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2011-04-25 4:17 PM
in reply to: #3464870

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


Intriguing! If you mentioned any of those details of your swimming past, they flew past me.

Anyhow, I will have to think about your situation quite a bit, as I've never dealt with anyone who has your backrgound -- the ability to go anaerobic for 100m. You're quite young, yes? So, how far back does that place your sprint-swimming? Do you still have a fast arm turnover, and is your kick still a thing of power and beauty? If it's "yes" to either of those, or even a waffly kind of "um, I guess", then that puts you in a different category than almost all new-at-tri people. (It kind of puts you in a gifted/special needs category!)

I will also go back to your first post and refresh my memory on your '11 goals, which I remember as being Annapolis and Cascade again and maybe Gettysburg....and was there an all-women race or two you were considering? I guess my point with this is to try to figure out what your distance needs are, and then there are several ways to apporach "go-to" drills and sets that might help you.

Was Cascade a 500 or 750 swim? If you said so already, i apologize for not remembering (Hey! I'm 62! Frequently addled!). And how did you find it, overall? One thing to think about is your kick, which I figure is strong and that's great -- but a hard kick in a race will come at a cost when you get on the bike. I know you said the C.L. bike was real tough for you, and now I'm wondering how much of that was from taxing your legs too much on the swim. Just a thought! (But what do you think?)

As for you favorite drill when you were a kid --- you must've been one tough kid! Plain and simple, that's not an easy drill, and when I see the word "repeat" there.....I wonder how many of those there were. Ack!!

2011-04-25 4:25 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


My name is Canon Young and I'd like to join your group if you have space for one more.  I'm out in California (the Bay Area to be more specific) and sometimes feel like i'm on an island - training wise.  Here is a short bio (I'm at work and try to focus on work at work)  I'll try to post more later.

I'm 39, married with 2 kids.  I am an attorney and active in my church (you may see indications in my posts - it's not intended to persuate or offend, it's just who I am). 

I did triathlons back when I was in high school and once college got in the way ... well its been over 20 years.  Fortunately, I still have my bike.  I grew up focusing on swimming and riding.  I really dislike running (shin splints) but with the right shoes it has been almost tolerable ... so far. 

On the weight loss front, I need to lose about 20lbs (not including muscle hopeful muscle growth). 

Training wise I am at about week 13 of Michael Pate's 22 week plan.  With all my other obligations I have been averaging about 80% of the recommended training exercises. 

I have signed up for the Golden Gate Tri (Sprint) on June 26 and may do one sprint later in the season.

Alright, back to work for me.  I'll fill out more later.



2011-04-25 4:53 PM
in reply to: #3465237

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


Welcome! And you'll fit in quite well on Sandra's map, as there's not much representation west of the Continental Divide. There's you and Veronica in Alaska....and that's it for the left coast!

I'm off to the city for Yoga very shortly, so I'll save more until later. See you then!

2011-04-25 4:55 PM
in reply to: #3465299

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!

CANON again -

There's you and Joe H, who is also an attorney. Haven't I heard some joke about more than one attorney in a mentor groups. No? Oh, well -- never mind.

2011-04-25 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3465237

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!

CANON once more -

And the shin splints give you a third "connect". I won't say who it is until I remember it first, however, but I'm sure you have a "fellow sufferer" with whom to commiserate. But hopefully, you won't need that -- and the running shoes that seem to be working may render that whole topic obsolete!

2011-04-25 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3465162

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


Well done on toughing it through a gnarly race. Any race in which there are more than just a couple of road rash cases is a nasty event. And while I'm sorry your training buddy hit the deck, I guess better him than you, eh? Really, I don't really know you all that well you.....but I sure you know better than I know him!

Yup, I'll get to you very soon with some swim thoughts. As I just wrote to Canon, I have to scurry now to get to a Yoga class in Ottawa. Later!!

Oh. Yeah. Going from a Trek 1500 to the Cervelo is going from sweet to sweeter. You sure can't lose with either!

2011-04-25 6:39 PM
in reply to: #3463522

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!
AKtri - 2011-04-24 6:49 PM


Saw you will be in Alaska in June. Are you doing a formal tour, have relatives, or on your own? Maybe we will get the opportunity to meet other than just through the group. Dont know if you have been here previously but June is a beautiful time in Alaska. A little on the cold side right now. But ran this morning it was 38 out and yesterday did a bike race about the same temp, though it felt colder on a bike. It will get warmer.


