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2012-02-08 10:27 AM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Whats on tap for everyone this week?I have a tough one...Bike test last night5000 swim this morning/ TM run tonightThurs- swim and trainer/ brickFriday run .. Again... And swim againSat- long run with a ten k as part that I am not wearing the chip bc I am not allowed to race Sun long ride in south ga...woohoo! Hoping for lots of sleep to get off to a better start after about five hours last night. ( trainer bike test at 9 pm does not make it easy to sleep!)

2012-02-08 12:17 PM
in reply to: #4035772

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Feeling much better today and made up the swim workout from yesterday.  I'll probably just end up skipping the short bike/run brick (45mins/15mins) my plan calls for that I missed yesterday, or I'll roll some of that volume into my long ride/runs this weekend.

I'm in the first week of my "build" phase using Don Fink's BeIronFit for IMCDA.  19 weeks until race day!

2012-02-08 3:57 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Well I did a 5 mile pyramid run this morning, then went to swim class and did our 2600yd workout. Felt great, so swam another 500yd. Still felt good, so grabbed a pull buoy and did another 900yd.  4000yd total. That is a first for me in the swim dept, so that was cool. 

Doing a 2 hr bike ride tomorrow, 14 mile run on Friday (last long run before my marathon next Saturday) 90 min bike on Saturday, and we'll see from there. 

Hope everyone has a good rest of the week.

2012-02-10 8:38 AM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Only you know your body and plan....but if it were me I would run like, 8 max the week before my marathon. You gotta get freshened up so you can fly!!
2012-02-10 3:26 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Thanks for the advice. I cut it from 14 to 10.  Now here's a BIG question that I could use some help on since I'm a tri newbie.  This upcoming week is a concentration week on biking (which I really want to work on), but it's also the week before the marathon.  My HIM is 9 weeks away (April 21st) and I don't want to waste this week of bike building just because I'm running a marathon on Saturday. I'm trying to come up with a happy medium of not feeling like a slacker on training and wasting a week of biking, but I would like to be 100% for the marathon. 

Here was the plan I've come up with, if you could, let me know if I'm on the right track or need to change anything: Friday-ran 10 (already done), Sat-2 hr bike, Sun-1hr bike/6mile run brick, Mon-swim/5 run, Tues-swim/90 min bike, Wed-5 run, Thur-swim, Fri-rest, Sat-race

This is definitely downgraded from what I wanted to accomplish on the bike, but hoping that with me still being 9 weeks out that I have enough time to get some more bike building time in.

2012-02-10 5:12 PM
in reply to: #4040972

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Joey Blankenship - 2012-02-10 3:26 PM

Thanks for the advice. I cut it from 14 to 10.  Now here's a BIG question that I could use some help on since I'm a tri newbie.  This upcoming week is a concentration week on biking (which I really want to work on), but it's also the week before the marathon.  My HIM is 9 weeks away (April 21st) and I don't want to waste this week of bike building just because I'm running a marathon on Saturday. I'm trying to come up with a happy medium of not feeling like a slacker on training and wasting a week of biking, but I would like to be 100% for the marathon. 

Here was the plan I've come up with, if you could, let me know if I'm on the right track or need to change anything: Friday-ran 10 (already done), Sat-2 hr bike, Sun-1hr bike/6mile run brick, Mon-swim/5 run, Tues-swim/90 min bike, Wed-5 run, Thur-swim, Fri-rest, Sat-race

This is definitely downgraded from what I wanted to accomplish on the bike, but hoping that with me still being 9 weeks out that I have enough time to get some more bike building time in.


Honestly, I think its ok if you dont think its going to compromise your run. If you feel like you'll be fully recovered from your bikes by Sat, go for it.  Or turn the tues session into more of a high rpm spin.  Honestly, you're not going to gain all that much in terms of results on your HIM bike from 1 or 2 hours difference during a week training 9 wks out.  I'd do the volume/intensity that leaves you feel refreshed for your mary, but still keeps your bike feeling sharp.  Classic case of "don't over think it".

