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2007-06-01 5:16 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Extreme Veteran
Provo, UT (my heart is in Seattle)
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Wow, that's a great plan for the next year, Derek!  I love Olys.  They are such a great distance.

2007-06-01 7:17 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
HEY! Want to wish everyone a very nice weekend! Going to be glorious here in Seattle (for once). Having a quick ride tonight while I can. It's my husband's 40th today so we're off out for curry. Sunday I'll be attempting a cycle/run brick maybe even try out the lake while I'm at it too.

See you all on Monday.
2007-06-02 8:25 AM
in reply to: #801902

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Pearland, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed

I'm back!  Looks like I missed a lot.  Lynne, you appear to have had a complete makeover -- I didn't recognize you at first!  Drew, come to Houston for your Marathon -- we have absolutely NO hills whatsoever -- seriously.  It's a fun event in mid January & signups just started.  I'll be dong the 1/2 Marathon (my max).  You & wifey are welcome to stay with us if you decide to make the trip.  Mike you are so lucky to have so many Olympic options.  I can't find any in Houston, and it's so expensive and time consuming to travel to races.  I'm slowly deciding to postpone my HIM dream at least until next Spring, though, just because my schedule this summer is so nutty. 

 However, June is my "big" race.  Danskin-Austin was my first Tri in 1999 and I've never been able to beat my original time.  (Granted, it was a different course in 99, but so what?)  I'm DETERMINE to ring in my new "Masters" status by beating my time from 99.  I almost did it last year, but the swim messed me up SO, I think I'll try to hit the pool today.

2007-06-04 2:04 PM
in reply to: #825259

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Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed

You have certainly set the bar for goals. I also believe goal setting is very important so I need to start thinking beyond this summer.

Sunday, the 10th, is my first race. Please share with me any advice you have. Remember this will be my first TRI. I have printed out maps of the bike and run course. It's 2 hours away and I won't be checking in until the morning of the race. What do you think I should eat? DO you think I should insist my wife comes with me, will I need help during or after the race? I'm kind of nervous but much more excited. It's pretty flat and short. 400 swim, 15 mike and 3 run. We go off in waves of 50. ANy strategies you think I should follow for the swim, bike or run? How should I deal with the mass swim start? That's going to be a new one for me.
2007-06-04 2:28 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Pearland, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed


 Good luck!  That's exciting!  Can't wait for the full race report! I'll give you my thoughts, but take them with a grain of salt. 

The Swim: I hate swimming in a mob scene, so I tend to stick toward the outside of the pack for the OWS.  Even with a slightly longer distance, I go faster because I don't get bogged down in the mob.  This is not a good idea if you don't swim straight, though, as you'll have a harder time sighting on your own.  If you're fast, then sprint in front of the group & keep an even speed once you break loose.  (I don't have the "swim fast" problem.) Otherwise, just remind yourself that the swim is the shortest part of the race and probably won't make a huge difference if you have to do some back & forth around slow or uncoordinated swimmers.

Your Family: Your wife isn't allowed to help you in any way during the race, or you'll get disqualified.  However, having someone cheering you on is a HUGE help.  If she can come later, just let her know your swim wave start time.  She can hang out by the bike out/in and run out/in areas to look for you after that.  My kids get super bored at these events, so I usually do it alone & give them the race report when I get home.

 Overall tips that I forgot on my first tri:  Wear waterproof sunscreen.  Bring at least a clean shirt & socks for after the race. Practice transitioning before the race.  (Do that on Friday instead of exercising.)  On the morning of the race, figure out EXACTLY how to find your bike from the swim in and bike in areas.  Count the racks!  I racked one row over from a lady with the exact same bike, shoes & bag as mine.  I figured out the problem because her shoes didn't fit! If you don't have a race belt, get one.  It makes getting your race number on much faster. You'll cool down from the swim on the bike, so don't slow down in transition.  Pack sunglasses (easy to forget in the early morning hours).

