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2008-03-16 6:04 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Open
Weekly Recap

I had my best week in a very long time. It actually looked like a half ironman training week should.

I had 2 swims, 3 bikes, and 3 runs. Long Swim was 2400, long bike 44 miles, long run 6 miles.

Total distance was 4500 swim, 100 bike, and 12.1 on the run. Almost 10 hours!

I really am excited about getting back up to 100 miles on the bike. I think that consistently getting 100 miles on the bike does more for my endurance than anything.

This week will be a challenge as they have a kids triathlon on Saturday that I have to help with and I will have to move things around to keep the numbers up.

Long run should be 8 miles and a long bike of 50.

2008-03-16 9:41 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Open

Hey Natalie, welcome to the group!  Sorry I've been incommunicado -- work has been an issue for the last week or so.  I don't do "on calls" like you, but I've been working every day for the last nine days or so, and it won't end for awhile.  I understand the training issues (see my logs for complaints. )

Before I forget, in order to subscribe to this thread all you need to do is go to the bottom of this page and click in the Actions text box.  Then you can select to get e-mails when there is an update to the thread.  However, beware -- I've tried to deselect that box and it just doesn't stick!  I was in a challenge group that had way too many posts, and I'd get an e-mail every 10 minutes or so.  I tried to deselect, but it just didn't work.  However, this mentoring group is much more reticent than that.

I love having another "girl" participate here (I'm no "girl" but that's ok).  I'm certainly not a coach, and have issues constantly with my running.  However, I agree with Ken's assessment about stretching out your running base.  I never realized how important just putting in the miles is until coming here.  But it's so true -- feeling comfortable is so important when it comes to achieving the distances required -- whether it is in running or biking or swimming (my downfall!).  What I've advised other people (sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't) is to run three times a week during the week, then on the weekend run a longer, slower run.  Don't start with distances that boggle your mind -- instead assess your fitness (which sounds really good!), figure out a running plan, then never increase your distance for the long slow run more than 10% per week.  That's the standard formula for avoiding injury. 

I could probably write a novel about running (and you probably think I've just written a novella already), but just ask whatever you want.  Ken's really good about helping with HR training, and I'm not very good about doing anything except getting my butt out there and pounding the pavement, which you can't tell from my recent logs.  However, I'm on a reward plan right now because I just ran a half marathon on March 2nd, and I'm really enjoying the respite.

So anyway, after this long novella, welcome to the group!

2008-03-16 9:55 PM
in reply to: #1274898

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Open

Manatee Express - 2008-03-16 6:04 PM Weekly Recap I had my best week in a very long time. It actually looked like a half ironman training week should. I had 2 swims, 3 bikes, and 3 runs. Long Swim was 2400, long bike 44 miles, long run 6 miles. Total distance was 4500 swim, 100 bike, and 12.1 on the run. Almost 10 hours! I really am excited about getting back up to 100 miles on the bike. I think that consistently getting 100 miles on the bike does more for my endurance than anything. This week will be a challenge as they have a kids triathlon on Saturday that I have to help with and I will have to move things around to keep the numbers up. Long run should be 8 miles and a long bike of 50.

Yikes -- looks like we have a challenge going (thanks Ken)!  I didn't fare as well (although if we could count work hours I might be competitive!).

Only had 3 very short runs (7.2 miles -- yikes!) and 3 bike rides which were a little better -- one ugly trainer ride then two fun road rides, playing hooky from work for a total of about 66 miles.  I'm signed up for a bike "ride" at the end of April, and get to chose my distance.  One of my goals this year is to do a century ride, and this might be the golden opportunity.  But I need to get some more miles in before deciding (and the choices are 100 miles, metric century, or 25 miles).

2008-03-16 10:17 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Open

Welcome to the Express Natalie.  Great group with lots of down to Earth easy to use knowledge.  With your strong background in swimming and biking I don't think the running will hold you back at all.  From my Marine Corps perspective all you have to do is keep putting one foot in front of the other.  Definitely follow Sledge's advise about the run and progress gradually over time.  Don't worry about your times either as building up your base will pay huge dividends over time.

