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2009-02-01 3:35 PM
in reply to: #1856784

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greensboro, NC area
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

I have joined another Feb  challenge.  My goals for Feb are to run 25 miles, bike 70 miles and start officially swimming.  Since I haven't been swimming yet, just starting is a goal.  The goals are meager to some, but they are a consistent increase from the last months for me.  I don't plan on failing.  Plus, I plan on losing 6 pounds. 

I have been struggling with my running.  I don't particularly like to run so it's generally a struggle anyway, but it seems like I suck wind for the first entire mile.  It takes me that long to get into a groove.  I am fighting it the whole way.  Is that common?  Does anyone have any suggestions.  I really wish that I didn't battle with this because it becomes easier once I pass that milestone, but sometimes the struggle wins out and I end up walking for a few minutes.  What's up?

2009-02-01 3:40 PM
in reply to: #1940092

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
crdvorscak - 2009-02-01 4:35 PM

I have been struggling with my running.  I don't particularly like to run so it's generally a struggle anyway, but it seems like I suck wind for the first entire mile.  It takes me that long to get into a groove.  I am fighting it the whole way.  Is that common?  Does anyone have any suggestions.  I really wish that I didn't battle with this because it becomes easier once I pass that milestone, but sometimes the struggle wins out and I end up walking for a few minutes.  What's up?

The only thing you can really do to get over the first mile blues is simply to keep at it.  I've faced them too each time I've re-started my running, but over time the feeling goes away, at least somewhat.  Eventually you'll be running 20 miles and be thinking, "boy, that first FIVE miles was really hard, before I got into a groove."

2009-02-01 9:36 PM
in reply to: #1940082

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
crdvorscak - 2009-02-01 3:31 PM

gcoller - 2009-01-31 3:50 PM I met my fitness goal for this month...I ran 38 miles

AWESOME job!  I'm just hoping to get up to 25 this month. 


I think your goals are great. I still have "join a strength class" on my list just because I know starting that is so tough for me (early in the AM!) ...I began with workout 3X a week one year ago...and sometimes "working out" was 10 minutes on an elliptical or treadmill.  I reiterate that your goals are really great. They're positive, measurable and they make sense for you! I'm so on your team

2009-02-02 10:30 AM
in reply to: #1856784

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greensboro, NC area
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
Thanks guys.  I too need to do more strength training.  One body punp class a week should do it, but I am not putting that as an official goal.  Maybe a goal for this week though. 
2009-02-05 3:47 PM
in reply to: #1856784

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

Where is everyone?  I know there are a few who we may have lost (way at the beginning...please come back by the way) but would love to hear from everyone else.

I ran outside for the 1st time in weeks this afternoon.  It was freezing cold (about 15 degrees) and lots of icy uncleared sidewalks but it was still a blast.  My immediate goal is to get back in the pool tomorrow morning.  Big mental block with me rigt now about the pool.  Got to break through.

2009-02-05 3:59 PM
in reply to: #1856784

New user
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

I joined a gym and recently started putting some decent time. Hoping to lose some of my winter weight.

2009-02-05 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1947783

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

I have been focusing on building strength this winter and keeping my endurance base.  I lift weights at the gym 4 times a week and have made progress there.  The frigid morning runs are getting tougher mentally.  Phil the groundhog says 6 more weeks of winter. 

Edited by Terps421 2009-02-05 7:29 PM
2009-02-07 8:09 AM
in reply to: #1856784

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greensboro, NC area
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

OK, so I thought that I was over my sluggish workout phase. 

Didn't do anything yesterday.  As a matter of fact, I was in the bed at 8pm.  What was up with that?  My husband kept prodding me to go to the gym last night, but I just didn't have it in me.  I have a special event function starting at 11:30 that I am in charge of, so I had to make it a quick workout this morning. 

However, by tomorrow, I should have 10 miles into my 25 miles run goal for this month.  Not too bad.

