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2010-02-10 6:40 PM
in reply to: #2665979

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Colin,

Sounds like a plan!  I haven't run a 5k race in about 8 years (25min), so it should be fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing what I can do for a 10k now (it's been about 2 years since I did a 10k race, and the last one was around 55min).  At least after the first one, I'll know how much faster I need to go to get down to your time!

Also, I'm trying to get my hands on a HR monitor before these races (at least before the 10ks).  What zone/HR range would you recommend that I try to maintain for the race?  I still haven't done one of those max HR tests, but I will try to get one in sometime soon. 

2010-02-11 8:03 AM
in reply to: #2666823

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Jason,

Terrific.  I'm glad to hear you're still shooting for my 10K time!

A heart rate monitor would be a HUGE advantage for your training.  The heart rate zone/HR range you would want to race in depends on the distance you will be doing.  Let me know when you get one and I'll explain how to take full advantage of it.  But basically, once you have it, you'll want to do a few LT (Lactate Threshold) tests, 1 for running and 1 for biking).  This test will be a 20-30 minute all out effort (make sure to warm up first and cool down after).  Once you finish, check what your average heart rate was and this would be your LT.  Once we have your LT, I'll show you a tool that will calculate your zones for you.

Any heart rate monitor should be fine, but if you can choose, I would go with the Garmin Forerunner 305.  You should be able to find a new one with the heart strap for around $150 USD if not cheaper.
2010-02-12 7:34 AM
in reply to: #2667445

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Prairie Village, KS
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED

I haven't posted in awhile so I wanted to get everyone caught up on how my training is going.

I am currently in my last week of the 4 weeks of base training for my HIM.  Next week it gets turned up a notch, although only a small one (7hrs to 7.5hrs).  Overall training has been going very well and I feel great.  I had my "long" run of the week yesterday which was an hour.  It ended up turning into more of a tempo run as I felt GREAT and decided to hold pace after a fast first mile.  I ended up going just over 8 miles (7:27 miles).  The best part is that there was very little soreness in my left leg which is where I have had problems in the past.

My biggest room for improvement right now is on the bike and to turn in a solid HIM time I definitely need to get better.  Luckily I have 16 weeks to work on that. 

I hope everyone is well and staying on top of their training.

Colin..........nice bike porn.

Be good.


2010-02-12 1:57 PM
in reply to: #2669356

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Thanks Matt!

I forgot to post it on here, but my new bike did come in!  I absolutely love it.  Here's a link to a pic:

Your run is looking great!  You keep up with your training like this and you're going to tear up your first HIM!  Thanks for the update
2010-02-14 10:30 AM
in reply to: #2575024

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey gang,
hows everyone doing ? battling a nasty chest cold and can't do anything and have not done anything for 3 days. sucks! anyone see the Olympic opening, pretty cool. It is truly amazing the people around here right now. Such a fun atmosphere even though we have though its been raining. not dampening the spirits at all though. Its going to be a great 2 weeks !
train well all of you
2010-02-16 2:35 PM
in reply to: #2672250

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Sorry to hear about the cold Dave and hopefully its clearing up.  I can't imagine how awesome the atmosphere must be around the city and I hope you're enjoying it.  I have been watching as much as possible and have really enjoyed it so far.  Men's hockey starts today.  Should be a great to watch.  I hope we have the same outcome as the world juniors Smile

2010-02-19 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Everyone,

Hope everyone's training is still going well.  I just came across a video about swim strokes and efficiency in the water.  I know most of you have expressed that you struggle with swimming so I thought this might be nice to check out if you have a few minutes:

Part 1

Part 2

Let me know what you guys think.

On the hockey side of things, US vs. Canada on Sunday at 4:45 EST.  Really looking forward to this and should be a good one!
2010-02-20 6:41 PM
in reply to: #2682041

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED

Hi all,
great video, breaks it down so nicley.
First good ride in almost 10 days. Man that chest cold kicked the crap out of me. Think I'm past it now. 2:10 on the road nice and easy, 60 km felt pretty good. hit the pool Sunday before the big game. It's gonna be intense Colin, the people around here for the olympics are absolutley hockey crazy. the whole olympics success is basically riding on weather Canada can win the gold medal. It has been an incredible exeriance so far here in Vancouver, the amount of people downtown daily is mind boggling. So far it has been very well behaved and well recieved from all the people I have talked to. The weather has been awesome. The American olympic team has been dominating the podium so far and well deserved. Its been great,

2010-02-20 6:46 PM
in reply to: #2682041

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED

game time is 4:45 PST- 7:45 EST 

You might be a little early if you settle in at 4:45 EST

2010-02-22 8:14 AM
in reply to: #2683986

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Dave,

Glad to hear you're feeling better and I bet that solid ride helped you get back into the grove.

