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2012-01-07 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning everyone.  Had a 2500 yd swim this morning and am biking this evening.  My pool workout was:


300 Drills

10 x 100yd w/ 5 sec. rest

4 x 50 yd speed interval with 15 sec rest

8 x 25 yd speed with 20 sec rest

200 yd kick

300yd cd

About cramps in the pool.  Many people claim this is either a fitness issue or kicking of the wall too hard.  I agree with Troy that a piece of it is flexibility and I have found that swim fins help with this a bunch.  I also believe that nutritionally we can stave off cramps.  When I added chia seeds into my regular diet, my occurrence of cramping went down considerably.  Now granted this is an n=1 experience so take it for what it's worth.  

I'm an acupuncturist, so I will second Troy's experience with dry needling, which is essentially trigger point acupuncture.  I have found that releasing these "knots" is very effective for overall flexibility.  Foam rolling may help in this regard as well.  

2012-01-07 11:05 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Troy thats exactly one of the times I get them as I turn around in the pool and kick off I get cramp in my foot or if I try to point my toes after 1200-1500 metres I get the same thing. Worst one I had last year was when standing and trying to take wet suit off. The high knee ripping foot out of wet suit motion is guaranteed to bring it on in my quad. Is level of intake of fluid a deciding factor. Do I need to drink more or take salt tablets

When i run I now wear compression calf guards as I was sufferring post bike with a sever case of calves feeling like bricks that would once again cause cramp. During a race it is always on my mind


2012-01-07 11:27 AM
in reply to: #3976641

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
MAC36 - 2012-01-07 12:05 PM

Troy thats exactly one of the times I get them as I turn around in the pool and kick off I get cramp in my foot or if I try to point my toes after 1200-1500 metres I get the same thing. Worst one I had last year was when standing and trying to take wet suit off. The high knee ripping foot out of wet suit motion is guaranteed to bring it on in my quad. Is level of intake of fluid a deciding factor. Do I need to drink more or take salt tablets

When i run I now wear compression calf guards as I was sufferring post bike with a sever case of calves feeling like bricks that would once again cause cramp. During a race it is always on my mind


Hey Dave,  you could try just pushing of the wall more softly.  You can give the salt tablets a try, but I don't believe that your issue comes from a lack of sodium.  Try some potassium rich foods like chia seeds and bananas.  Olivia and Kate should be able to chime in as well with foods that are full of potassium.  Again I have found this to help me.  I have been dealing on and off with cramps since High School.  Direct correlation of when I eat right, they go away.  

2012-01-07 1:04 PM
in reply to: #3976013

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Boulder CO
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Hello Everyone - Happy Saturday. I've been working out but find it diffficult to keep up with everyone's posts during the week, but I do love to read about everyone's workouts and issues they are working on.

I personally struggle with consistency and finding a realistic schedule that works for my work and home life, but basically have come up with a plan to run and swim every other day and then fit yoga and other stuff in between that.

I wanted to respond to Scott's post several days ago about the nod while swimming. I wasn't clear what direction to nod last night while I was in the pool for the first time since the posting. I don't want to hurt my neck. I played a little with it and it seems that the nod would be toward the shoulder that is in the water while the head is turned to take a breath. Is that right?

have a great weekend,
2012-01-07 1:31 PM
in reply to: #3976089

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Edited to add: I'm 6'3" and currently weigh 193. I've been a distance runner as heavy as 220, and my hydration hasn't been all that different from what I've described above.

I am 6'2" and currently around 225# ... I may pick your mind as my training progresses - thanks for the insight.

10 mile trail run today - muddy, fairly flat with a few rolling hills - 1:39:13 with my HR in the zone for 1:25 ... steady 9:55 pace may use this loops for my long runs and add mileage as it is more fun/challenging than flat streets.  Today ran with one 12oz fuel belt hand bottle which I drained as I finished ... unseasonably warm at 63 degrees today in NY (ridiculous really) ...

2012-01-07 1:36 PM
in reply to: #3976822

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
BigPaulD - 2012-01-07 2:31 PM

I am 6'2" and currently around 225# ... I may pick your mind as my training progresses - thanks for the insight.