2012-02-10 6:39 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Japewang- Thanks for the advice. I've gotten wrapped up in biking the past week or so on wanting to improve, and I was thinking at 9 weeks out I've got time, but I don't like being a slacker. I've never been good at tapering or recovery for that matter cause I just want to push myself even though I should take a break.  I personally don't think what I'm showing for the week prior is too much, but having other opinions that know more than me helps.  I just didn't know if I did a little more biking, how much would that equate to me being a little worn out on the run since I'm honestly so new at the tri thing.

Hope the training is going good. I really want to see how this HIM goes in April cause I'm feeling the urge to go bigger.  The first challenge though is this marathon next weekend.

2012-02-11 11:41 AM
in reply to: #4040972

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Joey Blankenship - 2012-02-10 3:26 PM

Thanks for the advice. I cut it from 14 to 10.  Now here's a BIG question that I could use some help on since I'm a tri newbie.  This upcoming week is a concentration week on biking (which I really want to work on), but it's also the week before the marathon.  My HIM is 9 weeks away (April 21st) and I don't want to waste this week of bike building just because I'm running a marathon on Saturday. I'm trying to come up with a happy medium of not feeling like a slacker on training and wasting a week of biking, but I would like to be 100% for the marathon. 

Here was the plan I've come up with, if you could, let me know if I'm on the right track or need to change anything: Friday-ran 10 (already done), Sat-2 hr bike, Sun-1hr bike/6mile run brick, Mon-swim/5 run, Tues-swim/90 min bike, Wed-5 run, Thur-swim, Fri-rest, Sat-race

This is definitely downgraded from what I wanted to accomplish on the bike, but hoping that with me still being 9 weeks out that I have enough time to get some more bike building time in.

You have trained so hard for this marathon.  Believe me, when you say things like "feeling like a slacker" and "wasting' you are Not doing that by laying off a bit this week. As far as I can tell, this is your big race other than your HIM so you should give yourself the best possible chance to do your VERY best.

You will have some time in the few weeks after the marathon to first, recovery, then ramp up your cycling so you'll be ready to go in April.  IF I were you, I would probably do the schedule you described but even add a second off day at the beginning of the week. Also, I would make at least some of the miles this week at estimated marathon pace

Sat-2 hr bike, Sun- OFF... NO, REALLY OFF, Mon-swim/5 run, Tues-swim/90 min bike, Wed-5 run, Thur-swim, Fri-rest, Sat-race

I would take probably Sunday off then assess how you feel through the week.... It wouldn't kill you to nix the double either Monday or Tuesday, too.

What's the projected marathon pace looking like at this point? If your long runs are in the low 7s.....?

2012-02-11 11:43 AM
in reply to: #4041207

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!


Honestly, I think its ok if you dont think its going to compromise your run. If you feel like you'll be fully recovered from your bikes by Sat, go for it.  Or turn the tues session into more of a high rpm spin.  Honestly, you're not going to gain all that much in terms of results on your HIM bike from 1 or 2 hours difference during a week training 9 wks out.  I'd do the volume/intensity that leaves you feel refreshed for your mary, but still keeps your bike feeling sharp.  Classic case of "don't over think it".


Really good advice!

2012-02-11 11:44 AM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

How is training going for everyone else this weekend?

I did a 12 miler this morning and have a couple of hours bike tomorrow. I had formerly begged to ride outside for 3-4ish, but there is an arctic front now! I will likely instead do a couple hours indoors and a brick.

What about you guys!

I can't believe tri season is getting so close! Scary...

2012-02-11 1:02 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Anyone else ever been told by someone that they've never rode with that they ride 18+ mph, so you decide to go ride with them thinking that they will be at least be close, and you end your 2 hour bike ride averaging 16.6 mph. Yes, that was me today. I did get ALOT of small ring and high cadence riding in today though, so guess that's a plus.  Maybe the man upstairs was trying to tell me to take it easy this weekend, so having someone else hold me up did that lol.

