BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train! Rss Feed  
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2013-01-10 8:35 AM
in reply to: #4545748

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Well I went on the trainer last night for 1/2 hour, testing out the new pedals, and I guess I had been pedaling incorrectly in the past because man my calves are sore today!  It's definitely different from having the platforms on the bike since I don't have as much freedom to move my feet around and reposition myself while I'm riding.

I have a Garmin (310XT) and I paired the Speed/Cadence sensor to my bike last night.  The watch found the sensor, but it registered that I was riding at an average of 3.5mph.  Now, I know I'm slow (I'm a turtle after all) but at my absolute slowest, I've never pedaled that slow in my life.  I think if I was that slow riding outside, I would have fallen over!  I reset the tire size on the watch, and my husband checked the connections and they seem fine.  What else could it possibly be?  If anyone has any ideas, it would be much appreciated.

I'm debating whether or not to swim tonight.  My back's been giving me a little trouble the last couple of days, so I'm not sure if I want to rest it tonight or tomorrow.

Greta-the fabric is so cool.  Well done! 

Have a great day everybody!


2013-01-10 8:51 AM
in reply to: #4545748

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New user

Subject: fabric

Thanks guys!...glad you like the fabric! Smile 

I am planning a swim today. I just cannot seem to get motivated to actually WANT to swim. I will happily, run, bike weight train til the cows come home....but oh man, the swimming just isn't appealing on the front end. 

It's funny, because I actually like it once I'm there. I think I just need to create a habit of sorts. 

Happy training everyone! Good luck on your goals today. 


2013-01-10 11:22 AM
in reply to: #4545748

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!




  Try to take your heart for 30 - 60 seconds.  You will get a better reading.  Just a note, the built in HR monitors in treadmills and such are horrbily inaccurate.  Definately slow down your run.  In time the slower pace will become natural.  Dont worry about the missed day.  It is one thing to swap an off day, but dont try and cram a work out in because you missed it.  Just let it go and work on not missing it the next week.


Great job getting back on track.



Great job getting it done.  My daughter says you need to celebrate and do the Dora I did it dance, while singing the song. 


That is great your 14 YO went to the class with you.  How did she/he like it? At the bottom of the screen there is a sports section.  Spinning is already there and all you have to do is add the time.   Or you can enter it under the bike and included the estimated mileage.   The time gets tracked differently in the log depending how you add it.  Either option is fine, it just depends how you want it to appear in the log.



I tried the brussel sprouts.. they were rather bland, although I didn't add the ranch dressing like she had in the recipe.  I am thinking of modifying the recipe and using more garlic and maybe some lemon. Definitely like the new lunch option.  I am getting tired of mixed spinach salad.


You might be able to manually enter your plan into the site. I looked into this before I became a member and decided it was too much effort.  It might be easier to make a calender spreadsheet and print it out, so you always know what you have planned for the next day.



I hope you find yourself on the mend soon.




Congrats on the new shoes and pedals.   Keep us posted.  This is something I plan to do this year too.

If you are sore, then take the evening off to heal.  There is a chance that you will just make your back worse. It really depends how much it bothers you.  Maybe the time spent doing some back/yoga stretches might be better?




I am on track this week so far.  My swim distances are off and I am struggling with the shorter distances.  I know it will just take some time to get back to where I was.  I agree, cold water early in the morning is not appealing.  I despise getting in that pool, but I am glad I did once I am done.  I almost bailed this morning, but then figured since I was already up, ate breakfast and just about dressed, I might as well just go. Tomorrow is a long strength workout, legs and back. Saturday Spin class and this time I will get there, hopefully 30 minutes earlier to make sure I get a bike.


Keep on keeping on!

2013-01-10 5:59 PM
in reply to: #4545748

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

I just realized I am not looking at our program often enough.

Suz and Steph - so happy to have you as mentors. I learning so much.

Otis - you are great with responses and info.

Lovey - I am going to find a spin class. Any suggestions?  I'm just getting comfortable on my first road bike.

Kelly - Congrats on pedals and shoes. I am almost ready to take that step.

Greta- I love your fabric design.

I am going to swim after work.  We are experiencing "cold" weather is Southern California - 50 degrees. 



