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2009-12-29 1:09 PM
in reply to: #2581364

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
tnguyen1 - 2009-12-29 12:30 AM

Hope everyone had a great Christmas weekend! Great job to those who worked out! Almost done with 2009, and I'm a little sad but excited for 2010 and everything I want to accomplish.

On yoga, I love it. I was doing hatha yoga once a week for awhile and I felt that it improved my flexibility and core strength (not saying much b/c I am flexible as a branch) I actually want to get back into doing it weekly again. It's been a month since my last class. About your swim know what I'm going to say.....LOTS OF ONE LEGGED KICKS!

Ok, for my question.....I'm having a really hard time controlling my breathing in this weather. I've been trying to run outside but the cold air is wrecking havoc on my asthma and lungs. It hurts pretty badly and sounds nasty as well. I don't even like running to begin with and I know treadmill running isn't the same as outside. Oh, and I don't like being cold either. Yeah, I sound kinda whiney....sorry.

Well we live in the same area... I don't have asthma... and I am running indoors on the treadmill. I just hate being cold. HATE IT. I also hate having to put on so many layers to run outside.

While it's not the same as outside, it's effective. I bet 80% of my half mary training will be on a treadmill. My friend in Minnesota who is coming in for Cowtown will do 100% of her training on a treadmill.

2009-12-29 4:46 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hey guys,

Glad to hear that most of you guys are getting back into normal life. I did my first run a couple of days ago, but felt pretty weak at the end of a 7 kms. That evening I got some chills and a little fever... turns out I got a little cold, so I am taking another two days to relax.

Hope to get some light trainer riding this afternoon to at least get my butt used to the bike again ;-)

On the yoga question. I have done it in the past and really liked it. I actually need to get back into it since I am also as stiff as a board and my kids laugh at my attempts to stretch. Should really help with back and hips tightness which from what I read I think many of us suffer.

Good luck with the asthma. I am sure it must be uncomfortable. I would probably run indoors even if its not the greatest, just because you will be happy when you are able to get out and realize you did not loose your good conditioning :-)

2009-12-29 10:05 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Thanks for all the input! Guess I'm going to treadmill it up then. Not optimal, but at least I'm getting milage in. I'll run outside when weather permits.
2009-12-29 11:06 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
I will admit that if it falls below 45, I stay indoors.  One of my best friends lives in Houston, and I was there for a New Year's a couple years ago.  I remember thinking it was SO COLD there in December, colder than San Francisco.  So, do whatever works for you!  Running on the treadmill is still running Smile  I wonder what people from truly cold climates would think of this discussion.  Hmmm....
2009-12-30 7:44 AM
in reply to: #2557497

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Dawn run at 27F - so cold.  I'm finding I don't notice it much after the first few miniutes so long as I remember to wear gloves.  What I don't like is how cold the air is to breath.

Chris - thanks for the hip flexor tear info, sounds awfully familiar, think I'll be seeing my doc.

tritoteach - I'm using a plan out of Gail Bernhardt's Training Plans for Multisport Athletes for "12 Weeks to a Sprint Triathlon for Athletes  with Limited Fitness" since I took 3 months totally off and am coming back from runner's knee.  The run plan is 5min, 7 min, 9min, so on.  I'm up to 15...  I'm sticking to it with running/cycling but just using the minutes (30) for swimming since the swimming distance calls for 500yds withing 30min the first month...

Last year I used one out of Joe Friel's book:  Your First Triathlon because it has plans that acknowlege when you have a base in one sport but are starting from scratch in the others.

My kick is sort of weak too.  Tell me about one-legged kick drills.
2009-12-30 9:28 AM
in reply to: #2583548

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
lovesreading - 2009-12-30 7:44 AM Dawn run at 27F - so cold.  I'm finding I don't notice it much after the first few miniutes so long as I remember to wear gloves.  What I don't like is how cold the air is to breath.

Chris - thanks for the hip flexor tear info, sounds awfully familiar, think I'll be seeing my doc.

tritoteach - I'm using a plan out of Gail Bernhardt's Training Plans for Multisport Athletes for "12 Weeks to a Sprint Triathlon for Athletes  with Limited Fitness" since I took 3 months totally off and am coming back from runner's knee.  The run plan is 5min, 7 min, 9min, so on.  I'm up to 15...  I'm sticking to it with running/cycling but just using the minutes (30) for swimming since the swimming distance calls for 500yds withing 30min the first month...