2009-02-08 2:50 PM
in reply to: #1856784

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
Public Service Message (especially to those in the northern latitudes):  Be careful out there!!!  I slipped and took a bad fall this morning while running.  I slowed down to cross a patch of ice and still completely wiped out.  Feet went forward and I landed square on my back.  I was able to finish my run but am wondering if I will be able to move tomorrow.  As I said, be careful!
2009-02-08 4:02 PM
in reply to: #1951462

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
Mitch - that stinks - Thankfully we hit a warm streak over the weekend - we ate lunch OUTSIDE it was so nice.  And two days in a row with short sleeves and shorts.  I'm sure it won't last.
2009-02-11 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1951462

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
Mitch! What's the update??  I am finding it more difficult than ever to fit in workouts now that my little one doesn't like going to the Y's childcare center, it is dark SO early, and I live in a hilly/icy area.  I'm doing things like swinging my kettlebell on my lunchbreak at work and dancing with my little one whenever possible.  I usually embrace winter with horseback riding and such but what can one do on ice-covered snow...? Scrape it off and go to the YMCA at 8PM I suppose

2009-02-12 8:27 AM
in reply to: #1957893

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

gcoller - 2009-02-11 9:42 PM Mitch! What's the update??  I am finding it more difficult than ever to fit in workouts now that my little one doesn't like going to the Y's childcare center, it is dark SO early, and I live in a hilly/icy area.  I'm doing things like swinging my kettlebell on my lunchbreak at work and dancing with my little one whenever possible.  I usually embrace winter with horseback riding and such but what can one do on ice-covered snow...? Scrape it off and go to the YMCA at 8PM I suppose

Grace - how old is your little one?  I'm certainly not aware of all the particulars of your situation, but we've found that it was in the best interests of our children's sense of independence to push them through the bouts of separation anxiety (if that's the issue).

Also, for running outdoors, have you looked at the yak-trax?  I don't have them but have heard rave reviews from those that do.  They basically act like studs attached to your shoes and significantly improve traction in the snow and ice.

And regarding the overall seasonal malaise - you know you'll feel much better if you can carve out time to be outside.  That's one reason why I steer clear of the treadmill.  Even when it's very cold outside I'll still go for a run, knowing that the sunlight (on the weekend runs) does wonders for mood (and Vitamin D intake).

And finally, never stop dancing with the little one (or in my case, wrestling).

2009-02-12 8:34 AM
in reply to: #1957893

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
Oh, and one more thing - I know that having a couple of early season race goals (Sprint on 4/5 and half-marathon on 4/25) have definitely increased my motivation to make training plans stick.  I see you have a 5k in March, but maybe something even more aggressive in April, like a 10k??
2009-02-12 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1958422

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

Wow, thanks for taking all of that time to respond to my difficulties, Jeff.  My little one is a 3 1/2 year-old little girl.  She is now in daycare while I teach 8:30- 3:30 (4:00).  Before this year she had 1:1 attention all day from her dad, myself and a very part-time babysitter b/c of my husband's night schedule.

Now that he's on days she is quite needy when not in daycare for mommy and daddy.  Since I have other engagements in the eve. my husband does the night time routine 3X/week and so she really gets upset if I'm picking her up at daycare saying that we're going to the Y (husband's not home 'till 6).  So I just figured I'd have to get up in the AM and workout then. 

So now I'm struggling w/my night engagements to get home and get to bed before 11PM so I can get up around 5:30 at the latest but am finding that impossible!  I'm working on solutions but I love the suggestion about the Yak Trax and I think I do just need to let her (Rose/little one)go to the Y childwatch for a measly 30-45 minutes sometimes and realize that some parents dont' see their kids from 7AM 'till 6 and that she'll be FINE.  It helps to hear if from others.

I also think you're right about the races/goals.  I have a training plan that begins this month on the 23rd (22-week plan) but I'm going to try to be a little more intense than the plan says to be but it will at least be a starting point/motivation.

 I'm sort of envious of you that you'll be doing your first tri SO soon!  Good luck with that..I feel ready to do a first now...but I'll be better prepared by July 12 (my first).  I just took a 10K off of my calendar b/c I was having major anxiety thinking about it. It's a huge pressure race with a huge crowd. I normally eat that up but I heard they heckle and I don't think I could handle that!


Thanks're a super team player and so supportive...with just the right amount/kind of heckling!


2009-02-12 12:14 PM
in reply to: #1856784

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

Sorry for being scarce the last few days.  Thank you to all who have wished me well after my fall.  My neck was amazingly stiff the following day and is still not quite back to normal.  Right shoulder is still really sore.  But, I had my first session with my 1st ever swim coach last night and it all went well!

I've read tons of stuff on swimming and I guess I finally get what they say that you really need someone who is qualified to look at your stroke, tell you what you are doing wrong and then help figure out what drills to do to fix it.

I started out the session (turned out to be almost 75 minutes in the pool) with a 200M evaluation.  From there we talked about the first two things we were going to fix.  Hand entry (needs to be at 11 and 1 o'clock instead of the 12 o'clock and 12 o'clock that I was doing) and proper pull down the body / elbow positioning.  Apparently swimming is supposed to look graceful (never a word used to describe me in the past) and I wasn't.  We then worked on getting a feel for proper hand entry and pull, did fingertip drills, closed fist drills, catch up drills, stroke counting, pace drills and I think I skipped something in there as well.