2013-01-10 10:15 PM
in reply to: #4572969

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
ConnieVisc - 2013-01-10 6:59 PM

I just realized I am not looking at our program often enough.

Suz and Steph - so happy to have you as mentors. I learning so much.

Otis - you are great with responses and info.

Lovey - I am going to find a spin class. Any suggestions?  I'm just getting comfortable on my first road bike.

Kelly - Congrats on pedals and shoes. I am almost ready to take that step.

Greta- I love your fabric design.

I am going to swim after work.  We are experiencing "cold" weather is Southern California - 50 degrees. 



My gym has 4 different spin class:

express (30mins)
regular class (45 mins)
regular class (60 mins)
endurance (75 mins)

Most gyms do not have a 30 min class but start with the shortest class. The bike takes some getting use to for some people. I was comfortable, my son was so uncomfortable. Wear your bike shorts! After awhile you will be go without it if you want when you build up your "butt muscles".
The instructor helps new people with positioning usually. It is important to be align right to avoid lower back pain or knee pain. I was never too good at that. Most people wear sneakers. I do occasionally but my knee started hurting because of my position. I use mountain bike shoes on the road with SPD clips. Spin bikes use SPD clips so I can clip in and keep my knees straight.

Take a class and have fun. If you don't like it, take it again with a different instructor. Sometimes an instructor can make or break a class.
2013-01-10 10:40 PM
in reply to: #4571969

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

@otis - My son didn't really like the class for a couple of reasons.
The seat was uncomfortable for him beccause he's not use to it.
I think his seat height was ok but he knee started hurting. I noticed he kept riding with his knees leaning slightly out.
Lastly, he got really worn out. I told him to ignore the numbers, get comfortable and stay there. The instructor told him the same thing. Instead he kept trying to keep up with the class. When I went hard so did he even though I told him not to.. He told his dad he didn't want his mom outdoing him.

He said he would go back and try it again.

2013-01-11 8:16 AM
in reply to: #4573267

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Lovey - 2013-01-10 11:40 PM @otis - My son didn't really like the class for a couple of reasons. The seat was uncomfortable for him beccause he's not use to it. I think his seat height was ok but he knee started hurting. I noticed he kept riding with his knees leaning slightly out. Lastly, he got really worn out. I told him to ignore the numbers, get comfortable and stay there. The instructor told him the same thing. Instead he kept trying to keep up with the class. When I went hard so did he even though I told him not to.. He told his dad he didn't want his mom outdoing him. He said he would go back and try it again.



That is great that he is going to go back.  

2013-01-11 8:18 AM
in reply to: #4545748

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Me singing

"It's Friday, FridayGotta get down on FridayEverybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekendFriday, Friday"


So what does everyone have planned for the weekend?  

Me Spin class tomorrow, and a long run followed up by yoga class on Sunday.  Then I will need to find some couch time to watch the Atlanta/Seatle game. 


Have a great weekend. 

2013-01-11 8:33 AM
in reply to: #4545748

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Just a couple of thoughts:


If haven't I recommend checking out swim smooth.  Lots of great swimming information with a weekly blog.

swimsmooth   and their blog

Another tip,  you can receive email updates to any thread you post a message in.  Just go to your settings --> Forum Settings Tab--> Settings Tab --> and change "Receive email notifications by default" to yes.  Every time someone updates adds a post to a thread you have posted in you will receive an email.  It will include the person who posted the update and the update in a plain text format. 



2013-01-11 12:58 PM
in reply to: #4573254

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Thanks for all the info. I am going to try a class.
2013-01-11 1:09 PM
in reply to: #4573589

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Thanks for the info Otis!

I read the swim smooth blog and I just read the new book. I am actually swimming "smoother".

I changed the email update.

Have a good day and a great weekend!

2013-01-11 6:45 PM
in reply to: #4545748

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Otis, thanks for the swim smooth link -- looks like a perfect resource. Since I started focusing on my technique instead of just grinding out the laps I look forward to my time in the pool so much more. I just hope it translates to a better race this year.   

The bike, though, is a different story. It's either too cold or too rainy to be really nice riding weather and so I've been putting off my return to the bike. Today I used a spinning bike at the gym (it had a little program that mimics a spin class) for 30 minutes and I was just so bored. Lovey you have inspired me to try a regular spin class next week; I think that might be the thing I need.

