BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever) Rss Feed  
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2020-03-31 8:01 PM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
Rod and Bill, I’m glad to see things are going good and goals are being set and met. I did decide to defer my race entry to next years race in April. Who knows what will happen between now and then, but if I want to do it, I’m already entered and paid for. I likely was going to pass this year so even if I don’t do it, I’m in the same place as far as making a donation to Ironman. My bike has been listed for a week or so now with interest but no buyer. My wife teased me last night that maybe it was a sign that I needed to stick with it and would be unhappy without triathlon. Her thought is that if I go the mountain bike way that I won’t have enough trails / time to keep me happy since the majority of trails I could ride are an hour away. I sometimes wonder why I can’t just stay the course and be happy. I do love the sport, but even though it’s life and unavoidable I just get frustrated when life and work get in the way. I know I should get better at taking things in stride and would advise anyone here to do so, but it just gets frustrating. I’m blessed in the fact that it’s not injuries that are causing the issues because I feel for you all that have that as a real limiter, but it is still frustrating. I sometimes think that I’m good at motivating and pumping up others (in general), but at times really suck at doing so for myself. Sorry for the whinny post again, but sometimes I think it helps when to think when I type it out. Feel free to comment and be brutally honest or share your thoughts. We are all middle / back of the packers, and your thoughts really do matter to me. Thanks for listening! Also I’m getting back at it tomorrow, at least my functional strength training.

2020-04-02 2:59 PM
in reply to: #5269014

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
Hey Todd...just my fake on your comments...deep down you want to continue with Tri’s. As you work through your thoughts/other options like the trail rides you come back to what you really enjoy. So, stick with the goal of Tri’s, try (how do you like that “play” on words....;0)...)!!! not to fret over what you aren’t getting done, focus on your successes you have with each ride, run, or swim no matter how long you ride, swim, or run.

Several years since my last event and I do miss them....

Hang in there!!!!
2020-04-04 7:12 PM
in reply to: #5269107

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
Rod & Bill.

Good to see solid goals set without too much of a reach


I can say that I have missed tri. Even with the epic sufferfest that was my one race in '16, and the relative fail (I finished, so not truly a fail) of my race last year on 2 months prep, that itch has hasn't ever stopped.. and has only gotten stronger.
  • ...............................
  • After a March that went nowhere, and my races up in the air, its time to buckle down again. I went over my ride today, and am planning an easy 15 tomorrow
    2020-04-06 1:07 AM
    in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    Hey Todd,

    Here's a way to stay involved in triathlon and satisfy your urge to hit the trails.

    I know that this event has been postponed but future races may be a consideration.
    2020-04-06 7:17 AM
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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    Rod that is exactly the race / kind of racing I am talking about. The problem with them right now is that the trail used for that rAce is over an hour and a half away from me. That distance is pretty true for almost any trails near me, which is where my wife would get aggravated. I would have 3 plus hours of drive time round trip, plus loading and unloading, then time on the trails and before you know it I’ve used an entire day. The other way I wake up and ride at most 3 hours and am back home by 10 am to cook breakfast and spend the day with family.

    So as things would go, I made up my mind Saturday night with your and my thoughts that I likely needed to keep the bike. Yesterday morning I went for a 10.5 mile easy ride and loved it. While on the ride I relaxed and then remembered all the times I have used my bike rides to calm down or think more clearly about whatever was going on. I thought about how much I enjoy Tri and about how I’m almost 45 and only have 20 more years before my division might give me a chance to qualify. So I’m cooking on the pit last night and a guy calls and offers me my asking price. I quickly said that it was no longer for sale, which even surprised me. I walked in and told my wife to a response of, that’s good because you would not have been happy in a few months when all this calms down. My wife does not weigh in on things like this so her response spoke volumes, but also showed she 100% supports me in this lifestyle.

    See attached photo of the retained steed!

    On the subject of this craziness please feel free to post comments / concerns in ref to COVID. I’m not speaking about from a political left or right side but a human, we are here to support each other side. If we or one of our loved ones was to get it maybe it would help to hear a true unbiased account of the illness. Naturally no one has to post anything but I wanted to make sure to put it out there.

