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2011-01-28 11:44 AM
in reply to: #3326709

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Subject: Motivation

I am glad you posted the soup recipe Katie!  We have about 6 cans of pumpkin in the pantry that I can use for something other than pumpkin bread.

A friend of mine posted a neat status update on FB yesterday.  She was excited to have spent an hour rocking out to her tunes on the treadmill in her garage.

Now, riding the treadmill in the garage sounds like no fun at all to me.  

In the same way that my 5am swim workout this morning sounded like no fun at all to my husband.  Or a hilly trail run might sound like no fun to someone else.

But my friend loves to dance and so she dances while she runs on the treadmill.  She is self-conscious about other people seeing her, though, so the treadmill in the garage is perfect because she can open the door for fresh air, birds and the view without worrying about any other folks.  Now, I keep telling her that people at my gym dance on the treadmill all of the time (one lady has a whole routine with turns and hand-motions and everything), but that is another story.  My point is that we don't necessarily need to find the motivation to do a plan or the same activities or workouts that other people are doing.  We just need to find our "thing" or our "way" and do that.

A few members of the group have been very quiet here lately and I'm worried that they might have either fallen off of the wagon or be in danger of falling off of the wagon.  So, I want to encourage everyone to log what you are doing and tell us about it, even (especially) if it is something not related to swim/bike/run.   Are you able to sneak in some core at lunch without getting stinky?  Have you fallen in love with Cross-Fit?  Do you have a cool stretching routine?  Do you know a way to combine activity with folding laundry?  Fill us in!

We can all learn stuff from each other here and your comment or activity might inspire someone else to find the thing that makes their heart sing or makes them look forward to their workout.  I know that your suggestions about logging my intake are really helping me take a harder look at what I eat and how I can do better (maybe not eat a whole pizza for dinner, for example).

So, that is my thought for the day.  Tell us what you are doing.  Do you have something fun planned this weekend?  It is going to be nice here at last so I'm hoping to ride bikes outside.  Whoo!  : )

2011-01-28 11:49 AM
in reply to: #3327017

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Subject: RE: Crazy busy schedules
calluna - 2011-01-28 12:40 PM

Now, do you folks have particular warmups or drills or exercises you do for running? If so, please share!

Heather, you had the very same thought I did about the sharing!  Yay!

Many people stretch out with yoga or do their core before a run.  I have a friend that is battling some calf issues so she rides the spin-bike to loosen up before her runs.  I used to walk up a short road near our house (the "warm-up road") but had to stop because it took too much time.  Now, I just walk around our driveway (it makes a "U") as quickly as possible while waiting for my Garmin to sync up and then take the first part of my run extra easy as the warm-up.
2011-01-29 7:44 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I asked one of my guy friends if he wanted to train for a HIM with me. He said no at first and now he told me he wants to do a full Ironman this summer (6ish months away).  He has never done a triathlon in his life, he doesnt have a road bike, and he was asking me questions like "Where should I swim?" and "Where should I go for a bike ride?" I told him it was unwise to do this especially so soon because he would trash his body trying to get in shape for it. Plus, he knows nothing about race nutrition, strategy, and he is not a very good swimmer (and he thought the IM swim was 2.2 miles...and wouldn't listen when I told him 2.4). I suggested that he do a HIM this summer and a full next summer and he started swearing and got made at me for "raining on his parade." Regardless of how he treated me when I was simply being honest, am I right for telling him that an Ironman is out of his league? 
2011-01-29 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3328905

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Subject: rude IM wannabe dude
I am far from one of our experts in the forum, but I certainly am glad that you were honest. He doesn't sound like he's all that good at listening, though...

2011-01-30 9:33 AM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Emily -  I am also far from an expert but think that training for an IM with no experience is a recipe for disaster, or at least alot of pain.

Heather -  I dont stretch before running but religiously foam roll and stretch at night.

How did everyone's goals go this week?  I succeeded on the hydration goal but slipped one night on my no wine goal.  Other than that, I had a pretty good week of training. I'll be out of town next Friday through Monday so my goal next week is to run at least twice while I'm gone.  I'm usually pretty horrible at exercising on vacation.

Do we have a group goal for next week?  Someone mentioned core exercises?   I think that's a great idea.
2011-01-30 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3328905

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Subject: Ironman in 6 months
ebal - 2011-01-29 8:44 PM Regardless of how he treated me when I was simply being honest, am I right for telling him that an Ironman is out of his league? 

I tend to agree with you that he would want to do a HIM before jumping to the IM distance.  However, if he is already an athlete and in decent shape he can probably finish the IM with 6 months of training. 

However, if he doesn't already have the run and bike base to support the training, he runs the risk of injuring himself getting to the start line or having a very unpleasant day at the race because of poor decision-making (I'm speaking from experience on the poor decision-making). 

You never know, though - he may be one of those few people that are able to work up to the distance and still have a good day. 

It was nice of you to try to give him advice, even if he didn't want to take it.