This weekend I have a long (for me!) run tomorrow and a bike ride for as long as I can stand the cold on Sunday. I would also love to get in a yoga class Sunday morning but we'll see.


2013-01-12 3:25 AM
in reply to: #4545748

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
So I got back from Germany last night and my training over there never happened.   So today is the first day of my new year's training plan.  A bit late but better late than never.   Didn't make my goals of watching what I ate.  Planning for a long run today and a swim tomorrow.  A lot has happen on this thread since I left.  It took me awhile to catch up on all the new postings.  
2013-01-12 3:32 AM
in reply to: #4571111

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Lovey - 2013-01-09 10:51 PM Made it to spin class tonight. Best of all, my 14 year went me! How should I log myspinning miles. I added a spin bike as an equipment. Should I track only the time or use an average mileage to track as well? the class was 45 minutes. I can do just 45 mins in the log or 45 mins and 9 miles (using 12 mile/hr as the pace) I plan to do elliptical and swim tomorrow.

Logging miles for spinning class depends on how you ride.  I log 12 miles for a 45 minute class and 14 miles for a 60 min class.  If you were to race outside for an hour on your bike, you would probably ride between 16-20 mph on flat open roads.  The sprinting songs have a high enough cadence that you will be in that mph range.   The "hill" songs should be a slow enough cadence that if you were on a bike, you would be between 8-12 mph.  There are ususally more sprinting than hill climbing in most spinning classes.  So I reason that 12 miles is good for 45 mins and 14 miles is good for a 60 min class.  THat is just my 2 cents. 

Also, try using a heart rate monitor for spinning.   I don't use one for running but always have one on for Spinning class to see how hard I am working.   It lets you know when to back off a bit. 

Good Luck

2013-01-12 10:23 AM
in reply to: #4545748

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

It's a beautiful day for a workout! 

On tap:

Aerobic - Find my green and yellow pom poms

Strength training - unload cases of beer while wearing my cheesehead

Eating Plan:  Make healthy brats (haha just kidding!)




2013-01-12 7:59 PM
in reply to: #4545748

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New user

Subject: Weekend!

Well, it seemed like I wasn't exactly destined to get a swim in these last few days. THere was a swim meet at my local pool on my planned day. So, I trucked it over to the other pool---squeezing in 30 minutes in the pool between other scheduled things-----only to find out that the pool had an "unscheduled closing" to quote the woman at the desk. what!!? Anyway, turns out the new surface of the deck (which they just repainted) was too slippery and it is closed indefinitely due to "slipping issues"....isn't that just strange!? geez. It totally sounds like a made-up excuse! haSmile

Anyway, i did finally get to the pool today for an hour. I really did some solid work at the pool today....working on my form, pulling on my down stroke, elongating, and kicking from my hips a bit more----it all felt great. 

Otis, thanks for that Swim Smooth blog tip. That site is great. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend workout. 



2013-01-12 9:56 PM
in reply to: #4574830

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
jslacker - 2013-01-12 4:32 AM

Lovey - 2013-01-09 10:51 PM Made it to spin class tonight. Best of all, my 14 year went me! How should I log myspinning miles. I added a spin bike as an equipment. Should I track only the time or use an average mileage to track as well? the class was 45 minutes. I can do just 45 mins in the log or 45 mins and 9 miles (using 12 mile/hr as the pace) I plan to do elliptical and swim tomorrow.

Logging miles for spinning class depends on how you ride.  I log 12 miles for a 45 minute class and 14 miles for a 60 min class.  If you were to race outside for an hour on your bike, you would probably ride between 16-20 mph on flat open roads.  The sprinting songs have a high enough cadence that you will be in that mph range.   The "hill" songs should be a slow enough cadence that if you were on a bike, you would be between 8-12 mph.  There are ususally more sprinting than hill climbing in most spinning classes.  So I reason that 12 miles is good for 45 mins and 14 miles is good for a 60 min class.  THat is just my 2 cents. 

Also, try using a heart rate monitor for spinning.   I don't use one for running but always have one on for Spinning class to see how hard I am working.   It lets you know when to back off a bit. 

