BT Development Mentor Program Archives » HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!! Rss Feed  
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2011-01-13 6:09 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Oh - and let me pigpile on all the others with the suggestion of working with a coach, even if for a very short time.  I was shocked at how just a couple of little changes really helped my swimming time.  If nothing else, the coach can help to match up what you think you look like and what you actually look like.  For me, I had a good few inches of stroke left when I was pulling my hand out of the water.  That alone gained me 10 seconds per 100. 

Wait, don't you live near a certain dolphin who leads this group?  I hate to put her on the spot but maybe she could take a look and see if there are any glaring issues that she sees.  Just keep at it and think of me going through the same thing with my running when you get too frustrated.  I mean, who can't run properly?  Sheesh!

2011-01-13 7:11 AM
in reply to: #3294629

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
TTucker - 2011-01-12 11:27 AM 'Turtle' - Yeah, well I'm hoping that speed will come with practice. At this point it is a matter of getting the breathing thing down. That's what FREAKS ME OUT!! Then, once I get the breathing down, figuring out how to breath and swim at the right intervals to prevent my lungs from exploding...Coming in EXACTLY last in my wave because it takes me SO LONG to swim 400's and then having dead dog tired legs because they are doing most of the work - just is NOT working..ya know?!

The TI camps etc I just cannot afford to attend so I have been watching the videos on you tube and hope with repeated watching of the videos and repeated attempts to complete those drills some of the techniques will weedle their way into my brain and eventually it will CLICK.

The swim is my most FRUSTRATING event and training aspect. I can run all day, bike 50 miles (albeit not as fast as some) but when I get in the pool I feel like....someone who is very out of shape and ill made for the water.

I found a number for a swim coach and going to see how much it would cost, even for 2 meetings a month for 30 minutes or an hour, just to COACH me how to breath...

We shall see     


I'm in your same boat.  I've left 3 messages with swim coaches  and am waiting for a call back.   They're pricey, 60 bucks an hour and I don't think I can swim for an hour!  I've watched videos but since I can;t see myself, I don't know what I'm doing wrong.  I wished I live near Hilde.  Wes is in Atlanta and he seems to be a dolphin like Hilde - hmmm :-)
2011-01-13 7:58 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Thanks to everyone for their hints and tips! I know with CONSISTENT practice and a whole lot of persistence I'll get it....My husband and a few of my friends have said that I am like a pit bull when I get something in my mind that I MUST do....

Shawn...and who ISN'T a natural runner? Don't we all have 2 feet and oxygen breathing lungs? LOL
2011-01-13 9:05 AM
in reply to: #3259026

Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
well I could not run last night, had to change brakes on my car and was too tired after watching my youngest all day.  He can tire me out real fast.  I think I may get back in the pool next week.  I know I wil not be able to go for very long but its all about gettting back in the saddle right lol.
2011-01-13 10:00 AM
in reply to: #3259026

Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Hats off to the snowman story.  Every step is so very true in our own little way.  Love it. 
2011-01-13 11:40 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Southern Maryland
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Tonight is fencing and today is cleaning (my mother comes in tomorrow for the weekend), so no running today.  I did go to the chiropractor today though (which is where my morning went).  Is it a bad thing that he said my back and shoulders were 'tight as a drum' and my left ankle (the one that has been bothering me) is 'gooshy and crunchy"?

*sigh*  It sucks having a body whose joints think they are twice as old as you are...Tongue out

2011-01-13 5:29 PM
in reply to: #3290982

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
hildekq - 2011-01-10 5:58 PM Tammy the date is June 18th. it's a Saturday, and of course if we go together we can split the costs (as well as having FANTABULOUS girlie conversations for hours and hours... we can talk about Wilson's, umm, Moose Knuckle??

Here's a link, there is info, but it is from 2010, but you can get an idea:

Great!!!!  This is gunna be good....I believe I may be in trouble!!!  Let me know if anyone wants me to check on anything or give some suggestions.  My zip is 46077 if you wanna map it and see hotels or whatever that's around me?
2011-01-13 5:33 PM
in reply to: #3291230

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Sulcus - 2011-01-10 8:30 PM
TTucker - 2011-01-10 7:17 PM

HMPH...that's not very nice Shawn! I suppose I could find a tank to lay long as it isn't moving it wouldn't hurt!

