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2012-02-03 12:16 PM
in reply to: #3944998

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Alright everyone, the weekends here Super Bowl Weekend lets have a pick. Sorry squirt no Cowboys for you and Kerry.

I'm going to go with the Giants, I think their defensive line can change the game. What say you!!!!!!!

On a training note, I hope you all get in your weekend workouts and are seeing progress in your workouts. The spring events aren't that far off now. I'm finishing up an easy(recovery week) before the next 3 week build. Looking foward to that.

Mona I'll check on the local hotel/motel situation.

Have a great weekend!!!!


2012-02-04 10:17 AM
in reply to: #4027827

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

I am hoping the Giants win the big game.

Finished our mock triathlon this morning.  I didn't swim since we only go a couple hundred yards.  I did the practice swim last year when we did the mock tri and it didn't seem worth it.  It is where the Ocala HITS will take place in March.  My neighbor was there for her first time and I rode the sprint course with the new people so they could learn the route.  Then the run was on a trail so it was very good to the knees.  The weather was as good as you could ask for this time of year.

Everyone enjoy the weekend.


2012-02-04 11:37 AM
in reply to: #3944998

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Roy, I think Kerry is grudgingly rooting for the Giants.  As you mentioned...we don't really have a dog in this hunt.  As usual, I'm in it for the commercials and maybe some wings.

Bill, that sounds like a really great morning.  Nice of you to show the new folks the course.  Is that swim in the ocean?

Took a much needed rest day yesterday, and had a very nice long run today.  15.7 miles, which may be my longest ever...if not...very close.  Had a few pitstops, but felt great all the way and could have kept going.  Ran at the lake, much of it just me and the ipod, but a few miles with folks from the running club.  This type of run makes me have stupid full marathon thoughts .

Off to get refueled a bit before pool school.  Hope there are not a lot of kicking drills today. 

2012-02-04 6:46 PM
in reply to: #3944998

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Edmonds, WA
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Squirt: I am impressed! Congratulations on your longest run ever.  Yep, you sure sound like you are ready for a marathon.

Bill: sounds like a fun day-love that kind of thing-sharing fun times with other athletes. To me, sure beats a "quiet evening at home" any day :-)

I rode 40 miles today on a mostly flat trail with a new cyclist.  She did great on her new clips and pedals. We moved along at a fairly decent pace, chatting it up now and again. I hope it counts towards legitimate training.  Anyhow, I figured a month ago 40 miles would have very tiring so I am going to take it as a sign that my training is starting to pay off. I felt as though I could have easily gone another 5 or even 10 miles.  

For the record, I'm rooting for the Patriots for one very important reason: it's my 11 year old grandson's team.  We'll be texting back and forth the whole game :-) My husband is rooting for the Giants.  


2012-02-04 7:56 PM
in reply to: #3944998

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Mona, that was very nice of you to ride with that new cyclist. Makes such a difference when simeone comes along side you like that. Glad your bike fitness is coming along so well. I still think of 40 miles as a very long ride! Sounds like we will all find ways to enjoy the game tomorrow.
2012-02-04 8:00 PM
in reply to: #3944998

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
I am rooting for the G-men, i predict 30-27 in OT. My back has been holding up pretty well, not perfect but good enough to get in the pool and do some runs, i ever got the bike out on one of those freakish days when it was 57 degrees. As far as the swimming  I did 1500meters today with the first 600 nonstop, it is getting more and more comfortable with the breathing, and i am slowly increasing my speed. For the first time i feel like this is doable. Time to sign up for a race!

2012-02-05 3:01 PM
in reply to: #4029806

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Bill, you are progressing so well.  It took me much longer to swim that much.

I did go out and ride almost 28 miles today.  My route is a 2 mile loop in my neighborhood.  Round and round I go.  I am improving my times per loop so I see it as a success.  Back to the pool tomorrow and I hope to have a full week of training.