2011-01-30 10:22 AM
in reply to: #3329285

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Subject: goals for week of January 31
Thanks for reminding us to respond back on goals, Elizabeth.

I am religiously logging my intake on Daily Plate and that is going well.  I will keep doing it because it is helping me eat smarter and not waste my calories on stuff I don't really want (kind of like saving up points on WW).

I fell down on the hydration goal this week so I will be doing that one again next week.

For the group goal, I like your 3 core exercises per day idea.
2011-01-30 11:15 AM
in reply to: #3329345

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Subject: RE: goals for week of January 31
I did pretty well on the hydration goals too - but then, I already have a good water habit so it wasn't too hard.

I very much need to get back to the core exercises - I did them nearly every exercise day last year and haven't done any yet at all this year. :| My rationale was that I needed to get into the swing of this training thing and then figure out where to put them in with some strength training, but I'm not sure right now if that was a rationale or an excuse...

This week was a very good eating week except yesterday, when we had pizza and wings for dinner. They were tasty, but hardly my planned meal! I am going to try the pumpkin and black bean soup today.
2011-01-30 7:46 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Extreme Veteran
Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Sorry I've been so out of touch Ladies. I actually had to scroll thru the archives to figure out where all these specific goals came from and if I should be doing them.  Found Steph's chart on page 7. Definitely did NOT make my goal this week.  (Just so you know Steph, regular workouts is my goal every week.) BUT I'm back from Tehas, and should be much better this coming week!

You all look like you had great workouts this week!  Way to go, Ladies!

2011-01-30 8:23 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

combination of public holiday and a weekend away were not good for my goals this would think they should be...more time and all that- but my routine gets even a little nudge out of whack, I fall off the wagon completely!!

So, last week instead of 2 of each discipline, I only managed 1 of each- shocker given we're having beautiful weather and all.

On our weekend away, my DH got up at the crack of dawn and went for his rides (along the spectacular coast road)- and I slept in! Didn't ride once. So bad : (
Did however spend a few hours out in the water boogie boarding, which is pretty good exercise I guess...

And eating? Don't go there- like a locust plague! So have put on half a kilo this week : (

And went out for dinner last night, got home late, and couldn't drag myself out at a quarter to six this morning- so already behind for this week too. I've printed off the squad workout and will do it tonight on my own. I will. I must!

Hope everyone is going better!

Take care and happy training!

2011-01-30 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Well, I guess I will propose the next "Weekly Challenge"!! Popular demand suggests that strength training be our challenge. Here is a proposed list of daily exercises (explanations in my large posting a few pages back):

Plank/Side Plank

Plank/Side Plank
Leg Lifts

Wall Sit

Plank/Side Plank
Backwards Crunches

Side crunches

Alternating Plank

Choice! Pick your favorites from the week

I didn't include time/reps because we are all at different levels and I leave you all to decide how hard you want to push yourself. I recommend doing each exercise with at least 3x10 repetitions. For choice, pick at least one exercise to do or do extra repetitions of one already on the list. 

Hopefully you all did well on the hydration goal! I did not It was a busy week!

2011-01-30 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I'm so bad at core.  I can't believe that's our goal for this week.  Ha!  I guess it's a good thing to have a goal that you don't already do though.  I will give it a shot!

Mareelouise - make sure you log that boogeyboard time!  There's an activities section to record non-tri stuff.  Get your calendar squares! 
2011-01-30 9:15 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
While I had a pretty good week the goals didn't go so well. Actually the hydration goal was not to bad. I think I came pretty close to hitting it everyday if not hitting it. My yoga goal though...not so much. Makes me think this core one will be hard to get done too. However any I do will be better then what I'm doing now! I think that my personal goal this week will be trying to get rid of the evening munching. In my WW weekly handout today there was an article called "4 nights to tea" where each night for 3 nights you cut your snack back so that on the 4th night you are just having tea. That is my plan for this week.

By the way Crazyalaskian thanks for that recipe, I plan to make it this week!
2011-01-30 10:52 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: Pumkin and black bean soup
I made that for dinner tonight and it was GOOD! Even my healthy-eating challenged partner liked it, although my children were skeptical and perhaps not as appreciative as I was. I shall keep that recipe and make it again before long. It was SO easy...

Worked for most of the day cleaning out the garage...hope I find enough ergs to go do a little workout this evening before I pass out for the night. I might not; I still have to get my class organized for next week, too. Bah. Humbug. If so, today was my rest day, a day prematurely.
2011-01-31 11:08 AM
in reply to: #3329929

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Extreme Veteran
Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Emily, what's a burpie?

Edited by emlavigne 2011-01-31 11:09 AM
2011-01-31 12:17 PM
in reply to: #3330842

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Subject: burpees
emlavigne - 2011-01-31 12:08 PM

Emily, what's a burpie?