How about that game last night?  Miller was terrific!  I actually went to camp with him when I was younger so its great to see him doing so well.  He's a really nice guy.  But overall, Canada may have lost that game, but they pretty much dominated.  I consider the US quite lucky to pull that one out.
2010-02-22 7:42 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED

First of all, great bike, Colin!

Today is my birthday, and I got a couple of sweet presents that I actually wasn't expecting - a helium 4-bottle fuel belt, and money toward a new wetsuit.  My wife got me the fuel belt, and she usually doesn't like getting me running/triathlon stuff.  This is a big step   Also, I joined the gym today, and my last day at my 2nd job is Friday, so I'll start to have some time to actually train!  My wife and I are going to set up a schedule to allow each of us a few days/week at the gym, and I'll make sure to get a long run/bike on weekends. 

I did the 1/2 marathon last week, and cruised easily for the 2:30 pace that I had to keep.  I got a little ahead of myself on some of the downhills, but slowed down and finished right at 2:30.  I am really looking forward to finally starting to train like I want to.  I signed up for a 5k in March to get started, and I'd realyl like to get under 20 minutes.  I haven't run a 5k at race pace in a few years, so I dno't really know what to expect, but I'll definitely let you all know after.   

2010-02-23 7:51 AM
in reply to: #2687151

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey Jason,

Happy Birthday!  Sounds like you had a good one and you have a lot to celebrate.  I use a Nathan belt, but I can't live without it these days.  Having something like that is critical for long runs, but I wear mine for pretty much every run.  And if it came from your wife who doesn't like to buy you triathlon stuff, that really is huge! 

Congrats on finishing the half marry and keeping the pace!  I've never been a pacer before, but I bet it does get a little tricky at times.  I love the sub 20 5K goal.  Now that you should have some time to train, I think you'll be able to obtain that with some hard work.

Keep it up Jason!
2010-02-26 2:00 PM
in reply to: #2687664

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Its getting a little dry in here guys!  Hopefully everyone is just doing so well with their training that they just don't have time to post

Well big weekend of hockey.  I'm about do jump on the trainer for a 3 and half hour ride while I watch the USA game and probably part of the Canadian game.  I hope all the hockey fans enjoy what should be the best weekend of hockey all year!

Have a great weekend everyone!  I hope everyone's training is going well.
2010-02-27 8:12 AM
in reply to: #2575024

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Anybody watch those games last night?  All I can say is wow!  Not in a million years could I have predicted the USA would come out and score 6 goals on 11 shots in 13 minutes!  And did you Canadians get a little scare?  I went to be bed with you guys up 3-0 and expecting them to walk away with it no problem.  But I was quite shocked when I saw the highlights this morning.  Thar was close...

We've got the match up we, or at least I, hoped for!  Tomorrow's game should be great.  Miller is going to have to stand on his head, but he may just be able to do it.  I'm really looking forward to this one.  However, you have to give the advantage to Canada.  More talent and home ice is probably going to be too much for the US to overtake.
2010-02-28 9:57 AM
in reply to: #2696756

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED

Hey everyone,
training has been going well, getting geared up for IM training to start the end of the month after my return from Mexico. Looking forward to both trip and training.
hockey has been awesome Colin. I never saw 6 from the Americans coming either. Kiprisoff was terrible. Last night he was great, got Finland the Bronze.
Scared..... man that was a wild finish. Luongo made the save on Demitra (Canuck teammates) that was crazy good.
It will be a fantastic game today, to very good teams, different styles. Miller or Luongo will be the deal breaker. Of coarse my money is on the size and strength of the Canadians.
Train well all
go Canada

2010-03-02 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2697912

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Everyone,

That was quite a game on Sunday!  Possibly one of the best ever.  I actually can't even say I was disappointed at all to see Canada win.  It means so much more to Canada.  The US definitely gained some respect and that was quite a comeback.  I hope everyone enjoyed the Olympics, I know I sure did.

Know let's keep it going with our training.

Jason, hows the 5K plan going?

2010-03-03 1:35 PM
in reply to: #2702135

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Prairie Village, KS
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED

Hey guys I have been laying low for awhile so I figured I would check back in and update everyone.

