BT Development Mentor Program Archives » What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN! Rss Feed  
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2014-01-14 12:34 PM
in reply to: ratherbeswimming

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by ratherbeswimming

Originally posted by TriDadinAsheville
Originally posted by ratherbeswimming

Looking great everyone! 

I had a really busy day yesterday, and didn't get on the trainer until like 10pm. Oops!

I started working with middle school football players last night. I'll be doing speed/strength stuff with them 2x per week for about two months. It was FUN!

Thats impressive, if 10pm hit and I hadn't done a trainer ride yet, that trainer ride would not be done. I just don't function that late at night. Enjoyed my rest day yesterday and now i'm back at it for about 8 consecutive days before my next rest day, but at least next week is a recovery week. Do you ever get used to 5 am wake ups? Ugh. Every morning I want to quit the sport!

I prefer nights to the early mornings.

Mornings are great for me for swimming and easy runs... anything that requires a lot of thought or effort are much harder pre-dawn

The early mornings do get easier though! 

I prefer PM workouts myself, especially on the trainer.  I'll do morning runs with the dog (pix) but only after I've been up for 1-1.5 hours!

2014-01-14 12:43 PM
in reply to: Donto

Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by Donto

Get one of these and tell him to have some fun!

I'll get right on that.....he's 10, but he'll grow into it right? 

2014-01-14 12:45 PM
in reply to: dewybuck

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Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by dewybuck

Originally posted by Donto

Get one of these and tell him to have some fun!

I'll get right on that.....he's 10, but he'll grow into it right? 

We've got two smaller tires for the kids to flip!

2014-01-15 7:14 AM
in reply to: perrykvn

Northern IL
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by perrykvn After a couple days of park hopping at Disney World I ran my first marathon! Official time was 05:09:25. I wanted to be around 04:30 but I stopped several times to take pictures with characters. My Garmin also had my distance as 27.02, most likely due to running around 25k other runners and not being able to run the shortest possible route. I still have another week here with Mickey and the family and then back home to start training again.

From what I've heard of Disney, no one should ever expect a PR there except first timers for exactly what you mentioned. Nice going! Time may have been off what you wanted, but just getting through a marathon is a significant accomplishment.

2014-01-15 7:20 AM
in reply to: brigby1

Northern IL
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Rejoined Masters last night. Glad I went on my own Sunday after the week off as that would have been disastrous going with them then. Did manage to get the 100's down from 1:19 to 1:16, so was seeing improvement coming back in. But still some more seconds to go and it was a lot harder than it should have been. Somehow hit the fast 75's in :51-52, not sure how even after factoring in the large rest between them.

2014-01-15 8:23 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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Hollywood, FL
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
I've been having some really busy days - grad school is back on - but managed to exercise every day for a week now

I've been to masters swimming a couple of times, and have never been so tired after a swim workout. The coach is giving me a lot of attention, and has already helped fix some balance issue in my stroke. I'm swimming during my lunch break, which is their least busy time slot, I've always had a lane to myself so far and haven't had to worry about other people yet. I'm doing drills 80% of the time, and have been having a real hard time with kick drills. When I do 200m sets, I already feel some improvement in the first 100m, but I'm so tired that I struggle the last 50m. I still have a lot to improve, but feel that master swimming will help me a lot.

2014-01-15 12:00 PM
in reply to: ccjr

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Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by ccjr I've been having some really busy days - grad school is back on - but managed to exercise every day for a week now I've been to masters swimming a couple of times, and have never been so tired after a swim workout. The coach is giving me a lot of attention, and has already helped fix some balance issue in my stroke. I'm swimming during my lunch break, which is their least busy time slot, I've always had a lane to myself so far and haven't had to worry about other people yet. I'm doing drills 80% of the time, and have been having a real hard time with kick drills. When I do 200m sets, I already feel some improvement in the first 100m, but I'm so tired that I struggle the last 50m. I still have a lot to improve, but feel that master swimming will help me a lot.

So much swimming in this group - I love it

Rode outside for the first time in a while yesterday - I've been such a slave to the trainer and my power meter, it was nice to just ride Of course, my usual Tuesday is me working my butt off to keep up with friends riding at a conversational pace for them.

My first run since the one where I felt like I could have been developing shin splints is today!

Been icing, compressing, stretching, and I even tried Kinesiology Tape. I don't believe KT tape functions like it claims - i can make a muscle and move my skin around independent of my muscle - but maybe there's a placebo effect?

