Other Resources Challenge Me! » Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town Rss Feed  
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2008-03-23 3:47 PM
in reply to: #1288271

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town

sdbryant - 2008-03-23 12:40 PM Happy Easter everyone! I just went out on a monster ride yesterday. It was only 36 miles, but it was very very hilly. The ride is named "The Mt. Pleasant Ride". The "mountain" part is pretty accurate...I'm still debating the "pleasant" part of it... I decided not to go to spin class since the sun was shining (a rarity here in the PacNW in March). It was cold and windy, but the sun was out! We started out on a typical route out of the club, but within 2 miles I realized that I may have not been very prepared for what lay ahead of us. Every time I started asking questions, they replied "oh darlin, you don't want to know" or "sweet sweet Sarah, just don't ask". By the time we reached the actual Mt. Pleasant, my legs were totally tapped out and we still had like 15 miles to get back to the gym. But I made it up (super great sense of satisfaction!) and was then treated to about 3 miles of downhill. Followed by...more hills. :-) It was a great ride through farmlands and rivers and lakes. And I feel fantastically sore this morning.

It sounds wonderful!  And I'm sure you are glad it's done.

I got a ride in this afternoon, yahoo!  It's a beautiful day here, although pretty windy.  And no adventures today, including no men with guns.  They must be spending Easter with their families!

2008-03-23 7:04 PM
in reply to: #1242948

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Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town

Rode the trainer today to spend time with kids instead of outside with the 20-30 mph winds. I seem to have lost my toughness for riding outside in nasty conditions. I'm over 75% now toward my goal of 400 miles this year. I have indoor and outdoor options for all my rides unfortunately doing the indoor ones means less mileage then outdoor ones. I have  55 mile brick, 2 interval rides, and another fun ride next Sunday so I should get 100-130 more miles this month.

As of today:

Bike:18h 32m 53s  - 309.6 M

2008-03-24 3:39 PM
in reply to: #1242948

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town

One week to go with a big push to finish off the goals. May the weather be great for everyone to get out and get the miles/time in to springboard into Spring!! (Although not all of us are in the northern hemisphere)


Most everyone is right on track and everyone is within reach!  Let's fly to the top this week! 

Edited by peto_primo 2008-03-24 3:50 PM
2008-03-24 8:34 PM
in reply to: #1242948

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Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town

Hi Team - just a quick reminder, we are due for a challenge update so I will get working on that.

In some parts of the world Monday was a public holiday you you have until Tuesday PM to get your results up to date before I post an update!

Happy Cycling


2008-03-25 10:24 AM
in reply to: #1242948

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town
Good morning Angels! Do we need to individually update our progress or is someone else doing that? I probably need to look through the old pages because I missed a few days of posts earlier in the month.

I went out for another rain-free ride last night and am at almost 95% of my goal now. Woohoo!!! The rain is on its way, so a spin class or two on the trainer should put me over 100% by the end of the week. How is everyone else doing?!? Who needs inspires???
2008-03-25 11:44 AM
in reply to: #1242948

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town

It would be great if you update the spreadsheet.  I have been going through periodically and updating though not always "paying attention to detail"


Great job on getting to 95%.


I've got some work left to do. 

2008-03-25 12:47 PM
in reply to: #1242948

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Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town
Nice job Sarah. I am going for a ride later on today. Hopefully it will be around 1:30 hours.
My goal was 15 hours which I reached on Sunday. Everything now is just gravy
2008-03-25 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1242948

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Extreme Veteran
Lenexa, KS
Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town
Well, I definately "fell off the wagon" over the Easter Holiday. I had to work every day of the 4 day holiday. It all culminated with a 20 hour workday yesterday - YUCK !!

Fortunately, I am at about 97% of the monthly goal, so I should make it with no problem.

I am in the process of moving from Columbus, OH to Winnipeg Manitoba. I just shipped 1 of my bikes up today so I can have it there to ride in the interim until I get moved. I shipped my trainer also since it's so darn cold up there still.

Great news that some folks are getting good weather !! I can't wait until long outdoor rides in the spring / summer !!!

2008-03-25 1:37 PM
in reply to: #1242948

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Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town
i'm so close ~ only 25 miles left.  How in the world did I manage that after the beginning of the month, lol!  My plan has me doing 30 miles, so as long as work doesn't explode in my face, I should be a-okay!
2008-03-25 2:33 PM
in reply to: #1242948

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Santa Clarita
Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town

I am away from my bike this week and have 53 miles left to complete my goal  .  So i will do some of it on the gym bike this week so i dont leave myself with too much to do over the weekend . 

I got really bad hay fever last week so the sunday ride ride was pretty sluggish.

 Go Angels .



2008-03-25 10:39 PM
in reply to: #1242948

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Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town

Hey - here is a shor and sweet update for the challenge.... 1 week to go!


Happy Cycling


2008-03-26 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1242948

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Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town

Hey Angels..how is the riding going?

20h 48m 54s  - 347.07 Mi for the month out of 400

I have a 55 mile brick, another interval workout and a fun ride left for the month so if things stay on track I should make it. I'm fighting a cold and have nasty case of pink eye but I can still ride. 