2012-02-05 3:41 PM
in reply to: #4030558

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED


Thanks a ton, I never realized so many people do this untill i chanced upon this site, its so cool that people with one same objective can be so together and helpful and supportive. I will ask while im on here does anyone know anything about adjusting the derailleur that moves the chain in the front of the bike to the different sprockets mine doesn't want to switch 

2012-02-05 5:37 PM
in reply to: #3944998

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Bill (wr), glad your back is feeling a bit better.  Your swimming IS coming along great!  YES, it is time to sign for a race .  Wish I could help w/ your bike only answer is to take it to the bike shop.

Bill (fla), nice bike ride!  Loops by the house are convenient.  Glad you are looking forward to a good week of training!

Between long run and pool school yesterday, I've been dragging today.  But I drug myself to the bike shop after church for a group ride.  Upper 40's and 15-18 mph north winds.  Ride leader showed up, but decided not to do the ride...said they cut yesterday's ride short because it was too cold/windy.  On the plus side, I finally got some really nice bike just need to use them!

OK, another bike question since I at least thought about riding today -- how do you know when you need new tires?  I think mine have about 1700 miles on them (Hutchinson if that makes any difference). If I get new ones, is it OK to install them myself or would I be better off letting the bike shop do it for me?  I learned how to change the tires last year, though I won't say I'm particularly adept at it.  Any suggestions on types?

Happy superbowling and training!


2012-02-06 8:21 AM
in reply to: #4030762

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Squirt, since you know how to change a tire, you should do it yourself unless the shop doesn't charge to do it.  You should be able to get more miles out of the tire.  I was in a sprint last year and had to change a flat tire 3 miles into the ride.  I eventually replaced the tire because over the following month I continued to get flats and could not find anything wrong with the tire; no thorn, no slit... Your bike ride temperature is to cold for me.  If the thermometer hints at going below 40, I won't ride.

The Y was a bit crowded this morning.  I had to find a treadmill in a different room.  Had a lane to myself for swimming.

Enjoy your day.


2012-02-06 5:12 PM
in reply to: #4031316

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Thanks Bill (fl)!  Glad not to have to spend $$'s on the tires right now and be able to install them myself when the time comes.  Ugh, a flat in a sprint, NOT fun, not that it ever is.  Monday crowds at the gym are always the worst, but the new years resolution crowd should be starting to thin out a bit.  Great job getting it done!

Had an issue filled run this morning.  Early on had to eat (and eat, and eat) to keep blood sugar up.  Finally moved into some nice tempo miles, and then at the end, went "off road" to get around a guy and his dog on the path, and rolled my ankle.  Pain and not nice words early on, but walked it home OK and very little swelling, so I think it just got tweaked a little.  Kind of weird...same ankle I sprained in mile 9 of the white rock half in december, and this happened at the end of mile 9 of my run today.  Maybe I should stick to 10K's!

How's the week going for everyone else? 


Edited by squirt 2012-02-06 5:13 PM

2012-02-07 6:24 AM
in reply to: #3944998

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Greetings to you all,

Looks like everyone had a productive last week and weekend. Andy congrats on getting registered for St. Anthony's you'll enjoy the day and you now have official motivation to work toward getting to the start line.

Bill(wrhall2) yes the answer is making that decision and getting registered for an event it will really help with your training having the knowledge that you are doing this for a reason.

Squirt, nice run getting to 15.7 you know a marathon only goes another 10.5 milesTongue out. Be careful with that ankle, they tend to resprain very easily. And it is always good practice to install your own tires/tubes.

Mona your indoor bike sessions look like they are paying off, solid 40 miles on the bike.

I had a pretty good weekend as well, skipped the Sat. swim but did get the bike and run workouts in. This week starts another 4 week block towards St. Anthony's 3 week build/1 week recovery.