Last year I used one out of Joe Friel's book:  Your First Triathlon because it has plans that acknowlege when you have a base in one sport but are starting from scratch in the others.

My kick is sort of weak too.  Tell me about one-legged kick drills.

On one legged kicks, it's kind of like one legged drills on the bike. You can either do them with a kick board or no kick board on your back/or belly. I tend to ditch the kick board b/c I feel like it's a crutch. Starting off you might want to use a kick board but make sure you have it extended out in front of you and not hugging it to your chest.

Kick with just your right leg and let your left leg drag along. Do it for half a length, then switch. First few times it might burn if you have an ineffiecient kick. Make sure you kick from your hips (be careful with your rt hip pain) and not from your knees. Keep toes pointed and knees slightly locked (not ram rod straight but you don't want to look like you're running in water either). I hope that description is correct. I have a naturally strong kick and actually I'm trying to kick less and focus on my front quadrant swimming. I hope this makes sense, sometimes I don't explain things well. Some of the better swimmers here can chime in to correct any mis-information I gave.

BTW, I hope your rt hip pain is getting better.

2009-12-30 9:32 AM
in reply to: #2583330

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
justtrichris - 2009-12-29 11:06 PM I will admit that if it falls below 45, I stay indoors.  One of my best friends lives in Houston, and I was there for a New Year's a couple years ago.  I remember thinking it was SO COLD there in December, colder than San Francisco.  So, do whatever works for you!  Running on the treadmill is still running Smile  I wonder what people from truly cold climates would think of this discussion.  Hmmm....

Really? Houston was colder than San Fransisco? I would have never thought that......Yeah, well I live in Texas for a reason....I'm a big 'ole weanie in the cold!!! Smile I'm sure those that live in truely cold climates are probably rolling their eyes at us. Meh.....I'm a sissy in anything under 55, I'll admit it.
2009-12-30 9:46 AM
in reply to: #2583828

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
tnguyen1 - 2009-12-30 9:28 AM
lovesreading - 2009-12-30 7:44 AM Dawn run at 27F - so cold.  I'm finding I don't notice it much after the first few miniutes so long as I remember to wear gloves.  What I don't like is how cold the air is to breath.

Chris - thanks for the hip flexor tear info, sounds awfully familiar, think I'll be seeing my doc.

tritoteach - I'm using a plan out of Gail Bernhardt's Training Plans for Multisport Athletes for "12 Weeks to a Sprint Triathlon for Athletes  with Limited Fitness" since I took 3 months totally off and am coming back from runner's knee.  The run plan is 5min, 7 min, 9min, so on.  I'm up to 15...  I'm sticking to it with running/cycling but just using the minutes (30) for swimming since the swimming distance calls for 500yds withing 30min the first month...

Last year I used one out of Joe Friel's book:  Your First Triathlon because it has plans that acknowlege when you have a base in one sport but are starting from scratch in the others.

My kick is sort of weak too.  Tell me about one-legged kick drills.

On one legged kicks, it's kind of like one legged drills on the bike. You can either do them with a kick board or no kick board on your back/or belly. I tend to ditch the kick board b/c I feel like it's a crutch. Starting off you might want to use a kick board but make sure you have it extended out in front of you and not hugging it to your chest.

Kick with just your right leg and let your left leg drag along. Do it for half a length, then switch. First few times it might burn if you have an ineffiecient kick. Make sure you kick from your hips (be careful with your rt hip pain) and not from your knees. Keep toes pointed and knees slightly locked (not ram rod straight but you don't want to look like you're running in water either). I hope that description is correct. I have a naturally strong kick and actually I'm trying to kick less and focus on my front quadrant swimming. I hope this makes sense, sometimes I don't explain things well. Some of the better swimmers here can chime in to correct any mis-information I gave.