2014-01-15 2:00 PM
in reply to: ratherbeswimming

Arden, North Carolina
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
Funny how others are posting that they're getting used to the early morning workouts. While I'm getting adjusted to waking up early, I'm also getting sick of it very fast. I told my wife I need to move one of my swims to saturday so I can have one less day of 5 am wake ups (no I'm not sick enough to do 4 am's like most of you people!). I feel like i can manage a swim and a long run on the same day, if it gets me that extra hour and a half of sleep before work. Plus, our gym opens at 5:30, so I can't even do a full swim workout (3000+) like i'd really like to and get back home to help with getting the little one up and ready to go.
I don't like doing evening(after 7pm) since that really disrupts family life. I get off about 30 minutes before she does, so right now if I workout before work, then do my second workout immediately after work, by the time she gets off and picks up the little one, I've finished and no time lost.

Not sure how this is going to work when I start full IM training though. Embrace the 4 am?

Got another outdoor ride in yesterday, but I was fearing for my life most of the time. This part of town, near where I work, really doesn't seem to like cyclists too much. I actually had a guy coming the opposite direction lay on his
2014-01-15 2:18 PM
in reply to: ratherbeswimming

Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Taking a day of rest today, which will likely mean 30 minutes on the bike just spinning the legs out later, very easy pace.

Late night run last night, man i felt sluggish, HR was up, pace was one point I was getting pain in the knee that laid me up for a large portion of last season....

It feels fine today, will run tomorrow morning and see how it goes, may have been all in the head


2014-01-16 7:16 AM
in reply to: TriDadinAsheville

Northern IL
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

I did fine for quite awhile getting up for the morning workouts, but after adding masters it became rather difficult to do as it starts later in the evening. I don't do as well with varying wake-up times during the week and it was stretching the amount of sleep I was getting quite a bit, so just do everything after work. Whatever gets it in.

2014-01-16 7:48 AM
in reply to: ratherbeswimming

Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

what's on the menu today for everyone?

I had a complete rest day yesterday, so much so I even enjoyed a couple of beers last night

Tonight I'll be doing 2 hours on the trainer....I'm not sure whether to hit the ISLAGIATT or double up on the HHNF on the sufferfest videos.  I really like the two 20 minute sessions on HHNF and think I can do the first run through at lower effort, then push harder on  the second run through.

currently looking at flights to the UK for the race at the end of March...already up around $1000   do I book now or risk it and get a late deal?  it's only me, no bike etc, don't need business class and I can take any available route if I book closer....has anyone, or does anyone regularly do the last minute thing for races?  I'm normally the plan way ahead and relax type.......

2014-01-16 8:05 AM
in reply to: dewybuck

Northern IL
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by dewybuck

what's on the menu today for everyone?

I had a complete rest day yesterday, so much so I even enjoyed a couple of beers last night

Tonight I'll be doing 2 hours on the trainer....I'm not sure whether to hit the ISLAGIATT or double up on the HHNF on the sufferfest videos.  I really like the two 20 minute sessions on HHNF and think I can do the first run through at lower effort, then push harder on  the second run through.

currently looking at flights to the UK for the race at the end of March...already up around $1000   do I book now or risk it and get a late deal?  it's only me, no bike etc, don't need business class and I can take any available route if I book closer....has anyone, or does anyone regularly do the last minute thing for races?  I'm normally the plan way ahead and relax type.......

I've liked ISLAGIATT more so than repeating videos. Guess things just seem to fit better. Also like ramping it up more for the shorter (yet not that short) sections they have late. Think the punchy nature of the last one can help in showing how much I've pushed it as that can be a cramp inducer.

2014-01-16 9:50 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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New user
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
I had the worst workout of the training season on Tuesday. So much that I took yesterday off. On the schedule I had a 14 mile Medium LR. From the beginning it was hard to stay at the pace I normally do LR's at, but at mile 7 my legs gave up and it was the longest 7 miles back home. My pace per mile dropped 2 minutes and I was in pain. Is this normal for this stage in training for a marathon that is set first week of March? I was hurting so much yesterday(the day after the run) I decided not to run at all and just rest. Do I need to back off my training? My heart rate dictated that I was just fine through the whole run but my legs told me differently.
2014-01-16 12:53 PM
in reply to: skankey

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Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by skankey I had the worst workout of the training season on Tuesday. So much that I took yesterday off. On the schedule I had a 14 mile Medium LR. From the beginning it was hard to stay at the pace I normally do LR's at, but at mile 7 my legs gave up and it was the longest 7 miles back home. My pace per mile dropped 2 minutes and I was in pain. Is this normal for this stage in training for a marathon that is set first week of March? I was hurting so much yesterday(the day after the run) I decided not to run at all and just rest. Do I need to back off my training? My heart rate dictated that I was just fine through the whole run but my legs told me differently.