Edited by tri/tbay 2012-02-08 6:17 AM
2012-02-08 4:53 PM
in reply to: #3944998

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Roy, nice weekend workouts!  St. Anthony's is getting close enough to seem real.  I agree re: signing up for races....big help with the motivation.  Yes, if it weren't for those last 10 miles, I'd be a marathoner for sure

I'm still plugging away, mostly running, some swimming.  The ankle is doing OK, so got very lucky on that.  Biking has been the missing link lately, so I'm committed to getting in 3 bikes of some kind or another this week (spin class, trainer, outdoors, whatever).  I have a sprint tri on the schedule for 3/11, so not too far away.  Last long run this weekend before Cowtown HM.

Kerry is doing great with the C25K in the midst of work stress.  He should be good and ready for Cowtown 5K, which is in 2.5 weeks .

2012-02-09 7:49 PM
in reply to: #3944998

Palmetto/Parish, FL
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Hi Everyone!  


Squirt, St A is  definitely  getting close.  I looked over my training log for last month and saw trends of laziness that I am working hard to remedy.  I ran 5 miles no walking last night which is a milestone and today swam a total of 1100 yards, 300 of them continuous (milestone).  The bike is my missing link as well, I am hoping to get up tomorrow and get a long ride in.  To be honest I am hesitant to get on the roads for fear of getting rear ended.  Riding around and around my block in boring and causing me to cut things short. Tomorrow I am going to suck it up!  

2012-02-10 8:08 AM
in reply to: #3944998

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Andy, very nice going on the run and swim milestones!  Getting to that feeling of...."and I could have kept going" in both of those is huge.  I'm with you on being cautious on the roads, and won't ride many of them around here without being in a group.  But between group rides, spin classes, trainers, and a lightly traveled service road shoulder (good for 10 mile loops), I really don't have a good excuse to not ride.

Went to the doc last night and seems I have "swimmer's ear".  I'll be out of the pool for a few days to treat that.  She recommended ear plugs once it's better, but I'm not too keen on that.   My denist recommended a few drops of a mixture of vinegar and alcohol after each swim.  Anyone else have luck with those or other preventive measures? 

I'm in for a 16 mile run on Saturday morning, and a group ride on Sunday afternoon.  Maybe a short one on Saturday too if the legs are up to it.  Also celebrating our neighbor's 60th birthday on Saturday, and my step-dad's 70th on Sunday.

What's everyone got going for the weekend? 

2012-02-10 8:42 AM
in reply to: #4039691

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
squirt - 2012-02-10 9:08 AM

Andy, very nice going on the run and swim milestones!  Getting to that feeling of...."and I could have kept going" in both of those is huge.  I'm with you on being cautious on the roads, and won't ride many of them around here without being in a group.  But between group rides, spin classes, trainers, and a lightly traveled service road shoulder (good for 10 mile loops), I really don't have a good excuse to not ride.

Went to the doc last night and seems I have "swimmer's ear".  I'll be out of the pool for a few days to treat that.  She recommended ear plugs once it's better, but I'm not too keen on that.   My denist recommended a few drops of a mixture of vinegar and alcohol after each swim.  Anyone else have luck with those or other preventive measures? 

I'm in for a 16 mile run on Saturday morning, and a group ride on Sunday afternoon.  Maybe a short one on Saturday too if the legs are up to it.  Also celebrating our neighbor's 60th birthday on Saturday, and my step-dad's 70th on Sunday.

What's everyone got going for the weekend? 

White vinegar and alcohol in a 50/50 mix or you can just use the swimmer ear drops that you can by at most any store. Its alcohol. Now you know what the swim kids deal with, your ears will adjust to being in that particular pool( the body adapts to the bacteria). Often times when kids go to meets or use alternate pools it is common for some to get swimmers ear. Squirt you keep adding to those runs, only 10.2 miles to go.

Andy check with your local bike shop down in that area where you are. They can probably tell you where most of the cyclists ride and what times. You might find a group to ride with. I know there is some riding that goes on in the Fishhawk area by Brandon. Not sure how far you are from there. X2 on the swimming keep it up.

