BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013 Rss Feed  
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2012-02-28 7:04 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Sorry everyone as I thought I had posted a pic of my bike but for some reason it is not there.  I have been trying to add the picture as an attachment and it keeps telling me it is too big, so you y'll will have to wait till I get back home and I can have the hubby figure it out for me.  

Billy did talk me into doing IMKY with him.  I just hope he doesn't forget about me.



Edited by krazytallchick 2012-02-28 7:09 PM

2012-02-28 9:34 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Who are you?
2012-02-28 9:57 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Columbus, IN
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

I forgot that I can add a finish line!  I did the Polar Bear 5 mile run in Indy with my brother and brother in law on add another finish line!  Smile

YAY to Deb!!!

Lena you have so got Racine this time!!! Wink

There are going to be so many peeps I get to cheer on in Lou this year!!!

2012-02-29 10:39 AM
in reply to: #4070563

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

left.right.repeat - 2012-02-28 11:00 AM Ann - do it for all your runs. Even short ones if you are tired.

Remember - we coast on the bike - that requires NO effort. Walking requires effort. There is NO shame in walking.

I wish I read this before I went to the gym. (Cold and raw here today) I did some strength, my least favorite activity, and then had to run 4 miles.  I felt like a slug.  My HR  was high and I felt like do, do.  I did walk for .1 mile at the 2 mile mark to bring my hr out of the high 160s.  Will now use Galloway all the time.  Even for a sprint tri??

2012-02-29 11:16 AM
in reply to: #4072742

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Walla Walla
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

HERE I AM.  Did all ya'll miss me? I've been fighting a nasty respriatory bronchial thing for weeks! Every time I think its gone it comes back.  So, when I start training again, can I try to do the workouts I would be doing if I had done all the workouts int he last two weeks instead of none of them, or do I have to begin where I quit?  Afraid of beginning where I quit becuase then I think I won't be ready to do a tri by June 2, which is my first goal. Its not like I'm running 10 miles on the weekends, we're talkinga  difference of maybe 6 minutes in each workout.  I promise I'll cut a workout short if I feel too sore.

Does anybody else think its funny that I feel like I need permission?

2012-02-29 11:27 AM
in reply to: #4072742

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013


obviously one of the newbie/begginners here.. no finish lines.. but i have been run/walking every time no matter the distance. (except twice to prove I could already run a full 5k)

When run full 5k at 5.2-5.5 mph it takes approx. 35 mins...(this appears to be my "shuffle" pace that keeps heart rate manageable and can just "churn")  When walk/run, even when walk for 2-3 minutes at 4.2mph and run at 6.0-6.5mph for 3-5 mins the times are almost identical.. but "feels" easier..

Also my walk pace is now almost ingrained at 4.1-4.3 mph... and my run pace (shuffle) appears to be edging up toward the 6's.....heart rate slams up at faster paces, but slams down quickly when hit the walk.

Last night on my 45 minute dreadmill run, I ended up at 4 miles.. kept grade % at between 2% and 8% the entire time.. and did run/walk periods the whole time....even adding grade I still felt the walks "freshened me up"

My 2 cents, so far, is that it is making me a). faster (when I run OR walk) and b). increasing the distances I COULD go, if needed

(of course this doesn't change the fact that i will try to run the entire event if I feel i can/am able)

in other words.. so far this method appears to be helping me immensely..



2012-02-29 11:30 AM
in reply to: #4072846

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013


Hiya Suzie!!!!!  Great to see ya!!  Sorry you have been fighting a bug/sickness.. that stinks, and I know it bummed you out about your training..

No clue on the training protocol, but just wanted to say HI Laughing



2012-02-29 11:59 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Washington DC
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Congrats on signing up for IMKY Kathy!


I'm still here, taking it a little bit easy to have time to pack/see friends while I wait for my background check to clear.


It's like 60 degrees outside (what?!?) so my coworker and I are going out for a run in just a little bit. I'm very excited, since I've been doing most of my running on the treadmill lately and can not WAIT to spend some time outside. She's a little faster than me, but I've been trying to work on good running form and picking up my cadence, so hopefully it goes well. I also got outside on my new(ish) roadbike.. and it's so much easier than my commuter bike!! It makes me feel a lot more comfortable because 6 miles feels like I'm just getting into my groove instead of exhausting. It's amazing what just a month of training can do!

2012-02-29 8:41 PM
in reply to: #4072880

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013


Thanks for your input.  I have more to say but just worked two really long hard days and I am going to hit the sack.  Will reply to your reply tom.  Thanks again, I'm sold on it.


2012-02-29 8:57 PM
in reply to: #4072742

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
avisser - 2012-02-29 10:39 AM

left.right.repeat - 2012-02-28 11:00 AM Ann - do it for all your runs. Even short ones if you are tired.

Remember - we coast on the bike - that requires NO effort. Walking requires effort. There is NO shame in walking.

I wish I read this before I went to the gym. (Cold and raw here today) I did some strength, my least favorite activity, and then had to run 4 miles.  I felt like a slug.  My HR  was high and I felt like do, do.  I did walk for .1 mile at the 2 mile mark to bring my hr out of the high 160s.  Will now use Galloway all the time.  Even for a sprint tri??