You had a question about weight loss and training.  With your medical background I don't know that I can provide you anything too scientific but I do know that inputs and outputs work for me.  I use a heart rate monitor that calculates/estimates the amount of calories you burn while exercising and use that to gauge what I can eat, or at least that is what I make an attempt to do.  As long as I keep my outputs, calories expended while exercising, greater than my inputs, steak/beer/cheescake etc..., then I can control my weight pretty well.  I just had a horrible month in February but I am back on track now so hopefully I can drop this 20 pounds and get into Ironman shape.  Other than that I have done the low carb plans in the past and they worked but once you come off of them your body is like a sponge and the weight comes right back.  You can have beer on these plans either so that didn't work very well.

Best of luck to you and most of all just have fun while you are doing it.  Cheers.

2008-03-16 10:48 PM
in reply to: #1274898

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Open

Weekly recap

I finally had a decent week at least enough to comment on.

5 rides - 105 miles

4 runs - 15.3 miles (One LSR for 8 miles)

2 bricks both short in distance and time (Just getting the legs used to tranisitioning)

Another week with no swimming.  I am not concerned with the 1000m swim this weekend but I am concerned that the time will be quite slow and I am going to burn myself out on the bike trying to make up time. 

Total time: 10 hours 34 minutes (8600 calories)

Next week won't have nearly the same numbers due to the race on Saturday but I am certain that I will still get around 5 or 6 hours at a minimum.

2008-03-17 11:29 AM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Open
Great job Chip. That kind of week on a consistent basis will take you along way in this sport.

2008-03-17 4:49 PM
in reply to: #1274898

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Open


What can I say - I had a stellar week - swam my first non-stop 500 yards and continue to improve on that time and portion of my tri training plan.  I believe I must have swam at least 2-3,000 yards this week past, my running was good as well - I see a def increase in endurance..even though the HR went up just a tad on a couple of the runs - I felt fine and shaved off about 2 -3 minutes off my average time for a 5k - from about 35 min to 32 minutes now.  I am guessing I ran about 6 miles - maybe a lil more total.  I actual pushed myself a little further on my last run and went longer then what I am used to just to test the waters so to base building seems to be working!!  Bike - again - this is gonna be my quicker of the tri events - I have a strong base built with this and my average speed in consistent with my HR - so - I feel like I am gonna be good to go on he bike part of my sprint coming up this month....I believe I road about 25 - 30 miles this week past..I usually average about 10 or more in a session which I can can do in bout 35 min - I rode the actual distance of last years MAP tri bike course this past week = 12.43 miles in 40 minutes..this years course is I hope to knock it out in 35 min - to 40 min....but again  this being my 1st -it's all about finishing for times to records to set....keepin as much pressure off myself for this one...I wanna have fun with it and focus on the reason I signed up for this...for my health and the fun of it......overall  I had a great week, made some good progress in swimming and and feeling more confident about my tri coming up on the 29th!!!   I see Ken had a stellar week as well and Chappy is back in it too...good job all, including Sledge - and Natlalie is gonna be a contender...I saw her background..whew...she is soooo far ahead in the Chapman said with the strong bike and swim backgrounds she has..running will be a breeze for her...and she will be good to go...soon.....  have a great week all !!! till next time!  :-)


2008-03-19 7:40 AM
in reply to: #1116072

New user
Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Open
Hey, all! I wanted to let you know that I'm in Internet silence mode for a few days while I'm in Florida with my mom, who had her hip replaced Monday afternoon. I will post my weekly recap on Friday when I get back.

I'm still sick, so I'm not exercising this week anyway, though it's killing me not to be able to get out for a run in this beautiful central Florida weather.

2008-03-19 9:00 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Open
Hey guys,

I am attaching link that I think you all should look at. It talks about the concept of base training and work load and Jorge explains it better than anyone I have ever seen. The concipt is complex and often poorly interpreted and I think the posts do a good job in helping to make the concepts easier to understand. As you all look at doing more races and raising your level of performance, these concepts become more and more important.

Edited by Manatee Express 2008-03-19 9:03 PM
2008-03-23 8:41 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Open
Weekly recap

Another solid week, but not quiet where I need to be. Swim was weak as I only got to the pool once because I was lazy. Bike was awesome, 4 rides for 115 miles. 3 runs but the last one was too short. Long run up to 7 miles. I need to ramp that up quickly. Half is 7 weeks out and I need to get the long run up soon. My race schedule in late April gets real busy and I want to get my long run up early.

