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2010-03-02 7:30 AM
in reply to: #2701611

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

MANDY again -

Another thought (a caution, really ):

I hear you, wanting to practice some aspects of mounts and dismounts on your trainer, and also maybe practicing peeing on the bike at some point. Well, for the love of god, don't confuse the two and practice peeing while on the trainer!

I'm just saying.....

2010-03-02 7:33 AM
in reply to: #2701625

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

MANDY once more -

In 35 or so years I have been on the receiving end of Lynn's withering glare countless times, but I can just see her look if I did what I mentioned in the previous post. "Dear, could you bring down a rag and the mop? There's been a slight spillage here."


2010-03-02 7:38 AM
in reply to: #2701634

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

---------------------------------------------------- COMING ATTRACTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) Fast mounts and dismounts (in response to DENISE, TRACEY, MANDY, STEVE, and whomever else).

(2) Some permutations of my proposed schedules (in response to STEVE -- be carfeful what you wish for, S.A.! ).

I will try to get to these this afternoon. Right now I have to head into Ottawa for a swim and a lift and a run, or some combination thereof.

Have a pleasant day, all!

2010-03-02 7:44 AM
in reply to: #2692703

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Glad to hear I'm entertaining you a bit! Sorry, I wasn't around on the weekend to provide some for you.

The runs are still good. Did 33 minutes last Thursday (with warm up and cool down 10 min walking for 4 miles) and another 50 minutes on Sunday split into 2x25 min sessions with same warm up, cool down and 5 min break in the middle for just under 5.5 miles. I agree that it doesn't seem like I've hit a plateau, but I am cautious about pushing out of the 10% range. I figure last week I added 10% time overall, so this week I will not change pace or time. Then next week I will add 5-10% of overall speed. No knee pain/discomfort.

I also got in a long swim on Saturday. Now that I have a stop watch, I actually know what my swimming pace is. About 4:00 for 200m.

Biked as usual Monday night and then went for a swim. Tried to work on pacing to not be completely winded at the end of a set so I did 2x400m with a 1 minute break.

I have not figured out how to get the HR data on BT. Still working with understanding the data and getting it all setup the way I want it. I'll get there. I have started to add the basic min, avg, max HR to my log though. Which leads to wonder what my max HR is, AT, LT, etc etc to really know how far I'm pushing it on the bike. Looking forward to doing a time trial test on my bike to get a better feel, but not looking forward to the actual test! It's interesting how low your HR falls while you sleep, I would have never guessed it would get down to the low 30's. I knew it would vary by a decent amount based on your dreams and REM vs non-REM sleep.

Once I start training outside and for longer durations I'll look into the gels and Heed.

I do have some chocolate milk around from time to time and if I am feeling especially beat after training I will have some after a recovery drink. My issue with not using it more is the high level of sugars and generally I try and limit my raw processed sugar intake.

2010-03-02 7:53 AM
in reply to: #2701634

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Well...I was quite happy and in a great mood yesterday after the great hockey game of 2010 and being able to proudly show off a Canadian hockey jersey at work. I also have the picture of the men's team on the ice with their medals as my computer background screen to continue to rub it in.

Now, having read about the peeing on the bike discussion this morning, I believe my day is set!! Quite entertaining and thank you everyone!

To take SteveB's thought a step further about a little 'spillage', what about in a spin class as practice!! Tongue out 

After class some people's bikes just have puddles underneath them and I ASSUME its just sweat (I know mine is...).

Isn't relieveing youself supposed to have some level of relaxation in it? Pedaling away on a bike and letting it go just doesn't seem like it would have the same sort of relaxation to me. Not to mention, I'm not sure what I'd think of peeing on an expensive bike and then having to clean it off.

2010-03-02 8:04 AM
in reply to: #2694442

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Glad to help! I've learned a fair amount this year about bikes but I'm sure I've barely skimmed the surface.

I always tended to avoid the trees on skiis/snowboard. I enjoyed the sheer speed way more than trying to avoid large non-movable objects. People were more fun to use as pylons than trees.

As for the bike, if you get a chance I would try and ride the Trek 2.1 vs the Pilot 2.1 (I believe those are the models). Looking at the geometry specs they seem to be different enough that you might notice a difference. I'm happy not to be shopping for a road bike currently (although envious as I do want one) as there is a lot more to consider than when mountain bike shopping.