Ann, yes

Everyone is different, but I use Galloway method on Tempo, speed, long run, easy run, 5K, Marathon, Half-Ironman. Galloway

I can't remember if i posted how I started with Galloway method, but i've been using it for 6 years now and I can now say most definitively that even in a marathon, it's amazing. I have run 4 marathons, and using a Galloway method, you do a 20, 23 and a 26 miler in training (most other plans stop at 20 miles).... so, after 4 26 milers in training and 4 marathons, I can attest that the recovery is very minimal.. sure, you are sore and all that, but completely functional the next day! I have small children at home, so I can't be laid up and unable to move for 2 days, and this method has me pretty much able to be mobile all day next day It also makes a long race like a marathon much easier mentally, because I only have to focus on the next 2 minutes (or whatever you choose to do)...

I'll share this, too.. my very first marathon, my friend and I did 1:1s the.whole.time. We started as 1:1s keeping a 12 min pace, felt good after a few miles and continued.. by mile 16 we did try to go to 2:1s and our legs were not in agreement, so we kept a 1:1 ratio, and let me tell you... except for one mile, we kept our pace the entire marathon, and especially in the second half, passed people continuously until the very end! that in itself is SUPER motivating
2012-03-01 8:58 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Washington DC
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Yesterday went well enough. I couldn't keep running for 5 minutes, which was diappointing, but when I got back into the office, people gr were saying that the wind gusts were going up to 40mph, so I felt a little better since we were running into the wind for the first half.

Also, importantly realized that for running a 5 minute walking warm up doesn't cover it. I need to get some slow jogging or biking in beforehand so I can really hit my groove.

I'm missing my swimming class tonight because I have to work late, but I grabbed stuff anyway to try and hit the pool afterward. I've been slacking on the swim, and I seem to do better in class when I do more total immerson drills on my own.

2012-03-01 7:41 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Here is the picture of my new bike and I got my new seat today!  Looking forward to getting a good bike ride this weekend.

I am still working on a name.  Any suggestions?

Edited by krazytallchick 2012-03-01 7:46 PM

(Felt Bikecomp.jpg)

Felt Bikecomp.jpg (41KB - 13 downloads)
2012-03-01 8:27 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Sweet, always liked Felts.... easy for me to pass!!!!!!!   Thats funny right there, I can't pass anyone!


That is one sweet ride!!!!!!!!!

2012-03-01 8:28 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
You should always photograph your bike from the other side, that way we can see the drive train!
2012-03-02 6:22 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Beautiful bike
2012-03-02 6:46 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
She's really pretty!

2012-03-02 6:50 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Louise? She looks like a Louise..
2012-03-02 7:20 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Billy, I specifically photographed from the other side so you can't see my drive train so I can pass you.  Smile
2012-03-02 7:43 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Well, "IF" you pass me, and its a legal pass, you will have to pass on the left and I guess I will have to look at the drive train then!
2012-03-02 8:34 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Billy she has already gone by. Beautiful bike girl. I could go with Lou - as in Lou Ferrigno - the incredible hulk - that little bit of green brought that on - and I think all girls should have bikes with male names. Just sayin'
2012-03-02 10:12 AM
in reply to: #4076538

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Nice bike KC.  Looks like she can really fly. Thanks for sharing.

2012-03-02 10:26 AM
in reply to: #4076165

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013


Wicked nice bike Kathy!!!  I think it deserves a wicked name....

Hmmmm... Razor, Slice, Flame, Mach, Charger, Thunder, Thor, Hammer,  Hee hee..

Reminds me... my bike still hasn't been named either..... Okay folks.. we need two Names...


Edited by Malsup 2012-03-02 10:42 AM
2012-03-02 10:28 AM
in reply to: #4074703

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

fat2tri - 2012-03-01 8:58 AM Yesterday went well enough. I couldn't keep running for 5 minutes, which was diappointing, but when I got back into the office, people gr were saying that the wind gusts were going up to 40mph, so I felt a little better since we were running into the wind for the first half.

Also, importantly realized that for running a 5 minute walking warm up doesn't cover it. I need to get some slow jogging or biking in beforehand so I can really hit my groove.

I'm missing my swimming class tonight because I have to work late, but I grabbed stuff anyway to try and hit the pool afterward. I've been slacking on the swim, and I seem to do better in class when I do more total immerson drills on my own.

Keep it up Maria!! We are cheering for ya... and if you can run in 40mph gusts... you can run in anything!!!



2012-03-02 11:22 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Bryan, you are correct, she has passed me and will now become my "pace booty".

I like the name Lou as well as in The Hulk and also as in IMLOU,  See what I did there?

In case you don't remember, as in "shes in the hospital", mine  is Carmen Electra.  Need I explain why?

2012-03-02 3:39 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
To give you a little bit of background about me and how I got my name.  This picture was from last year when we went to the B-52s anniversary concert where they first started....Athens, GA.  We also had Flat Stanley from my nephew so he came along.  Because of how I was dressed I was interviewed for their video, still waiting for the video to come out.

(B-52 compressed.jpg)

B-52 compressed.jpg (39KB - 15 downloads)
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013 Rss Feed  
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