This week looks like a challenge until the weekend. I may have to go out of town 3 days and that means no training except maybe a run. Primary goals for the week are long bike of 56 miles and long run up to 8.5. Also want to continue with my 100 mile bike weeks.

Whats up with u guys. Rusty is racing !
2008-03-24 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1288687

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Open
Yep - this week is race week for me. I am hitting the pool a couple time this week, some bike and run as well...then takin it easy for the race on Saturday.  Well folks ...this is where the effort all pay's 1st tri and I feel pretty good about how I will do.  I am gonna practice transitions in the backyard this week as well since my mini tri this pat week was a real eye opener on those.....gotta work on the t1 - that's the one that killed me..t2 is gonna be easy for week was a good week for me...I met my swim goals and continue to overswim the race distance = 500 yards, my run and bike are on point as I think the last time I ran I was running just under a 10 min mile....this was during my mini tri so my HR was doing good as well...the base buildin has paided off...but I will continue to build that even after the race.  Thanks to all for helpin me get to this point!!!  BT rocks!!

2008-03-24 11:11 AM
in reply to: #1116072


Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Open

Hi Ken,

My name is Robyn and I'm hoping you still have space available for the group! I am brand new to this whole thing and am afraid I'm in over my head! I signed up for the Irongirl in August so I have some time. As for my background, I'm a certified aerobics instructor (teach step and kickboxing classes) and self defense instructor. I also box and lift weights on a regular basis (ok daily basis). I just bought my road bike yesterday and started with a swimming group last week. I have discovered through all of this that I am a poor swimmer (going through basic "get over your fear of the water" classes), a VERY slow runner (broke my knee cap several years ago and it slows me down from time to time) and not sure about the bike yet. I've been spinning 3 times a week for a year so I'm hoping it will be my stongest area. I am 33, single (not married, but have a boyfriend), and motivated! I work full-time for the government and spend my nights at the gym. My parents are flying out from California for the race and I don't want to dissapoint them. Can you help???

2008-03-24 1:32 PM
in reply to: #1289526

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Open
Hey Robyn, glad to have you join the group. I reopened it after we lost a couple people early on and we certainly have room for you. With your overall fitness level, I am sure you are not in over your head. You have over 3 months to get ready and the trick will be getting the sport specific training done during that time. The swim classes are a great idea and you will have breakthroughs more quickly with an instructor. Spinning is useful, but getting miles on the real bike are important as you get closer to your race. Running is a challenge for alot of folks but with your aerobic prowess, I expect you will be fine.

Where is your irongirl race and what are the distances?

Ask lots of questions, we will help you get to the finish line.

2008-03-24 2:58 PM
in reply to: #1289526

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Open


 You picked a good group of folks here on the Express - no doubt ,you will be fine and with the knowledge base here and with some instruction in the water you will be in good shape.  I am a beginner Tri-athlete myself...I was at best an avid swimmer when I started training back in Janurary..I grew up in the water so I never had a fear factor, I could swim, but this group and the training I have gone thru has taken my swimming to a new level.  My running - well - I was never what you would call a runner, now, I have found my appreciation for it and enjoy it more then ever.  Biking - I grew up riding bikes as a kid and teenager so learning the endurance piece and road biking was new for me, but I have ridden the road before and I have done well with gaining endurance and building a good base with managing my heart rate as well.  I am a former smoker and quit with the intentions of makin a change in my life for the benefit of my family and myself...the Tri training as given me focus and purpose and most of all its really fun and great training..even if you never covers it all.  So - welcome and take it all in...we are here to help and believe me will get there...I know I did and I just started!!  My 1st Tri is this coming weekend!!!!'s amazin what you can acheive when you set your mind to it....and the folks here in the Express and BT can help you get there!!