 Nutrition: If you're going to eat a Gu or something while racing, make sure to train with it at least once before race day.  Nothing worse than a gel sitting on your stomach like a brick while you ride.  (Trust me, I've done it.) For the sprints, I usually eat a bagel with cream cheese and a banana in the a.m. & if I have a long wait until my swim start, I may have some Clif Blocks and water while I wait.  Don't do anything new to your body on race day in terms of nutrition.  If you usually have coffee, then have coffee. 

You're going to have a blast!!!  This weekend I'm doing the Danskin, which was my first triathlon in 1999.  I'm scared to death.  There are 3,000 women at this thing, and it's a tough course.  However, it's socially acceptable to cry when you finish, so I love the event.  I'm terrified of the swim, though, and determined to PR my time for it somehow.  Wish me luck!

2007-06-04 4:16 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
I have to admit that I am starting to stress out about the swim part now. This will be my 1st OWS in a tri. Gulp. I entered myself into the "ready to tri" section so that we get to go last. I'm now wishing I hadn't done that. I'd really like to know what it's like being kicked and punched. LOL. No really I would. I am going to do another OWS this coming Thursday and I get to try it in a wetsuit for free! I'm so excited.

I also need to detox a little after all the crap I ate over the weekend. Urgh. Why do I do that to myself? WHY!?

2007-06-04 4:18 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Crowley, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
I agree with what Jamie said. I would also add to go at a moderate pace on the bike. It always seems that people give a good effort on the bike then have a hard time on the run. I would take it easy on the 1st half of the bike, and then push up the effort alittle on the second half. If you pace yourself, you should have plenty left on the run, and there is nothing that will energize you more than constantly passing people on the run. You will finish strong and feel alot better than blowing it on the bike, and struggling home on the run. At least that is my lesson, I've learned so far in this sport.

I'm hoping to race this weekend also. Unfortunately I was out of town this weekend visiting my parents, and now I'm out of town on business and have a dinner tonight. My wife leaves for Mexico on Wed. night, so I will have all 4 kids till Sunday. I haven't swam in about 3 weeks, so I'm kind of iffy on the race Sunday. I look forward to hearing everyone's race reports from this weekend though. Good luck everyone, I'm off to dinner.


2007-06-04 5:53 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Pearland, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed

Hi Derek, I hear you.  I was out of town on business last week, and my husband leaves tomorrow for the rest of the week.  Not the best pre-race prep.

Lynne, you're going to love wetsuits.  After you get over how weird they feel, you discover how fast you are when you're floating!  Enjoy!  Water will be around 80 here, so no such luck for this weekend.  Also like the fact that you don't feel people touching you as much in wetsuits. (I'm such a baby in the water!!!)


2007-06-04 7:53 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Extreme Veteran
Provo, UT (my heart is in Seattle)
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed

I agree with what everyone has said so far. I would add that on the run, it's probably best to start out at a pace that's a little slower than you feel like running, just to make sure that you get your running legs working for you.  In addition, if your wife can come, it's always fun to have a fan in the crowd and someone to take a pics of your first race.  Other than that, wear that orange tri suit with pride and don't forget that this is your only chance to do your first tri, so enjoy it!

2007-06-04 9:22 PM
in reply to: #829604

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Crowley, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
I want to see pictures in the Orange Tri-Suit!!!!!

2007-06-05 8:34 AM
in reply to: #829730

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Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Thanks everyone I appreciate all your help and coaching.

I don't have a race belt so I'll try to pick one of those up this week. I think I'm going to skip the wetsuit. The swim is in a small man made inland lake. I looked at pictures from last years race and I didn't see anyone wearing one. I'll try to remember to pace myself in the bike and run.

I'll be sure to share the full report and pictures uh, we'll see.

