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2011-01-29 2:16 PM
in reply to: #3328551

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Good luck for the race. Have fun.

2011-01-29 8:25 PM
in reply to: #3257876

New user

Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Have a good race Neil!
2011-01-30 4:43 AM
in reply to: #3328551

New user

Subject: First race
Good luck, at least it's a nice morning for it. Had the brass monkey half marathon runners run past the end of my street last weekend, for one moment I thought, hum might do that next year, then I stepped outside and rapidly changed my mind.Hope race went well. Lorna
2011-01-30 9:02 AM
in reply to: #3257876

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED

Race Report

Hi team hope you are all well, just thought I’d give an update on today’s race. I was really looking  forward to the event today, it’s a good one to start the year. The Ferriby 10 is a 10 mile run the country lanes about 7 miles from where I live. The course is great, the first 6 miles are quite hill, the rest very flat until a steep half a mile uphill finish. I wasn’t sure how it would go as I haven’t put too many miles in this year and run the distance. I decided on a very simple tactic of finding a comfortable pace early on, get into a good rhythm and stick to it throughout the 10 miles. I started towards the back, I think the field was around 500 and quickly settled in. As mentioned the first 6 miles are up and down, I enjoy this sort of terrain and felt good. I didn’t look at my Garmin much, just at mile markers as I didn’t want to chase a time. The last 4 miles went well, I kicked on up the hill at the finish with a time of 1.20.22. I was happy as I felt comfortable all the way through the run, didn’t push at any point and now have the confidence to kick on, oh and of course another race t-shirt to add to the collection!

Neil x

2011-01-30 11:23 AM
in reply to: #3329237

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Sounds like you had a great run Neil. Good pace too for ten miles.  The best thing is it sounds like you had a lot of fun doing it which is the main thing.
2011-01-30 1:40 PM
in reply to: #3329406

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
thanks ray i just wanted to get it under my belt, enjoy it and not worry about times etc I am usually glued to the watch and trying to work out pace etc, much more relaxed today

2011-01-30 1:54 PM
in reply to: #3329237

New user

Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Well done Neil, its always good to get a race under your belt and one that you are happy with how it turned out.  When you say country lanes, are they like what we see on TV here in NZ where there are hedges either side and the scenery is farms etc ?  or was it more a city type scenery.  If it was out in the country, I can imagine it to be quite picturesque ( mind you I would be more worried about trying to breathe rather than admiring the scenery ! )

2011-01-30 2:23 PM
in reply to: #3329406

New user

Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Well, I have to be honest....after reading Neil's excellent article on consistency, my consistency "wheels" have well and truly fallen off by letting holiday life get in the way too much in the last couple of weeks. I think the main reason is I lost my focus on what I want to achieve. 

Back to work and normal life routine from Tuesday ( whatever normal is ! ).

My goal for February is core training exercises twice a week to strengthen my core muscles.

2011-01-30 2:36 PM
in reply to: #3328551

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Good luck!!
2011-01-30 3:04 PM
in reply to: #3257876

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED

I've thought a little more about my goal for February.  As the bike is my least favorite and worst discipline I decided that I should aim to do two bike rides a week.  This will unfortunately be dependent on weather but let's see how it goes.

Since trying to ride an hour on a stationary bike I've now done three rides outside.  One of 1hr 45m the other two at about an hour.  These were still a little uncomfortable at times but much better and easily bearable.  I'm still pretty slow but we'll build this up over time if I stick at it.

Last week was a good week with six good solid training sessions.  Hope everyone has a good week this week.

2011-01-31 1:19 PM
in reply to: #3329521

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
gazaboy - 2011-01-30 7:54 PM Well done Neil, its always good to get a race under your belt and one that you are happy with how it turned out.  When you say country lanes, are they like what we see on TV here in NZ where there are hedges either side and the scenery is farms etc ?  or was it more a city type scenery.  If it was out in the country, I can imagine it to be quite picturesque ( mind you I would be more worried about trying to breathe rather than admiring the scenery !

Exactly the same as NZ, hmm maybe not as pretty, but yes country lanes, hedges and farms, really lovely scenery. It was quite bizarre as the route was part of a route I have ridden on may occasions, nice to run it for a change!

2011-01-31 1:23 PM
in reply to: #3329540

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
gazaboy - 2011-01-30 8:23 PM Well, I have to be honest....after reading Neil's excellent article on consistency, my consistency "wheels" have well and truly fallen off by letting holiday life get in the way too much in the last couple of weeks. I think the main reason is I lost my focus on what I want to achieve. 

Back to work and normal life routine from Tuesday ( whatever normal is ! ).

My goal for February is core training exercises twice a week to strengthen my core muscles.

Don't worry too much Gary, it happens I have been not as consistent as I wanted to be this year, starting to address that now. You make a great point its about having that focus on your goal, it will keep you motivated. I now have the UK 70.3 in my head and am focussed on doing what I need to do to achieve it. I will join you on the core goal too, need to focus much more here.
2011-01-31 1:27 PM
in reply to: #3329579

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Rayqsmith - 2011-01-30 9:04 PM

I've thought a little more about my goal for February.  As the bike is my least favorite and worst discipline I decided that I should aim to do two bike rides a week.  This will unfortunately be dependent on weather but let's see how it goes.