Cheers!  :-)

2008-03-24 3:04 PM
in reply to: #1289964

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Open


As for the swimming piece - I have decided to take a Masters swim class at the YMCA near my house in few weeks..I think that will def improve on my swimming and take it to the next level for sure.  I have gained alot with the training I have done for my tri and many of the folks I train with take the Masters class and rave about how great it is.....I figured - my next tri is in June and it's longer ( 800 yards ) and it's open water...this would def help me get ready for this one...I have no fear of swimming in open water as you know..I grew up swimming and surfing so I am gonna focus on the endurance and perfecting the form I have learned now....and the Masters class should be the ticket for me....


2008-03-24 3:18 PM
in reply to: #1116072

New user
Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Hi, all.

So, I was pretty sick this past week with the creeping crud (that's an official medical term), so I wisely did not exercise at all. Went out for a run this morning and felt pretty good. I still have a cough but it's strictly a post-nasal drip/throat congestion type of thing.

Here is last week's weekly recap, which I didn't get to post because of Internet difficulties while I was traveling.

Weekly Recap

This was my first week back to organized training since Christmas. I haven't been recording distances at this point yet, just minutes.

Swim: I went to swim class twice for easy workouts. I don't think we swam more than 1500 yards each time. Class lasted 90 minutes; there was lots of standing around talking about drills and technique, so total swim time was probably less than an hour at easy pace.

Bike: 55+ miles in the form of my daily commute (avg. less than 13 mph); no serious road riding yet as the weather continues to be crappy. I went to spin class twice, probably a mistake in the context of my other hard running workout. See "bad news" below.

Run: Two 30-minute runs and one 40-minute run. One of the short runs was to determine max HR, which really wiped me out.

Hope to keep things going now that I'm feeling better.


2008-03-24 9:13 PM
in reply to: #1290293

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Hang in just got back on the wagon so no big deal...the run will improve with time.  Have you any idea what your max HR is?  I would suggest if you do not have a clue to have a VO2 test done.  I was totally lost before I had mine done and it really put things into perspective  - I was way above where I should have been before the test - meanin - I was mostly anerobic during my initial weeks of training.  I had the test done and found out where I really should be and it made huge difference in my training after that.  Managing the HR is key to building a strong base and not burning out - if your out of your aerobic zone and into anerobic - well - you know what that means I am sure....not tryin to be a fitness guru by any means cause I ain't - but from someone that just started tri's and training this was key for me and had helped me immensely since I started training the right way.  I know about the cold/sickness - I am gettin over mine from last week..whew..just in the nick of time - my 1st Tri is this weekend!!! 

Cheers !!

 PAPA :-)

2008-03-24 9:28 PM
in reply to: #1290293

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

My initial thoughts on your training are to get started on the run. Your bike and swim will come back quickly and you got 4 months before your race. My suggestion is to run 3 to 4 times a week. One run should be designated as your long run and you should build that up over time. That run is your key workout for the next month. Increase it every week by 10%. I am not sure where you start. Try 30 minutes and run at a pace you can carry on a conversation. The other runs you can go a little faster, but you don't need to be anaroebic at all right now. I always record distance but thats because I am a numbers guy by trade and I can't stop myself. Time is fine and probably smarter. For an Olympic distance race you should try to build up to 7 or 8 miles for your long run. Oh, on building your long run every 4th week, take a step back week to let your body absorb the training.

Just some initial thoughts, hope you find it useful.

2008-03-25 6:03 AM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Natalie and Robyn,

I would like for you guys to add the other team members to your blog so you can look at how and what they are logging. I will eventually recommend some others who may be beneficial but for now I would like you to add me, and the other members of the group to your training page. The other active members are cchapman, sledge, and papahawk, oh and me manatee express.

To do this, click on training log. Just to the right of that there is a button that is the control panel. Click on that. On this page there is a button for friends. Click on friends button. Then type in the screennames of the rest of the group and when your done click apply. The persons avatar will now be on your training page and you have easy access to see what they are doing.

2008-03-25 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1116072

New user
Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Ken and Rusty, thanks for the input! Chip, hope you're over the gastro! Hi, Cheri! And welcome, Robyn!

My current training plan calls for three days of running a week, but based on what Ken said last week I was planning on at least alternating four days one week with three days the next (M-W-F-Su one week then Tu-Th-Sa the following), with the weekend run being the long one, in an effort to build my base.

