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2010-02-28 8:19 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Kaisa, for what it's worth, I am extremely happy with my Trek road bike.  It is an older model (2003) and a step down from the one you rode, would be comparable to a 1.1 today without the carbon fork and post.  I am short, 5'3", so I was worried about the fitting but it fits me beautifully which is amazing given that I did not try it before it arrived here (a gift from a friend).  I suspect I am way behind you in terms of riding, and am having no problems with the triple gears or shifting.  I don't think mine has the standard Trek derailleur, my friend thought her ex upgraded the derailleur shortly after she purchased it but it shifts easily and smoothly.  I don't think I am alone in this.  When I checked user reviews on my bike, many people were upgrading components rather than the bike overall because they were so happy with it.  Good luck, it is a tough decision.  I'm happy that I didn't have to make it, I simply took this bike because it was offered to me and Steve B said to grab it.  I am so glad that I did.

2010-02-28 8:35 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Steve, I am in southwest Fort Worth, between Benbrook and Crowley.  And yes, it is the Trinity Trail system which encompasses many miles.  A trail map is here:  I talked to one guy along the way who said that the trip from Gateway Park to the end, just before Benbrook, is about 50 miles out and back.  He did it twice one day to make it a century.  Our real issue here is the wind.  We have very few days where there isn't a strong headwind.  Yesterday was one of them.  My trainer has mentioned this a couple of times as being a real factor in her bike time.  And having spent the majority of my life in the MN and WI areas, I miss the green, trees and natural lakes. 

I really was overconfident going into yesterday but am glad that I did it.  I will work in some short daily rides weather permitting just to get a better feel for it.  Unfortunately, I woke up with sciatica pain today which is the first time in six months so will not get a long run in this weekend.  That worries me given my first race is coming up in three weeks.  I worked on the house yesterday morning and spent the morning on a ladder so not sure if it was the ladder, the biking or the way I slept last night but I know from past experience to lay off before it gets worse.

I am pretty happy with my goals for a base and am glad I set them out.  It will most likely take me most of the year to get there but that's OK.  It's a long distance for me from the inactivity of the last ten years. 

2010-02-28 11:39 AM
in reply to: #2696002

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
SAquavia - 2010-02-26 3:27 PM
Now, the rambling:
I also think I have a line on why I'm so tired lately (aside from all the training).  Big upheaval at work the last few weeks, some of our leadership team got pushed out, including my boss.  I'll be assuming his role now, so there's a lot of pressure and anxiety around that.  Plus, the new board has very specific ideas how they want things done, so there are a lot of political/power issues at play.  Anyway, it hit me last night that the compounded stress from that is likely contributing to the fatigue I am feeling.  Something to keep in mind over the next few weeks. 

In my opinion, this is a good insight. Don't underestimate the 'energy' changes at work have. I am noticing the same thing, my energy level and subsequent training pleasure are just not where they were last year - and the 2 biggest differences are the family issues and work stress. I like this quote about change, helps me keep things in perspective: "Change is constant. It is growth that's optional."
Thanks for your willingness to take the time to post (that applies to all of you), I continue to get inspiration from all of the discussions.
2010-02-28 11:43 AM
in reply to: #2696070

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-02-26 3:57 PM


I realize I am now 8 days late ---- so sorry! I hope it was a good one for you. And by the way, how is your early b-day present -- the trainer-- working out for you?

Gang! Only 357 more shopping days until MARK's next birthday!

Thanks Steve. The trainer is GREAT. It seems to be a much better workout than the exercise bikes at the Y, and I love the convenience of being able to train at home. I'm much less likely to blow off a training morning when all I have to do is get up and go downstairs.

Edited by TriD64 2010-02-28 12:47 PM
2010-02-28 12:19 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Just checking in!! SteveB, sorry you were getting so lonely up there. My 21 year old daughter (who is in NYC) was sounding a little homesick earlier in the week. On a whim, I checked for flights home and was shocked to find I could fly her home at the last minute for only $218. So, made a reservation to fly her home Saturday morning and back on Tuesday evening. Things were not looking good on Friday with all the snow in NYC and most flights out/in canceled ... but she was able to get out Saturday morning, so have been enjoying time with her (much needed for both of us).