Hey Veronica! We are planning on doing a cruise tour (leaving Vancouver on 6/21, 3 day cruise, 9 days inland to Denali etc, finishing up in Anchorage on July 2nd) with my cousin and her husband. It will be our first trip to Alaska. Where are you at and how did you get there?! My daughter spent 2 weeks in Anchorage this fall with the tour of Mamma Mia. Lucky girl has a week lay off and is enroute to Belize today!


2011-04-25 6:54 PM
in reply to: #3464212

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!

stevebradley - 2011-04-25 9:34 AM LISA - Love your bio! I thought I knew a fair bit about you from last year, but some new things emerged (the secrets you kept! ). The most enjoyable part was the account of your kids being shocked that you met up with an on-line friend. (If you mentioned that last year when it happened, it slipped past me.) That's just so amusing....and always is when the kids try to raise US properly! I mean, I know the horror stories out there and all, and that they know no age limits....but a triathlon forum....and DENISE??? that seesm to be as safe as a connect can be! Is "Mamma Mia" still working well for her, or is the road show scene getting too draining? And I see you are back at all-season baseball (too bad the Astros can't say the same........ ). I see what you meant by "attitude adjustment"! Do you feel that that is working, or at least will eventually work? Sounds smart to me! And the masters swim --- a resounding success? Yes, your 2010 race list IS impressive, especially from the person who hated running so much not so long ago. It makes me wonder what other things you think you hate, but might actually end up liking AND doing quite well at. (Maybe it works that way for all of us....although I'm not about to undertake a valve job on my car! ) Finally, what is "Beach Palooza"?? I guess I'd better try to goggle it.

STEVE, yes, it was a bit "scary" meeting up with Denise and her husband, so brought my own husband along. Alison is still enjoying the touring and talking about continuing on in the fall, now that she's seen the tour stops. She just finished her first half marathon two weeks ago ... Glass City Half in Toledo with several of the cast. The tour was in Detroit ... they had two shows on Friday, two shows on Saturday, drove to Toledo Sunday morning for the run, then back to Detroit for two more shows that afternoon/evening!!  Oh, to be 22 again!!

Beach Palooza is an obstacle course 5K on, you guessed it, the beach!  Off to my masters swim.


2011-04-25 8:18 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!
3 weeks to go before race day.  Bike and run are feeling good.  Swim a little different.  Hopefully it will come around.  I'll be spending a lit bit more time in the water over the course of the next 2 weeks.  We'll see?
2011-04-25 11:28 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!

Ok, work is done, kids are in bed - should I go to the gym?  It's only 9pm???

The rest of my bio...

Thanks Steve for the comments.  Part of why I chose this group was because there was another attorney so I thought someone could understand my time dilemmas.

I started training the end of January.  Originally my wife and I were both going to do a tri but working out with two kids under 6 became too difficult for her.  So now it's just me...  With the exception of rainy mornings and too much work, my training is progressing.  I can swim 600+m with little difficulty and could probably do 800 if I wanted to.  I can ride the required 13 miles no problem (cycling has never been my problem), I even developed a loop with similar hills to the actual race.  Running... well that's another story.  Some days I can do 35min run/jog no problem.  Other days (like today) not so much.  Today I had been going for about 40 min (10 min walk/warm-up + 30 min walk (2min)/jog (4min)) Just as I was passing my street (thankfully) I felt this little pop in the back of  one leg just beneath my calf, oh did it hurt.  It felt like a quick, hard, small cramp.  I limped home, had more water and gatorade/protein and mustard just in case I had a cramp or was not hydrated and it's still tender this evening. I hope all I need to do is rest and stretch it.  Any ideas?  I'm slated to ride tomorrow morning so I plan to do that.

My two biggest questions are diet wise what should I be doing (BTW, I'm vegetarian) and gym/weight wise what should I be doing?  I'm optimistic that my run will improve with time but I feel like my form is all off i.e. gait, landing etc. (too afraid of it hurting - I still vividly remember the pain in the run from my first tri 20+ years ago)

My biggest struggle - other than figuring out the run is finding the time to train.  Most of my training is at 5:30 in the morning.  (This is why I haven't joined a club - I'm barely able to get out of bed at that time and ride/run out my front door - much less meet someone else...)