    Edited by Hunting Triathlete 2020-04-06 6:50 PM

    C54FC434-164D-4E68-B3FA-74673AD048A8.jpeg (102KB - 28 downloads)
    2020-04-08 8:40 AM
    in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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    Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    Now that is one sexy bike!!

    I pulled my roadie out of mothballs last weekend. She could use a good bath, and the wheel hubs need servicing, but she's taken me a few thousand miles in total... Not too bad for a WalMart special if I say so m'self


    20200404_184849.jpg (4904KB - 29 downloads)

    2020-04-08 6:10 PM
    in reply to: #5265133

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    Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    Ran across something... not sure if I should post because of advertising, I'll let the group decide.

    Ironman Store is running a 75% off sale on a lot of stuff including the Hokas I have on the way for just $40. Too good a deal not to share!
    2020-04-11 10:18 PM
    in reply to: 0

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    Web, thanks for the tip. Got the wife a pair! Everyone enjoy your Easter.

    On a different note, I touched base with the guy willing to buy my bike after thinking about our conversation when I told him it was no longer for sale. Welll I figured right. He is in to building, buying, racing, selling, so I told him I would gladly trade it for a road bike if he could find something comparable. My thought was if he can get me a really good road bike it would be easier on my back / neck, but something I could still easily do tri’s on. We will see, but I think it may end up as a win, win.

    Edited by Hunting Triathlete 2020-04-11 10:39 PM
    2020-04-16 9:46 AM
    in reply to: #5265133

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    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    Hello to all; fortunate to remain healthy here; hope this finds all of you well!!

    In my last post I mentioned a loose goal of mine was to meet the daily steps goal set by my garmin....I hit 30 days yesterday of meeting that challenge!!! Small achievement but just like all of you there’s that “competitiveness” still in the back of my mind. Garmin Connect “awarded” me a new badge and I went to the 3rd level they list....finally caught up with my son and son in law!!! ;0)!!!

    Got another 4+miles in this am; so day 31 is achievable.....

    Life’s little goals keeps us going!!

    Best to all!!!

    Oh....snow yesterday here and more again tonight...hopefully the LAST of the season!!
    2020-04-17 7:51 PM
    in reply to: #5269456

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    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    Snow missed our area!! Hopefully spring is finally here!! Later getting my session in today. Got 4 miles in with the dogs; wildlife out and about today...big ol ground hog crossed paths with us; saw a fox with her kit today in a heavy cedar stand near our home.
    2020-05-02 2:00 AM
    in reply to: 2NewKnees

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    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    Hi Turtles,

    Just dropping a line to say hi to everybody and hope that all is well.

    Unfortunately I lost my enthusiasm for training for a few weeks with the isolation requirements and colder weather settling in. It's time to refocus now and use this time to prepare for next season which is hopefully 6 months away.

    I need to practice some "social distancing" from the kitchen. It's so easy to grab a snack each time I walk by the Kitchen.

    Let's get some chat happening here. What are 3 things you'll do when things return to normal. I'm looking forward to going to the gym, catching up with friends over a meal and a drink and having the freedom do do as I want. What are you looking forward to?

    2020-05-02 12:01 PM
    in reply to: #5269518

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    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    Good idea Rod!

    1. Get back to the pool
    2. Get back to a regular schedule of lifting
    3. Work off the extra couple of pounds from lack of “kitchen social distancing” ;0)!!
    4. Hopefully some travel

    2020-05-03 7:32 AM
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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    “I need to practice some "social distancing" from the kitchen.”

    I laughed out loud when I read it.

    Mine will be running events, camping (State parks are closed here in Texas), and fishing.

    Edited by Hunting Triathlete 2020-05-04 6:50 AM
    2020-05-04 3:24 PM
    in reply to: AussieTurtle

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    Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    Originally posted by AussieTurtle
    Let's get some chat happening here. What are 3 things you'll do when things return to normal. I'm looking forward to going to the gym, catching up with friends over a meal and a drink and having the freedom do do as I want. What are you looking forward to?

    Just checking in, y'all. I've fallen off the horse, so to speak, as my log clearly shows. I turn 47 today and I know that the longer I take to get moving again, the farther back I'll end up sliding. Memphis in May (5/17) is still postponed with no date yet. However, the festival itself has been moved to October, so we shall see. This means that I have a day shy of 8 weeks to pull my head out of my tail end and get to it!

