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2009-02-05 1:30 PM
in reply to: #1946031

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Grand Blanc, MI
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
1. Swim - A , endurance is improving quickly. Will spend 1 more month building it before moving onto speed.

2. Bike - B, my weakest sport. Up to an hour on the trainer. My _ss is getting used to the seat finally!

3. Run N/A, resting my IT band until March 1st.

4. Strength - B, work legs 2x/week. Need to get back to working arms/upper body.

5. Plan - N/A, haven't begun my HIM training plan yet.

6. Feel , tired, tired, tired.

7. Weight - N/A, never been an issue (luckily!)

8. Overall - B, happy w/ swim progress, want to be better on the bike now, want to return to running now. With time, it should all come together.

I "have" to go on a cruise this weekend so I won't be posting for a week. Rest assurred I'll be on the stationary bike and swimming in the Carribbean every day though.

2009-02-05 2:44 PM
in reply to: #1947459

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Nole Runner - 2009-02-05 1:30 PM 1. Swim - A , endurance is improving quickly. Will spend 1 more month building it before moving onto speed. 2. Bike - B, my weakest sport. Up to an hour on the trainer. My _ss is getting used to the seat finally! 3. Run N/A, resting my IT band until March 1st. 4. Strength - B, work legs 2x/week. Need to get back to working arms/upper body. 5. Plan - N/A, haven't begun my HIM training plan yet. 6. Feel , tired, tired, tired. 7. Weight - N/A, never been an issue (luckily!) 8. Overall - B, happy w/ swim progress, want to be better on the bike now, want to return to running now. With time, it should all come together. I "have" to go on a cruise this weekend so I won't be posting for a week. Rest assurred I'll be on the stationary bike and swimming in the Carribbean every day though.

Now....That's the kind of swimming that would make it so much more fun Cool... 

Have a good time! 


2009-02-06 2:01 PM
in reply to: #1946031

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St. Cloud, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

1. Swim: B+, I learned a lot more about form and technique.  I also started to bi-lateral breath and use kick-turn, but they still need some improvement

2. Bike: B, I bought a trainer and started to use it.  I also found a training program that will work will for someone with no real biking experience.

3. Run: B-, I should've ran more this past month.  My pace has improved but I could be doing more.

4. Strength: C, I wanted to start doing a CORE workout but it has been inconsistent at best

5. Plan: N/A, Since I'm just building a base I'm really not following a plan till it gets closer to tri season.

6. Feel: B, I feel good that I've done some training but I feel I like there's still a long road ahead of me.

7. Weight: N/A, All I really want is tighter stomach muscles (for the ladies Wink).

8. Overall: B, I had a good month but there's still room for improvement.

2009-02-08 9:03 AM
in reply to: #1867684

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Hi all.  I had a delightful time with the running group yesterday.  I was able to run a lot more than I did last week, and not feel like my breathing was getting out of control.  It felt really good.

I stayed mostly to myself, and did MY pace.  Basically, jogged 3 blocks, walked 1 block - that was my rhythm, and it worked well for me.  Slowly, I will get back to full run.

I am going to do a 5K with a small race community in St Paul next weekend.  I like this race circuit because the field is only 150 to 200 people.  I started walking 5k's with them part way down in my weight loss at a Challenge Obesity run/walk... and I have joined them often since that race.

On the swimming front.. goodness.. I am fighting myself here.  Really BAD!!  I really like the masters group, but dang.. I am struggling so bad with panic as I try to breath!  I am heading in today to do some breathing drills one of the members gave me... see if I can just concentrate on relaxing - nothing more expected...  I will let you know how it goes... but the last time I swam, I quit in tears...  goodness... I really have to get over the panic.  There is NO WAY I will drown!  yet that is almost the response my body is having!  I am a FLOATER.... and all I have to do is roll over onto my back, and I am saved... so where the panic is coming from - I just don't get it... but it is real... so heading in to work on it.  DEEEEEEEP BREATH!!

ok...  I just needed to get that out...  ahhhhhh....  I'll be back later.


2009-02-08 9:16 AM
in reply to: #1946031

New user

Plainfield, IL
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

1. Swim  B  I am really enjoying the swimming but I know I need to make more progress.  I am actually pretty happy at how far I've come (from 25 yards to 300 yards in 5 weeks)

2. Bike C  I don't like riding a stationary bike at the gym....boring.  I can't wait to start training outdoors.  I am up to 6 miles on the bike

3. Run  B  I have worked up from walking 25 minutes to walking for 5 and running for 2 minutes.  The hardest part is getting my breathing under control.  By my third set I feel more comfortable and I definately feel stronger.

