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2007-11-04 4:09 AM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Anyone else notice that morning coffee tastes better when there's a chill in the air?

I cannot believe that it's the first weekend of November, with Thanksgiving and Christmas on the immediate horizon. It's crunch time -- at work and for training-related year end goals. And as for the latter, I'm going to focus on my swim. (If you look at my logs, you'll see I ignored the pool in October.) I also need to start stretching. My legs are tight, too tight, and I need to regain some flexibility.

What's everyone else up to?

2007-11-04 6:06 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Greensboro, NC
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I've been so lazy lately! I'm just working on getting back into a fitness routine of any sort and trying to break in some new running shoes. Short of having someone custom make me some lightweight running shoes with lots of cushion and overpronation help with arch support, I just need to suffer a bit for now :-P
2007-11-08 5:01 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Hi Everyone!!!!
I am still breathing but just barely. I am O.K.
I just got tickets to Arizona and now I need to sign up for the race if there's still openings.
Unfortunately the last month was really wierd and I didn't train at all. This coming Saturday will be my first day back in training. I hope I will have enough time to train before the half marathon. I will be walking and jogging this one unfortunately. I will be very happy to see other people there. My Sister will even be there, she will be running. Look for the tallest woman there and that's my sister 6'6 and she wants a boyfriend her height or taller. Not joking. LOL

My computer is no more RIP So I am at the library now and whenever I am online.
I still need to get used to it.

I need all the motivation I can get right now.

Sometimes in life you need to go with the flow even though it is an undercurrent riptide without the board and it is cold water. Trust your wetsuit!!!!

Mine is still in the car. Yes , I used it last weekend. Probably the last time though.

I will check in at least one time a week now it is one of my new goals Get to the library more often and use the computer!!!!

Talk to you later

2007-11-11 3:14 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Hi guys

I think that I am coming out of the other side of 5 days of proper man flu so I have spent the last five days gorging myself on bacon sandwiches, fish and chip butties and vitamin shakes! Back to normal tomorrow I think. I even found myself watching some the tri vids on youtube and feeling motivated so I must be feeling better!

I hope everything is going well with you all.

Pene, I haven't done a marathon yet (and I never thought that I would be putting the word "yet" and the end of that sentence!) but I have it in mind for sometime next year; not sure either which or when but it may be one over in the far east (do you guys call it the far west?!) depending upon timing but thus far my calendar for next year is made up of various races, all about a month apart and starting in March going a bit like this: Sprint, sprint, Olympic, Olympic, Olympic, Olympic or maybe marathon, Monaco 70.3. I am determined to go to Monaco this time with plenty of race experience behind me so that I don't make the same kiddie mistakes as last time and hopefully put in a better time.

Incidentally I have succumbed to the "running for a charity" sponsorship trip this time but I have taken the approach of not being sponsored to finish but being sponsored to finish faster (i.e. a $ for every five minutes I shave off my previous time). What do y'all think? More interesting? Oh yes, it’s for a premature baby unit in the UK where my kids enjoyed their first three months so a bit of personal relevance. I've never done chariddy stuff before so if anyone has an opinion please, don't be shy.

Prof, I find that coffee tastes its best out of a metal mug on a mountainside whilst you are still sitting in your sleeping bag (my best mug ever was brewed on the side of Mont Blanc by an Italian chap who had carried the grounds and cafetiere all the way up- it was -13 C and the water took a week to boil). Tea, if you ever drink the stuff, tastes best on the hottest day of the year, sitting in the shade and reading something trashy (Jane Austen, Charles Dickens etc) whilst watching your staff mow the lawn into nice stripes! Must be an English thing.

Jeanette, it's good to see you back. Chap here at work (6’9”) is currently stepping out with a wee lass of around 5’ so I can see your sister’s point as to size matters if only to stop people like me mentioning it in messages! Good to hear that you will be spending more time in the library. Always good to broaden ones mind dontcha think. Good luck with the ½ marathon. The distance is the same even if you walk it so it is still an achievement (especially after a month off).

