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2011-04-16 7:55 AM
in reply to: #3449369

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This side of disorder...
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED

I'm a diver...and a newbie Triathlete...but in diving we have a saying...'There's 2 kinds of people.  People that pee in their wetsuit and people that lie about it.'   I bought a wetsuit.


jeg2011 - 2011-04-15 4:42 PM

I just paid my race entry fee for the Issaquah Tri (Sprint). Paying that fee made me so nervous, lol. Earlier in March I participated in the Seattle Rainman (Indoor/timed/outside run). But this one is the real deal.

Now I need to look into getting or renting(?) a wetsuit and maybe an open swim in before the 4th of June! (gulp and deep breath, lol).

2011-04-16 11:29 AM
in reply to: #3325249

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED

Just got back from a two hour ride outside.  It's only 35 degrees, which is okay, but windy as all hell.  I was only able to manage about 32 miles in two hours.

I'm off to Boston for the weekend.  Get out there and get your workouts done!  Have a good couple days everybody!

2011-04-16 12:27 PM
in reply to: #3449907

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
nitroxjunkie - 2011-04-16 8:55 AM

I'm a diver...and a newbie Triathlete...but in diving we have a saying...'There's 2 kinds of people.  People that pee in their wetsuit and people that lie about it.'   I bought a wetsuit.


jeg2011 - 2011-04-15 4:42 PM

I just paid my race entry fee for the Issaquah Tri (Sprint). Paying that fee made me so nervous, lol. Earlier in March I participated in the Seattle Rainman (Indoor/timed/outside run). But this one is the real deal.

Now I need to look into getting or renting(?) a wetsuit and maybe an open swim in before the 4th of June! (gulp and deep breath, lol).

Thats hilarious!  I was getting my PADI cert and asked about what I was supposed to do during my dive and...................."There's 2 kinds of people.  People that pee in their wetsuit and people that lie about it." EXACTLY what I got in response.  Funny stuff!  Universal diving language.

2011-04-16 4:23 PM
in reply to: #3450166

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Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED

I did my longest run to date today - 15 miles.  Felt pretty good, but tired as expected.  I ran trying to keep my HR at 142.  It worked well other than when I went into the nasty wind.  I spiked to 155 at the same pace into the wind!  I agree with  Jonathon - it was nasty out there today.  42 degrees with gusts to 35 when I went out.  Whoever called Chicago the windy city hasn't been to New England!

2011-04-16 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3449709

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Subject: RE: Workout Plan
perdiem - 2011-04-15 10:35 PM
DirkP - 2011-04-15 7:28 PM


I couldn't get the attachment opened.  I must not have the right software to open it.  Is this a progress chart related to the training you have done or is it a generic chart for the program? 

It is an excel version on this plan:

PM me with the problem you are having opening it.


Love this.  Good to know there are other geeks around here.

2011-04-16 7:31 PM
in reply to: #3325249

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED

I am off to work tonight.  I have a scheduled line outage to upgrade a substation and the weather is kind of atrocious.  The winds are 27 mph and gusting to 37 with a temp of 38 and wind chill of 27.  Thats a fine how do you do for guys that have to work 110 feet off the ground.  I hope we are done with this work sooner than expected because I don't do well without sleep.  (Just ask my family.)

The actual work I have to do should only last for about 3 hours but we have to wait on switching and tagging procedures.  Oh well here I go.

2011-04-16 10:10 PM
in reply to: #3449369

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Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
I did that tri for my second ever sprint on a rainy day and the temps never got above 65. The water didn't feel cold at all, it was actually warm. It is a nice course. Good luck, there are a ton of people in that one.
2011-04-17 7:42 AM
in reply to: #3450568

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED

I will probably have to skip at least one of my scheduled workouts today.  After working last night until 4 AM and an abnormally busy Sunday, I am not going to have time to get both of them in, nor am I sure I could complete them on 4 hours of sleep.  If I can get one in I'll have a chance to complete the normal schedule but if not then I 'll probably drop one of my swims.

I hate missing workouts.  It makes me feel like a huge slacker even though I am on a HIM training program and don't intend to do one this season.  My longest tri is an oly and thats not until August so I have tons of time even if I was right at the oly tri training base.

Normally today would be an hour ride and a 6 mile run.  If I get one in it will be the run first because that will be a little faster.

What are everyone else's Sunday plans?  Rest or more training?

2011-04-17 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3450898

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
DirkP - 2011-04-17 8:42 AM

I will probably have to skip at least one of my scheduled workouts today.  After working last night until 4 AM and an abnormally busy Sunday, I am not going to have time to get both of them in, nor am I sure I could complete them on 4 hours of sleep.  If I can get one in I'll have a chance to complete the normal schedule but if not then I 'll probably drop one of my swims.

I hate missing workouts.  It makes me feel like a huge slacker even though I am on a HIM training program and don't intend to do one this season.  My longest tri is an oly and thats not until August so I have tons of time even if I was right at the oly tri training base.

Normally today would be an hour ride and a 6 mile run.  If I get one in it will be the run first because that will be a little faster.

