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2007-01-28 7:12 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Thanks fgray!!! That is really nice!

Tony - great job! It is wonderful to be satisfied with where you are!

dblack - thanks for the tip about driving it....then we know what to excpect!

Hope you are all having a great weekend!

2007-01-28 9:05 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Hey Kirk - nice to see you on the trail.  Sorry your getting so much flak from your calves.  Have you seen a doc about this?  Maybe something else is going on in there?  Take care of yourself, man.


2007-01-29 8:52 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Hello again all....

Daisy - I applaud your reason and your challenge. I too have used this as a means to "find myself". I am very pleased with who I am now and where I am going.

Tony - Having an event to look forward / to prepare for is certainly quite a motivation. Good job keeping up the workouts when you are traveling. It is not easy.

Doug - I take the critisim in stride. Its actually nice to see so many people concerned enough to take the time to leave me the inspires. The calves were a little tight after the second run yesterday, but that was the least of my problems. Today I did nothing. It is good to see that you ARE listening to your body and find the time and energy to get out and cycle. It was a bit chilly yesterday especially to be on a bike.


2007-01-29 10:05 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Yes, the speed of a bike and the briskness of the wind are a tough combination.

I wasn't trying to be critical, only supportive.  I know you have lofty ambitions and want you to succeed with each marathon in these next couple of months.  Believe me when I say I feel your pain (and not from my knee, I know shin/calf pain, too).  I'll be testing my knee on Wednesday evening.  I will, of course, let you know how it goes.  I hope your calves work themselves out.


2007-01-30 2:18 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

No worries Doug, support is what we are all about.

BTW - I have told Ron that we have a few people that are MIA - for whatever reason - and that we could open up our group to a few more people. Please be sure to welcome anyone new to our group with open arms. As I said above, we are all here to support one another.

2007-01-30 10:00 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
If you have room - I would like to join your group as well.
My name is Tami. I am a 36 year old female recovering from thyroid cancer. My intention was to run my first sprint triathlon last summer but ended up with cancer instead :-) Not a good start to tri's - but hey - maybe this year we can actually do this thing!
Unfortunatley I allowed myself to put on too much weight in the past 7 years or so and am now fighting that. The cancer was a huge wake up call and now things have to change. I started weight watchers just 2 weeks ago but took off 5.8 lbs. on week one and am working on 5 this week. I don't imagine it will continue to come off that fast - but it's a good start. I also started back at the gym and have put in 3 good workouts in the past 5 days.
Pre-cancer I was strongest in the water. However, throughout the cancer ordeal I stayed out of the water due to the location of the surgery and ended up really falling in love with the biking aspect. I haven't been back in the water since and for some reason am a little nervous about starting back up again.
A group of friends and I have decided to form a very loose triathlon training group. Everyone in the group are runners - except me. I hate running :-) However, we are all starting some good swim lessens to work on technique later in February.
I am motivated at this point - a little nervous and a lot dissaponted at having to start over again after the cancer.
My goal is to complete at least 1 sprint triathlon this summer in late July close to my home in Sylvania, OH. My goal is also to get healthy and not have a repeat of cancer again this summer. I suppose that part is not up to me - but getting healthy, losing weight and completing my first sprint triathlon are.
Thanks for letting me join your group.

2007-01-30 10:56 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN

Welcome.  You've definitely got a hella story.  We're here to be your sounding board for your goals, aches, achievments, pains, rants, and for pats on the back.  Kirk loves to run, I love to bike and no one has really fessed up to being psyched on swimming.  Keep us informed and check in a lot.

If you want additional weight loss support, another group that some of us are involved with is the "good, bad and skinny" a/k/a team skinny on the Tri'ing for Weightloss thread.

Looking forward to visiting more with you.


2007-01-31 2:02 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
Welcome tammimoreno! So glad to have you! I am a flat out beginner -- and I am learning a lot here - this is a nice group - your story brings me to that place in me that loves overcomers - I wish I could give you a big giant in person hug -- but here is a cyber one instead (((hug))).
2007-01-31 8:22 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
db and Daisy-
Thanks for the welcome.
The way I look at life is you can either wallow in the pit of despair or you can rise above your circumstances. I tend to be a bit of a fighter so it's easier for me to try to rise than to wallow
Anyhoo - I'm excited to be a part of this group. Daisy, I'm pretty new too - did a ton of reading last year pre-cancer so I have some head knowledge of this whole tri thing - but absolutly no experience. Honestly pre-last summer - I really hated to exercse. I did it only because until the cancer, I was a high school girls varsity soccer coach. I hated making them do things I wasn't willing to try myself - so I worked out. I wasn't in the best shape and was definatly (still am) overweight - but I made an effort. However, when a friend told me about a sprint triathlon (which I had never heard of until a year ago), I decided to go for it. Honestly I fell in love with the routine, the swimming (it really was my favorite thing a year ago :-) ), the discipline, the pushing myself farther than I ever knew was physically possible for me. I'm having a rough time finding that love again this year - but it will come after the first few weeks of torture and getting back into it.
Well - I'm excited to be part of the group. Today I've got to import a training plan so I know what in the world I'm doing. I am NOT looking forward to getting back in the water (I think it's the bathing suit thing that's tripping me up) but I'll do it anyway.
Looking forward to all the advice from the more seasoned people on here. If anyone can tell me how to get moving on the running thing - I would really appreciate it. That will be my downfall! I've never ran more than to the mailbox to get the mail :-) On the other hand, I like to walk and definatly like to hike.
Thanks again!
2007-01-31 9:48 AM
in reply to: #673829

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN

Welcome tami...