BTW, I hope your rt hip pain is getting better.
Fairly accurate description, but need to add in there the part about trying not to sink to the bottom. haha.  Use the kick board until you are comfortable doing the drill without.  If you are like me, try to save it for the end of the workout, if I do it at the beginning, I am shot for the remainder of the swim.  Hhhmm, Tania and Karen always make me do it early in the workout, guess they like to see me flounder around the entire time. Wink
2009-12-30 1:31 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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New user
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Maybe I asked this before... but you did buy your shoes from a proper running store... right?

Yep! I went a running store in Cincinnati (the running spot).  I have a lot of feet problems (flat feet, pronation, plantar fasciitis) so I need the best shoes for my issues. I wear Saucony's Hurricane.  There is a new version out but I ordered the same version because I liked them so much.

Sorry I've been a little quiet on the boards. My husband and I got a new computer but don't have a monitor yet so I can only be online at work.  Anyway, I've been getting used to the new gym and tonight I'm doing a strength training class (Body Pump).  Yesterday I tried out the pool and was reminded how much I LOVE swimming.  I just feel really comfortable in the water.  With that being said, I have some work to do! I've taken some time off from the pool because I didn't have access to one and I can tell! I still haven't picked my training plan but I'm trying to get at least one swim, bike and run in this week (maybe more if I can) and decide this weekend. 

Happy New Year!
2009-12-30 1:35 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Cheryl- sorry I forgot to reply to your question about the OSU indoor tri.  The convention center is really close to OSU's campus. I checked my schedule and I don't have to work so I'm planning on doing it. I just googled it and it's like 5 minutes north of the convention center. Looks like the first wave starts at 11 am and they got every half hour until 3:30.  Let me know if you still want to go and we can do it together!
2009-12-30 2:33 PM
in reply to: #2583330

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
 I wonder what people from truly cold climates would think of this discussion.  Hmmm....

Hahaha..had to laugh. I'm in Chicago, these day a great warm day is 35 degrees. I continue to run outdoors until the ground gets icy. I dont need to break a leg or I stay in in the TM. It helps that I have one at home so I usually find a good movie to entertain me and go with it. I don't mind the cold, although I really dislike layering on clothes. If you go to a gym and have a video Ipod, maybe download a movie and watch that? I see people at my gym doing that all the time.

2009-12-30 3:29 PM
in reply to: #2584669

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
AngieF02 - 2009-12-30 2:33 PM  I wonder what people from truly cold climates would think of this discussion.  Hmmm....

Hahaha..had to laugh. I'm in Chicago, these day a great warm day is 35 degrees. I continue to run outdoors until the ground gets icy. I dont need to break a leg or I stay in in the TM. It helps that I have one at home so I usually find a good movie to entertain me and go with it. I don't mind the cold, although I really dislike layering on clothes. If you go to a gym and have a video Ipod, maybe download a movie and watch that? I see people at my gym doing that all the time.

I think people adjust to their climates.  Here in TX, we have many, many more days during the summer that we have to be out in 90+, if not 100+, degree weather training (and yes, that is at night or first thing in the morning).  So our bodies are ready for that heat and have a harder time dealing with the cold (especially if you have asthma or other challenges on top of it.)  Although I have started getting accustom to the cold a bit, today's mid-40's seemed ok and not too cold (I was in a t-shirt running errands and people were out in full on winter gear with scarfs and hats).  But I know the heat is around the corner already.

Edited by Big_D 2009-12-30 3:36 PM
2009-12-31 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Happy New Year's Eve, everyone. I FINALLY made it back to the pool this morning (heading out in the 2 degree weather this morning). I realized that this is the first time I had gone more than a week without swimming in a couple years, so I was huffing and puffing a little, and I'm still a pretty bad swimmer, but it felt so good to get back into my routine. Hopefully I'll be back on track now. I decided to to the 16-week sprint program that's free on this site but sub in Couch to 5k for the running and see how it goes.
2009-12-31 9:22 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!

I have a super busy day today... and will be recovering on Friday. I hope to get a long run in on Saturday. My running has been non-existent this week. I have set a very bad example!

Oh, and I start a JOB on 1-11-10. While it's not my dream job, I should just be happy that it pays. Right?

Have a safe and happy new year's eve tonight everyone!

We are all going to rock it in 2010!