I also agree with SteveA, if you can get a good fit (can cost some money but much better than trial and error) from a bike shop. If the LBS guy isn't taking any measurements than either ask if there is someone to better analyze the fit or go to another LBS. Thats one of the key things I'm holding out for before I seriously look into a road bike.

2010-03-02 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


You did the Goofy Challenge! Wow!  So you've got all those cool medals - I assume you've got them displayed in a prominent location.

2010-03-02 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

This forum is so great!  There is constantly something to think about.  Not having done a tri yet, it never occurred to me to think about a running mount or dismount.  Go Denise!  I have signed up as a volunteer for a sprint distance tri here on March 14 so I suspect I will come back from that experience with a ton of questions.

The bad news is my sciatica is back in full swing.  I was in absolute agony yesterday and had problems simply walking.  Fortuntely, I had a session scheduled with my trainer and she had some great stretches and advice.  The woman is a miracle worker.  But there won't be any running for me this week and possibly longer which is disappointing given that I had just signed up for my first 5k and my first race ever on March 20.  At this point, the odds of me being able to run the whole thing --much less to do it in 12 minute miles--are about zero.  But I think I will still do it if at all able just to see what it is like.  It's pretty weird, after being pain free for six months, I don't know how I ever lived with this pain for so many years.  It is absolutely wearing me out.  And very frustrating given that I finally am making such great progress on my shoulders.  My trainer had me do something new with them yesterday and she told me afterwards that when we started she never thought I would be able to do this particular exercise.  While it was hard to do yesterday, I didn't have any pain with it. 

We have gorgeous weather here again today so I am going to try to get a bike ride in.  The swimming should be OK as well.  I am going to try do the Pilates and stretches every day and see if that helps in my recovery effort.  My biggest concern is that once it flares up, it usually takes a good month or so to heal again and I only have 2.5 weeks until the race.  So it will be touch and go.  The joys of aging!

Hope that everyone has a good training week!


2010-03-02 12:28 PM
in reply to: #2701494

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-03-02 6:40 AM MANDY - The website for that is Reading about your marathon experience (but still want to know more about the Goofy Challenge debacle!!), a "basic" schedule might not fully satisfy you......but injuries can change one's goals some. So, have a look at it and see if it will suffice.

Thanks for the link! I am checking it out now, then going for a 5ish mile run.  I think I will mesh that and part of Higdons - I like aspects of both of them - I want a bit more bigger mileage on the long runs though, I really want at least 2  20 milers. 

Did I really just say that? Surprised 

But have done that for one of my strongest races, and want to do it again.  Injuries definitely change goals!

Thanks again for the help and info, great advice on changing my focus to mileage instead of speed.

2010-03-02 12:32 PM
in reply to: #2701583

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-03-02 8:16 AM PEEING ON THE BIKE.....

LOL, I need to remember all of that if I am standing in the water next to you at a race Laughing

I think I am going to get off the bike if I need to go.  I am not sure I could pull the trigger mid-ride....I think it would be pretty darn funny me trying to rinse myself off, my luck, I would go over the handlebars, water bottle in hand....
2010-03-02 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2701611

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-03-02 8:25 AM MANDY - Two unrelated thoughts: (1) Good news about Nick.....and hope to feel that the Concepcion connection is fine, just incommunicado at the moment. (2) Have you seen the logo for the new L-A Duathlon? (It's a Tri-Maine race, so if you are on their mailing list you have seen it.) I'm a logo fanatic, and that one I like a lot. I also like old New England mill districts, and that is nicely featured in the L-A Du logo. When I first moved to manchester, NH, in '81 I lived in appartments that were being created in the old mill buildings. At that time the reconstituted mill scene of Manchester was just embryonic, and that area was a boit sketchy, but I really loved living in those buildings that fairly bled history -- even if that history was exploitative and not any too pleasant.

Yes, I love that logo too! Funny you said that, I was checking it out last night.  It really looks like LA (Lewiston/Auburn, Maine - we just call it LA to throw people off I think)  I am not doing the race but almost want to just because they have a cool logo. if anyone wants to check it out.

Re: Chile connections - Good News: Talked to Nick, I was right, he didn't even know anything happened until he got off of the river.  He was way south of the quake.  Good News Part II: My buddy Tam's family is most all OK, living in tents right now, but OK - Bad News: except one - her 97 year-old grandmother died in the quake.  Sucky.  She is thankful that the rest of her family is OK, but obviously upset about her gram.