4. Strength  B  I am woman hear me roar!  I feel stronger every day!  I can't imagine how I will feel by the time of my triathlon

5. Plan  A  Except for yesterday (I replaced my run time with swim time since I met with my swimming coach)  I have followed my 22 week program to an absolute t.  I figure it has a purpose and reason and I need to do everything I am told.  The program I am following is the couch to sprint 22 week schedule.  I love it!

6. Feel  A  I feel like someone lifted the clouds from my head.  I see clearer and feel extrememly good.  I wish I had started this a long time ago!!!

7. Weight  I have lost 15lbs during my first 5 weeks.  I am starting to see a difference in how my clothes fit.  I still have 45 more to go...but it's a start!

8. Overall  B  Every week I look forward to what new challenges lie ahead.  I take this program week by week.  I can't believe I will be starting week 6 on Monday.......woohoo.


For 5) Plan - stay on plan (not necessarily a formal plan but what you expected to do, even if you're a wing it type)  and for 6) Feel - how do you feel compared to a month ago.  Cut and paste between the lines and add your grades/comments

2009-02-08 4:50 PM
in reply to: #1951179

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Sandy, awesome job hitting that training plan so well!  You are doing awesome!

well, folks.. I did that swim...

I SURVIVED the pool.. LOL.. I know.. you all are saying you knew I would... but Something in my head is doubting that.

I did drills... the 6 kick drill is what it was called...  breathing drills. basically, start out on your side, face in water and kick 6 times, then turn head, breath, and switch arms... face back in water, kick 6 times... I did this for a long time, then would take a breather and do some familiar strokes, then a put my free style together for just a few strokes (not the entire length of the pool) and just kept repeating... this seemed to take a lot of the panic out of it.. however, as I tried to pull the whole swim together, some of the panic returns - but not as bad IF I keep remembering just a few strokes.... I think I am fearing that I cannot do the entire distance... hmmmm... all or nothing??? MAN.. do I need to work on that!!

so.. anyway.. feeling better about the swim.. but still not about swimming.. in time, right??? in time...

2009-02-08 7:37 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Her's my report card for Jan 

1. Swim - B+  A fair amount of time in the pool and felt I regained some of my swimming fitness.  My times are still not where I want them but I'm ok with that for now.

2. Bike - D  I did very little biking, less than I anticipated.  Just not enough hours in the day to get in as much as I'd like. 

3. Run - C  Due to achilles and knee issues I was not able to run as much as I'd hoped.  My training for the Boston Marathon is behind.  Just tough to run a lot with my basketball schedule and injuries.   

4. Strength - B  For me this is core workouts and now IT and leg stretches and exercises.  The stretches will become part of my normal pre and post run workouts. 

5. Plan - C  No real plan due to my schedule but I would have liked my run mileage and long runs to be higher.  I knew I would not be able to follow a marathon plan but I had hoped I could come somewhat close to weekly and long run targets.

6. Feel - B  December was kind of a recovery month after the Las Vegas Marathon.  While I did not get as much actual training in January as I'd hoped, I am in better shape at the end of the month from the beginning.  Looking back my expectations may not have been realistic.

7. Weight - NA  Not an issue for me unless I add 10 pounds or so.    

8. Overall - B  Despite some not so great individual grades, I'd still give myself a low B.  Winter during basketball season is tough due to the time it takes and the body pounding.  The stop/start running of basketball officiating does not xfer over to a lot of positive tri training benefits.  Averaging 3 games a week is also a big time hit.  I did make the MN forum January 45 Challenge - 45 workouts of prescribed minimum times during the month.   My run training is skewed because of the marathon, if I was just base building I'd be real happy with my run results, way better than last Jan 2007.  

2009-02-08 11:03 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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St. Cloud, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Okay gang, here's the scoop.  I've been going in cycles the last month and a half.  For about 4 to 5 days I'll train really hard for tri sports.  Two a day workouts between the three sports for 4 or five days at a time.  I'd do anywhere from 30 to 50 minutes on the trainer, 30 minutes of swimming, and 3.5 miles of running.  The same exact exercises with the same routes with no drills. Then I'd take about 4 or 5 days off in a row. 