Can't say the same about you though headed to the pool tomorrow w/o any spandex to cover your extra fluff!! Tongue out LMAO!!
That might hurt.....

I'm off to the pool tomorrow too and cannot say that I am looking forward to it. I have been watching this Total Immersion information though and it makes sense. Going to try some of the drills and see if I can get my body to cooperate enough to make it worth my while. Have any of ya'll seen/heard of it?

Hee hee - we'll have to compare notes after our swims then.  I just hope no one yells out "Thar she blows - the great white whale!" as I'm swimming.  Well, no one other than my wife who marvels at how pasty white I get in the winter. 

This may have borderlined TMI (Too much info) hahah  Pasty white....still have a smile on my face!  The ladies needed a good visual anyhow...great job Shawn!!!

I too am entering the pool when I get back...I'm not looking forward to it...I'm trying to get my mind right about it and take it one stroke at a time.....(keep your mind out of the gutter Hilde).......  As few strokes as possible to hit the wall of course...cuz i'm all about efficiency! 
2011-01-13 5:34 PM
in reply to: #3291497

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Denise, your "build a snowman" was got creativity!!!  Loved it!  Save that for the kid's scrap book!
2011-01-13 5:37 PM
in reply to: #3293447

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
PTWykes - 2011-01-11 6:48 PM Awesome snowman story We're slated for 8-12 inches tomorrow so it will be my turn for showman making with the kiddo's tomorrow

Had a good workout today but, my hip is still aggravating me :humph: I wish it would just "shut up" already. It's not really painful (except when I first get up to walk after sitting for a while) just tight and sore. Nothing I seem to do makes it any worse (other than one particular type of squats that I just avoid doing) and nothing seems to make it better. I'm reluctant to go to the doctor because they're going to want to 1)take an x-ray (and I know there is no fracture!) - waste of time, and 2)tell me to take Advil and go to PT which I am already doing. I keep thinking I can wait it out but it's getting really draining!

On a better note my throat is about 90% improved and SO FAR no one else here has gotten sick

Good deal on the throat feeling better!!!  That'll help the mood for sure!  And you've avoided infecting the clan...another plus!!  Hope the hip works itself out!!!  Maybe you just got too much damn muscle now that your skeletal system can't keep up?  Thought about that? 
2011-01-13 5:40 PM
in reply to: #3293644

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

My husband used to have pain in his left SI joint.  The doc and chiropractor could not get him pain free.  We found this phenomenal masseuse with AWESOME hands.  She goes deep in his groin along the illeopsoas anteriorly and does her magic along the posterior muscles which takes care of it for a few months.  Apparently his hips aren't horizontal - God made him funny :-)

Holy $hit....I wan't one of those......illeopsoas anteriorly.....that's getting me HOT! I have that problem've cured I just need to find that special masseuse!!!!  I think the asian place down the street has reopened after they got nailed....I'm off there now!!! hehe

Edited by wsilverthorne 2011-01-13 5:46 PM

2011-01-13 5:44 PM
in reply to: #3294503

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
gnome - 2011-01-12 10:57 AM
tstl - 2011-01-11 11:34 PM Just got home after a very loooong and very irritating day (imagine all the annoyances you put up with every time you fly, multiply that times 5 flights, and that was my day). My girl spent the evening yesterday at the urgent care center (it didn't occur to daddy to do something about the cough and fever during office hours, of course!), where she ended up with a diagnosis of strep throat. I got home just in time to tuck her in to bed, and I will likely be gone again tomorrow before she gets up :-(

On a lighter note, here's a handy-dandy little clock app you all need to have on your desktop:

nice clock!

I hear you on the irritating day part.  12 hour shift at the firehouse with an ice/snow storm, and dispatch blew up around rush hour with calls.  then they couldn't send me on the right call, and when i called to get my call times for my paperwork they bitched at me for the botched calls.  hello, when things are crazy like that you have to verify what unit is going to what call, especially when there are multiple calls in a units area.  also, what is it about crappy weather that makes people wiht no real medical need for a hospital suddenly want to go to a hospital via an ambulance? 

also, had a rare call yesterday.  dude got stung by his fish.  some exotic fish with venomous barbs got him in the hand.  had to google that one on my phone on the way to the call. 

feeling better today after my run to start cleaning hte comes in this weekend so we can go wedding dress shopping (Oye Vey)

Tammy/Jen - hope both your days were better today.....funny how things get all out of wack at the worst times....While I've been gone one of the twin girls had what we thought was an ear infection.....After going to the ENT - and they removed a bean from her ear.....she is infection free..haha....silly girl! 
2011-01-13 5:52 PM
in reply to: #3295978

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
hildekq - 2011-01-12 8:42 PM Tammy Turtle, LOVE the clock, such itty bitty men (obviously they are NOT as endowed as Wilson!)