I was at 999 miles after trainer interval ride for the year this morning so I took my Kuota off the trainer and went for a quick fun spin. Now I'm at 1011 for the year on track to hit 4K miles this year!

2008-03-26 12:11 PM
in reply to: #1242948

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Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town
That's awesome Kathy. I am at 16H 50M I have a 10 mile race on Sunday so I will not have a chance to get to much more biking. My goal was 15H so that was achieved. I think our whole team has done great.
4,000 miles would be a great accomplishment.
2008-03-26 12:35 PM
in reply to: #1242948

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Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town
Kathy -  you are so amazing!  I hope that one of these days I can just write out those numbers like they are a piece of cake like you do!
2008-03-26 9:24 PM
in reply to: #1295111

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Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town

kimmitri408 - 2008-03-26 1:35 PM Kathy - you are so amazing! I hope that one of these days I can just write out those numbers like they are a piece of cake like you do!

It wasn't that long ago when riding 25 miles was hard for me...and I wanted to turn around and go home after like 10. I remember clearly my first ride on my first road bike in 2004 and riding 6 miles oh was tough, my bum hurt like crazy and I thought how the heck do folks ride long?

If you want it and love it like I do you can do it too. Plus the more you ride the faster you get..really...even when you are older like me.

2005 I rode 1044 miles
2006 I rode 2654 miles
2007 I rode 3761 miles



2008-03-27 4:31 PM
in reply to: #1242948

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town

I got to do something yesterday that I had been planning to for nearly three weeks -- ride my bike after work!  I was so excited when daylight savings time started, and had all of these big plans that came crashing down when reality (reality = work right now!) set in.  But yesterday I had a chance to get out and ride, and it sure was nice!  Hopefully this pattern will continue.

I've been a pretty silent teammate this month, and it's because of that reality (work) thing.  Thanks for all of the inspires everyone left me, in spite of my silence.  It seems that most everyone is doing good at their goals.

2008-03-27 9:55 PM
in reply to: #1242948

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Extreme Veteran
Lenexa, KS
Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town
I hit my goal for the month today !! Go Team go ! I will get in a few more miles this weekend.

I am moving to Canada and have had to ship my bike to myself here so I can get in some training. It should arrive Fri or Monday. I hope Friday so I can get in some good training time and don't have to ride the stationary bike at the hotel.

2008-03-28 6:59 AM
in reply to: #1298885

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Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town

O2BFast - 2008-03-27 10:55 PM I hit my goal for the month today !! Go Team go ! I will get in a few more miles this weekend. I am moving to Canada and have had to ship my bike to myself here so I can get in some training. It should arrive Fri or Monday. I hope Friday so I can get in some good training time and don't have to ride the stationary bike at the hotel.

Congrats on making your goal!!

Good luck on your move~ 


2008-03-28 3:28 PM
in reply to: #1242948

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town
Happy today -- I'm off work and I got a long bike ride in!  Longest of the season so far -- 50+ miles. 
2008-03-28 5:04 PM
in reply to: #1300502

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Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town

Sledge - 2008-03-28 4:28 PM Happy today -- I'm off work and I got a long bike ride in! Longest of the season so far -- 50+ miles.

Awesome..doesn't it feel great

Nice use of a day off! 

2008-03-28 5:32 PM
in reply to: #1300502

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town

Sledge - 2008-03-28 2:28 PM Happy today -- I'm off work and I got a long bike ride in! Longest of the season so far -- 50+ miles.


Way to go!  I wish I'd done 50 miles today!!! 

2008-03-28 7:04 PM
in reply to: #1242948

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Kauai, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town
2008-03-28 8:50 PM
in reply to: #1242948

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Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town

Rode trainer today hoping tomorrow will be nicer for long brick but high is forecasted for 31 and doing 55 miles of hills when a little sick doesn't seem to smart. I have an indoor option so I may ride/run/ride/run/ride outside for maybe 90' and done....will see what weather is like and how I feel tomorrow.

But good news I'm getting close to 400 miles..

 22h 23m 27s  - 374.41 Mi


2008-03-29 12:00 PM
in reply to: #1242948

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town

The challenge -

Balancing the fact that I am working all Saturday morning (hopefully I can get out of here by noon) with being a "good" dad, with getting in a scheduled 3 hour ride.   Hmmmmm


Good luck everyone,  with 3 days left, everyone is within reach of their goals.  Lets do it big this weekend. 

2008-03-29 3:19 PM
in reply to: #1242948

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Subject: RE: Gingerbread Angels: The scariest biker group in Peep Town

Pete..good luck on finding that balance..always challenging!

Done..hit my goal today...crazy brick trainer/run/trainer/run/rode outside in wind and cold

24h 55m 36s  - 416.51 Mi

I have one more ride schedule either trainer ride or fun ride with friends tomorrow if we can work it out. 

Next month I hope to get to 500 miles..we'll see as I have two rest weeks..so may not work but bricks are longer. 

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