I enjoy the challenge of a triathlon and the feeling and feel it is a good impetus for getting other parts of my life in order work, spiritually, etc.  Each one is an endurance and requires focus, just like training for a tri, so I hope training and dedication in one area will spill over into other areas.  I really do hope to continue doing this for many years to come, not just a one time recapture my youth thing.

When I figure it out and have time, I will add my workouts to the website.  Right after I figure out why my bike computer will show cadence but not speed and decide whether to go to the gym...


2011-04-26 7:38 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


May I Join?


2011-04-26 7:43 AM
in reply to: #3465509

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


Did I know that Alison was doing this sort of stuff? I'm not sure I did. Congrats* to her, anyhow!

I know that when you did St.Jude's, about 43 of your family were doing it with you, but that seemed to be the more extended part of the clan, and not Favorite Daughter. Cool beans!

I think Glass City is one of the venerable marathons that has been around forever, and it's proably always had the half as part of the fun. There have been so many that have sprouted in the past ten years, even, that it's hard to keep track of them all. But GCM (I'll pretend I'm on familiar terms with it...) is an tried-and-true old standby, I'm sure.

*And what am I congratulating, exactly? As you suggest, maybe more awesome is that she blithely squeezed the race between a few performances. She and the Duracell Bunny, two peas in a pod!

2011-04-26 7:45 AM
in reply to: #3466091

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


Whoa! Do I believe my eyes?? YES! Of course!

2011-04-26 7:55 AM
in reply to: #3466115

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!

DENISE again -

Your ears must've been burning. Lisa wrote a couple of days ago about getting to meet up with you last summer, and how appalled her kids were that she did this though an internet contact. I then responded to her that if ANYONE is a safe internet meet-up target, it would be you. That conversation is somewhere in the last couple of pages, and started with Lisa's bio --- if you're curious to know what people say about you behind your back!

As for training for Racine ---- still on target? I sure hope so! Lynn and I met up with Anne and Ken on Sunday, and she will not be doing the Mussleman half. I'm sure they'll do the aquabike there, but she's done with running for a while, at the very least. She has a doc app't today, and she will push for more comprehensive testing on a few things. I feel badly for her, but that is leavened by the fact that she seems okay woith it, as it now clears the path for more time spent on other things she loves -- Yoga, hiking, canoeing.

And that's that!

2011-04-26 8:04 AM
in reply to: #3465706

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


F.I.T. looks like a pure mile swim, as opposed to the more standard 0.93mile....but what's .07 among friends? If you can succeed at hitting the water a few more times, you should be fine. I think I mentioned to you that in about half my seasons my first race has happened before my first OWS, and that seems to make a big negative difference. I LIKE to think that I get "up to speed" (ha!), with a few OWS under my belt....and while I'm maybe sounding self-depracating there, I really do think it helps a fair bit.

Between now and F.I.T., will all your swims be open water. Even if there were just a couple more, I expect you'll be ready for the thrashfest on race day!

Where is the F.I.T. swim - fresh or salt water? I love saltwater swims, but in all my racing I've only done a handful of them....amybe just three fingers' worth? I need to travel more and hit more ocean swims!

Finally, can you identify exactly in what ways your swim is "a little different" (in comparison with bike and run feeling good)?

2011-04-26 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!

DENISE, welcome!!  Good to "see" you, hope all is well!

STEVE, I guess I should have mentioned that Alison decided to do the half about 8 weeks prior to the race.  And, no, she hadn't been running.  See what I mean ... to be 22 again! I'm sure all the dancing that she does in the show helped endurance wise.

CANON, I work at a law firm as a legal nurse consultant, so totally understand your time constraints and how difficult it is to have any kind of fixed schedule for your training.  Not that I have to deal with them very often myself, thankfully, but I know the schedule that the partners that I work with keep and how much traveling they do.

SHAUN, I meant to comment about the Nike Frees.  In December, I bought a pair of Sauconey Kirvanas which is a minimalist shoe like the Frees.  I love them on my shorter runs, but don't think I 've used them on anything further than about 6 miles.  I just feel like I need a bit more cushioning for longer than that.  How is your girlfriends training going?

I'll check back with everyone else later ... but better get to work!


2011-04-26 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3465901

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


Let me do this in two installments, as I have to head into Ottawa for a swim and about nine other things.