I'm not going to get much training in this weekend, have plans but hopefully I'll get either a bike or run in on Sunday afternoon.

2012-02-10 12:02 PM
in reply to: #3944998

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Edmonds, WA
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Hi Everyone,

Is it time for my weekly update? What day is it? LOL.

In a word: I am tired. My legs are tired and I just don't feel like going to swimming this morning, so I decided to take the day off which I haven't done in awhile.    

The last couple of weeks, the weather has improved so I have been able to ride outside.  I met yet another woman who I rode with on Tuesday.  She said she was out of shape, then proceeded to start the ride at 18 mph! Since I ride 14-16 mph and need time to warm up, I was huffing and puffing as she chatted away.  In the end, I was happy that I was stronger the 2nd 1/2 of the ride when she started to fade.  So, I guess I am improving, but I really can't tell for sure.  My long ride is only 40 miles on a fairly flat trail. I have about 14 weeks to go so I am trying to be patient.  I'm shooting for a total of 80 miles this week and eventually I want to get off the trail and on some hills.  I just don't like riding alone during the week on the roads...I don't feel safe.

Tomorrow I am meeting up with the local group I discovered online and run 7.5-8 miles.  It's hard for me to fathom that I am really "running" 12-13 min miles when it feels like I am running around 11's.  Two years ago I ran a 9:15 pace in a what gives here, I wonder? Maybe running with others will get my legs moving faster. I will no doubt bring my ipod because I may be left in the dust rather early in the run...doesn't bother me...I like meeting other friendly triathletes.

Swimming is swimming for me...I just do part of the Master's workout, about 2500-3000 yards x 3 and figure I'm good until I get to Florida and do some open water swims in the Gulf..which won't be a lake, but I am familiar with lake swimming here in Washington.  

Next week will be a recovery week for sure.  Well, except for a "make up" swim on Monday since I am not doing that today :-) I'll go ahead and do a 3500 yard workout just because I need to break out of the same old, same old a little bit.

So this weekend it's a long run on Saturday, a shopping spree at Speedy Reedy (our most popular tri shop; I'm educating a newbie in the ways of triathlon stuff) and a 22-25 mile ride on Sunday!  

I also wanted to mention, again,  that I'll be in St Pete, staying at Tierre Verde (south St Pete-15 min from St A's) April and May.  I want to meet those of you signed up for St A's and cheer you on!  Who's planning to go again? Roy, Andy, Melissa? Anyone else I am forgetting?  I decided to stick to a sprint..Ft Desoto sounds logical since I'll be staying down the road. 

 Have a great weekend everyone!  You guys all motivate me to keep on thanks for the updates!


2012-02-11 9:53 AM
in reply to: #4040308

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Mona, I agree with the tired legs.  I don't usually ride on Fridays but this week I did.  I could feel it today during the weekly group ride.  Fortunately one other person was at my speed so we did the last half together while the rest of the group went ahead at their usual blistering pace.  Someday, I will be able to stay with them for the whole ride.

I received an email that the Spacecoast Trifecta won't happen this year.  They are only doing Cocoa Beach in April.  My wife liked going to those since we would spend the night.

In my quality weeks training for the Ocala Hits in March.  I think it will help my swimming because previously, I was only putting in the distance/time and not worrying about going faster.  We will see how it works out.  Got some traveling for work so it will be a challenge to get in the required training.

Everyone enjoy the week-end.





2012-02-11 11:20 AM
in reply to: #3944998

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Hello all,

Sorry for the prolonged absense.  Last weekend I was in bed with the covers over my head trying to recover from yet another illness.  Missed 4 days of training including an extra long brick.  This makes me very nervous because ST ANTHONY's is getting closer.  YIKES.

MONA - I would love to see you at St A's.  I have been so nervous about the heat and an urban course.  A friendly face would be mighty welcome.  Also, you were right about myfitnesspal.  I got it, used it faithfully and realized that the enemy was me.  Too many calories in = chubby triathlete.  I am down 4 so it is working.  Also thanks for the advice on the 90 degree pull.  I think that was a missing link for me. 