Casey, you are doing so well to be breaking in new shoes. I can’t stand the discomfort. I just found a pair I liked and now keep going back to the store and asking for “another pair of the same please” despite the fact that I know that they aren’t quite right. PS beware lightweight shoes for long runs as your feet will hurt, that goes to your knees, hips and eventually you will just come apart at the seams. I would be tempted to stick with more cushioning and a good fit and change them every five hundred miles or so for a freshly fitted pair.

Love to you all.
2007-11-11 11:53 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I was just thinking it was time to check in with the group and then a flurry of posts inspired me even more. Mark's post are always hard to follow of course but I Wont even try to live up to it.

I too had taken some time off- after my half marathon I told myself I couldnt run for a few weeks to let my ankle heal. So i was walking and swimming, and then one day in the pool I got this excruciating searing pain in my ankle and had to limp back to the locker room> I think it was some tendonitis and it got better but at that point I told myself I need to take a break from EVERYTHING for at least a week. It happeend to coincide nicely with a long stretch of work and then my birthday week so I lived gluttonously for almost 2 weeks. And then I realized how much I missed it, how poorly I was sleeping, and despite my bday, how cranky I was.
Last Thursday I went to the gym and tentatively ran a mile. God, it felt so good. I really really really missed it all. I havent ran again, im still not sure about the ankle, but Ive swam with pull buoys and did the elliptical and I feel like a new woman again. Unfortunately, a 3 pounds heavier new woman (going the wrong way towards that 10lb goal!) but I think I can get back into the eating game now too.
Jeanette; I hope you are feeling better now too you are back training.

This has all led me to be extremely thankful (in this season of thanksgiving) for even having most of my body working, that I have the time and the money to participate in triathlons, and that I have the luxury of time to train. I know there are many people who dont have that.
Most of this reflection was prompted by an encounter I had in the ER last week that has stayed with me since.
I had a patient who been sent in by his doctor because they had found a blood clot in his arm, which is very unusual. I was asking him about his health and he told me he had been an endurance athlete (running mainly) his whole life (now 62 and looked maybe 50) until his knees became too arthritic about 10 years ago. He had been taking glucosamine and was now at the point where he could walk 5 miles again everyday, and he said he was just so happy to even do that. We joked about how when we are young we abuse our bodies and try to ignore injuries (like I did) and he said you just have too and that he doesnt have any regrets about it. But he said he hadnt been able to go watch any running races since he had quit, it was just too hard for him. We ordered some tests (a CT scan) and about an hour later they came back: he had a massive cancer in in his chest with metastisis to other parts of his body. Not a great prognosis at all. I couldnt believe how healthy this man look and how something like this can take anyone by surprise. The other doctor had told him, and when I went back in to express my sorry-ness he said, "You know, as you get older you think about these kind of things and try to prepare for this day when someone tells you that you are going to die. I just didnt think it was going to be today" . God, I about lost it right there.

Sorry to bring this thread down; I really just wanted to share that story with you all. And hope it inspires you all to take advantage of these years while our bodies are still with us. And yes, as the cliche goes, live each day as if its your last.
2007-11-11 12:11 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Amen, Sister!

2007-11-15 3:26 AM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Good posts. Nice to see that everyone is doing well as we finish out the year.

Anyone have interesting plans for Christmas?

2007-11-17 5:57 PM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Well, I won a lottery spot and registered for my first race of 2008 -- you can check it out at . If I've read the info correctly, it goes 4.4 miles across the Chesapeake Bay. And no, I've never gone that distance yet. But if I run out of steam, what's the worst thing that can happen? Oh, wait. Never mind. Forget I asked that question.