I did get a 6 mile run in on Saturday before picking her up at the airport at 8:30am. Took her for a manicure and pedicure and then we spent a couple of hours on a beautiful sunny 60 degree day at the ball field watching my son's practice. Then had 8 20-something year olds at the house eating and playing games. Got up and got a 1200y swim in this morning, a 9 mile bike in the neighborhood followed by about at 7 minute run. Planning on mexican food and margaritas for dinner tonight, then a full day of shopping tomorrow. Decided I needed to take Monday and Tuesday off work since my daughter was in town (which will then make for a 3 day work week, yay!).

SteveA, sounded like a good plan to nix the St. George trip with the unpredictable weather. Hopefully things will settle down at work. I think everyone either themselves or SO with an unpredictable work situation. I know, I do. They laid off 50 employees at my husband's off next week and many more to come.

Mark, Happy Belated Birthday! Hopefully things will be looking up for you soon as well.

Kasia, good work on the bike hunting. It sounds like you are getting close to making a decision. You sound like me ... having to check everything out more thoroughly than most so that you feel comfortable with your decision. Nothing wrong with that.

Diane, sounds like you are having some of the same nice weather as we are having. Today is supposed to be sunny, around 67 but the rain comes back tomorrow followed by more cold. Sounds like it was a great day for a bike ride and that you are getting more and more comfortable. My only suggestion on your planned base (if the shoulder can handle it), is to work towards 500m on your swim, since that would be the distance for a lot of sprint races.

Hope everyone else that hasn't checked in is having a great weekend. Time to find something productive to do ... like maybe some laundry. Undecided


Edited by lufferly 2010-02-28 12:22 PM
2010-02-28 1:12 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

LISA sounds like you had a great morning workout!  You put me to shame.  Thanks for the advice on the swim base distance.  That is double what I am doing now, and very slowly at that, but it gives me a realistic goal to shoot for in maintenance.  And I probably can make the most progress on the swim in the long term given that I am so far behind in working on that compared to the other two sports.  Hope you have a great weekend with your daughter, it's fabulous that you gave her such a nice surprise.  And good for you for taking a couple of days to spend with her.  I have my 20 year old living here with her BF, and my 2 year old granddaughter is here part of each week.  Depending on the day, I sometimes think I am fortunate and other days they drive me crazy.

Decided my sciatica pain was not due to the bike ride yesterday so I did get out for 7+ mile neighborhood ride this morning.  Hate to waste the beautiful weather.  No problems with the back but I will hold off on the running and swimming until tomorrow and see how it feels.  I've been pain free from the sciatica for so long now that it scared me to wake up with it this morning as that can derail me faster than anything else. 

I also found a manual online for my bike computer and got it set correctly.  It was giving me an extra 40% on distance and speed with the way the bike shop set it.  I thought it was being overly generous.  So I have more work to do than I thought but I am enjoying the bike so much that it is fine. 

Hope that everyone is having a great training weekend.  And go Team USA for the Hockey Gold this afternoon!

2010-02-28 2:34 PM
in reply to: #2698140

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE and CATHY.....and Dee?......and Linda??

It must be the same in your communities, but there is that certain vibe in Ottawa, from where I have just returned. LOTS of Team Canada jerseys, and long lines waiting to get into the various sports bars, and people draped in Canadian flags. Quite the scene!

Just when you thought it couldn't get any better than short-track speed-skating, along comes the team pursuit. Unfortunately, I misread the timing of the pursuit, so only caught it in various replays. Argh! I may not have been attached to my TV the past two weeks, but I did try to catch as much of the speed skating as I could. The other thing I really loved was the cross-country skiing events.

The Globe and Mail yesterday said that if Canada wants to make it to the next level in winter olympics competitiveness they need to put more funding into the Nordic events -- biathlon, cross-country, ski-jumping, and the Nordic-combined. That is an interesting perspective, one I hadn't thought of before. I knew Canada had done extremely well in cross-country ski events, even though they didn't medal (or did they?), but the thinking is that they are so close in the Nordic events that just a bit more money might do it. What those sports receive now is a pittance compared to things such as figure skating and alpine skiing.

Off to watch hockey now, which is roaring away in the other room!

2010-02-28 3:12 PM
in reply to: #2697804

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


FORT WORTH!! I sure didn't know that about you. You are soooo lucky to live there! During my two years in Allen I never developed much of an affection for Dallas, but loved Fort Worth. The museums, the botanical garden, the stockyards, the humaness of the city, the whole lay of the land......GREAT place! I will look at the Trinity Trails link later and start feeling even more envious!