ANDY - Looking forward to seeing you at St A's.  My husband is coming to be my "sherpa" but other than that, i know no one  

I'm a little late to the game - can anyone recommend a place to stay for St A's?  The Vinoy is nice but WAY too expensive

On the training front. back in the saddle again so to speak.  It was 10 degrees with a windchill of 1 this morning so it's life on the trainer for me.  I have started watching movies while I ride.  It's the only way to stay sane. 

Happy Training,



Edited by melwarncke 2012-02-11 11:27 AM
2012-02-12 6:40 AM
in reply to: #3944998

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Hi everyone,

Does anyone use supplements, such as products from Hammer? Also i visited a somewhat local (25mi) bike shop and for $35 will fit you to the bike of course buying say a new stem would boost that cost. He is the only local dealer in Hammer products and offers a discount of 25% for orders over $250 which knocks it down to $200. One of the reasons i would like to supplement is a low blood count white and red and i just can't recover fast enough to train like i would like to. I am trying to be smart and patient about training. If you don't supplement perhaps you know someone that does, any heads up on this subject would be good.

2012-02-12 7:09 AM
in reply to: #4042764

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
wrhall2 - 2012-02-12 7:40 AM

Hi everyone,

Does anyone use supplements, such as products from Hammer? Also i visited a somewhat local (25mi) bike shop and for $35 will fit you to the bike of course buying say a new stem would boost that cost. He is the only local dealer in Hammer products and offers a discount of 25% for orders over $250 which knocks it down to $200. One of the reasons i would like to supplement is a low blood count white and red and i just can't recover fast enough to train like i would like to. I am trying to be smart and patient about training. If you don't supplement perhaps you know someone that does, any heads up on this subject would be good.

Hi Bill both of you

I use Hammer gels mostly and honey stinger waffles for most training. Whey protein for shakes and thats about it. Hammer is good stuff they do alot of research on their products. You definitely need to use something to boost your calorie/carb intake for training and then the Whey for recovery or chocolate milk is also a good recovery product it has the proper carb/protein ratio.

Flalamb, March is just around the corner I'm sure your getting excited. Lets hope that today is the last of the cold weather for Florida.

As to St. Anthony's we can definitely try to do a meet and greet on Saturday when we are checking in bikes and wandering around the expo. That would be great.

Melissa, good luck finding something in the immediate area of the race, there are some bed and breakfast places close you can try a search for those. But most likely you'll end up about 20 min or so from the area in so-so motels/hotels. Also check the message boards on this site, sometimes people have to pull out of the race and have rooms they need to get rid of.

Also Mona about 15-20 min is as close as your going to get in Haines City and these will be Hamptons' etc. kind of places. My tri-club is working the run aid station #2 so I will be there during the day. And you may have heard that Lance is supposed to race this event. That would be cool.

Have a great day everyone, we Floridians are going to try to stay warm today, it was 30 degrees this AM at my golf course.

2012-02-13 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3944998

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Hey team, just catching up a bit.

Roy, thanks for confirming the ear drop formula!  "Pool School" took me to a different pool, so betting you are right re: the change of venue having something to do with it.  Brrr....30 degrees in sunny FLA!  Sounds like you had a busy weekend.

Bill (wr), I don't supplement per se, and eat/drink while working out/racing mainly to keep my blood sugar in line.  I've used cliff shot blocks for a long time, but as my distances have increased, it seems like my stomach gets "iffy" when I have to eat more than a couple of them + they are hard to chew.  I also use glucose tabs, and usually carry a flask of powerade with me.  Basically, things that are easy to count/measure in terms of carbs.  Recently, I'm trying strawberry newtons, cut up in pieces, to see if that agrees with my stomach better.  So far so good.

Melissa, hope you are feeling better.  So frustrating when illness sidelines you, but getting well is the priority.