2007-06-05 1:04 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
I need some help with my blog. I am trying to add sports like Yoga and Walking but when I try to it never shows up. What am I doing wrong?
2007-06-05 4:48 PM
in reply to: #830716

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Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Are you putting in the amount of time? Same thing was happening to me then I realized I had to add the time in.
2007-06-05 9:18 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Crowley, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
OK guys and gals, I'm officially ready for my first OWS triathlon. I had time this afternoon to get out with a group that was swimming at the local lake. Some of the experienced ones showed us sighting technique and let us get comfortable out in the water. Now I think I will actually be able to make the swim. Its only 800 meters,but it will defintely be a test. I can't wait to hear everyones race report from this weekend. Should be pretty exciting.

2007-06-05 9:36 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Pearland, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed

As I've said before, I think EVERYONE should have to post a picture of themselves in their tri suits to the group.  It's totally unfair that I'm the only dweeb who's posted the lifesize lycra shot! I'm getting a new race suit for this weekend, though.  Starting to have nightmares about the swim, but trying to do deep breathing.  The Danskin is just entirely too big.  There are 3,000 women, so it's impossible not to get kicked, and the bike is a white-knuckler due to all of the large numbers of inexperienced riders.  I wrecked on the bike a couple of years ago because a girl swerved in front of me and hit her breaks in a turn.  (And I thought driving in Houston traffic was dangerous!)  Probably would quit doing this race if I didn't have such a sense of loyalty to it, since it was my first.  Of course, it was only about 1,000 people in '99.  It's a PHENOMENAL course, too.  My absolute favorite of any course I've ever done.

2007-06-06 3:39 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
I have a total newbie question. I don't have to wear my number in the water, right? I can just keep it by my bike right? Here's my plan tell me what you think. Put a towel by my bike. Put my bike shoes and helmet on my towel. Run to my bike wipe my feet slide into my bike shoes and run with my bike out of the transition area. Does that sound right? No socks, right? I think I need socks for my run though.

2007-06-06 3:49 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
They will write numbers on you before the race so no, you don't need to add your number for the swim.

I've seen most people attach their shoes to their bike. I don't have that however, and I've seen people bike sockless too. The towel is a good thing also some extra water to rinse your feet of sand/mud etc is also good to have.

I put my helmet on the top of my bike with my nuumber belt hanging over it.

Edited by ScotinSeattle 2007-06-06 3:57 PM
2007-06-06 3:50 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Pearland, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
That's how I do it.  Make sure your helmet and shoes are unbuckled so they're ready for you.  Powder helps the shoes slide onto wet feet.  I'd recommend sunglasses as well.  Not just for glare, but in case someone kicks up a rock in front of you.  The body marking is all you'll need for the water, and you can clip on your race belt with the number before the run.  Good luck!  You're going to be SO hooked after your first!!!
2007-06-07 4:16 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Extreme Veteran
Provo, UT (my heart is in Seattle)
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Mike's racing this weekend and so is Jaime, I think. Who else has a race? My wife has a 10 miler, but that does me no good because I have to work this Saturday, so I can't go support her.

Edited by Drewwhite 2007-06-07 4:17 PM
2007-06-07 4:21 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
No race for me. Next one is June 30th. I should probably tell you all that I'm going to be on vacation from June 11th - July 5th. I have no internet at home either but I do plan on stopping into the library from time to time. It's right on a bike trail so no excuses
2007-06-07 4:55 PM
in reply to: #834821

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Crowley, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
I'll be going into cardiac arrest, I mean racing this weekend as well.

2007-06-07 4:56 PM
in reply to: #834821

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Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Have a great vacation Lynne.
2007-06-07 4:57 PM
in reply to: #834872

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Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Good Luck Derek!
2007-06-08 4:40 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Good Luck Jamie. Never fear the water it's your friend, it's the other women you have to worry about. Have a great weekend everyone else. Hopefully I'll be a different person posting here after this weekend. I'll actually be a triathlete!
2007-06-10 8:16 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Pearland, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
I think I just had my best race EVER!  OK, the swim still stunk.  I did shave off 1:30 from last year, and it was my second best time for this race, but I wound up sidestroking most of it, because the crowds freaked me out again.  HOWEVER, I PR'd the bike and the run and, given that this is the hardest course of any of my races, I'm thrilled!  This is the most pumped I've been in a while, so I had to share.
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