't use the Mizunos anymore?
2010-02-22 3:15 PM
in reply to: #2686238

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
FoxfireTX - 2010-02-22 1:55 PM

thall0672 - 2010-02-22 11:24 AM working on an interval plan where I do 10 sets of 50 meters with rests in between, gradually shortening the rests so that I can do the 500 meters without stopping by around June or so.  Tracey

Tracey, your post made me laugh!  I am working on 200-250 YARDS, not meters.  I'd be thrilled to be doing your distance.  But I've only been back in the pool a couple of weeks so I am totally at the beginner stage.  Thanks to everyone for your encouragement.  I have the bike shorts, and the rear is not too bad.  My shoulders bothered me more than the rear.  I also have the TI book and DVD although I have not finished the book yet.  So I will just keep plugging away.  I need to keep reminding myself that with the first one my only goal is to finish. I remain so impressed with the training some of you are doing!


I use meters and yards interchangeably. In fact 1 yard is equal to about .9 meters I think. So if you can do 200-250 yards you're doing greater than the distance in meters! (Those more familiar with the metric system, please correct me if I'm wrong...)

2010-02-22 3:27 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Needing advice on how much workouts can be done with back pain.

Woke up Wednesday morning and it took about 3 mins to straighten up everytime after sitting.

Rode on trainer thursday for 30 mins and hadto unclip an fall off.

Had dr visit set up for Friday but dad was taken to hospital for emergency surgery.

Won't be able to get appointment for 2 weeks.

Advil or Alleve helps.

Going to pool after work and see how it feels
2010-02-22 5:33 PM
in reply to: #2686395

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
SAquavia - 2010-02-22 2:02 PM
FoxfireTX - 2010-02-22 10:55 AM

Hey Diane,
Great news on the shoulder and the bike.  If I may, be sure to keep your shoulders relaxed when riding the bike.  It's easy to get into a position where you are leaning on straight/locked out arms, and that'll put pressure on your shoulders and upper back/neck area.  Be sure to do your best to keep a slight bend in your arms and think, "light on the hands" when you are riding.  It'll force you to engage your core more, and take pressure off your shoulders and wrists.

Happy riding!

Thanks Steve!  I think you may be correct on this. Talked to my trainer briefly this morning and she thought the same thing.  I was conscious of keeping a bend in my elbows but was not doing the light on the hands thing.  I suspect part of it was also nerves and perhaps hunching my shoulders somewhat.  I will watch for that next time.

2010-02-22 5:39 PM
in reply to: #2686683

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Dwayne - 2010-02-22 3:27 PM Needing advice on how much workouts can be done with back pain.

Woke up Wednesday morning and it took about 3 mins to straighten up everytime after sitting.

Rode on trainer thursday for 30 mins and hadto unclip an fall off.

Had dr visit set up for Friday but dad was taken to hospital for emergency surgery.

Won't be able to get appointment for 2 weeks.

Advil or Alleve helps.

Going to pool after work and see how it feels

Dwayne, so sorry about your back.  I struggled with sciatica for 8 years until Pilates finally cured it.  The only thing that worked for me was heavy doses of Aleve (3 x 2 times per day), ice and rest.  I used a back support belt to keep the ice pack in place even while I slept.  But there was no way I could have done any of this during an episode.
2010-02-22 6:11 PM
in reply to: #2686683

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Dwayne - 2010-02-22 1:27 PM Needing advice on how much workouts can be done with back pain.

Woke up Wednesday morning and it took about 3 mins to straighten up everytime after sitting.

Rode on trainer thursday for 30 mins and hadto unclip an fall off.

Had dr visit set up for Friday but dad was taken to hospital for emergency surgery.

Won't be able to get appointment for 2 weeks.

Advil or Alleve helps.

Going to pool after work and see how it feels

I'm a big fan of "wine therapy" - doesn't help workouts, but helps reduce pain. :-)

I listened to a story on NPR, and the guy (a back doc) said, simply, unless it is a disc issue (i.e, if its purely muscular in nature), then it's simply a question of pain tolerance.   If you can move, do so and keep the muscles moving.  Easier said than done I suspect. 

I think stretching, aleve/advil and heat, and do your best to keep moving even if not full intensity.  walk instead of run, swim, etc.
2010-02-22 6:37 PM
in reply to: #2686683

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Dwayne - 2010-02-22 4:27 PM Needing advice on how much workouts can be done with back pain.

Woke up Wednesday morning and it took about 3 mins to straighten up everytime after sitting.

Rode on trainer thursday for 30 mins and hadto unclip an fall off.

Had dr visit set up for Friday but dad was taken to hospital for emergency surgery.

Won't be able to get appointment for 2 weeks.

Advil or Alleve helps.

Going to pool after work and see how it feels

Dwayne, so sorry to hear about your back.  Bummer.  I have used a chiropracter before, and it really helped me.  Some folks don't like to go to them, but for me when my back gets bad, it really helps.  Feel better soon!
2010-02-22 6:38 PM
in reply to: #2687032

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
SAquavia - 2010-02-22 7:11 PM

I'm a big fan of "wine therapy" - doesn't help workouts, but helps reduce pain. :-)

Also helps brighten my mood when I am injured...
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