Hope you and yours are doing well.
2007-11-18 7:33 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Woo Hoo Prof!! Congrats on the chance of a lifetime! You are very brave! Hey, bet you'll be hittin the pool just a little bit more now, huh? May I suggest one of those see through floaty devices, just in case??
2007-11-19 12:17 AM
in reply to: #1059544

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
wow,4.4 miles. I guess its like the ultramarathon of swimming?? Im sure you can do it- you better starting lifting some weights to get those shoulders ready! ill check it out online tomorrow.
No interesting plans for xmas, got to work in the ER for a lot of it. Im needing some weight loss motivation ! Those 10lbs are not coming easily. I mean, I just am really enjoying eating. I think its the winter thing-my body is trying to ready itself for storing those winter calories and I swear all my willpower has gone out the window. Im working out (and back to running!) but it doesnt seem to matter. Im not doing long of enuff training sessions to justify the crap Im eating. Any ideas??
2007-11-19 5:04 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Weight challenge

Weighed in this am at 193lbs (a total rise of 7lbs since we started)!

I now have to lose 17lbs which is around 3lbs a week so it is looking unlikely although, the classic English tradition is to support the underdog so I'm cracking on and trying to meet my target without making myself ill! I reckon if I cut out the wine and the bacon sandwiches I may be able to make some inroads into the 17lbs. Any other tips?

2007-11-24 5:11 AM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
No weight loss tips here, but I can offer some co-dependency angst. These last few weeks have not been good to me, either. And it all sounded so easy!

The temp should hit the 50s this week, and while my schedule is as jammed as ever, I simply must get out and run. It's been almost 2 weeks, and I need it. (Not that the time spent with the Mrs in front of the fireplace has been a bad thing...)

Today is maintenance day. Tune up the bike, sort through all the accumulated exercise stuff, weed out the junk, and start looking at training plans for next year. Right after I finish this wonderful cup of morning coffee.

Have a good day.

2007-11-24 5:39 AM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Triathlon swim start -- Clif Bar commercial -- this just made me laugh out loud. So either I'm sleep deprived, or these guys really summed up the whole swim phase pretty darn accurately!
2007-11-24 11:16 AM
in reply to: #1066420

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
oh mygod that is funny- i laughed out loud too. Its probably only funny to triathletes.

I just read this thing on about trying to loose weight during the holidays -the writer said it might be unrealistic to loose weight but MAINTAINING your weight should be more of your goal. So, Im revising my goals. Maybe I can drop a few pounds but as long as I dont go ABOVE my pre thanksgiving weight, I will be happy. Then, when January comes, I will definitely be ready to get back on the training wagon.

Im still dealing with my ankle of course, the podiatrist said I shouldnt run at all but it just HAD To go for a thanksgiving morning jog- it was such a beautiful clear crispy day here (we have be in the 30's here!) that I couldnt resist. It was only 1.5 miles. I guess I have to stick to the elliptical mainly, but Im going to sneak a few short runs in here and there.
I have started thinking about my goals for 2008- I know Prof has one already but anyone else have big plans? I was seriously thinking about a half-ironman and then I reconsidered last night. There is one about 40 min from my house (Lake Stevens 70.3) and last year it was 90 deg on race day! I know it shouldnt matter but I roughly estimated my times and looked at last years age group results and it seems like I could be last in my age group. I know I shouldnt think about that! BUt I think maybe I should be realistic about what I can accomplish. Yes, I know I can finish a half- but will I enjoy it??
2007-11-24 12:43 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Happy Holidays All....

Yes Prof, that was a funny! We DO sort of beat ourselves up in triathlon. Most folks would rather be hung by their nails from a rafter than do a tri, especially an ironman. But then, I guess we beat to a different drum or whatever.

Well....I'm slacking too. Haven't weighed in. Don't want to. Got some stuff done around the house though because there is a guy in my life and it looks like he's staying. We are going clubbing tonight in Madison. Neither of us really drinks, we just like music and strange people. He's not a triathlete, but he's not a computer geek either, as Mark had predicted awhile ago. I'm sort of getting a lot of exercise these days.....but it isn't the kind you log

Cheers from Catwoman here, and may all your dreams come true!!!
2007-12-01 5:49 AM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Well, I'm sick. And I had such big goals for this week, too.

Last Sunday, I did a long swim just to see if I could, and was pleased with the result. On Monday, I woke up with this cold/flu, and it refuses to leave my tired body. How is it that I can feel good when I go to bed, thinking tomorrow is the day I'll go for a run, and then wake up hacking and coughing and feeling like I've been dragged through the yard?