I've been using my HRM now that I've determined my max HRs for running and biking to stay in the endurance zone for all my running until I get a good base. I can't remember exactly what my plan calls for this week--something like a 24-minute run, a 36-minute run, and a 48-minute run.

I probably won't do any biking this week except what I do with my regular commute. I'm doing two short swim sessions.

My nutritional goal for this week: no dessert. Maybe that seems overly harsh, but with me and sweets, the only way to be moderate is to abstain entirely. One Hershey Kiss and the next thing you know I've eaten a whole giant bag. So please, everyone, at the end of the week, ask me how I did on the no dessert thing.

2008-03-25 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1291533

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
nevans71 - 2008-03-25 8:29 AM

My nutritional goal for this week: no dessert. Maybe that seems overly harsh, but with me and sweets, the only way to be moderate is to abstain entirely. One Hershey Kiss and the next thing you know I've eaten a whole giant bag. So please, everyone, at the end of the week, ask me how I did on the no dessert thing.


Good idea for a goal. I am down about 10 pounds since January and the only thing I have done is switch from ice cream to popcycles and cut out the fancy coffee and just drink it black. If I could make myself eat more grilled chicken I could drop another 10 pretty easily.

2008-03-25 3:29 PM
in reply to: #1291533

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Cutting out the sugar is the best !!!  You will def see and difference by doing that....I did and I dropped 13 lbs....w/out any real physical training at the time.  Right now - I am still at the same weight I was when I started training for tri's and running....I concluded this has not changed since I am more active now - I have noticed I am eatin more regularly - good eatining mind you - but more consistent since I am burning more calories then I used to before training - so it all evens out.  If I really wanted to drop a few more pounds I could cut out some more of the not so good foods I splurge on from time to time and add more strength training into my schedule - since anyone that knows anything about fitness - the more muscle mass you have the more fat you burn - this is attributed to the fact your metabolism is higher when you weight/strength train.  So - maybe in the near future I may add this into my training routine to get that extra 5 -10 pounds off if I choose too..right now ..I am happy with where I am....I am 6'2 so I carry my weight pretty least that is what I am told..LOL...I am right under 200lbs  - about 198lbs last I looked...I do not even get on the scale anymore at this point - it's more of do I feel good and fit...if I do..I do not need to look at the least right now I do not.  :-)

Cheers !

2008-03-27 3:49 PM
in reply to: #1291533

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

nevans71 - 2008-03-25 8:29 AM Ken and Rusty, thanks for the input! Chip, hope you're over the gastro! Hi, Cheri! And welcome, Robyn!

My nutritional goal for this week: no dessert. Maybe that seems overly harsh, but with me and sweets, the only way to be moderate is to abstain entirely. One Hershey Kiss and the next thing you know I've eaten a whole giant bag. So please, everyone, at the end of the week, ask me how I did on the no dessert thing. --Natalie

Hey Natalie,

Go look at my goals -- I know all about the no dessert thing.   I keep telling myself that dessert is just empty calories.  How's it going, giving it up?


2008-03-27 3:56 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Well, it's almost the end of the next week and I still haven't found the time to do last week's recap.  Suffice it to say that it wasn't good!  We're on a lull again at work, so yesterday I finally had a chance to do what I was so excited about doing once daylight savings time started -- biking after work.  It was a great ride, and it also put me over my monthly goal!  And I'm off tomorrow, so my plan is to get a looonnnnnnngg bike ride in.   Keep your fingers crossed for me!
2008-03-28 4:55 PM
in reply to: #1298226

New user
Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Sledge - 2008-03-27 3:49 PM

Hey Natalie,

Go look at my goals -- I know all about the no dessert thing.   I keep telling myself that dessert is just empty calories.  How's it going, giving it up?


So, I have to 'fess up.

I've been really good all week, but today I finished the second and last day of the final step of my U.S. medical license exam, so I treated myself to Garrett's Popcorn Shoppe caramel corn (it's a Chicago thing). Otherwise I haven't had any sweets, although I did have some sugar in my tea yesterday.

I start a week of nights today--after sitting for an exam all day--which will sap me of all motivation to work out, especially since winter appears to have taken up permanent residence here (snow flurries yesterday and today). However, I'm planning a long (for me) run on Sunday before I go to work. That will make the fourth run this week. It feels good!

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