What are everyone else's Sunday plans?  Rest or more training?

I rested on Saturday so hoping to get in a long run.  Targeting 6 miles which would be my longest to date.  Looking forward to the coming week.  Changing schedule to add in a morning workout at least 3 times.


2011-04-17 12:01 PM
in reply to: #3450898

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Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
DirkP - 2011-04-17 8:42 AM

I will probably have to skip at least one of my scheduled workouts today.  After working last night until 4 AM and an abnormally busy Sunday, I am not going to have time to get both of them in, nor am I sure I could complete them on 4 hours of sleep.  If I can get one in I'll have a chance to complete the normal schedule but if not then I 'll probably drop one of my swims.

I hate missing workouts.  It makes me feel like a huge slacker even though I am on a HIM training program and don't intend to do one this season.  My longest tri is an oly and thats not until August so I have tons of time even if I was right at the oly tri training base.

Normally today would be an hour ride and a 6 mile run.  If I get one in it will be the run first because that will be a little faster.

What are everyone else's Sunday plans?  Rest or more training?

I hear you on missing workouts.  It drives me crazy, even though I'm supposedly doing this for fun.  The obsession part is why we (the family) decided I wold only do short course stuff this year.  Training for a 70.3 made me fanatic about not missing anything.

I've got a short run planned after yesterday long run, and a core session.  Tomorrow is the big day for me though - first outdoor ride of the year!

By the way, stay safe Dirk.  I feel like a heel complaining about a windy run after reading your work story.  The most dangerous thing I face at work is probably bad coffee!

2011-04-17 5:01 PM
in reply to: #3325249

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Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
24.5 mile ride today, trying to rack up some time in the saddle.  I thought I built up some bike fitness over the winter on the stationary bike in the gym but when I get out on my bike don't feel like I gained much if any.  Have my first tri 5/22 (sprint) and would like to average 18-19 mph over the 12 mile course.  Not sure I will be able to.  Worked on finding some hills, not sure if it is just my legs or what but man I don't feel like I was built to be a good biker.

Edited by gti123 2011-04-17 5:04 PM

2011-04-17 7:31 PM
in reply to: #3451318

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Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED

I know what you mean about the bike part.  There are those that are bikers and those that own bikes.  i own a bike I did find that getting a road bike and euro bars made a big difference. 


2011-04-17 7:43 PM
in reply to: #3325249

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Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED

6 days to recapture my youth.  Doing my first marathon in 24 years.  Last one I was sixteen years old.  Shooting for 4hr 38min or less, I boinked in my first one and didn't even know it at the time.  I walked a few miles during it.  I hope to not walk at all this time.  The worst part is I have to work one night 12 hrs on Thursday and like anyone who has worked nights I get real tired and real crabby.  I hope a slow day friday will recharge my batteries.  Let the count down continue! 

What I lack in body I hope to make up in mind.

2011-04-17 8:14 PM
in reply to: #3451318

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED

Yeah I found out real quick a stationary bike at the YMCA doesn't even compare to riding on the road.  Especially when I own a MTB.  That thing just about put me into the ground.  I went out and bought a road bike and that made a huge difference, even if it is a box store special.

Anyway I made it out today to get my long run in, but not until I find out the kids want to go!  This meant I had a 9 and 7 year old tagging along on their bike.  1st mile wasn't so bad, by the 3rd mile my 7 year old daughter's pace was coming to almost a halt so it was really difficult to maintain a consistent pace.  On the 4th mile I was attacked by a "rabid" squirrel coming out of the tree and the kids were tired.  At this point the kids started playing on a payground while I ran a figure eight road infront of them.  After all of this I was able to run for 1hr and get in 5.53 miles.  Of course I think i was at the park for over 2 hours but only recorded the actual movement time.  This is the joy of getting in a full workout when you work 60 hours a week and have 3 kids.

2011-04-18 6:05 AM
in reply to: #3325249

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED

Looks like everyone is keeping busy...which is good.  I proposed to my girlfriend and she said yes.  We're excited.  She's really excited.  Man do I have her fooled!

Did my brick workout last night.  Was able to hold right under 9 min miles for about 28 minutes or so.  I'm okay with that for now.  My heart rate was a bit too high for what it was supposed to be.

We spent yesterday morning watching the boston 5k, which was won by Benjamin True in 14:07 (4:33 pace).  Jarrod shoemaker was in the top ten with a time of 14:23...moderate pace of 4:38 min/mile...he held the record and still beat it by 5 seconds this year to come in 7th.  CRAZY!

The crazy thing is that we also watched the elite invitational mile runs..the fastest male won in 4:16...not too much faster than the guy who won the 5k.

2011-04-18 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3451843

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Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
jgerbodegrant - 2011-04-18 6:05 AM

Looks like everyone is keeping busy...which is good.  I proposed to my girlfriend and she said yes.  We're excited.  She's really excited.  Man do I have her fooled!



2011-04-18 10:13 AM
in reply to: #3325249

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED

I'm back after a bit of hiatus.  Got back from Orlando  Thursday night.  Spent Friday dealing with errands and closing on my new home.  Spent the weekend getting it ready for move-in.  But now I'm back to my normal routine more or less.