I see that Doug and Daisy has already welcomed you to the group (they never sleep). There are some other people in our group some more active then others. As Doug stated we do have some strong runners, Doug an advit cyclist, and nope - we all sink in the water. Your story is very inspirational and I hope that you will stay with this. The time up to the first tri is mentally challenging, but once you get that first one done - you'll be hooked.

Don't fret of the bathing suit thing. Once you are in the water no one is going to care anyway. I was quite a bit self conscious the first few times squeezing into my tri shorts then not so proudly jaunting through the gym to the pool. Once in the water though I am focused on my swim and I forget about "the way I look". If you were good in the water - you will be good again. Just be strong and get in the water.

As for running. I would suggest a plan that starts you doing a combination of run/walk. Most of the plan has you warm up with a walk, then you run/jog for a period of time (e.g. a minute) then back to walking. Each week you start spending less time walking and more time run/jog. Eventually you are running/jogging the whole distance.

Good luck to you and check back often.

2007-01-31 10:47 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
Thanks for the welcome -
Any suggestions on which training plan I should use? I imported the 20 week sprint 2x plan. I also have a book abour being a first time triathlete by Joel (Joe?) Friel - okay that's close but I think I got the name wrong! Anyway - there seems to be a big difference between the book and the plan I imported.
Just curious on your opinions.
Just got back from the gym - 24 minutes on the bike and 12 minutes on the treadmill - per the plan I imported. Not that difficult outside of ankles that always bother me anyway. I walked the treadmill - I'm not even gonna try to run just yet! Frustrated with the bike only because when I was training a year ago I could do around 8 miles in that 20 minute time period (I think, if I remember correctly - does that sound way off??) and now I'm at 2.23 miles in 24 minutes. Grrr. Ah well, I guess we all have to start somewhere.
Anyway, thanks again!

2007-01-31 12:04 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
I'm glad your group is still OPEN. I was in another group that had to disband - we lost our mentor....and I loved my group (. I've shopped around and you guys seem very active and encouraging and have some newbies like myself. I've been training and keeping my log since just after Christmas so I think I can transfer everything over to this group if its okay by you.

I'm 50, married to the same man for nearly 30 years (whew!), have 2 step-sons, 3 grandsons, a cat and a dog. I was an athlete in high school and college (basketball, softfall, volleyball) I ran in two 5ks a couple of years ago and cussed the whole way, swearing I would never do it again (was not in good enough shape but would die before I'd walk). I watched a tri in Naples years ago and told myself then that I wanted to do one. For the past 5 years I've been saying that I want to run in one before I turn 50. Weeellll, I turn 50 the end of May (I work well under pressure) and there is a tri in Crystal River on May 26th. I'm gonna do it. I'd like to try a 5k before that time just to make sure I can handle the run without croaking.

My biggest challenge is prioritizing my time to fit workouts in. I work lots of hours but have found I work a lot more efficiently when I've had enough exercise. Is there room for one more in your group?

2007-01-31 2:04 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN

Welcome Tara.  We love the challenge of new members with difficult lives.  Kirk will have to explain how he fits so many runs/rides/swims in to one week.  Maybe he'll have some tips for you.

Kirk - you are getting compensated for being a mentor, right?

This'll be fun, as we're all going through these same issues together, whether preparing for your first or 4th tri (like me).


2007-01-31 2:26 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN

You are very welcomed here Tara.

sounds like you have a bit of a challenge ahead, but it is something that with determination you will be able to do.

dblack - no compensation other then the satisfaction of helping others.

2007-01-31 3:25 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN

Thanks for including me in the group. I think I my log and everything is connected right. Let me know if I forgot something - I'm not a techno person.

I live in Florida so have the privilege of pretty good weather, however, that means I do everything outside - no treadmill, no indoor pool and no bike trainer (not sure what this is). Its been pretty stinkin' cold lately so I've just been running. Its getting warmer tomorrow so I'll hit the pool. I'd like to look into a trainer for my bike. They appear to be an apparatus that you put your own bike in and ride indoors (cool!). I have a Trek 5000 (yes, my husband loves me extravagantly). Any suggestions on which trainer is best for my bike?

Can't wait to train together. I'm hitting the 6-week mark and am seeing how the honeymoon is over and its getting easier to let the mundane stuff of the day crowd out my training. Keep me accountable!!!