Good Luck

Thanks John. I will definitely use a heart rate monitor. I use to when I spinned but I was so focus on just getting to the gym this time. When I ride outside, I am a slow rider. I ride a hybrid and on flat roads average about 14 miles per hour. I almost always fall in the 10 - 14 mph group.

I am exhausted today. Had my swim class, tried to rush to spin class but missed it so I did 35 mins on the elliptical. rushed home to make breakfast and wake the family, off to basketball games. then a luncheon, followed by a business meeting with a friend, helping at church, grocery store run, picking up kids friends, coming home, take down christmas tree and decorations, went and picked up a pizza, eat, did the dishes and now can't wait to go to bed!
2013-01-12 10:31 PM
in reply to: #4575655

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Lovey - 2013-01-12 7:56 PM

Had my swim class, tried to rush to spin class but missed it so I did 35 mins on the elliptical. rushed home to make breakfast and wake the family, off to basketball games. then a luncheon, followed by a business meeting with a friend, helping at church, grocery store run, picking up kids friends, coming home, take down christmas tree and decorations, went and picked up a pizza, eat, did the dishes and now can't wait to go to bed!

Holy cow, just reading that list makes me want to take a nap! That is amazing. I wasn't as productive as that today - but I got a 5-mile run in there, so feeling pretty good about it! Yoga's at 9:30 tomorrow, I wonder if I'll make it...


2013-01-13 7:23 AM
in reply to: #4545748

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Happy Sunday!  I hope everyone is having a great weekend, doing what you're doing.  The weather in NJ is mid to high 40's climbing into the 50's today.  I hope the fog burns off soon.  My wife and I are heading out on a small group ride.  We are riding the NJ State Tri OLY bike course.  It should feel great just to get on the road and off the trainer.  


Have a great day!

2013-01-13 12:13 PM
in reply to: #4575004

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Threejs - 2013-01-12 8:23 AM

It's a beautiful day for a workout! 

On tap:

Aerobic - Find my green and yellow pom poms

Strength training - unload cases of beer while wearing my cheesehead

Eating Plan:  Make healthy brats (haha just kidding!)




Packed away my cheesehead...Thank you Packers for freeing up my weekends. More training time!

2013-01-13 12:19 PM
in reply to: #4545748

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Marcus -

Appreciate your feedback about the calendar - just posted it where I will see it first thing in the morning.

All -

Beautiful brisk 48 degree day in SoCal - time to workout!
Happy Sunday!

2013-01-13 12:26 PM
in reply to: #4576112

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Threejs - 2013-01-13 1:19 PM

Marcus -

Appreciate your feedback about the calendar - just posted it where I will see it first thing in the morning.

All -

Beautiful brisk 48 degree day in SoCal - time to workout!
Happy Sunday!

I love how it's a brisk 48 in SoCal, but a balmy 48 in NJ. Have a great day!
2013-01-13 4:32 PM
in reply to: #4545748

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Marcus - I am in Southern Ca too. It is "freezing" outside!

I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!

My workouts for the week went well. I was able to swim, bike and run.

Yesterday I ran 4 miles on the trail and biked bike 13 miles. I am starting to feel comfortable on my first road bike.

I ran a half marathon today and place 3rd in my age group.

I hope everyone has a great week!


2013-01-13 6:11 PM
in reply to: #4576416

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New user
Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
ConnieVisc - 2013-01-13 2:32 PM

I ran a half marathon today and place 3rd in my age group.

Wow! Congratulations Connie, that is impressive! 

As long as we're sharing bike-riding weather reports, I've got 32F in Portland. Although I rode for about an hour on my mountain bike (that was a good workout. So slow!), and it didn't really feel that cold. Maybe I'm just getting used to it.

Goals for this week: more time on the bike! Shooting for 2.5 hours total.


2013-01-14 9:11 AM
in reply to: #4576117

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Mfechter67 - 2013-01-13 1:26 PM
Threejs - 2013-01-13 1:19 PM

Marcus -

Appreciate your feedback about the calendar - just posted it where I will see it first thing in the morning.

All -

Beautiful brisk 48 degree day in SoCal - time to workout!
Happy Sunday!

I love how it's a brisk 48 in SoCal, but a balmy 48 in NJ. Have a great day!


I thought the same thing and today it is a hot overcast 60. :-p



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