As for the pop you felt, my first thought is Achilles. But how far beneath the calf? When you say clf, I'm guessing you're talking about the actual "meaty" part, the big old calf muscle (which is the gastrocnemius). If it's RIGHT below that, then it might not be the Achilles. Further down, though, it could be. A "pop" is seldom a good thing, is it feeling today? If you do a gentle finger massage from your heel up to the gastrocs --- what are you feeling? Let me know, okay?

Moving on!

600+ is great for how long you've been doing this, and I'm sure you can get to 800 very soon -- if not right now. For many people, 300 or so seems to be a first hurdle, and then once past that the sky is pretty much the limit (with time and further training, of course!). So, that's great! And having a compatible cycling route is even better; not bad at all for a few months of training!

As for vegetarianism, we have to talk!! I am no longer veg, but was from Sept '03 until maybe late '06, and that coincided with my two most aggressive race seasons of '04 and '05. At some point I will tell you what those seasons involved, just so you can see that it is very possible to do hard endurance work while being vegetarian. There's just a lot of negative stuff out there about potential protein deficiencies due to being meatless, but as you probably know, great protein sources are abundant beyond the limited scope of animal-based.

ANYHOW, I did it and succeeded, and the only thing that brought me away from vegetarianism was all that cooking, which eventually did me in. Now, I've been retired for four years and certainly have more time now to I can't really use that as an excuse any more. Therefore, what has kept me from returning to being veg? Not sure about that!

I have to head off now, but wuill be back later tonight or tomorrow morning.

PLEASE let me know how your lower leg is doing, okay?

2011-04-26 9:31 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN (but door barely ajar....)


My leg is doing better.  The "pop" was just below the big meaty part of the calf.  My Nubian Queen Who Must Be Obeyed (MNQWMBO) massaged it last night and it's feeling better.  If it keeps improving like this, I'll go for a run tomorrow.

I did in fact go to the gym last night.  Felt good, I may have to do it again...

As for my swimming, I've done that (on and off) since I was a kid, raced in high school and worked as a lifeguard in college.  I need to start incorporating specific workouts, not just distance swims.

This morning I rode 10 miles.  Felt good.  Not sure how to add all yall to my training log so it's visible.  Is anyone else using the training log and adding everyone else to their friend list?  MNQWMBO is reminding me I have to go to work...

gotta go.


2011-04-26 10:53 AM
in reply to: #3435045


Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN (but door barely ajar....)
I would love to join this group and begin on my world to becoming a Triathlete.
2011-04-26 11:41 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN (but door barely ajar....)

CANON - Glad to have you here. When I saw the map where everyone is, I realized I was the only one west of the Rockies. Yay! Someone closer to my timezone. Mornings are also the best time for me to workout. It is the least disruptive to the rest of the family. And I am more likely to get it done. 

Looking forward to seeing your triathlon progress. And good luck on the run. I'm always reading something related to making running easier. The latest book that I really like is Chi Running. I was just thinking as I write this, that the author is from the Bay area and he teaches classes so I checked out his website. If you are at all interested, there is a class in San Francisco next month that he is teaching. I believe his classes fill up fast. Here is the link  I took a class from someone here locally and I think it was worth it, though I wish the class had been over a period of time so that I could work the kinks out and confirm my form is right. What helps is if my run starts hurting, I think of the different pieces that were discussed both in the book and the class. Either it helps relieve the hurt or takes my mind off of it. Smile


2011-04-26 12:07 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN (but door barely ajar....)

LISA - I'm sure you're Alaska cruise will be beautiful and memorable. I dont have a good story of how I got here. I am in Anchorage Alaska, "the city". My parents moved here when I was in high school so I have been here since, except attending college in Oregon, over 30 years here.  Many winters, I wonder why but then summer comes and I remember why! Alaska really is beautiful.  Although the winters can be long and cold, they are beautiful too.  Just have to be willing to use the bike trainer.  Wow! I could ramble on about the weather and our (2) seasons but I think I'll jump past that.  You are traveling on the solstice, June 21, to many of us here, it seems the sun starts going down pretty quickly after that but as you will find it is still pretty much light out all day and night. The land of the midnight sun. In Anchorage, there is a the Mayors Midnight Sun marathon right around that time and I hear a lot of those folks that come up with team in training comment on the daylight. Ah, it will be a perfect time a year for you and your family to visit Alaska.  I'll try to keep watch here when you leave just in case we are able to meet up.  And it sounds like your daughter has found a wonderful way to experience all these places. And getting paid for it.