Ugh. Too bad about the sciatica problem, and I sure hope it is just a hit-and-run episode this time. How far down is it extending?

You have a list of possivble culprits for it, and it is hard to pick which may be the most likely suspect. I guess the way to proceed is to isolate those activities -- no two on the same day anymore! If it turns out to be a bike-based cause, sometimes a teeny adjustment in fit will make a big difference. Hopefully, it's not the bike, however!

Opem flatlands - be they Texas or eastern Ontario - are killers for winds. I have very few days in which the wind doesn't play a major role, and that's especially true in the spring. The prevailing westerlies are even more prevalent in April and May it seems, and so even as I'm looking forward to outside rides, I can't say that I'm thrilled about the big old buffeting winds.

Fort Worth!! (Heart be still......!)

2010-02-28 3:14 PM
in reply to: #2698281

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

NICE representation from the Central Time Zone so far today. Well done, Diane, Mark, and Lisa!

2010-02-28 3:18 PM
in reply to: #2698027

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


That's great that the trainer is working so well for you, although I'm not surprised. Anytime you can get your workouts closer to home, that's a huge bonus. (I keep hinting about an Endless Pool, but Lynn keeps not responding. )

Do you have yours set up in a pleasant spot? Mine is in front of the TV, pleasant enough. The rollers can be positioned there, too. Unfortunately, the CompuTrainer is stuck here in front of the computer, which is a fairly depressing lace; hence, I seldom use the CT, which should be my go-to bike-training device. And that's just sad.

2010-02-28 3:36 PM
in reply to: #2698074

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


You're the Maven of Multi-tasking! Those have been quite the day yesterday and today, what with pick-ups, peds/mans, runs, swims, baseball, hosting kids, a ride, anoyther run, and orchestrating Mexican. Whew! For all that, you have my permission to take Wednesday off from work, too -- you earned it based on your weekend efforts!

Three-day work weeks are always wonderful.........but are as rare as hens' teeth. It doesn't ssem that long ago that that was the prediction for "the future" -- lots of leisure time for all. Oops! That particular train got derailed somewhere along the way, huh?

Lynn will be starting a pre-retirement "transition" schedule, which is offered to federal gov't workers who want it. It is a two-year commitment, and involves working four-day weeks. She will only be paid for the four days, but her pension will be unaffected - it will operate as if she is working a regular 40-hour/week schedule. She can bail on it at any time and retire, but she cannot continue working a day beyond the two years once it is in place --- and I think it starts for her on Tuesday.

But I digress! Enjoy your two extrsa days off with your daughter! I think you've told me about where she lives, but where is it again. jane is at 2oth East and First Avenue, in the old Stuy-Town complex. (Set up in '47 or '48 for returning vets and their families.) She loves it doewn there, much more so than the 3 years she spent on the Upper East Side. That was fine for a while, but juts became sort of same-old and sterile.

How often do you get up there? It's only a 7- or 8-hour drive for us, but we don't make it much more than 3 times a year. I think we should be doing better!

2010-02-28 5:06 PM
in reply to: #2698285

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Edited by midlifeinsanity 2010-05-24 9:22 PM
2010-02-28 5:31 PM
in reply to: #2698437

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Whoa! That was a game, wasn't it?!?

The older I get the less interested I am in watching post-championship celebrations, but I'm very glad I hung around for this one. The expressions on the faces of the U.S. players could tell a million stories, and it was very nice to hear the crowd so appreciative of Ryan Miller during the medal presentation -- and to see him acknowledge them.

I never knew where to lean on this one. I've spent the bulk of my adult life in Canada, so there is that. I grew up in the U.S. and still hold citizenship there, so there is that. And as a kid, it was a thrill when Tommy Williams (from MN, I believe) made the Bruins in about 1959 or 1960. Until that point there had been maybe an American or two in the NHL, but maybe not; was he the first? (It seems I should know and remember that!) I loved the Bruins even more than the Red Sox, and Williams was someone I could identify with; idolize, maybe?

It was almost goose-bumpy seeing the scene in Ottawa today, knowing how much this all matters to just about everyone.

And the 50km cross-country ski race, with that finish, was another event off the charts. The 5th place guy finished 1.3 seconds behind the winner -- after 50km and almost 3 hours. Sweet Mother of Mercy!!