Happy work outs,

2007-01-31 6:06 PM
in reply to: #629883

Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
Tara and Tami welcome aboard! I'm a beginner and the folks in this mentor group have been great supporters and mentors.
Just as I was rolling along and keeping up with my training plan, I get hit with a stomach virus Monday nite after my workout. I was miserable yesterday, went to work today, but felt pretty worn out. I'll play it day to day, but am looking at Friday or Saturday as my next workout and doubt that I'll be able to do my next practice "mini-tri" on Saturday.
Oh, step step back. I'll put my best foot forward when I feel better.

2007-02-01 2:31 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
Kirk - sometimes it does feel like I never sleep!

Tami - I haven't been able to get on my bike for a couple of weeks - I can't wait for a good long ride - my legs are sore from running and I have been doing a couple of different crosstraining things to get them to feel better. I think you are coming along fine - I am a bit nervous as time gets closer....

tbryant - nice to meet you and have you here -- I am 49 and married 22 years, 2 cats a toy poodle, 2 grandsons........I have SIL in Florida and the weather there is beautiful!!!! welcome!

This is a very good support group, I have learned a lot already!!!

Have a great day!
2007-02-01 10:51 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
Hey everyone,

This group seems full, in fact I read on the first page that you are not accepting new folks, but it is listed as open.

So, is there room for an overweight (245 lbs) and out of shape newbie that is going to do a sprint triathlon on 9/8/07?

I have not really been active in the past 10 years or so. I decided in December that I was going to do a sprint triathlon this year. I had planned on my training to start first thing in January but didn't really get to the gym until about 2 weeks ago. I've been going to the gym to really just get into a bit of shape before really getting started with training. Come this Monday, (February 5th) I'll be starting the 22 week from couch to sprint triathlon training schedule that I found on this site.

A little background, I was a competitive swimmer when I was younger...until my high school team disbanded. So, I have a pretty decent stroke and just need to get into shape again. As for biking, I did plenty of road biking in high school and became an avid Mtn. Biker for a few years after college so, again, I just need to get back in shape for the biking. Running will be my big challenge. I've never really done any sort of running, certainly nothing long distance.

Let me know if there is room.



2007-02-01 11:02 AM
in reply to: #675478

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN

Hey Jay,

We had a few people sort of dropping out so I opened up the group again for a few others to join in. You are more then welcomed to join us. You sound like you have put plenty of time between now and your first sprint tri. It is a good goal and very acheivable. We have a variety of newbies here so you will be in good company. We do have some strong runners that can help out in the running area, at least one avid cyclist, but you are the first to claim that they are decent in the water. We'll be interested in seeing your times when you hit the pool.

I see that you are very new to the site, so here are a few suggestions to get started. Use your logs religiously. The logs will help other in the group and on the site to see your progress and make suggestions in sticking points. Stop by this thread often to post questions or to read responses to other questions. You might want to also skim over the past posts here for some information that may be helpful.

2007-02-01 11:22 AM
in reply to: #675493

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
great, I'm excited to be a part of this group, thanks.

Throughout the day I'll read through the posts in this thread and I'll get familiar with the logs.

looking forward to it!

2007-02-01 11:58 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
Welcome to Tara and Jay - I've been a part of the group for around 24 hours :-) and so far - everyone is helpful and friendly!
Anyway - just wanted to let everyone know - I finally got back in the water today. Actually, it was nice. Cardio wise - it stunk. But hey, I'll get it back. Good news was my neck (location of the surgery from the cancer) didn't bother me.
Also - weighed in at weight watchers and dropped another 3 pounds. That's 8.8 lbs. lost in 2 weeks.
Someone mentioned the weight challenge thing on this site - I checked it out, but can't find a challenge to jump into that seems to still be running - any suggestions?
Thanks again - hope everyone is having a good day!

2007-02-01 5:22 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
Thanks for all the welcomes! I like this group ). Tami - way to go in the pool!!!

Can anyone give me advice on buying a trainer for my bike? I sometimes ride with a group but we're outside almost all the time cuz we're in Florida plus none of them are tri people so I wondered what you guys are using.

2007-02-01 9:07 PM
in reply to: #629883


Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
Hi there,

I would like to join your mentor group...

A little bit about myself: I am an almost 30 woman with a husband, two children full time and two children part time. Despite the fact that I love physical activity, I have always struggled with my weight (215pd) due to an undiagnosed thyroid condition. Now that this is taken care of, I am ready to begin the long journey to good health.

It is my goal to participate in a sprint triathlon in early august...I have chosen to follow the program from the website designed to take you from the couch to triathlon in 22 weeks. I hope you can help me in achieving this goal :D
2007-02-01 10:04 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
Welcome :-) I just joined myself like 2 days ago:-)
Just wanted to say your not alone on the thyroid stuff - I am currently recovering after being diagnosed with thyroid cancer. It's been a long journey this past year - but all is good. My levels are still off (due to the cancer, my tsh is supposed to be between .1 - .3 and it is still over 10), but I find that the exercise and eating better helps me to have more energy.
Anyway - welcome. Everyone seems friendly and helpful!
Good luck!
2007-02-01 10:13 PM
in reply to: #676311


Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
Thanks I am looking forward to this grand adventure...

You are a stong woman to have come through cancer with such optimism...I am sure you will triumph over the triathlon as well
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