Please do. I love distance running.

So 12 oz. for 10 miles on an unseasonably warm day. Write that down somewhere.

2012-01-07 4:04 PM
in reply to: #3976524

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Hope everyone had good workouts today.  I did a long ride (for me) about 90 minutes.  and tomorrow my plan calls for a 40 minute run.


Enjoy rest of weekend


2012-01-07 8:24 PM
in reply to: #3977030

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good evening, everyone.

I took yesterday off and got back to it today. I start training Monday so my muscles don't now what is going on. I rode 5 miles to the Y, did a 100 yrd watm up, 200 yd swim, and 100 yd SLOW doggie paddle. I really need to focus on my swimming. I then rode 5 miles back home. It wasn't a huge day but fun to put to 'legs' together. 

I have a long bike ride (90 minutes) planned for tomorrow. Anybody else have to take a few advils after 4-6 hours following a work out? Is that bad? 

2012-01-07 9:08 PM
in reply to: #3977398

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
ahutson - 2012-01-07 9:24 PM

Good evening, everyone.

I took yesterday off and got back to it today. I start training Monday so my muscles don't now what is going on. I rode 5 miles to the Y, did a 100 yrd watm up, 200 yd swim, and 100 yd SLOW doggie paddle. I really need to focus on my swimming. I then rode 5 miles back home. It wasn't a huge day but fun to put to 'legs' together. 

I have a long bike ride (90 minutes) planned for tomorrow. Anybody else have to take a few advils after 4-6 hours following a work out? Is that bad? 

I assume you're taking the advil because you are sore.  Where is the soreness?  Is it sharp, like an injury?  Or dull and diffuse?  

2012-01-08 5:27 AM
in reply to: #3947465

Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Hi Scott

Generally OK on all disciplines of a tri athlon, but never contemplated doing all 3 straight after one another!! and I think that is the worrying factor!!

This weeks training has been

3 X 5k runs, 600 metre swim and a 12k bike ride

Did a 5k run about 60 mins after my 600 metre swim and it felt ok, but obviously go to factor in a 30k bike ride!!

My sprint tri is in May, so is what I am doing at present ok, or should I be aiming to acheive more in my training??



2012-01-08 6:57 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning all ...

Waiting for the dogs to eat their breakfast before I head out for my long run. I've got a route in mind, but may have to be flexible as we have a layer of ice on the ground. We'll see what the route looks like. Last year, we had so much snow up here that I ended up doing a 24 miler by running the same 3 mile loop 8 times ... a loop that was well plowed and sure footed. I'm not ready to do that again anytime soon.

Get out there and enjoy your Sundays!

2012-01-08 10:02 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Well that was a bad choice.

Set out on my run and knew instantly that the sidewalks were going to be mostly ice. But the bike path I was taking down to the lakefront has a strip of grass along side it, so I thought I'd be okay for traction. That was true, but that was also the end of my good traction. Hoped for 17 this morning, but cut it to 15 after many struggles with the ice. Took two falls (those hand held bottles I mentioned yesterday make great tools to break a fall) with one rolled ankle (should be fine).

2012-01-08 11:15 AM
in reply to: #3977641

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
gareth73 - 2012-01-08 6:27 AM

Hi Scott

Generally OK on all disciplines of a tri athlon, but never contemplated doing all 3 straight after one another!! and I think that is the worrying factor!!

This weeks training has been

3 X 5k runs, 600 metre swim and a 12k bike ride

Did a 5k run about 60 mins after my 600 metre swim and it felt ok, but obviously go to factor in a 30k bike ride!!

My sprint tri is in May, so is what I am doing at present ok, or should I be aiming to acheive more in my training??



Gareth,  If you can do all of the distances individually, you can do all of them come race day.  I have seen enough people that know far more than I do say that on the forums to believe it completely.  It sounds like you are on track for a great race in May.  

2012-01-08 11:22 AM
in reply to: #3977861

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

I had a good swim this morning.  3 sets of 300 yds @ 1:40.  Along with a wu and cd, I swam 2000 yds.  I have a 1 hour trainer ride this evening.  20 minute and 5 minute power tests this coming week.  I am shuttering in fear.  Man those tests are hard.