My training is going well and I am feeling very well doing it too.  I am in the middle of my long week (9.5 hours) in phase 1 of HIM training.  I had a super endurance workout today that consisted of 34 minutes of swimming (speed work) followed by an hour and a half run.  The legs were a bit heavy on the run, but I worked my way into it and finished very well doing 11.36 miles for the run (7:55 miles). 

I am a little sore after the workout but overall feel great.  Tomorrow is an off day, and I am definitely looking forward to that.  I hope everyone is well and keep working hard.


2010-03-04 9:09 AM
in reply to: #2705270

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
nice work Matt, keep it up
2010-03-04 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2706873

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
x2 Matt, that is awesome!  I definitely recommend getting some solid brick workouts in to really prepare your body for the main event.
2010-03-09 5:29 AM
in reply to: #2575024

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Colin,

The 5k plan is going great so far!  I did strain my lower back a little the other day, doing some stupid weight training after my interval runs, but it wasn't bad and I almost feel 100% already.  I'm definitely finding it difficult to be doing intervals/tempo runs on the treadmill, but we've just had too much snow here lately to do anything else.  Hopefully it warms up a little before the race (March 21st).  Anyway, I did 5k the other day, running 400m intervals at race pace, and ended up doing 2km at race pace and the other 3km at a comfortable rest pace.  I still did the 5k in 25min, so I know I have a 19-22min 5k in me, and I have just under 2 weeks to make sure it's closer to the 19 end of the scale
2010-03-09 8:16 AM
in reply to: #2715670

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
That's great Jason.  Glad to hear the lower back is OK.  I got a little nervous when I read the first part of that.  Tempo straining on treadmills can be very difficult.  Don't forget that your adrenaline should help on race day and some treadmills are not accurate with their pace/speed. Let's stay positive and keep that sub 20 goal in mind Smile

How's everyone else doing?  I took my new bike out on the road for the first time yesterday!  It was awesome.  The wind was at my back (although I didn't realize how much wind there was) for the first 1/3 of the ride so I was flying to start.  I was doing 25mph like it was nothing.  At that point, I was thinking to myself, forget finishing an Ironman, I'm going to win this thing!  LOL, but then reality set in.  I took a took and wind started blasting me and it brought me back to reality.  It was really great to get outdoors and I'm now I'm really itching for the nice weather.

I just checked the forecast and it looks like rain all weekend around here.   So back to the trainer for my long ride this weekend, but only a little over 2 months until my first tri of the year!!!

2010-03-15 11:38 AM
in reply to: #2575024

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Everyone,

I just got a PM from Dave and there have been some very serious illnesses in his family.  Unfortunately bad times like these can really put life and your priorities in perspective.  I just wanted to let everyone know in hopes that everyone will say some prayers and have some positive thoughts for Dave and his family.

I hope everyone is doing well.

2010-03-18 7:25 AM
in reply to: #2575024

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Everyone,

How's everyone doing?  Things are going pretty well for me.  The weather is really warming up and it times to take the training outside which I'm really pumped about.  Still loving my new bike.  There's a big triathlon expo in Boston this weekend that I'm going to.  It should be pretty cool.

How's everyone else doing?

Jason, how's the running coming?

Hope all is well with everyone.
2010-03-18 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2575024

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi again Everyone,

I was reading this article the other day and it could be very beneficial to taking a look at.  For those of you really focusing on trying to faster on the run, I strongly recommend doing a track workout once a week or maybe every other week.  This helped me increase my speed really well last year and I've continued doing track workouts ever since.  You do need to be careful with them because going that hard can lead to injury so please make sure to be very conscious of your body.  Nonetheless, if you are looking for some track workouts, this is a great idea:,7120,s6-238-263-265-13265-0,00.html?cm_mmc=training-_-2010_03_16-_-training-_-TRAINING%3a%20Fast%20and%20Faster

2010-03-18 8:24 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey Colin, and everyone else!

The running's going well... Sunday's the big day!  I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes.  We're starting to have some nice weather here too.  I plan on breaking the bike out in the next week or two.  I just signed up for a duathlon in June, so it's time to get my biking legs back (not like I really had them to begin with).  I looked at last year's results, and I sucked.  I hadn't trained AT ALL.  Looking at my AG, if I had decent runs, and improved my bike by 1km/hr, I would have been top 3 in my AG!  I'm hoping for a MUCH better showing this year.

Just got a HRM yesterday, and ordered an Xterra full-sleeve wetsuit last week!  Really, all that's left is the bike   Maybe next year   I can't wait to get into this season.  It's my last one in the 25-29AG, so I want to make it a good one.
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