I think I'm too drained to get on my bike on the trainer, so I'll just let my run earlier today stand on its own. Whew.

2010-02-28 5:34 PM
in reply to: #2698437

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

M -

Consider yourself added --- another central-time-zoner heard from!

Yeah, not much from the left coast or the right coast today, but you souls from the middle coast have held your own. Well done, Team Central!

2010-02-28 8:02 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hey guys,

I am back from my trip! AND I have some reading to do...   

Congrats Canada on the hockey win! Hey, it was a great game, and we gave you a run for your money anyway!

My calf is feeling better - I backed off on the running and am starting up again on my normal schedule this week.

ALSO - I need some good thoughts - I have a friend in Chile that we can't get in touch with (communication is tough there right now) and another friend whose from there and has accounted for all of her father's side of the family, but cannot account for her mother's side of the family (her parents are here, the rest of her family is there).

2010-02-28 8:43 PM
in reply to: #2698703

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Glad you're back, excellent that the calf is improving......but very sorry to hear about the worrrisome Chilean connections. My thoughts don't count for much, but they're there anyhow. Let us know how things turn out, okay? Hopefully, it is all just a matter of poor communications, and nothing more than that.

2010-02-28 9:02 PM
in reply to: #2698802

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Quickly for now:
Gold: Trek Pilot 2.1 looks very nice -- 105 throughout, and Bontrager wheels is a nice touch.
Silver: Felt ZW95 mentions stiffness, which is useful. 11-25 cogset is good!
Bronze: Giant Avail 1 also mentions stiffness, and features 105.

More later!

Edited by stevebradley 2010-02-28 9:05 PM
2010-02-28 10:48 PM
in reply to: #2697570

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

KASIA again -

As for the other three, the Specialized would probably be okay, although I'm a bit leery of the description that it is for the "social rider to the fitness trainer". But the Avail 3 and the ZW100 both have only 8-speed cassettes ---- although having the triple on those bikes provides the extra gearing options, I suppose. Still.....

2010-02-28 11:06 PM
in reply to: #2698989

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


FINALLY getting to you with another neuroma idea; actually a variation on a theme. I did this myself on a few occasions back in the Dark Ages of my own neuroma, and it worked okay.

Set aside an hour for a "run". Bring along a metatarsal pad (or two), a roll of paper tape, and a felt marker. Try to do the run on a flat stretch of road, and on a dry day.

Start the run just as you normally would, aiming for 2-3 miles. As soon as you start to feel the neuroma, stop running, remove the sockliner, and make your best guess as to where the pad might help the most. Tape it down with two cross-strips, the ends of each going just onto the bottom of the sockliner. Start running again and see how that feels. If it doesn't work, stop and repeat the process -- just in a different place. And keep doing this. Realistically, there are about 8-12 areas that can be attempted -- 2 or 3 up high, almost under the toes; 4-5 across the area under the "fat pad" part; 3-4 spanning across the more frontal part of the arch. There is likely going to be overlap with each placement, but thta's just sort of a form of "fine-tuning"!

If you find a place that works, use your marker to trace around the outside of the pad. This way you can then go home and attach it more firmly - either with its actual adhesive bottom, or if that has been used-up then with a more tenacious cloth tape. As I live and breathe, this was a technique I used for many months, and while it is a bit tedious, if it works it is better than surgery.

And if you have the heart for it, you might want to try an area or two with two pads. You can be creative with these -- side-by-side, or one high (toeward) and one low (heelward). I tried this approach periodically, but it never felt right. But that was me, and you're you, and who knows -- it might work well for you!

Doing it at the tail end of a run means that at least you get the whole run in before the experimenting begins. Win-win? I sure hope so!

2010-02-28 11:20 PM
in reply to: #2696056

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I enjoyed reading your log for yesterday and today!

The yoga session yesterday sounds extraordinary - you were very fortunate to have that available to you!

As for today:
Good ride!
Valiant attempt at the swim!
Brave stab at yoga!
Good run, with exquisite timing -- 30 minute run, started at 2:30.......did you have something you needed to get to at 3??