2011-04-26 12:49 PM
in reply to: #3466167

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


It's a salt water swim in the Gulf of Mexico.  I hope to get 2 more OWS's before the race. 

My Run and Bike fitness (by everything that I track such as pace at different HR's, endurance, etc..) are better than they were a year ago at this time.  Here's to making progress   My swim is a little off on both the endurance and pace fronts.  Mostly due to a lack of training in the water.


stevebradley - 2011-04-26 9:04 AM JEFF -  Between now and F.I.T., will all your swims be open water. Even if there were just a couple more, I expect you'll be ready for the thrashfest on race day! Where is the F.I.T. swim - fresh or salt water? I love saltwater swims, but in all my racing I've only done a handful of them....amybe just three fingers' worth? I need to travel more and hit more ocean swims! Finally, can you identify exactly in what ways your swim is "a little different" (in comparison with bike and run feeling good)?

2011-04-26 2:09 PM
in reply to: #3435045

New user

Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN (but door barely ajar....)
Big skies sounds great, sign me up. Sitting here typing on phone with dilated eyes, will write more later. New to Tri, just did 1st sprint, HIM scheduled for July and IMKY in aug.
2011-04-26 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3465217

New user

Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


To answer your shoe question from the previous post I ended up going with the Mizuno Wave Alchemy.  I did have Brooks trail shoes (don't remember the name of them) and the guy suggested the newer model of them first with inserts.  The inserts I got were Superfeet inserts to allow my foot to roll correctly.  I ended up going with the Mizuno's because my heel felt like it fit better. 

As for the swimming I swam from 4th grade to 12th grade on our summer club's swim team.  Then from 9th to 12th grade I swam on my high school's team.  both teams were really good with a lot of junior olympians.  Unfortunately I was not one of them lol!  My "specialty" was 100m fly with 50m free and 200m IM relay second.

If I remember correctly the drill I mentioned in my last post was repeated 6 times.  The swim team would break up into groups of 24.  There would be 6 groups of 4 in each lane.  We would do one set (sprint, kick, arm, recover) in one lane then snake to the other lane at the last turn (the group at the end would get up and walk to the first lane) and work our way back to the lane we started in. 

My kick isn't as strong as it use to be.  I now rely more on my upper body strength.  The CL swim was around 500m.  It was my first open water swim, my first time in a wet suit and my first massive group swim.  I took my sweet time finding a spot to swim in and after a few impromptu wet suit adjustments I felt like I could breathe and swim at the same time in the suit.  (I rented it at the last minute).  I don't think I used my legs to much in the swim from what I remember. 

I have really good shoulder rotation and stroke follow through.  I'm conscious of my thumbs skimming my hips when I am focusing on my stroke and I don't really change my stroke, from what I can tell.  I also work on elbow up with touching the top of my head and then arm extention with touching my other hand that is out in front to complete the stroke before I move the other hand. 

I don't plan on trying to win the swim or even beat my time from last year.  I'm content on finding an open spot on the outside just so I don't get kicked in the nose.  I just want to make it a strong swim and feel good about it.  

I think that is about it. 

2011-04-26 6:23 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN (but door barely ajar....)


Hi again,

History:  I am 64, retired, married, one adult daughter, and live in north-central Minnesota.  I was a couch potato until the age of 57.  Started running using the "Couch to 5k" program.  Ran the 2007 Twin Cities Marathon.  Tore my miniscus the next year and had surgery.  My surgeon told me to run less but said sprint triathlons would be ok.  I learned the front crawl and bought a road bike.  8 sprints the last 2 summers.  I asked my surgeon if I could try a 1/2 Ironman and she said it might be a risk but go-ahead

Training:  Matt Fitzgerald 1/2 Ironman (Level 5)


Apr 30 - Duathlon - Cannon Falls,MN

May 7 - Sprint - Alexandria,MN (Chain of Lakes)

May 22 - Sprint - Albert Lea, MN (Land Between the Lakes)

Jun 5 - Olympic - Buffalo MN        

Jul 17 - 70.3 - Racine,WI

Aug 13 - Sprint - Nevis,MN (North Country)

Aug 14 - Sprint - YWCA Mpls

Aug 26 - Sprint - Baxter,MN (Lakes Country)

Sep 25 - Duathlon - Bloomington,MN (IronGirl)


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