2010-03-02 12:56 PM
in reply to: #2701625

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-03-02 8:30 AM MANDY again - Another thought (a caution, really ): I hear you, wanting to practice some aspects of mounts and dismounts on your trainer, and also maybe practicing peeing on the bike at some point. Well, for the love of god, don't confuse the two and practice peeing while on the trainer! I'm just saying.....

LOL! HA this is hilarious!

2010-03-02 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2701634

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-03-02 8:33 AM MANDY once more - In 35 or so years I have been on the receiving end of Lynn's withering glare countless times, but I can just see her look if I did what I mentioned in the previous post. "Dear, could you bring down a rag and the mop? There's been a slight spillage here." O.....M.....G......

I was just picturing the same thing with John, (who really doesn't get this running/triathlon obsession I have) "Hey John? Could you come here for a minute? Bring a towel and some disinfectant."
2010-03-02 1:18 PM
in reply to: #2701783

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2010-03-02 9:36 AM Hi,


You did the Goofy Challenge! Wow!  So you've got all those cool medals - I assume you've got them displayed in a prominent location.


Yes, I did it in 2008 - not one of my smartest moves, considering my training at the time, but I do have the 3 cool medals! 

I will fill you in on the full story sometime, it is funny now when I think about it.  The short story is, I didn't really train (much), I ate very badly, it was roughly 10,000 degrees, the air was dripping with humidity, and it really hurt.  I did well at the half, and was doing great in the full until mile 20... I even carried a camera (yes, the entire 26.2 miles.  I am a moron) and stopped and got my picture taken with Minnie @ mile 16 or so.  Around mile 20, I disintegrated into a bowl of Cliff Shot Block jello (I will never eat those things again. Ever.)  But I finished, staggering over the finish line in a dehydrated stupor.  Then I didn't run for a year and a half. 

It is forever in my mind, The Goofy Challenge Debacle.

But I got over it, really, I did.   

2010-03-02 1:51 PM
in reply to: #2702169

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
FoxfireTX - 2010-03-02 11:50 AM

This forum is so great!  There is constantly something to think about.  Not having done a tri yet, it never occurred to me to think about a running mount or dismount.  Go Denise!  I have signed up as a volunteer for a sprint distance tri here on March 14 so I suspect I will come back from that experience with a ton of questions.

The bad news is my sciatica is back in full swing.  I was in absolute agony yesterday and had problems simply walking.  Fortuntely, I had a session scheduled with my trainer and she had some great stretches and advice.  The woman is a miracle worker.  But there won't be any running for me this week and possibly longer which is disappointing given that I had just signed up for my first 5k and my first race ever on March 20.  At this point, the odds of me being able to run the whole thing --much less to do it in 12 minute miles--are about zero.  But I think I will still do it if at all able just to see what it is like.  It's pretty weird, after being pain free for six months, I don't know how I ever lived with this pain for so many years.  It is absolutely wearing me out.  And very frustrating given that I finally am making such great progress on my shoulders.  My trainer had me do something new with them yesterday and she told me afterwards that when we started she never thought I would be able to do this particular exercise.  While it was hard to do yesterday, I didn't have any pain with it. 

We have gorgeous weather here again today so I am going to try to get a bike ride in.  The swimming should be OK as well.  I am going to try do the Pilates and stretches every day and see if that helps in my recovery effort.  My biggest concern is that once it flares up, it usually takes a good month or so to heal again and I only have 2.5 weeks until the race.  So it will be touch and go.  The joys of aging!

Hope that everyone has a good training week!


Sorry to hear about your sciatica Diane! I had that at the end of my pregnancy and I remember it being decidedly NOT fun!

I'm supposed to be at the gym swimming right now myself, but I did something to my back yesterday when I was lifting weights. I was in a lot of pain yesterday too, especially last night. I just couldn't get comfortable in any position and the Alleve did nothing for me, so I barely slept. Just tossed and turned while the cat was crawling all over me...

Keep up with the pilates and stretching! I started doing yoga a while ago (inspired by Anne) and I've found it to help quite a bit with the various aches and pains I get in my back and shoulders.

I bet you will learn a TON after volunteering at a tri. And I'm sure you'll meet lots of great people there who can answer your questions too.