BernardDogs - 2012-01-08 11:02 AM Well that was a bad choice. 

Set out on my run and knew instantly that the sidewalks were going to be mostly ice. But the bike path I was taking down to the lakefront has a strip of grass along side it, so I thought I'd be okay for traction. That was true, but that was also the end of my good traction. Hoped for 17 this morning, but cut it to 15 after many struggles with the ice. Took two falls (those hand held bottles I mentioned yesterday make great tools to break a fall) with one rolled ankle (should be fine).


Troy, you are truly a running guru. I hope to get to that kind of volume running this year. Take it easy on your wheels.  Hope your ankle feels good.  

2012-01-08 1:10 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Saipan, MP
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

I think Sundays will probably be my rest days for now.

But had fun "cross training" by playing Kinect Sports for an hour! *lol*  Out of curiosity, I put on my heart rate monitor to see what kind of work I was getting bowling, boxing, and doing track and field with my husband.  I averaged only 114 bpm (you do get a lot of resting or slow times if you want) but during some of the running events, I was peaking up at 173!  So, that's a fun way to still move without burning myself out

2012-01-08 1:22 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Clayton NC
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Hello all,

Work got in the way of my training this week but did get some training in.
Did 21 m on bike yesterday and 5 m run this am.
Then went for an hour and a half easy bike stroll with the wife on the mountain bikes.

Great weather at 58 degrees.
Sorry you guys up north.

Have a great week!


2012-01-08 3:29 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Ballston Spa, New York
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Feeling much better today and ready to resume training. I will bike tomorrow morning, indoors of course, and I am thinking that I may go for a very short run to see how the foot feels. 

I know that a few of you had mentioned that you follow a mostly vegan diet. Ironically enough I watched a documentary this weekend with my wife titled "Vegucated". Some of you may have seen it or heard of it. At any rate you can find more info on the film here: 

I  had read some books in the past, "The Omnivores Dilemma" by Michael Polllan, "Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser just to name a few. As a result, my wife and I have made a choice long ago to eat very little meat and poultry. When we did eat meat it was only what we purchased from our local farmers market. For me it's always been about trying to eat healthy and less about the ethical issues that is the bedrock principal of veganism. While watching that movie I found it to be extremely disturbing to see how those animals are treated. It got me thinking about giving up eating all animal products entirely. 

I don't know how far I will take this but moving forward I would like to adapt a "mostly" vegan diet. This will be a new adventure for me and we'll have to see how far my family and I can take it. I would love to hear some feedback from those of you who eat this way. Specifically, what health benefits have you seen and how has this type of diet has helped to support your training from a nutrition stand point. 

2012-01-08 4:11 PM
in reply to: #3978273

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
TimX3 - 2012-01-08 4:29 PM

 While watching that movie I found it to be extremely disturbing to see how those animals are treated. It got me thinking about giving up eating all animal products entirely. 

  I agree with that and have felt the same way. I haven't really been completely succcessful in giving up meat, though but I never really did eat a lot of it. I have some weird issues with food, though. I am extremely picky. I've made a lot of improvement in the past 8 years or so but still have a ways to go. At this point I'm just rying to stay healthy...

  I got all my planned workouts done this week. It helps posting here because it makes me feel more accountable in some way. This week I have 2 runs and 2 swims planned before the weekend. I'll probably swim tomorrow, run Tuesday, swim Wednesday and run Friday. Hope everyone had a productive weekend!!

2012-01-08 7:23 PM
in reply to: #3978338

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Saipan, MP
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
nicoleg - 2012-01-08 5:11 PM
TimX3 - 2012-01-08 4:29 PM

 While watching that movie I found it to be extremely disturbing to see how those animals are treated. It got me thinking about giving up eating all animal products entirely. 

  I agree with that and have felt the same way. I haven't really been completely succcessful in giving up meat, though but I never really did eat a lot of it. I have some weird issues with food, though. I am extremely picky. I've made a lot of improvement in the past 8 years or so but still have a ways to go. At this point I'm just rying to stay healthy...