Very nice to see Toews and Nash come to life the past two games, and for Toews it was much, much, more than just coming to life. The Ottawa Citizen had a piece today about how Olympians often struggle some when The Games are over and the actual season resumes. That is cited as a big reason why the '06 finals had Carolina and Edmonton, two teams with not many olympians. If you want to informally track this, here is the olympian distribution:

8: Anaheim, Detroit, San Jose
7: Vancouver
6: Boston, Chicago, Columbus, Nashville
5: Atl, Buff, LA, Minn, NJ, NYR, Ott, Pitt, Wash
4: Car, Dal, Mont, Phil, Tampa,
3: Calg, Colo, Phoe, St.L., Tor
2: Edm, Flo
1: NYI

The lone Bruin on Team Canada, Patrice Bergeron --- did he play even a minute today? I don't remember him on the ice, and each time I saw him on the bench he was tucked there next to the D corps. Hmmmmm.

2010-03-01 1:07 AM
in reply to: #2698989

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Thanks for the quick responses. I think I'm gonna go back to the last LBS I visited and test ride some more Treks like you suggested. At the time, I'd asked for the higher entry-level end of the stock so we'll see what they pull out from the lower entry-level models.

I agree with you on going with the 105 for the Trek 2.1 Pilot and Giant Avail 1. So far, I've heard that that's the way to go. But riding the various models around town on Saturday, I honestly didn't feel a difference in shifting between Shimano 105 and Tiagra, for example. I've heard 105 is much much better and smoother, but I don't know if it's worth the extra money when I can't really tell that it's any different.

Then again, I was looking more for fit this past Saturday than components, so maybe I just need to take each bike out for a longer ride to test out the shifters/derailleurs/etc. We'll see. Right now I'm new to everything so I don't even know what to focus on. It doesn't help that every time I mention to a LBS employee that the shifting's kind of off they say it can be adjusted to fit correctly. C'mon! I wanna know how it's gonna feel at its best!

One step at a time, I guess. I plan to keep the bike around for a while, so maybe in that respect I should go for the better components. But I'm not quite sold on that line of thinking quite yet. Maybe it'll come with time. This process is going to be a lot longer than I expected. Yikes!


Edited by augeremt 2010-03-01 1:52 AM

2010-03-01 1:08 AM
in reply to: #2698831

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-02-28 8:02 PM KASIA - Quickly for now: Gold: Trek Pilot 2.1 looks very nice -- 105 throughout, and Bontrager wheels is a nice touch. Silver: Felt ZW95 mentions stiffness, which is useful. 11-25 cogset is good! Bronze: Giant Avail 1 also mentions stiffness, and features 105. More later!

Steve again,

I love the Olympic theme

Edited by augeremt 2010-03-01 1:08 AM
2010-03-01 1:18 AM
in reply to: #2697788

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Thanks for the vote of confidence for the Trek bikes. I've been studying up online, looking up reviews and lurking on more forums than I ever expected to, but rarely have I seen any recent comments on the Trek Pilots, or any Trek entry-level bikes at all. I'm also short--5'4.5" (that 1/2 inch is important when you're small!)--so I totally understand your worries when it comes to fits. Apparently, I'm in between bike sizes, so it's hard to find something that feels if choosing between components wasn't hard enough.

I'm glad your bike's working out for you (and so awesome that you got it as a gift!) and it's great to hear that the frame and bike are quality enough to keep around and just update the components! Sounds like a keeper. Definitely makes me feel better about going with this one. I'm still going to shop around and see what's out there, but this one is going to be hard to beat.

2010-03-01 1:24 AM
in reply to: #2697743

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-02-28 6:29 AM KASIA - Several years ago I had a superb fitting from FitWerx, in Vermont, and was told that not all bikes are created equal and that for any given person there will be bike companies that fit them well, and others that don't. This is all by way of saying that Trek might be one of the ones that works with your particular physiognomy, and you should not treat it lightly.

Steve again (and again) -

I didn't notice this til my roommate pointed it out, but apparently my P.O.S. mountain bike is also a Trek. I like the fit a lot, but it's just heavy, and clunky, and the gears don't shift very well. Regardless, I like how I feel when I ride it, which is why it's been so hard for me to part with it by deciding to buy a new road bike. So maybe Trek really is for me...
2010-03-01 8:11 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Good Morning Everyone,

WOW, there has been alot going on the past 2 days.  Sometimes I just have to stay away from the computer to get things done.    Going to take me a bit to catch up but it looks like some really interesting reading.   

Hope everyone has a great week planned. 
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