In terms of my long runs, I've been running between 7:50-8:03 over the past several weeks.  I've talked to my buddy who's flying in to pace me for the race, and he wants me to really push it.  I'm thinking 7:50ish (3:25), but he's thinking faster than that (doesn't help matters that he's a sub 3hr marathoner). I really feel pretty confident I can PR, and to beat that I have to average better than 7:59, so we'll see how it goes. 

I appreciate all the help. I'm glad groups like these exist to help out newbies like me who definitely need some guidance.  Hope everyone has a good rest of the weekend of training.

2012-02-11 3:27 PM
in reply to: #4042082

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Joey Blankenship - 2012-02-11 1:02 PM

Anyone else ever been told by someone that they've never rode with that they ride 18+ mph, so you decide to go ride with them thinking that they will be at least be close, and you end your 2 hour bike ride averaging 16.6 mph. Yes, that was me today. I did get ALOT of small ring and high cadence riding in today though, so guess that's a plus.  Maybe the man upstairs was trying to tell me to take it easy this weekend, so having someone else hold me up did that lol.

In terms of my long runs, I've been running between 7:50-8:03 over the past several weeks.  I've talked to my buddy who's flying in to pace me for the race, and he wants me to really push it.  I'm thinking 7:50ish (3:25), but he's thinking faster than that (doesn't help matters that he's a sub 3hr marathoner). I really feel pretty confident I can PR, and to beat that I have to average better than 7:59, so we'll see how it goes. 

I appreciate all the help. I'm glad groups like these exist to help out newbies like me who definitely need some guidance.  Hope everyone has a good rest of the weekend of training.

Wait a minute...we didn't ride together today....

2012-02-12 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

I did 3 hours on the trainer yesterday.  Ended up being 50 miles on the nose.  It was a tough ride for me.  Felt great for 2 hours and then had to power through the last hour.  I haven't been getting alot of quality sleep lately.  Usually 6-7 hours a night, but the last hour or 2 is usually interrupted by commotion with the baby waking up and going back to bed.  I'm pretty high maintenance...perform my best at 7.5+ hours of sleep.  Need to be more disciplined about getting to bed earlier.

Today I have a 1.5 hour run on the docket.  Snowed 2 inches last night and forecast has 20-25mph winds in store for us.  Sounds terrific.  May do an easy workout on the trainer tonight as I find it really helps to flush out my legs.

2012-02-12 9:01 AM
in reply to: #4042082

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

maybe you could go out at 3:15-3:20 pace and pick it up halfway -mile 18 if you feel strong.

Sounds like you need to REST!!!!!!!!!!!

2012-02-12 9:03 AM
in reply to: #4042857

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Yikes.. 3 hours on the trainer is tough! I think I'm going to a local computrainer studio for my workout today.

are you going to run outside in that weather today? sounds rough!

2012-02-12 12:22 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Japewang- lol on riding with ya. Man I got up and was ready to push hard in the 35 degree weather, was hoping for close to 19mph for the 2 hours, and then, BOOM,  I had to implement my plan cause of someone thinking just because you see 19mph going downhill that you can hold that for 2 hours lol.  Oh well, lesson learned. I had a good time laughing at least.

3 hours on the trainer, all I can say is, HOLY COW.  That is some dedication.  I hope you watched a movie or two. That is definitely the only way I could do that.  If you want to fly to Myrtle next weekend and run my race, I'll do your 1 1/2 hour run today, snow, wind and all.  Just kidding, I'm actually really ready to run since this might be the first time I'm actually properly rested for a race (coughing Bethany's name right now).

Well at the guidance of experience (coughing again), today is going to be pretty much a rest day. My roadie buddy is going to come over and we are going to put on my racing wheels, brake pads, and do some maintenance on the bike.  I'm sure I might take it on a little ride around the neighborhood, but that's it. Rest day.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Yes, for some reason here in NC we got this retarded cold front that needs to depart with the quickness cause it's chilly.