Bill (fla), I can so relate to not being able to keep up on the bike rides.  The shop I ride with is very high end, and lots of really fast (and young) guys.  But there is a small group at the back that I can hang with.  It's like there is this huge chasm between that group and the main pack though.  Not sure if I'll ever bridge that gap.

Mona, sounds like you needed that day off.  Rest is part of training, but so hard to figure out sometimes.  Sometimes I can feel great the day after a longer run, but a big week overall can make me feel like I've been hit by a truck.  Your swims sound really great!  And your bike is coming along nicely too.

I got in 2 out of 3 bikes last week (spin classes).  Just didn't have it in me to get on the trainer after my long run on Saturday.  Long run was almost 17 miles with wind chills in the teens out at the lake.  Brrrrrr!!!!  I did manage to hit the last 3 at HM pace feeling pretty strong.  Yes, I'm seriously considering my first full (4/15).  Will decide for sure after my next HM (2/26).  Hal Higdon Intermediate plan seems to fit where I am and would get me up to 20 a couple of times in training with time to taper.  This is the closest/healthiest I've ever been, so it's very tempting to seize the moment and go for it.  I'm afraid it will further compromise the biking for a while, but maybe worth it.  Any thoughts?  Am I nuts?    

Oh, and I have a new version of "the dog ate my homework".  The prescription ear drops I got to treat the swimmers ear apparently looked like a good chew toy for one of my dogs.  He chewed through the box and through the lid enough to make them unusable, but thankfully not enough to make him sick.  Happened on the weekend and the pharmacy would not sell me more, so I'm trying to get the doc to call in a refill today. would think they were narcotics or something.  Anyway, I'm afraid this is going to further delay getting back to the pool. 



2012-02-16 11:06 AM
in reply to: #3944998

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

HEEELLLLOOOO!!!! anybody out there!!!!!Sealed Well I thought I better get our thread back to the top of the leader board.

Everyone Squirt is preparing for the Cowtown Half Marathon next weekend and Kerry is also racing in the 5k event as well. We most definitely want to wish them the best. Squirts training log is full and she is prepared for a best time.

Squirt I would asssume(bad word) that the race either starts and/or finishes in the stockyards?

And yes the cipro ear drops are treated with caution thats why they are in small doses. But hang on to any you don't use you'll be glad you did sometime in the future. When my daughters swam seems like there was always  a bottle of drops around.

I hope everyone is having a productive week, training is going well and as planned. I got a little off plan last week but this week is shaping up nicely. I've already had a couple of really good run sessions.

Edited by tri/tbay 2012-02-16 11:08 AM
2012-02-16 3:04 PM
in reply to: #4050845

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Hi Roy,

My back problems just won't go away, I have been laid up since last Sun. The issue is the SI joint. At this point i can't do anything untill this calms down. I can't walk without being slightly stooped. Funny thing is i did an 11mi. run last fri. and felt really good, just going to have to wait this out with the help of my chiropractor (3 visits this week) and each time i feel improvment. This is the first time i have had to wait out an injury and it is extremely hard to do. 

By the way i did order some products from Hammer, and indeed they do have some good stuff. 

Squirt you are not crazy it sounds like you are fully capable of a full, and check out Hammer nutrition for a product called HEED it may serve you better than powerade.

Has anyone heard of a guy named Ben Greenfield? He is a nutritionist by trade and is a devoted triathlete that has a tremendous web site (www.bengreenfieldfitness)  

2012-02-17 12:08 PM
in reply to: #3944998

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Hi Bill,

Sad news about the back, nothing you can do but be patient. Do they know what is causing the condition besides swimming,biking and running. Got to blame on something. Hopefully you'll get it calmed down and continue to enjoy the sport.

Haven't heard of Ben Greenfield I'll look it up.

Apple-Cinnamon Hammer Gels are my favorite.

Enjoy your weekend everyone and happy training.



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