I first started cutting back on meat for the health reasons - and when I would eat meat, I didn't want factory-farmed and went with more natural, local, etc.  But after watching Food Inc., that pretty much sealed the deal, and I went 100% vegetarian.  And I've felt better since. More recently, I have also cut down on animal-related products, or again, switched to "cleaner" versions of butter, yogurt, and cheese.

2012-01-08 8:37 PM
in reply to: #3978273

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
TimX3 - 2012-01-08 4:29 PM

I don't know how far I will take this but moving forward I would like to adapt a "mostly" vegan diet. This will be a new adventure for me and we'll have to see how far my family and I can take it. I would love to hear some feedback from those of you who eat this way. Specifically, what health benefits have you seen and how has this type of diet has helped to support your training from a nutrition stand point. 

This past season was the first that I attempted to do a mostly vegan diet.  I say mostly because butter is just good.  I felt lighter, reached my race weight easily, slept terrific, and found that I had plenty of energy for workouts and races.  I mostly used "The Thrive Diet" by Brendan Brazier, and my wife also really likes "Superfood Cuisine" by Julie Morris.  Lots, and I mean lots of quinoa, as well as hemp seed/powder.  Lots of nuts and legumes.  (Always soak the legumes, btw)  Cooked veggies and up to 100-120 oz of water a day.  I ate 3 regular meals, with 2 sometimes 3 snacks throughout the day.  

Winter is here now, and so I've been craving meat.  I eat it in small amounts along with everything else.  I figure come April I will cut that out again for my first race of the season in May.  

So glad that you are feeling better from your cold.  Good luck with the training this week.

2012-01-08 9:24 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Evening, fellow tri trainers!

Hope everyone had a good training/rest day! We had a mid 40s and sunny day so I hit the road with a buddy for a 23 mile ride through the horse country. It was a bit windy so my timing was off but that is okay. It felt good to be outside and that is rare for January! 

My body felt better today. I had to take some advil yesterday but feel decent today. I think it is in a shock from 6 days of workouts. Its been a good week and I'm excited to be talking to everyone and seeing what you all are doing. It is very encouraging!

Tomorrow is going to be a nice run weather permitting. I am doing a walk 5/run 5 to get the muscles going. I went for 35 minutes last week so I might add 5 minutes to it. My last one was on a treadmill so being outside tomorrow could be different...see how I feel. 

My my first race is 11 weeks from today! I'm pumped! 

2012-01-09 7:39 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Good morning!

As expected, I'm really feeling all the stabilizing muscles I had to use on my icy run yesterday. I'm sore from the rib age down. Nothing too bad ... just reminding me I was pretty tensed up for a couple of hours. I'm thankful I've got today scheduled as a rest day for the run. Normally I bike on Monday mornings, but my replacement trainer still hasn't shipped. I'm hopeful it'll ship today and I'll have it for the end of the week. I'm itching to ride.

So it'll be a pool only day ... 60 minutes after work.

Envious of those of you who get to bike outside! It'll be some time before I get back on the roads. 
2012-01-09 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3979228

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

My plan called for a short swim workout (26 min) in the am and a short bike in the pm.  One down and one to go.  Ended up swimming the following:  100m warmup, 400 drills, 10 x 25 fast, 4 x 50 fast, 150 pull and 50 cooldown.  Went a little over in time, like 33 min, but no cramping this time.  I too usually get cramps but mainly in my feet and it really screws up efficiency in the water. 


Have a great week everyone!!!!

Pete R

2012-01-09 11:17 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Saipan, MP
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
4 mile jog; 4.3 mile bike on a level 5 setting.  A good start to the week
2012-01-09 12:19 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
I was wondering if you guys might weigh in on something for me. I am in the middle of planning a running race as a charity benefit. It's a 1 mile time trial run on an indoor track in March, which makes it a bit of a limited field to begin with. The committee met today and decided against settting up a website at all which unfortunately leaves out online registration, so all registrants will have to mail in an application. I wasn't at the meeting and I realize that since the race is only a few months away it maybe can't happen in the time we have but I'm really worried it will have a big negative impact on the race. So my question is, would any of you sign up for a race you couldn't register for online?
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