The last three weekends I've spent outside of Saint Cloud: Two in Duluth and up the North Shore MN and one near Mora, MN.  I've put about 1000 miles on my car in 3 weeks (side note, about 42,000 miles in about 2.5 years, 16,800 a year, 1400 a month).  Again though cycles.  Go really hard for 60 hours straight between snowboarding, snow kiting, snowshoeing, x-country skiing, teaching, sleeping, driving, socializing, eating, and drinking). With temps ranging from -30 to 30.

I'm thinking about switching from tri sports to my winter sports.  I can do one thing a day between now and when I come back from Reno, NV.  I'm heading out there with a friend to meet up with another friend who lives there from March 11th till March 22nd.  We plan to snow kite, whitewater kayaking (playboating and creeking, meaning two boats a person, plus a 5th for my friend's wife we're staying with), back country snowboarding, hiking, and maybe an overnight backing trip in Lake Tahoe area or Yosemite National park.  All in my little Chevy Cavalier (which gets anywhere between 22 and 31 mpg).  Neither of us have been there.

I could throw my kiting, x-country skiing, and snowshoeing gear, hiking gear into my car and every day after work do one of those thing right after work.  Then on some days, throw in a swim or bike or run.  After I get back from the trip in March, I'd have 6 weeks before my first race.  Then I'd switch over completely to s/b/r during the week and whitewater paddling every weekend with an occasional tri workout on the weekend in addition to the paddling.

I'm looking for options to this training plan from anyone and everyone.  I might be traveling to Grand Forks this week for work (depends on what happens with this ice storm) so this plan wouldn't start till Friday.

Also I can fill in the gaps of this weekend tomorrow but today I snowshoed for 1:18:?? for about 2.5 miles, I jogged a mile and walked a mile (I was in hiking boots talking with an ex GF along the Lake walk which boarders Lake Superior.  The sun was shining and it was warm and the water was calm.  I wanted to bring it home with me.

2009-02-10 4:11 PM
in reply to: #1951921

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
RedBaron84MN - 2009-02-08 11:03 PM

Okay gang, here's the scoop.  I've been going in cycles the last month and a half.  For about 4 to 5 days I'll train really hard for tri sports.  Two a day workouts between the three sports for 4 or five days at a time.  I'd do anywhere from 30 to 50 minutes on the trainer, 30 minutes of swimming, and 3.5 miles of running.  The same exact exercises with the same routes with no drills. Then I'd take about 4 or 5 days off in a row. 

The last three weekends I've spent outside of Saint Cloud: Two in Duluth and up the North Shore MN and one near Mora, MN.  I've put about 1000 miles on my car in 3 weeks (side note, about 42,000 miles in about 2.5 years, 16,800 a year, 1400 a month).  Again though cycles.  Go really hard for 60 hours straight between snowboarding, snow kiting, snowshoeing, x-country skiing, teaching, sleeping, driving, socializing, eating, and drinking). With temps ranging from -30 to 30.

I'm thinking about switching from tri sports to my winter sports.  I can do one thing a day between now and when I come back from Reno, NV.  I'm heading out there with a friend to meet up with another friend who lives there from March 11th till March 22nd.  We plan to snow kite, whitewater kayaking (playboating and creeking, meaning two boats a person, plus a 5th for my friend's wife we're staying with), back country snowboarding, hiking, and maybe an overnight backing trip in Lake Tahoe area or Yosemite National park.  All in my little Chevy Cavalier (which gets anywhere between 22 and 31 mpg).  Neither of us have been there.

I could throw my kiting, x-country skiing, and snowshoeing gear, hiking gear into my car and every day after work do one of those thing right after work.  Then on some days, throw in a swim or bike or run.  After I get back from the trip in March, I'd have 6 weeks before my first race.  Then I'd switch over completely to s/b/r during the week and whitewater paddling every weekend with an occasional tri workout on the weekend in addition to the paddling.

I'm looking for options to this training plan from anyone and everyone.  I might be traveling to Grand Forks this week for work (depends on what happens with this ice storm) so this plan wouldn't start till Friday.

Also I can fill in the gaps of this weekend tomorrow but today I snowshoed for 1:18:?? for about 2.5 miles, I jogged a mile and walked a mile (I was in hiking boots talking with an ex GF along the Lake walk which boarders Lake Superior.  The sun was shining and it was warm and the water was calm.  I wanted to bring it home with me.


WOW Scotty!!  you are an ambitious soul!  Do you even have time for a woman in your life??    hehehe.. sorry.. the mamma in me had to say that. 