Fatigue is normal - pain isn't. Well, specific pain. If it's the SHUT UP LEGS kind of pain, you're ok. Listen to your body. 

Low HR is a sign of fatigue. When I'm wiped out, I'm unable to bring my HR up on runs.

2014-01-16 1:15 PM
in reply to: dewybuck

Arden, North Carolina
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
Originally posted by dewybuck

what's on the menu today for everyone?

I had a complete rest day yesterday, so much so I even enjoyed a couple of beers last night

Tonight I'll be doing 2 hours on the trainer....I'm not sure whether to hit the ISLAGIATT or double up on the HHNF on the sufferfest videos.  I really like the two 20 minute sessions on HHNF and think I can do the first run through at lower effort, then push harder on  the second run through.

currently looking at flights to the UK for the race at the end of March...already up around $1000   do I book now or risk it and get a late deal?  it's only me, no bike etc, don't need business class and I can take any available route if I book closer....has anyone, or does anyone regularly do the last minute thing for races?  I'm normally the plan way ahead and relax type.......

Just a run this evening. I've altered my training schedule to move one of my weekday swims to saturday.

Regarding the airfare, i remember a couple years ago, I think it was bing, had an air fare predictor site. Where it would give you an educated guess as to whether you should wait or buy now. It used a variety of different predictors and would give you an prediction reliability percentage.

You could try googling it.
2014-01-16 8:51 PM
in reply to: dewybuck

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New user
Hollywood, FL
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
Originally posted by dewybuck

what's on the menu today for everyone?

80 very easy minutes on the trainer. I'm getting ready for another masters swimming lesson tomorrow.

2014-01-16 10:37 PM
in reply to: dewybuck

Northern IL
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by dewybuck

what's on the menu today for everyone?

I had a complete rest day yesterday, so much so I even enjoyed a couple of beers last night

Tonight I'll be doing 2 hours on the trainer....I'm not sure whether to hit the ISLAGIATT or double up on the HHNF on the sufferfest videos.  I really like the two 20 minute sessions on HHNF and think I can do the first run through at lower effort, then push harder on  the second run through.

What did you end up doing? I did a couple hours on the trainer. Mostly easy effort, but a pair of 5 min sections composed of 15/15's to open it up a bit. Also had Masters, and went much better than expected. Started with 150's and seeing 1:14/100 pacing on 1:30 si. Descending 50's from :37 down to :33-34. And hitting :14 on 25's. Also put a couple fly's in there and came in at :15. Never been timed with that before, so very happy to see.

2014-01-17 7:21 AM
in reply to: brigby1

Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by brigby1

What did you end up doing? I did a couple hours on the trainer. Mostly easy effort, but a pair of 5 min sections composed of 15/15's to open it up a bit. Also had Masters, and went much better than expected. Started with 150's and seeing 1:14/100 pacing on 1:30 si. Descending 50's from :37 down to :33-34. And hitting :14 on 25's. Also put a couple fly's in there and came in at :15. Never been timed with that before, so very happy to see.

ended up a steady 1:20 on the bike, ended up home alone looking after the kids so I'm pretty happy I got that in.

Those are some pretty impressive swimming #'s 

2014-01-17 7:56 AM
in reply to: TriDadinAsheville

Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by TriDadinAsheville

 Regarding the airfare, i remember a couple years ago, I think it was bing, had an air fare predictor site. Where it would give you an educated guess as to whether you should wait or buy now. It used a variety of different predictors and would give you an prediction reliability percentage. You could try googling it.

I ended up booking it, I tried the bing thing and for some reason the predictor it says is there wasn't there for me :-(

But, I did get the flights for just under a $1000, and it's with a partner airline I have gold membership with, so I can get an upgrade to the economy plus seats for ~$67.  I think I may need something along those lines on the way back

2014-01-17 8:49 AM
in reply to: 0

Northern IL
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by dewybuck

Originally posted by brigby1

What did you end up doing? I did a couple hours on the trainer. Mostly easy effort, but a pair of 5 min sections composed of 15/15's to open it up a bit. Also had Masters, and went much better than expected. Started with 150's and seeing 1:14/100 pacing on 1:30 si. Descending 50's from :37 down to :33-34. And hitting :14 on 25's. Also put a couple fly's in there and came in at :15. Never been timed with that before, so very happy to see.

ended up a steady 1:20 on the bike, ended up home alone looking after the kids so I'm pretty happy I got that in.