You got it sister....keep spreading that news!!!! Someone convince my wife and my new German girlfriend too......and maybe my new English girlfriend before tomorrow evening....LMAO  Still waiting for my custom blue Capri muscle exposing spandex!!!  -----With and extra hold-down strap for worry free security! Tongue out
2011-01-13 5:57 PM
in reply to: #3296406

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Sulcus - 2011-01-13 6:59 AM Happy Thursday all.  Would you believe that I finally caught up on the thread on the train last night.  Hopefully, I can stay caught up now!

Just a couple of things:

Wilson, just because I seem to do it differently, I thought I'd give you my nutritional angle for sprint races, at least.  Because I sweat so much, I tend go heavier on the drinks than gels to avoid cramping.  I used to use Gu20 but they stopped making it so I need to find a new one.  A bottle of Gu20 when I eat breakfast a couple of hours before the race (all my races are wetsuit races so a little ammunition to warm up of the old suit doesn't hurt either), a powerbar 30 minutes before the race, a bottle of Gu20 on the bike and I'm all set.  I know it's probably too many calories but I've found I do fine with them and I would rather have too many calories then cramp up.

I imagine I will have to start using some gels or something else during my Olympic races this year but need to figure out where and when I want to use them.

I hate jelly beans but I received some at a race and the sports beans aren't horrible.  For what it's worth, I didn't get a sugar rush of any kind when I ate them.  I think they're a mix of sugars, including malto-dextrin so you won't spike and then fall flat but you may want to double check.

Shawn, interesting.  That does seem like a lot of food...but if it works...keep it up.  I usually have a 1/2 PB sandwich and banana and then just water...But you're right, for the longer distances it will become more critical.   Nothing seems to affect my stomach so I may be okay with just about anything.  Thanks for the input!  A friend of mine let me try the sports beans and they were okay....I can see why this sports nutrition stuff is a multi-billion dollar business...choices, choices!
2011-01-13 11:19 PM
in reply to: #3298268

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
wsilverthorne - 2011-01-13 4:33 PM  As few strokes as possible to hit the wall of course...cuz i'm all about efficiency! 

... yeah, that's what she said ;-)

Glad your girl got the bean out of her ear... Reminds me of when my girl was in kindergarten. One day after she had been home about 3 hours, she told me about her friend who took a bead away from her during a craft project (she was all indignant about this). I asked her what the girl did with the bead. In a very matter-of-fact voice, she said "She put it in my nose." Is it still there? "Yes." Again, very matter-of-fact. A quick peek with a flashlight and extraction with tweezers took care of the situation. What is it with these kids?? 
2011-01-14 8:01 AM
in reply to: #3298747

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Another bean in the ear story?  That's what my grandson did... shoved a ROCK in there... and really delayed his speech.  It's been a couple of months since they got it out and his talking has improved dramatically!  There are days at school I'd like to shove beans or rocks in my ears so I wouldn't hear the non-stop TALKING!!  Really, I don't know how they learn anything, since they hardly ever shut up!

2011-01-14 9:02 AM
in reply to: #3298747

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
What is it with these kids and putting things in their ears/noses?!! Of my 7, only 1 of the boys and 2 of the girls did it - but my youngest daughter (about to be 3) doesn't seem to learn the FIRST time she does silly things like this and MUST do it at least twice!! Yell Luckily....up her nose and NOT in her ears though!!
2011-01-14 3:06 PM
in reply to: #3298747

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
tstl - 2011-01-14 12:19 AM
wsilverthorne - 2011-01-13 4:33 PM  As few strokes as possible to hit the wall of course...cuz i'm all about efficiency! 

... yeah, that's what she said ;-)

Glad your girl got the bean out of her ear... Reminds me of when my girl was in kindergarten. One day after she had been home about 3 hours, she told me about her friend who took a bead away from her during a craft project (she was all indignant about this). I asked her what the girl did with the bead. In a very matter-of-fact voice, she said "She put it in my nose." Is it still there? "Yes." Again, very matter-of-fact. A quick peek with a flashlight and extraction with tweezers took care of the situation. What is it with these kids?? 