The long and the short is that by the end of the first session I was beginning to feel more efficient and my stroke count (counting right hand as one stroke, left hand as another) dropped from 35 for 25M to 23 per 25M.  I can't wait for my next session and I look forward to swimming faster with less effort!

2009-02-12 6:34 PM
in reply to: #1958957

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
Mitch, I am really impressed with the work you are doing on your swim technique!

2009-02-12 7:20 PM
in reply to: #1959704

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED


Thx for the comment but you would be surprised how little I did and voila less strokes per 25M at the same pace as before.  It was like magic.

2009-02-13 6:54 AM
in reply to: #1958708

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

Grace - I know that when I was going to the gym (and using their childcare for my two boys), that it always helped if I offered them some kind of reward.  Often that was playing basketball with them after my workout.  Or they're so goofy (like most kids), that a few minutes on the elliptical was a reward.  Or sometimes they just wanted to run in circles around the basketball court.  In other words, make it fun for Rose, too!

P.S. I TRY not to make food a reward for them, but sometimes that's the easiest option.

And remember, you're setting a great example for your daughter!

2009-02-13 7:59 AM
in reply to: #1958957

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
dangremond - 2009-02-12 12:14 PM

The long and the short is that by the end of the first session I was beginning to feel more efficient and my stroke count (counting right hand as one stroke, left hand as another) dropped from 35 for 25M to 23 per 25M.  I can't wait for my next session and I look forward to swimming faster with less effort!

I'm thrilled that you enjoyed me it's the one time that I do feel graceful! I'm getting a bit better with the running and the cycling is still scary to me.  I am still at around 15.8 mph on the stationary (Espresso program w/hills and "scenery" and can only keep that up for about 30 minutes. 

2009-02-15 2:11 PM
in reply to: #1960251

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
I decided to start training for a half-marathon today. The race is April 26, 2009 in NYC and is a Women's Half Marathon.   Thanks, Jeff.
2009-02-15 6:38 PM
in reply to: #1963191

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
Distance running question: (Terps!) How do you stay hydrated?  One hour into my run I stopped at a friend's house and begged for water.  Do you actually carry a water bottle with you?  I never had to consider this before...kind of exciting

2009-02-16 7:25 AM
in reply to: #1963486

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

Cool Grace!!  How fun! (he said sadistically)

My half is the 25th - so we'll be e-training buddies!

Great job on your long run this weekend.  Ironically, I was telling my wife the very same thing (about running low on hydration/nutrition).  What's funny is the look you get when throwing out terms familiar to us but not to non-triathletes.  Like "fuel belt".

But, that said, I think that's what I'll need.  I didn't need anything on my 5 miler the prior Sunday, but at the end of the 6 miler yesterday I was starting to crave some water AND some nutrition.  So I think I'll either invest in a simple fuel belt, or plan laps that go past the house.  The problem with laps is a mental one.  It's just so tough to get to the pyschological finish and then to have to keep going.

2009-02-16 12:21 PM
in reply to: #1963486

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

gcoller - 2009-02-15 6:38 PM Distance running question: (Terps!) How do you stay hydrated?  One hour into my run I stopped at a friend's house and begged for water.  Do you actually carry a water bottle with you?  I never had to consider this before...kind of exciting

I bought the hydration belt shown through the below link.  It works great, doesn't bounce, allows me to carry a bit of water or more water, etc.  Has a pouch to put my id, keys, cell phone in, etc.

2009-02-16 4:34 PM
in reply to: #1964627

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
Thanks, guys. I guess I've just "leveled up" to needing a fuel belt. How exciting! I better order on ASAP since I'm supposed to run 8 miles next Sunday!
2009-02-16 5:19 PM
in reply to: #1963486

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

gcoller - 2009-02-15 6:38 PM Distance running question: (Terps!) How do you stay hydrated?  One hour into my run I stopped at a friend's house and begged for water.  Do you actually carry a water bottle with you?  I never had to consider this before...kind of exciting


Grace, I don't carry any water in the winter but when temps rise, I wear a velcro belt with a large water bottle in it.  Sometimes, I will take a bottle and place it by a tree a few miles out, then pick it up and drink on my way back.  The belts are pretty nice but once the water level goes down some, the sloshing water becomes annoying.

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