Given the training you have done already, does 6 weeks sound like enough for you to prep for your first race?  I am assuming you have a pretty good base, and if so, by throwing some of each discipline in there to maintain that base would probably be good.

you would get back, still endurance fit by doing your winter sports, yet well rested from your tri sports - and body ready to make some excellent advancement in speed.  At least, part of periodization is to allow the body to rest, so advancement and progress can be made.. you know.  I think you have good thoughts going on it.  but that is just my REALLY inexperienced opinion.  LOL

hey, do you ever run with the St Cloud river runners?  just curious.  I just hooked up with them, and they are a rather fun, diverse group. 

In the mean time.. ENJOY those winter sports while you can!


2009-02-13 7:51 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Hi gang.  boy we have been a silent crew lately.

I have a 5k in the morning in St Paul.  My goal for this is to find a pace and rhythm for my Tempo runs. 

I won't be near as fast as most of you.. but that is ok.  Shall let you know how it goes.


2009-02-14 8:30 AM
in reply to: #1961657

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
martymngirl - 2009-02-13 8:51 PM

Hi gang.  boy we have been a silent crew lately.

I have a 5k in the morning in St Paul.  My goal for this is to find a pace and rhythm for my Tempo runs. 

I won't be near as fast as most of you.. but that is ok.  Shall let you know how it goes.



Good luck on your 5k!! My half marathon is in two weeks!

2009-02-14 2:41 PM
in reply to: #1961959

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
trirific10 - 2009-02-14 8:30 AM
martymngirl - 2009-02-13 8:51 PM

Hi gang.  boy we have been a silent crew lately.

I have a 5k in the morning in St Paul.  My goal for this is to find a pace and rhythm for my Tempo runs. 

I won't be near as fast as most of you.. but that is ok.  Shall let you know how it goes.



Good luck on your 5k!! My half marathon is in two weeks!

Beth, you will be doing great for that half!!  where is it at? 

well, folks, I am back from the 5k... it was a very chilly 11 degrees out.. with windchills near 0... brrrrr... I had many layers on!!  and stayed warm enough as long as I ran.. LOLOLOL

35 minutes for the 3.1 miles... not stellar.. but that is actually a decent pace for ME...  I still had a few walk breaks in there, but kept the pace of the walk quite fast so I didn't lose ground.. just enough to catch my breath, the run again... I will get there. 

ok.. gotta go.. have a great Valentine's day all!!


2009-02-16 3:27 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Roxann...Very decent time for taking walk breaks and it being below brrrrr degrees out!..



2009-02-16 4:21 PM
in reply to: #1867684

New user

Plainfield, IL
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

I had such a bad week!  I missed 3 workouts (because of a migraine that wouldn't go away) and I ate junk food 2 days (again...didn't feel well and couldn't find anything to make me happy

I sure don't want to lose my motivation and I'm trying really hard to get back on track!  I have up'd my swimming to 1000 yards (the program was going too slow for me)  I love swimming.  I have also been running a little more but it's hard.  Last week I was walking 4 1/2 minutes and running 2 1/2 minutes for anywhere from 35 to 45 minutes.  The first couple of times I start the run portion is the hardest.  I can't seem to get my breathing under control.  But by the last couple of times...I can run forever.  It's frustrating.  When will I experience the runners high (haha)

Ok..I'm just blabbing because I know if I admit my faults on guys will help me back on track....HELP ME. 


2009-02-17 3:08 PM
in reply to: #1965047

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
Sandy43 - 2009-02-16 4:21 PM

I had such a bad week!  I missed 3 workouts (because of a migraine that wouldn't go away) and I ate junk food 2 days (again...didn't feel well and couldn't find anything to make me happy

I sure don't want to lose my motivation and I'm trying really hard to get back on track!  I have up'd my swimming to 1000 yards (the program was going too slow for me)  I love swimming.  I have also been running a little more but it's hard.  Last week I was walking 4 1/2 minutes and running 2 1/2 minutes for anywhere from 35 to 45 minutes.  The first couple of times I start the run portion is the hardest.  I can't seem to get my breathing under control.  But by the last couple of times...I can run forever.  It's frustrating.  When will I experience the runners high (haha)

Ok..I'm just blabbing because I know if I admit my faults on guys will help me back on track....HELP ME. 


Sandy, you are doing great... last week is what it is... the key is to get back on track as of this minute.  What do you have planned to get back on track??