2012-02-12 7:53 PM
in reply to: #4043135

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Awesome! You might feel a little stir crazy, but that just means you are going to be ready to perform your best! Excited to trAck. Stay the course.....
2012-02-13 1:04 PM
in reply to: #4043135

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Joey Blankenship - 2012-02-12 12:22 PM

Japewang- lol on riding with ya. Man I got up and was ready to push hard in the 35 degree weather, was hoping for close to 19mph for the 2 hours, and then, BOOM,  I had to implement my plan cause of someone thinking just because you see 19mph going downhill that you can hold that for 2 hours lol.  Oh well, lesson learned. I had a good time laughing at least.

3 hours on the trainer, all I can say is, HOLY COW.  That is some dedication.  I hope you watched a movie or two. That is definitely the only way I could do that.  If you want to fly to Myrtle next weekend and run my race, I'll do your 1 1/2 hour run today, snow, wind and all.  Just kidding, I'm actually really ready to run since this might be the first time I'm actually properly rested for a race (coughing Bethany's name right now).

Well at the guidance of experience (coughing again), today is going to be pretty much a rest day. My roadie buddy is going to come over and we are going to put on my racing wheels, brake pads, and do some maintenance on the bike.  I'm sure I might take it on a little ride around the neighborhood, but that's it. Rest day.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Yes, for some reason here in NC we got this retarded cold front that needs to depart with the quickness cause it's chilly.

I think my hands are JUST NOW thawing out from yesterdays run.  Actually it was not as bad as i thought it would be.  Sun was out and kept me warm.  My hands always get cold...even when I double glove it. (under armor base gloves and nike football gloves) oh well.

When I'm on the trainer that long I play my xbox.  Get in aero and hold a controller.  Really helps time go by fast.  I don't mind it as much as some others do.  certainly would rather be outside, but i don't mind the trainer time.

2012-02-13 1:11 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
You play an XBOX! On the trainer!!? How can you push hard and play video games...or are you just easy spinning? Please spill the beans....
2012-02-13 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Well yesterday's workout consisted of eating a half a box of peanut butter sandwich Girl Scout cookies.  I love this time of the year just for that reason.  Other than that, I did nothing.

Today got up this morning in 26 degree weather and ran 5 miles, yes it was a bit chilly. I ran a little faster than I wanted just to get it over with.  Went to the pool at lunch and knocked out a good 2800yd workout.  Now going to sit at home with my feet up in the air.

Tomorrow 60-90 min bike ride and a pool workout on the slate.

Japewang-Xbox playing, that's REDONKULOUS.  Actually pretty smart for that long. I'm not a gamer, but I'm sure that helps take the time go by.

Hope everyone is having a good Monday.

2012-02-13 5:30 PM
in reply to: #4044944

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

ATLrunr - 2012-02-13 1:11 PM You play an XBOX! On the trainer!!? How can you push hard and play video games...or are you just easy spinning? Please spill the beans....

I only do it for longer rides which are Z1 and Z2.  Just set up my HR monitor to beep at me if I go out of certain zones.  Keep an eye on my power computer to monitor RPMs, MPH, and power output.  Works out really well actually.  Push the pace/sprint during loading screens/cutscenes.  

On my rides where I'm doing intervals or hard efforts its just music .

2012-02-13 6:50 PM
in reply to: #4045589

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Your post reminds me.. where the heck are my Girl Scout cookies?!?!? We ordered like 5 boxes or something!

Good on you for getting out in that cold weather.  It was cold here today but supposed to be 70 by Thursday.

2012-02-13 6:51 PM
in reply to: #4045633

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
So are you in aero or what? Amazing...
2012-02-13 7:28 PM
in reply to: #4045750

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
ATLrunr - 2012-02-13 6:51 PMSo are you in aero or what? Amazing...
Ya. In aero. I have clip on aeros on my roadie, so i just rotate the bars out ao the upward portion doesnt get in the way and rest on the armpads.
2012-02-14 4:48 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Had a great 45 minute run today.  Base training is really paying off.  This time last year, keeping an 8:15-8:30 pace would have put me at a HR in the high 160s.  My average today at that pace with a 5 minute z4 pu was 153.  Feeling really good about my fitness as I'm doing week 12 of my IM plan.  
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