Actually missed 3 workout days in a row.  I felt like crapola, but feel good today.  Glad to be back to the normal routine.

I took the time while I was away to at least read everything that was going on.  There was a lot of good advice being given.  We are fortunate to have a bunch of folks here in the group that can offer up co-mentoring!

I submit this for your viewing pleasure.  It's a nice short swimming tutorial.


2011-04-18 10:16 AM
in reply to: #3452108

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Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
Congrats on the engagement!
2011-04-18 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3451843

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Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
jgerbodegrant - 2011-04-18 7:05 AM

Looks like everyone is keeping busy...which is good.  I proposed to my girlfriend and she said yes.  We're excited.  She's really excited.  Man do I have her fooled!

Yeehaw.  Congratulations.

2011-04-18 10:43 AM
in reply to: #3452360

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Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
JeffY - 2011-04-18 10:13 AM

I'm back after a bit of hiatus.  Got back from Orlando  Thursday night.  Spent Friday dealing with errands and closing on my new home.  Spent the weekend getting it ready for move-in.  But now I'm back to my normal routine more or less.

Actually missed 3 workout days in a row.  I felt like crapola, but feel good today.  Glad to be back to the normal routine.

I took the time while I was away to at least read everything that was going on.  There was a lot of good advice being given.  We are fortunate to have a bunch of folks here in the group that can offer up co-mentoring!

I submit this for your viewing pleasure.  It's a nice short swimming tutorial.



Looks like I'm a Bambino Arnie...

2011-04-18 11:20 AM
in reply to: #3451843

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Upstate New York
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
jgerbodegrant - 2011-04-18 7:05 AM

Looks like everyone is keeping busy...which is good.  I proposed to my girlfriend and she said yes.  We're excited.  She's really excited.  Man do I have her fooled!

Congratulations!  Laughing


2011-04-18 12:49 PM
in reply to: #3452360

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED

Thanks all!  Now we have a wedding to plan I guess.  We're thinking of doing it next fall, so there's plenty of time to train and plan...woohooo!


JeffY - 2011-04-18 11:13 AM

I'm back after a bit of hiatus.  Got back from Orlando  Thursday night.  Spent Friday dealing with errands and closing on my new home.  Spent the weekend getting it ready for move-in.  But now I'm back to my normal routine more or less.

Actually missed 3 workout days in a row.  I felt like crapola, but feel good today.  Glad to be back to the normal routine.

I took the time while I was away to at least read everything that was going on.  There was a lot of good advice being given.  We are fortunate to have a bunch of folks here in the group that can offer up co-mentoring!

I submit this for your viewing pleasure.  It's a nice short swimming tutorial.


Thanks Jeff...that's a great video.  And congrats on the house!

2011-04-18 12:53 PM
in reply to: #3451843

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Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
Congrats on the engagement! 
2011-04-18 1:28 PM
in reply to: #3325249

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Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED

Coming off of an injury really sucks. I know I was only sidelined from running about 8 weeks or so but it feels like I lost a lot of ground. I just did my longest post return run of 2 miles and averaged 11:06 per mile and was sucking wind after the first. It it pretty discouraging struggling to maintain. my first mile was 10:16 second was 11:56 so that average is misleading, first mile was decent (for me) and the second horrible, had to walk part of it, how sad is that?

I am thinking about toning down the plan my doc gave me to return to running, he has me running 2 miles for a week and than bumping up to 3 for 2 weeks and 10% increase after that each week. I think I need to stay at the 2 mile level for at least 2 weeks instead of 1 to get my stamina back. Might not be the best for getting ready to race but  would help my confidence level.

What sayest thou?

On a side note my swimming seems to be improving, I still suck mind you, just not quite as bad...

97 days until my sprint.

2011-04-18 2:01 PM
in reply to: #3452934

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
perdiem - 2011-04-18 1:28 PM

Coming off of an injury really sucks. I know I was only sidelined from running about 8 weeks or so but it feels like I lost a lot of ground. I just did my longest post return run of 2 miles and averaged 11:06 per mile and was sucking wind after the first. It it pretty discouraging struggling to maintain. my first mile was 10:16 second was 11:56 so that average is misleading, first mile was decent (for me) and the second horrible, had to walk part of it, how sad is that?

I am thinking about toning down the plan my doc gave me to return to running, he has me running 2 miles for a week and than bumping up to 3 for 2 weeks and 10% increase after that each week. I think I need to stay at the 2 mile level for at least 2 weeks instead of 1 to get my stamina back. Might not be the best for getting ready to race but  would help my confidence level.

What sayest thou?

On a side note my swimming seems to be improving, I still suck mind you, just not quite as bad...

97 days until my sprint.


I've got a lot of experience with injuries (unfortunately).  First off, remind me what this injury is that sidelined you 8 weeks ago?

The last time I was sidelined, you would be amazed at how gradually I opted to return to running.  I literally started with 5 minutes every other day and maintained that for something like a month.    Depending on where your running WAS prior to injury, and what type of injury it was, the Dr.'s plan could be too much too soon.


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