On your runs, you said the first sets are really hard.. I know that if I go out way too fast, my breathing is way out of control... if I lay back into it... and take my time, not worry about speed, I can keep the breathing in control, and feel good during the run.  If I am pushing too hard.. I cannot wait to get back to my walk break.  just keep working on it.. don't worry about speed just yet.  You have time for that... You need to work on the endurance, distance, and time right now... speed will come after you have that base. 

back on track - the biggest tip I have for you... FORGIVE yourself...  and move on.  it is but one week in the scheme of a lifetime... and maybe, your body just needed the break.

so, there is my tip on getting back and working the runs... now.. what advise do you have on relaxing with the swim.. LOL... ooohhhh that is soooooo my down fall.  I am slowly working breathing drills and slowly getting a little more comfortable.

I found that when I started panicing in the swim, is when I tried swimming with the group... and fearing I could not do the entire distance, and keep up... I am not at that level yet... so I am back to working on my own... and will hopefully get to work with the coach to get a feel for what drills will help me the best.  but I am open to allllll kinds of suggestions!!

Beth, I have to go back to those video drills... I will do that in the next day or so and incorporate more of those.

have a great day all.


2009-02-19 12:34 AM
in reply to: #1965047


Crawfordville, Florida
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Hi Sandy. 

In the words of the great starship captain Peter Taggart "Never give up, never Surrender!".  When I miss a day I think of it as a "recovery" day and move on.  I have a lot of "recovery" days!  I looked at your postings and in January you were doing 100yrd swim.  You are at 1000 yards now!  Keep going and review where you were a month ago and imagine where you will be next month.  It gets better, really.  Last month I was still worried I wasn't catching my breathe during runs but something wonderful happened.  My body adjusted and it feels great running my pace.  Now I can push on and do a lot more.  Don't worry about running and walking.  Before you know it you will finish your run without breaking your pace.  It will happen.  I began this insanity last September and have had days like yours.  Don't give in to the couch!


2009-02-26 5:17 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
Well, it's been over a week since our last post in the forum here and even longer for me.  Bad mentor, Mike!  The good news is those of us who are remaining somewhat active are still inspiring each other from time to time.  It;s almost the end of Feb so time for another monthly report card.  I'll make an effort to stay more active and hopefully all of you will, too.    
2009-02-26 5:44 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Here's a quick group update: 

Beth has her half marathon coming up this Saturday, drop by her blog and give her a good pre-race inspire! 

Jim did a 50k bike race last weekend, do we get a race report? 

Sandy's been having some life issues affect her training, we've all been there.  How's things going now?   

Scott E has some training issues with tri vs winter sports.  He still thinks he can beat me in a tri.  Maybe someday but I don't think it will be this year. 

Jessica kind of forgot about our mentor group but then realized all of the inspires she was getting were from the group. 

Scott is doing a good job, getting in workouts most days. 

John gets to go to neat, warm places and still keeps up with his training.  Where you going on your next trip?   

Roxann is doing great, she's already down a half mary and a 5k this year!

Steve has been quiet on the forum but is doing a good job logging his workouts.

James is also quiet on the forum but logging well up to middle of Feb.

Melanie left early for another mentor group. 

Victor has been very quiet since the beginning and no logs.

2009-02-27 7:10 AM
in reply to: #1867684

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Grand Blanc, MI
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
Hey Mike, that's rather presumptuous about my vacationing (not sure on my spelling)??? Unfortunately, you're correct though! I have to take the family to Ft. Lauderdale for spring break the first week of April, darn!!
Congrats to all of you who continue to train/race/etc.
I'm a bit excited/aprehensive about next week. I'll begin running again after taking 2 months off to rest my IT band injury from my December marathon.
Biking is going decent, as it's my weakest sport. My butt is getting adjusted and my legs are slowly getting stronger. Hopefully by June, I'll be up to 2hrs in the seat.
Swimming base going well, plan on adding some speed work in March.
Running, well, no running report other than start running again on Monday. Hopefully my swimming and biking will have helped keep some of my endurance up, we'll see.
Keep on training, race season will be here shortly!!
2009-02-27 7:01 PM
in reply to: #1984380


Crawfordville, Florida
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Chilly Hilly 2009:

The Chilly Hilly is a bicycle tour of Bainbridge Island, WA that covers a distance of 33 miles.  It is sponsored by the Cascade Bicycle club in Seattle, Wa. Bicycling Magazine named the Chilly Hilly "One of Four Classic Rides" in the nation! This year was the 36th year and there were over 3900 bicyclists this year.  At the start conditions were rain and 42F.  It did clear up and warmed to 52 by noon.   The local newspaper article is linked here ( and at the bottom of the page are some pictures and a video of the route.  It was a great ride and preparation for my first Tri March 1st the Seattle Rainman!  It is a sprint distance tri and the info is linked here

2009-02-27 7:10 PM
in reply to: #1986823

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
jk809 - 2009-02-27 7:01 PM

Chilly Hilly 2009:

The Chilly Hilly is a bicycle tour of Bainbridge Island, WA that covers a distance of 33 miles.  It is sponsored by the Cascade Bicycle club in Seattle, Wa. Bicycling Magazine named the Chilly Hilly "One of Four Classic Rides" in the nation! This year was the 36th year and there were over 3900 bicyclists this year.  At the start conditions were rain and 42F.  It did clear up and warmed to 52 by noon.   The local newspaper article is linked here ( and at the bottom of the page are some pictures and a video of the route.  It was a great ride and preparation for my first Tri March 1st the Seattle Rainman!  It is a sprint distance tri and the info is linked here

Sounds like a blast!  a bit chilly, but a blast.  Sounds like you are getting some good saddle time in prep for that March1 tri... goodness.. that is THIS sunday, isn't it!  whew!

Have a great Race!


Beth... you too... enjoy your race this weekend.

2009-03-05 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

We have now completed our 2nd month as a group.  As I mentioned above we have different levels of participation.  Let's do a Feb (month 2) report card like we did for Jan (month 1).  Grade yourself on these categories,  A-F with + - as needed.   If it wasn't a goal, list it as NA.  I added a race category for those who have done a race during the month.


1. Swim

2. Bike

3. Run

4. Strength

5. Plan

6. Feel

7. Weight

8. Races

9. Overall


For 5) Plan - stay on plan (not necessarily a formal plan but what you expected to do, even if you're a wing it type)  and for 6) Feel - how do you feel compared to a month ago.  Cut and paste between the lines and add your grades/comments. 

2009-03-05 9:49 AM
in reply to: #1998959

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Grand Blanc, MI
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
mjewen - 2009-03-05 9:29 AM

We have now completed our 2nd month as a group.  As I mentioned above we have different levels of participation.  Let's do a Feb (month 2) report card like we did for Jan (month 1).  Grade yourself on these categories,  A-F with + - as needed.   If it wasn't a goal, list it as NA.  I added a race category for those who have done a race during the month.


1. Swim

2. Bike

3. Run

4. Strength

5. Plan

6. Feel

7. Weight

8. Races

9. Overall


For 5) Plan - stay on plan (not necessarily a formal plan but what you expected to do, even if you're a wing it type)  and for 6) Feel - how do you feel compared to a month ago.  Cut and paste between the lines and add your grades/comments. 

1. Swim - B+ - good swim month, got longest non-stop swim of 2000yds. Missed a week due to vacation

2. Bike - B+ - continue to emprove, slowly. Endurance building slowly. Leg strength still low.

3. Run - n/a - continued to rest my IT band

4. Strength - C -need to start working upper body/arms

5. Plan - n/a - plan starts in March

6. Feel - B- -not pushing myself enough. I realize it's still early, early, early, but I'm anxious to ramp up training. I think I'm giving new meaning to the term "slow and steady".

7. Weight - n/a - not an issue

8. Races -n/a

9. Overall - B - March will be a tell-tale sign of where I am because I will start running again. March goals will be to get back to running, healthy, increase swim distance to 2500 yds non-stop, get bike sessions up to 1.5 hrs.

2009-03-05 1:19 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Grand Blanc, MI
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
I've got a question for you, 'O wise one. I begin my biginner sprint 12 week program on Monday. Looking at the plan, I see most days have multiple workouts, ie. s: 45min, b: 30 min.
Are these meant to be done back to back, like a brick or can I do one in the morning, the other later in the day?
2009-03-07 2:13 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
John,  I believe the training plans tell you when you are supposed to do a brick.  If the plan just shows 2 workouts on a single day it is your choice how to fit them in.  Bricks should not come until later in a plan.  I did go out and look at a plan and the type of run listed run brick on the same day as a bike.  This is meant to a bike/run brick.  So if the type doesn't show brick then it is optional.  Hope this helps.    
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