So anyway, here I sit, coffee in hand, DayQuil on the counter, in sweats and a turtleneck, vowing that today will be the last day that I lay around like a slug.

At least, until I wake up tomorrow.

Hope everyone had a good week.

2007-12-02 9:39 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I'm sorry Prof! I ran a wee tiny little dinky little bit and my nose wouldn't quit running and I sneezed for 2 days and now my throat hurts.......{miniature violins}

So....this is my distraction these days


j+p.bmp (95KB - 35 downloads)
2007-12-03 9:06 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Greensboro, NC
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Damn, I'm getting sick too :-( I went to North Carolina to see my gf (long distance relationships...*sigh*), got back to Minnesota, then started getting sick. It's not a bad cold yet....but it's clogging up my sinuses and giving me a headache.

I think I've lost on the weight loss challenge....I gained 10lbs with Thanksgiving and a week of good ol' Southern cooking. I am back almost to my original weight though....almost :-)
2007-12-04 6:24 AM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Weight loss goal? What weight loss goal? (Looking around, with a bewildered and "don't really recall ever mentioning such a thing" look on my face...)
2007-12-04 3:51 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Uh huh, today I wore a skirt because I got tired off squeezing into my jeans....too bindey.

Tomorrow.....yep, tomorrow.....
2007-12-06 10:10 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Ha! there's a reason why my belly is feeling all bindey lately.....datada...I'm pregnant!! Well, I'm 41, and Josh is almost 35. He's one of those incredibly rare never been married no kids dudes and so....this is actually planned, though we are a little surprised at how successful we are! {pesky turkey.....happy mellow chemicals.....} No full marathon for me....but I'll still jog/walk and swim this winter. My new goal is to do the same super sprint indoor tri I did last winter in March and beat my old times even though I am pregnant.

Anyone else have any earth shattering news??

How's the christmas shopping going? The kids "helped" make cookies....they taste better than they look, but they had fun

2007-12-07 9:58 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
wow i about dropped my coffee when I read that. Im serious, didnt see that coming for miles! Congrats Pene! I am in awe of your energy....Whats the due date? Are your kids excited?
It sounds like you are very happy.

No earth shattering news here, Im just trying to loose the few pounds that have crept on in the past 2 weeks and get my workouts back on track in between Christmas Shopping. Im definitely an endurance shopper, not because I have lots of stuff to buy but mainly cuz I love to shop. I really do, its an awful addiction. such a cliche one at that. Oh well.

Ive been on my bike trainer again. I thought the Prof would be proud! Ive made it to 33 minutes. ill try for 36 next time and then maybe a wopping 45 min goal. I really have a hard time staying on that thing but will see. I havent started runnign again because my ankle is finally healing and I dont want to jinx it yet. I miss running so much.
2007-12-08 11:13 PM
in reply to: #640246


Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

I am a 47 y/o beginner at this. Have completed one sprint distance triathalon in San Diego and would like to improve my times. I work as a Physical Therapist and live in San Diego. Can I squeeze in here? I love to hear all of your success stories!
2007-12-09 5:02 AM
in reply to: #1086207

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-12-06 11:10 AM

Ha! there's a reason why my belly is feeling all bindey lately.....datada...I'm pregnant!! Well, I'm 41, and Josh is almost 35. He's one of those incredibly rare never been married no kids dudes and so....this is actually planned, though we are a little surprised at how successful we are! {pesky turkey.....happy mellow chemicals.....} No full marathon for me....but I'll still jog/walk and swim this winter. My new goal is to do the same super sprint indoor tri I did last winter in March and beat my old times even though I am pregnant.

Anyone else have any earth shattering news??

How's the christmas shopping going? The kids "helped" make cookies....they taste better than they look, but they had fun

Well, its seems symbolic that as we finish out this year, someone begins a new journey. You always pursue the big ones, don't you?


And to the rest of you -- thanks for a great year. Keep in touch.
2007-12-22 4:08 AM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Merry Christmas to all. Hope you have a great week with family and friends, and that you take time to stop and enjoy the Xmas cookies.
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