Those are some pretty impressive swimming #'s 

Swimming with faster people is very motivational to push the effort and in figuring out plus maintaining the technique.  Of the 8 people in the two lanes, I was one of the 2 slowest. I'm faster than one other at the longer stuff, but he's a better sprinter. Some of the other guys are doing :12 on the 25's. I was kind of glad to have :10 sec spacing on the 25's instead of the usual :05 as coach went last, putting me 3rd. She has a 2:22 in the 200 butterfly, so even if I do really well it's still OHMYGODSHE'SRIGHTBEHINDME!

Edited by brigby1 2014-01-17 8:49 AM
2014-01-17 9:57 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by dewybuck

Originally posted by brigby1

What did you end up doing? I did a couple hours on the trainer. Mostly easy effort, but a pair of 5 min sections composed of 15/15's to open it up a bit. Also had Masters, and went much better than expected. Started with 150's and seeing 1:14/100 pacing on 1:30 si. Descending 50's from :37 down to :33-34. And hitting :14 on 25's. Also put a couple fly's in there and came in at :15. Never been timed with that before, so very happy to see.

ended up a steady 1:20 on the bike, ended up home alone looking after the kids so I'm pretty happy I got that in.

Those are some pretty impressive swimming #'s 

Swimming with faster people is very motivational to push the effort and in figuring out plus maintaining the technique.  Of the 8 people in the two lanes, I was one of the 2 slowest. I'm faster than one other at the longer stuff, but he's a better sprinter. Some of the other guys are doing :12 on the 25's. I was kind of glad to have :10 sec spacing on the 25's instead of the usual :05 as coach went last, putting me 3rd. She has a 2:22 in the 200 butterfly, so even if I do really well it's still OHMYGODSHE'SRIGHTBEHINDME!

On long sets, my motivation is often DON'T GET LAPPED!

2014-01-17 1:56 PM
in reply to: ratherbeswimming

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

I'm Stephanie. I'm trying to build some kind of base for the season. I live in Miami.

I have 8 weeks until Tri-camp in Tuscon so I'm working on my consistency. I also need to lose 20 to 30lbs. Working on that.

I have a husband who is a marathoner and now an ultra-marathoner.

2014-01-17 2:02 PM
in reply to: ratherbeswimming

Arden, North Carolina
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
Man I had a rough run this morning, to the point of wondering why I'm doing this sport. I'm on my third week of "official" training for my first Half of the year. I did a really tough run last night. The plan was 45 minutes at a tempo pace, and it went pretty well. Tons of hills, and wound up running about 5 miles at 9:17/mile, which for me, on hills, is quite fast, but I did wind up getting lost. So I wound up doing about an extra ten minutes.
But it was this morning that I felt it when I got up early to run again. And I'm just sick of the cold and dark. The first five minutes this morning just hurt. My foot was killing me, my hips were in pain, all just general muscle soreness, so nothing of concern, but after about 10 minutes it all went away. I still wasn't really thrilled about being out there though.

I dunno, hopefully it was just one of those days. Its WAAAAAAY too early in the season for burn out! It may be trying to adjust to heavy training and working full time. I've been out of work for a year and a half, and part of that time doing doing part time consulting work from home so I had a ton more free time.
The last job I had was super flexible, so I could come in a bit later instead of waking up and the butt crack of dawn, or I could extend my lunch and workout over lunch.

This rigidity is not something I've ever had to deal with before. Not that I'm complaining about having a job!!! Just a new obstacle.
2014-01-17 2:03 PM
in reply to: stephsprint

Arden, North Carolina
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
Originally posted by stephsprint


I'm Stephanie. I'm trying to build some kind of base for the season. I live in Miami.

I have 8 weeks until Tri-camp in Tuscon so I'm working on my consistency. I also need to lose 20 to 30lbs. Working on that.

I have a husband who is a marathoner and now an ultra-marathoner.


Hi Stephanie, and welcome!
2014-01-17 2:08 PM
in reply to: TriDadinAsheville

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
Thank you!
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