You may be too young to remember this, but we called them squat thrusts when I was in school (and we didn't jump up in the air at the end) =>

2011-01-31 1:36 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I'm game for the core challenge (although I probably will push the weekend stuff out to next week so I'm not more miserable than I already will be at the trail race this Sunday)

I did not do too well with the hydration challenge...I lost a lot of steam the latter part of the week but am going to give it another go this week.  I've always had an aversion to water (we had really nasty well water growing up with lots of iron) but am slowly developing a tolerance for it.

As for my personal weekly goals.  I did the core I had planned on and did everything else except I missed a run workout (which was kind of made up by the extra bike).  I had an opportunity to get another run in but couldn't force myself to actually do it.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with getting something in each day.  My personal goals for the week are to:
1) Survive Red Top Rumble this Sunday!
2) Get in my three runs this week!
3) Drink water! 
2011-01-31 2:32 PM
in reply to: #3331025

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Extreme Veteran
Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: burpees

Mrs. brown_dog_us - 2011-01-31 1:17 PM
emlavigne - 2011-01-31 12:08 PM

Emily, what's a burpie?

You may be too young to remember this, but we called them squat thrusts when I was in school (and we didn't jump up in the air at the end) =>[/QUOTE]

Or too old. Yep, squat thrust rings a bell. Can't say I did them...just looked like they sucked. By looking at that video, I'd still say they suck. Can I stop at 1 rep?

2011-01-31 2:33 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Extreme Veteran
Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Can anyone recommend a good double jogging stroller? I've been searching around on craigslist and found a ton of strollers, but I have no idea how they really compare. Gracias.

2011-01-31 2:54 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Yes.  I also have twins and we purchased the double chariot and absolutely LOVE IT!!  It is expensive but there is absolutely no comparison.  We got the jogging wheels, the stroller wheels, the bicycle attachment and the ski attachment.  The boys were in it almost every single day the first year of their life.  It was a lifesaver for me.  Its really easy to push and I was even able to take it up some pretty steep wider trails.  And in the winter I took them cross country skiing all of the time.  They stayed plenty warm and would fall asleep almost immediately.  (But you live somewhere warm, right?  PRobably not an issue for you.)  The only drawback is its size because you can only take it places that are wheelchair accessible.  We also had a second smaller stroller for the mall, grocery store, zoo, stuff like that.  Now that the boys are older (2.5 years) we mostly just use the bike attachment.  But seriously, if you want a stroller that can handle any run, you should get a chariot - wind, rain, snow, sleet - we used it in all weather and it was great.
2011-01-31 4:18 PM
in reply to: #3331383

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
emlavigne - 2011-01-31 3:33 PM

Can anyone recommend a good double jogging stroller? I've been searching around on craigslist and found a ton of strollers, but I have no idea how they really compare. Gracias.

We have a BOB SUV single and another kind of double-jogger (don't remember the name) at home.  You are welcome to test either of them out any time to see if you like them. 

The BOB is awesome.  I love it and Dagny still rides in it pretty well (5 years and 42 inches tall)  though she is too tall to use the canopy without slouching.  It is easy to push and bullet-proof.  It rolls very well, even with the knobby tires.  The front wheel does not swivel, though, so you have to pop a wheelie to turn.  The kids like this.

I bought our double-jogger at a garage sale for $20 so that we could do races with both kids in it.  It has the swiveling front wheel that you can secure with a pin, which is nice and is decently easy to push with no kids in it.  Add 80lbs of kids and it is really hard to push.  I seem to recall that it pulls to one side but Doug may have fixed that.

I have heard very good things about the Chariot.  We bought a Schwinn bike trailer for the bikes and it works OK, but gets hot with the screen up.  It is also very good for grocery shopping on the bike.

I agree with Elizabeth, that it is good to also have an umbrella stroller (or strollers) for quick trips.  We have a Maclaren that I bought in 2003 that is still going strong.  Dags loves it.

2011-01-31 6:10 PM
in reply to: #3331383

New user

Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
emlavigne - 2011-01-31 2:33 PM

Can anyone recommend a good double jogging stroller? I've been searching around on craigslist and found a ton of strollers, but I have no idea how they really compare. Gracias.

I love love love my BOB Dualie Revolution.  If you watch for sales from LL Bean, you should be able to get it for 20% off around April.  They also shipped it to me for free.  They are pricey but you have probably noticed that they have really high resale values on craigslist.  REI usually also sells them for 20% off once or twice a year. 
2011-02-01 12:07 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I can't help with the stroller discussion much, I'm afraid.

Now, if we talked about running with dogs...that would be something I could talk about. In general I don't because it doesn't make for a steady run, but I know one of my dogs would like it if she could go along. Do any of you run with dogs?
2011-02-01 6:22 AM
in reply to: #3332333

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Subject: running with dogs
I used to run with our lab, Annie, when she was younger.  She was a good running buddy.  : )
2011-02-01 9:23 AM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Yes, always.  Its why my weekend runs are always slow and on trails - the dogs (two black labs) can be off leash.  If I cant have the dogs off leash, then I dont go there.
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