    To answer your question
    1) Swim
    2) Asian Buffet (it's a weakness...)
    3) Date night with the better half.
    2020-05-04 3:24 PM
    in reply to: AussieTurtle

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    Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    Originally posted by AussieTurtle
    Let's get some chat happening here. What are 3 things you'll do when things return to normal. I'm looking forward to going to the gym, catching up with friends over a meal and a drink and having the freedom do do as I want. What are you looking forward to?

    Just checking in, y'all. I've fallen off the horse, so to speak, as my log clearly shows. I turn 47 today and I know that the longer I take to get moving again, the farther back I'll end up sliding. Memphis in May (5/17) is still postponed with no date yet. However, the festival itself has been moved to October, so we shall see. This means that I have a day shy of 8 weeks to pull my head out of my tail end and get to it!

    To answer your question
    1) Swim
    2) Asian Buffet (it's a weakness...)
    3) Date night with the better half.
    2020-05-04 6:05 PM
    in reply to: WebFootFreak

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    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    Happy Birthday Rick.

    Swimming is my least favorite leg but I miss it the most.

    2020-05-04 7:28 PM
    in reply to: #5265133

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    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    Rick...Happy BDay!!!!
    2020-05-04 7:39 PM
    in reply to: 2NewKnees

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    Happy Birthday and I know my wife wants a real date night, not a dinner at the deer lease!
    2020-05-04 10:22 PM
    in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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    Subject: Ironman 2020
    This sums things up


    Ironman.jpg (124KB - 23 downloads)
    2020-05-05 9:12 AM
    in reply to: #5269940

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    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    2020-05-10 2:49 PM
    in reply to: 2NewKnees

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    Happy Mother’s Day to your wives and those lucky enough to still have your mothers here.

    2020-05-14 2:20 AM
    in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    Hi Turtles,

    We've had very strict restrictions placed on us due to COVID-19 however they have been slightly eased and we are allowed to train outdoors in groups of up to 10 while still keeping a minimum of 1.5M social distancing. My running group is looking at starting up again but in a park away from others.

    Many restrictions remain in place and sporting bodies are looking at ways to resume but not looking for loop-holes or grey areas.

    Fortunately the restrictions were placed on us very early and number of cases and deaths has been relatively small (but too many).
    2020-05-16 11:38 AM
    in reply to: #5269945

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    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    Some easing of restrictions locally but not as extensive as in other states; our area has not been impacted by the virus like other areas. Local/city owned pools have been ordered closed for the summer; unless I go open water no swims outdoors this season; waiting to here what our local health club decides.

    On a positive note....achieved a goal of sorts....just completed my 60th consecutive day of meeting my steps goal....bumped me up in the Garmin level and now I’m leading my son & son in law!! Old guys still have least sometimes!! ;0)

    2020-05-17 12:15 PM
    in reply to: #5270208

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    Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    Rod: Love! That pic. Going to use it at work. I post funny stuff (to me, at least) on the window of my office for the guys in the shop. I get too cerebral sometimes, but oh well!

    I'm getting moving again! So happy when I'm active. Also, the have rescheduled my first race... to my benefit if you believe that. The schedule now is:

    Buffalo Bill Super on 6/27. Ran 1:39:19 last year and was beyond gassed.

    Mighty Mite PTP Sprint. Ran 2:16:22 in 2016. This is the race where my shoulder gave out during the swim.

    Memphis in May Sprint. Relocated to Shelby Farms (1/2 Iron location) this year. Ran 1:51:48 in '14, and 1:42:16 in '15. I listed both times because this will my 3rd MIM race, and 3rd race location. ??

    This works for me because my goal race is now 3rd with two practice runs instead of kicking off the season. I'm still thinking 2 PRs, but this makes 3 a ( long shot)possibilty now

    Sorry this is so long... kind of... ??
    2020-05-28 3:13 PM
    in reply to: WebFootFreak

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    Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
    Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 8 (Beginner, 5K, 10K, Sprint, Whatever)
    Ummmm. is everyone doing okay?
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