BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!! Rss Feed  
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2009-02-04 5:36 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

I like option #2. The reason-no one likes the trainer, but it WILL make you a stronger rider & a full marathon is gonna really take some recovery time out of you.

We will support you either way. So pick one & start training todayCool

2009-02-04 8:56 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
I was afraid you were going to say that! I just need to find a way past the bike trainer.

2009-02-05 5:48 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
I've started using spinnerval dvd's. Coach Troy will try his best to kill you, but it will make an hour fly by pretty fast.
2009-02-05 7:49 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

I rent movies that I missed when the came out in the theater. Also, make sure you keep a couple of towels with you. I sweat buckets. It isn't as bad as you would think, it also builds character and makes you appreciate your outside bike rides.
2009-02-06 7:30 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Weather is clearing up & warming-I expect to see some training logged in this weekend!!!!!
2009-02-06 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Anyone in the group use Desoto clothing to race and train?  I am thinking about ordering a trisuit from them and wanted some testimonials.

2009-02-06 3:51 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Ricky (and anyone else who has them) - Since there are about 1,000 spinerval dvd's are there a couple that you can recommend?

Greg - I'm with you on the towels. It only takes me a couple of minutes to be soaked. I've decided to set up a fan next time too. I'm hoping it helps me to pretend I'm outside.

2009-02-06 8:26 PM
in reply to: #1948967

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

wes mantooth - 2009-02-06 10:00 AM Anyone in the group use Desoto clothing to race and train?  I am thinking about ordering a trisuit from them and wanted some testimonials.

My wife and I were just discussing this over dinner tonight. We both are huge 2XU fans, but man that Desoto stuff is really cool. We're about to order our 2009 race outfits and cannot decide!

2009-02-06 8:28 PM
in reply to: #1949798

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

reid15 - 2009-02-06 3:51 PM Ricky (and anyone else who has them) - Since there are about 1,000 spinerval dvd's are there a couple that you can recommend? Greg - I'm with you on the towels. It only takes me a couple of minutes to be soaked. I've decided to set up a fan next time too. I'm hoping it helps me to pretend I'm outside. Art

I'm currently using the Iron Girls spinnerval DVD Embarassed Hey Man, it's tough!!!!!

2009-02-07 12:12 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
I have some DeSoto gear. I have some winter riding tights that I love. I also have some shorts. I've never worn a one piece suit for racing so can't speak about those.

I'm gonna ramp up my training again to see how the leg responds. At this point it isn't where I want it to be but we'll see. The PT has me stretching and strengthening so hopefully that will help. California will be here soon and they have some big hills on the bike so gotta get some hills in soon.
2009-02-07 6:34 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!


We did a group ride today with a local lady who is flying out to Cali 70.3 . I'll try to get her name next week. She's done a couple of full IM & very nice to ride with. My wife did her first 45 mile ride today-VERY proud of her. We hit some pretty nasty climbs & she stayed right in there. I'm telling you guys/gals those spinnervals are awesome!!!!

2009-02-08 7:03 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
45 minutes on the trainer with a fan, towel and water bottle watching "The Pacifier" on t.v. I know it is a bad movie but what can I say, it made me laugh.

2009-02-09 9:45 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Its all about putting in the time. A bad, but funny movie, helps. It can get old but if thats all you got then thats all you got.

I did a longer ride yesterday and felt pretty good. Still not run ready I don't think. Another massage this a.m. and then hopefully we'll start testing it a bit. Coach keeps telling me to hold off but California is coming soon. I think he is looking at the Arizona race but I'm the one that has to do Cali.

Everyone have a good day. I am praying that everyone has a great week and especially for anyone that might be struggling with the economy and job issues. Felt like I wanted to tell the group that.
2009-02-09 2:43 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
I have felt somewhat guilty lately, due to having been blessed with semi-depression proof jobs for the wife and myself. We are as good financially as ever. But then again, I have a lot of friends that have lived well above their means for years and it has gotten pretty tough on them right now. It all begins with being good stewards with our money & giving the LORD what is rightfully his! Am I money smart-HECK NO, but we spend within reason & make all financial decisions together as a family.
2009-02-11 10:51 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
I actually jogged for 5 minutes yesterday and didn't fall apart. Whooohooo, isn't that sad. I am still able to get decent bike time but I really need the hip to heal quicker. Need some of that BALCO cream stuff that causes people to hit 80 homeruns somehow. Hmmmm

Well only time will heal it I guess. How is everyone doing? Maybe we can all check in and see where we are at when and if you get a chance. Would love to hear from everyone to help motivate me while I'm draggin' my leg around.
2009-02-11 1:58 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
We are buying a RV on Monday. The wife and I sat down & started figuring what we spend on hotel rooms for races & beach vacations. We'll come out cheaper buying a RV and can write it off come tax season! After 9 months of looking, I pulled the trigger & said "get it ready, we'll be back Monday!"