Since trying to ride an hour on a stationary bike I've now done three rides outside.  One of 1hr 45m the other two at about an hour.  These were still a little uncomfortable at times but much better and easily bearable.  I'm still pretty slow but we'll build this up over time if I stick at it.

Last week was a good week with six good solid training sessions.  Hope everyone has a good week this week.

Ray great goal here particularly as you have done the right thing ie focussed on your weakest and least favourite discipline. It is very easy to focus on your favourite discipline and ignore the weakness, I am guilty by avoiding the swim. My goal is swim related and am determined to stick to it.
2011-01-31 1:59 PM
in reply to: #3331214

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED

Hi Folks

How are you all, had a good weekend, my legs are a wee bit sore from the run but nothing too bad, so happy. Ok February is nearly here so time to start the goals for those who set specific ones, here is what I captured:

Tim - consistent stretching
Emily - keeping on with schedule
Gary - core work
Ray - 2 bikes a week (weather permittin)
Me  - 3 x swims a week (2 x 1000 lunch times, and one longer 1500m to 1800m) & 3 x core workouts a week.

Good luck all lets encourage each other to hit them!


2011-02-01 3:50 AM
in reply to: #3331303

New user

Subject: Fen focus
Can you add me in for a target of two lots of core every week of feb. Also one session per week of ankle strenghtening. I have a history ofntwisting my ankles and have found in the past that having stronger ankles gives me a much more solid base for everything. Cheers lorna
2011-02-01 10:05 AM
in reply to: #3332382

New user
Subject: RE: Fen focus
ldparsons - 2011-02-01 9:50 AM Can you add me in for a target of two lots of core every week of feb. Also one session per week of ankle strenghtening. I have a history ofntwisting my ankles and have found in the past that having stronger ankles gives me a much more solid base for everything. Cheers lorna
Nice one lorna you are on the list!

2011-02-02 7:20 PM
in reply to: #3257876

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
I just found a triathlon taking place at the beginning of November but I have a HM in early october (about a month between them) would I still be able to do it?
2011-02-02 7:22 PM
in reply to: #3332964

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fen focus
Can you add me on to that list? I'm hoping to do yoga once a week, ST once a week (machines and free weights plan that gym gave me) and ankle strengthening as part of my warm up for each walk or walk/run.
2011-02-03 6:17 AM
in reply to: #3257876

New user

Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Hey guys!

I'm stoked right now because I swam my first 1k tonight, and then took it past to 1.2k. My training called for 1.2 but broken up between warm-up, drills, and cool down. The problem is the drills seem to easy, so I tend to breeze through them and feel like I haven't worked out at all. When I got in the pool tonight I was going to start with 500 and then rest, but at 500 I realized I could probably do 800. 800 led to 1000, and then I decided to just finish it out. I was worried maybe I pushed too hard, but after I felt great and still do. Anyone else have something awesome to report from the last few days?
2011-02-03 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3336689

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
timbell88 - 2011-02-03 12:17 PMHey guys!

I'm stoked right now because I swam my first 1k tonight, and then took it past to 1.2k. My training called for 1.2 but broken up between warm-up, drills, and cool down. The problem is the drills seem to easy, so I tend to breeze through them and feel like I haven't worked out at all. When I got in the pool tonight I was going to start with 500 and then rest, but at 500 I realized I could probably do 800. 800 led to 1000, and then I decided to just finish it out. I was worried maybe I pushed too hard, but after I felt great and still do. Anyone else have something awesome to report from the last few days?
Tim..awesome work well done. That's how my 1st ever 1500m swim ocurred, started with the intention of swimming 800m and then as it felt good went to 900, then a 1000 and so on, its a great feeling isn't it! Well the exciting thing for me for all the wrong reasons was being beaten by the 8 feet tall Kangaroo on Sunday, boy the critter could shift!!
2011-02-03 4:24 PM
in reply to: #3336877

New user

Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Haha I missed the post where oyu announced you were fighting a kangaroo...details?

2011-02-04 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3336310

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
suzielea - 2011-02-03 1:20 AMI just found a triathlon taking place at the beginning of November but I have a HM in early october (about a month between them) would I still be able to do it?
Suzie - short answer is if all goes according to plan and you avoid injury in the HM then you'll be fine. I would anticipate a quiet week following the HM and then picking up from there onwards, your fitness levels will be good and the tri should flow nicely afterwards
2011-02-05 9:50 AM
in reply to: #3257876

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
hi folks how are you all, its wet and windy here so maybe an indoor ride tomorrow. Well I have got 3 swims in so far this week including a 1500m so am happy. Not done much core work as my back is a bit sore at the moment so focussing on stretching. I'll check in as much as I can but its a wee bit of a tough time as my mother in law has been very poorly in hospital since just before christmas and has taken a turn for the worse so if I'm a wee bit scarce for a few days you'll know why. Keep on putting the work in folks I'm proud of my group.
2011-02-05 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3338055

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
timbell88 - 2011-02-03 10:24 PM Haha I missed the post where oyu announced you were fighting a kangaroo...details?
beat me in the 10 mile race tim, wow it was a fast one!!
2011-02-05 6:06 PM
in reply to: #3336689

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Well done - that's awesome.  That's how I did my first 1 km and mile.

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