Sounds like you've raised some good honest kids....ours on the other hand...we asked Katie why she didn't tell us....she said she didn't want to get into we beat her butt red!!!!  NO, just jokin' but we did give her a hard time about it....My poor wife spend about 3 hours to extract the bean....had we known it was a bean I would have drilled it out with a dremel tool....haha....Not sure about these kids...Hey just thinking of the crazy $hit we used to do....did anyone else experience the - rub a pencil eraser on your arm till it burned it and welted up......left kinda a branding type mark....for along time...maybe permanent...I never did this, but it seemed like you were a tough kid if you did......My thought was how damn stupid!  I did however take a stapler and put 10 staples in my arm....that was bright!!!  No, I don't have any tatoos........well one.....that's a secret! 
2011-01-14 3:09 PM
in reply to: #3299036

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
hildekq - 2011-01-14 9:01 AM Another bean in the ear story?  That's what my grandson did... shoved a ROCK in there... and really delayed his speech.  It's been a couple of months since they got it out and his talking has improved dramatically!  There are days at school I'd like to shove beans or rocks in my ears so I wouldn't hear the non-stop TALKING!!  Really, I don't know how they learn anything, since they hardly ever shut up!

Wow, slowed speech...never would have thought of that!!!!  How did you find it??????  Yeah, aren't kids great...not sure how you teachers do it...You truly are a special breed!!!!!
2011-01-14 3:22 PM
in reply to: #3299165

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
TTucker - 2011-01-14 10:02 AM What is it with these kids and putting things in their ears/noses?!! Of my 7, only 1 of the boys and 2 of the girls did it - but my youngest daughter (about to be 3) doesn't seem to learn the FIRST time she does silly things like this and MUST do it at least twice!! Yell Luckily....up her nose and NOT in her ears though!!

"Of my 7"......I have no idea how you do that and still have a presence on must be superwoman!!!  So, based on your percentages I might have another do this.....great, that will be fun. 
2011-01-14 6:34 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
LOL at all of the kids sticking things in their noses and ears...Easton stuck a pea in his nose when he was about 2 1/2 it jammed it up so far we could NOT get it out. Doc had to use and extra long needle nose pliers looking thing to get it out for us - ugh! Thankfully once was enough for him (so far anyway!) and Rya has never done anything like that.

Hope you all had a great Friday I'm headed to bet early tonight - today's workout kicked my and tomorrow I gotta run up a mountain in my snowshoes!

2011-01-14 7:31 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Southern Maryland
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
My old coworker's 4 year old son put a popcorn kernel up his nose, but no one knew.  Got a wicked sinus infection, and they finally had to knock him out to pull it out....5 weeks later.  It was a bit moldy, by her account.  We all thought it was hilarious.  My cousin put a button from her dress up her nose when she was about a year old. 
2011-01-14 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3298279

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
wsilverthorne - 2011-01-13 6:40 PM

My husband used to have pain in his left SI joint.  The doc and chiropractor could not get him pain free.  We found this phenomenal masseuse with AWESOME hands.  She goes deep in his groin along the illeopsoas anteriorly and does her magic along the posterior muscles which takes care of it for a few months.  Apparently his hips aren't horizontal - God made him funny :-)

Holy $hit....I wan't one of those......illeopsoas anteriorly.....that's getting me HOT! I have that problem've cured I just need to find that special masseuse!!!!  I think the asian place down the street has reopened after they got nailed....I'm off there now!!! hehe

Wilson, you always make me laugh :-
2011-01-14 10:25 PM
in reply to: #3300269

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
      Wilson...yes I delivered 7 but there are only 5 at home and two of those are freaking teenage BOYS! UGH....Can someone tell me why I did not know until now that boys apparently have a 'time of the month' that is WORSE than ANY PMS I've ever encountered?!!  

      All the talk about stuff stuck in various orifices makes me wonder how we all survived things that we did as, indian burns, eating clay/ playdough....the smell of rubber cement...playing dodgeball brother even ate worms for goodness sakes...we played outside w/o jackets, after dark and talked to strangers and picked 'sides' to boot. We all survived right?! None of us are (too) deranged or medicated.......right? Well, except maybe Wilson!! LMAO
2011-01-15 8:37 AM
in reply to: #3300884

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
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