2009-02-11 7:46 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
An RV? WOW, that's cool! You're going to have to post some pictures.

Greg-I know it's tough but be patient. Seeing the days click by and having to limit your training creates a lot of anxiety. It's a lot like "taper madness" if you know what I mean. Your coach knows your goals, your schedule and what you are capable of. He'll keep you on track. A 5 minute run that ends without another flair up means you're going in the right direction.

It was 61 degrees when I went running tonight. It was a nice change from the freezing temps we have had the last few weeks. I'm looking forward to spring.


2009-02-14 8:03 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Weather is good again-let's see some training posted in your logs!!!!
2009-02-14 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Suppose to get some snow today or possibly tomorrow, but will get 50 miles in on the bike today.
2009-02-16 9:48 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Come on guys we're slippen' to page 2. How is everyone doing? I rode 50 today cuz weather yesterday. Felt good most of the way. Leg is feeling pretty much normal so I think I am through that.

I'm going to Puerto Vallarta on Wednesday so I'll just be running while down there not taking the bike. Looking forward to it.

Ricky, How is the prep for New Orleans 70.3 going?
2009-02-17 5:32 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

I'm getting about 75% of the planned workouts in. I chose a plan that was just too much volume for this early in season. I'm physically fine, but weather just really makes long bike rides this time of year unrealistic. Plus, I just don't want to burn out this early in the season. Ironman training will begin around May 1st & have to be healthy & mentally fresh for that 4 months. I don't regret signing up for a 1/2 this early, but I probably won't do it again. I'll stick to Oly distance in late April. Right now I have family,church (awana & Sunday school teacher,work (plus second job 20 hrs week) & daughters softball season going!!! After May: schools out,I don't work 2nd job in Summer,softball season over & Awana ends till Fall. I'll have plenty of time in a couple of months to inflict lots of pain on myself!!!!!

So, to answer the original question: Training is going fine & I still have sub 6 hour goal at New Orleans.

Is anyone else in this group still alive?????

2009-02-17 9:34 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

That is where I'm at too. I wouldn't schedule an April race in the future with my Ironman being in November. However, with that being said it sure does motivate you to stay on track early in the year so it is sort of a catch 22. I think if I didn't have California 70.3 coming up that I would be too tempted to take too many days off right now.

I have come to the conclusion that if you get 75% of your training in then you are doing good. Church, Family, and Work are demanding and that means real people with jobs and kids like us have to give up something and it has to be training. I think that is what will make it all the more special to finish. Knowing you balanced, juggled, and whatever else and still survived it.

Sometimes I beat myself up over missing a training day, actually most the time and then I get grouchy. I need to not do that but that is the way I'm wired.
2009-02-18 7:09 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

I'm thinking about changing the group name to "The Greg & Ricky Group". Come on, has everyone else bailed out???? Even if your training is down, you can still support us two idiots who have to run a 1/2 in like 6 weeks from today!

Weather update in  Bama: 90% chance of rain today w/ strong damaging wind=another bike session I will not get in outside.

2009-02-18 11:13 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Heh Gang....or Ricky whatever the case may be.

I am headed to Puerto Vallarta this afternoon so I'm not sure If I'll be posting or not this week. I am planning on getting back to my run while in Mexico depending on how the leg feels. I foresee lots of shorter runs like morning and evening stuff. It is just the wife and I so we will relax and have a great time. Keep up the good work in the meantime...
2009-02-19 7:45 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Greg - If you check in I hope you are enjoying your vacation.

Ricky/Greg - Of course we support you. You are doing things that many of us are only hoping to accomplish at this point.

It might not be my place but I'll offer a couple of suggestions for more interaction in the group;

1) What are some of the things you learned (training, nutrition, gear) when you were just starting out? Share them with the group. Ask for their experiences.
2) Let's go through the group and send some "inspire me" messages to let people know we want to know how they are doing and value their input. I've looked and there are people who are logging workouts but aren't posting any messages here.
3) .....add your own ideas here. I'm just a newbie.

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