2009-12-31 9:56 AM
in reply to: #2586070

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED

KSH - 2009-12-31 9:22 AM HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! I have a super busy day today... and will be recovering on Friday. I hope to get a long run in on Saturday. My running has been non-existent this week. I have set a very bad example! Oh, and I start a JOB on 1-11-10. While it's not my dream job, I should just be happy that it pays. Right? Have a safe and happy new year's eve tonight everyone! We are all going to rock it in 2010!

Congrats on the new job!

I have high hopes for 2010!

2009-12-31 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Congrats on the new job Karen!

Happy New Year's Eve everyone! Sorry I've been MIA for awhile, this week has been pretty busy, I am looking forward to a three day weekend. My younger brother is in town so I got to see him last night. Have a run scheduled for tonight before a nice quiet New Years at home with my husband. Tomorrow a bunch of people from my tri club are swimming in the SF Bay to ring in the New Year. The water temps are in the low 50s, we are going to freeze! But I'm actually looking forward to it.

Happy training and stay safe tonight!

2009-12-31 11:31 AM
in reply to: #2586367

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED

calimavs - 2009-12-31 11:13 AM Congrats on the new job Karen!

Happy New Year's Eve everyone! Sorry I've been MIA for awhile, this week has been pretty busy, I am looking forward to a three day weekend. My younger brother is in town so I got to see him last night. Have a run scheduled for tonight before a nice quiet New Years at home with my husband. Tomorrow a bunch of people from my tri club are swimming in the SF Bay to ring in the New Year. The water temps are in the low 50s, we are going to freeze! But I'm actually looking forward to it.

Happy training and stay safe tonight!

That sounds like fun!  Cold, but fun!

2009-12-31 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Happy New Year everyone! And congrats on the job Karen! I'm actually having a quiet new years as well.  My husband and I are going out to a nice dinner and then hanging out at home.  I plan on getting up for a spinning class new years day but if that doesn't pan out I will go to the pool instead.

Yesterday I did a strength training/weight lifting class at the gym called body pump and boy am I sore! Today is a rest day for me and my body needs it. 

I hope everyone has a great new years!
2009-12-31 4:21 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
I hope everyone has a great new years! I'm going to be ready to rock it in 2010......well, as soon as I recover from my hangover of course
2009-12-31 11:37 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED

Happy New Year all!

Hope everyone has a happy and healthy year!


2010-01-01 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Happy New Year to everyone... 2010 should be a good one!!

Congrats on the job as well.

Time to set plans for the year and get rollin'


2010-01-01 1:04 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Happy New Year!  After a night of overindulgence and lack of sleep (I still do not have the ability to sleep-in), I'm getting things in order around my apartment, working a little in preparation to head back to the classroom on Monday, and am off to the gym for some strength training... which is a goal for me to do twice per week for the next two months!

My new year's resolution is to be more positive and to look at the bright side when the unexpected creeps up.  Any other resolutions out there?
2010-01-01 1:44 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hello everyone and Happy New Year!! Started the new year off right with 1.5 hours on the trainer this morning. I have lots of things I want to do this better, train smarter, get fitter (hope I can lose a bit of weight in the process). Innocent  What are you all up on this wonderful new day in 2010?

Question: How do you chose a training plan? Focus on a weakness? Available time to train? Specific goals?

have a great day all!
2010-01-02 12:45 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Happy New Year group!

I have been a complete shopping, dancing, drinking SLUG. Off to run 8 miles of hills in a few minutes. I do have two half marathons in the next 2 months. Time to get back on it!

Hope you are doing well and recovering nicely!

2010-01-02 4:48 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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New user
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
I hope everyone had a great new year! I dragged myself out of bed and to the gym on new years and it felt good to exercise (considering all I ate and drank the night before and on New years Day).  I did a nice easy run and felt pretty good. I keep forgetting to bring along my knee brace.  I don't have a big knee issue but I think a have a little tendonitis so wearing the brace really helps.  Anyway, I felt a little stiff at the beginning of the run, but loosened up ok.  Tomorrow I plan on hitting the pool!

My New Years resolutions are to get back into shape, start eating better and GET ORGANIZED!

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