2010-03-02 2:45 PM
in reply to: #2701563

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-03-02 5:02 AM STEVE again -  What you say about the shin discomfort is much more along the lines of shin splints than a stress fracture. (WHEW!!!!) The fact that it was more soft-tissue AND that it improved as the run progressed is the m.o. of "shin splints", whereas a s.f. would have it get more and more debilitating the further you ran. Plus, of course, that you feel right along the bone -- no mistakes there! Long runs around Knoxville, eh? I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but the toughest HIM I have done was Atomicman (right near Oak Ridge) in Sept. '02. Not only was my drive to and from sheer insanity, but I seriously messed up my wheels in a near-crash riding the course the day before. While I managed to get it into a bike shop in Knoxville and thought it was fixed, it created huge problems on race day. It was a real drain on me, and that translated into a big meltdown on the run -- my hairiest one ever. Had it not been for Hammer Gel at the ~mile 4 aid station, I might still be on that course! As near as I can tell, there aren't too many flat areas within about 700 miles of Knoxville, so you ought to get in some nice hilly runs. Give my regards to a part of the world that kicked my tokhis at Atomicman!


You think that could really be shin splints?  I guess it was just very tight muscles where they wrap around the shin bones and attach.  Figured it might be from the climbing, as I typically didn't get that on my shorter bricks.  Is there anything you think I should be doing in terms of treatment, or is it something I just need to stretch out when it happens?  Along those lines, I did my typical swim/run today, and while the legs are definitely fatigued from the weekend and yesterday's trainer ride, there was no similar discomfort. 

Aside:  Can't WAIT for my rest day on Thursday - even if I do have to sit on a plane for most of it. 

Knoxville roads:  Yep, I have a couple of thoughts.  The ones near my parent's place are in very good shape (no potholes, fresh asphalt, relatively soft surface compared to what I run on now), and I love running those long, winding roads through the trees and along the lakes.  Very peaceful.  And, since you can run 10 miles on the same road but never see more than 200 yards ahead of you, it's always something new to look at and keep your mind engaged.  And you're right, there is nothing flat there, it's either up or down, so that will be some good training. 

There are really only two downsides to running there.  First is the strange looks you get from the locals in their trucks as they whip by, as if they are saying, "now, why would he just be out here running all by himself - that seems strange!".  You get enough of those late in the run, and you have to start asking it yourself!  The second is that many of the roads slope from the center to the edge, which can put a lot of pressure on the knees, ankles and hips. 

Bit of a weird plan this week - going to double up tomorrow a bit - pool in the AM, skip the run, and then do a LONG trainer ride while watching the KU/K-State game tomorrow night.  Since there will be no long ride this weekend, I figure a 2.5 hour trainer will hopefully compare to a 3-3.5 hour outdoor ride.

Happy training!

2010-03-02 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Tracey, sorry that you injured your back.  Did you try icing it?  That is the only thing that really helps me. 

I never miss the Pilates as that was the thing that finally cured it originally.  I gave up on the doctors, everything they tried had no effect at all and I wasn't about to have surgery so pretty much resigned myself to living with it.  If you had asked me a year ago if I would ever run again the answer would have been "never".  I started Pilates late August last year, and by October I was doing things I never thought I would do again.  I usually do three days a week but am going to shoot for five to see if I can get over this faster than usual.

Hope that your back heals quickly!  I am looking forward to volunteering for the tri.

2010-03-02 3:06 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hello again to everyone,

I have been reading furiously in between chores and training and all the other things we do in a day, and it is almost impossible to keep up.   Everyone's lives are so interesting and the posts are full of so much useful information.   There is no way you get all this good stuff in a book, for sure.    Following are a few that I can remember.  


Hope you are enjoying the search for your new bike.   I like to do alot of research when I am buying something big like that to, and believe it really pays off.   I remember loving the Trek bikes and the Specialized but had to laugh when you said (I think it was you) that your were short at 5'3"-5'4".    I never really think of myself as being short at 5' tall.   However, it did present a problem during my bike search.   There was just too much customization required to get them to fit, but I did get lucky with an extra small Jamis entry level bike with some upgraded componentry (is that a word?).   I still remember when they first brought it out, and I said NO WAY I am riding that.   It looks like a kids bike and felt SO weird when I got on it.   I had so much control over it compared to the monster I had before.    Can't wait to see what you get!


How's the new job/new responsibilities?   Despite the added stress and upheaval, I'm assuming this is a positive thing for your.   Good luck in your new role.    Really enjoy your weekly updates on your training progress.  


Hope your back is feeling better after all that snow shovelling.  2 things that seem to kill the back are snow shovelling and vacuuming.   Yuck!    


Sorry to hear about the sciatica flare up.   I have never had it to the extent you have thankfully.   It was bad for a couple of months when I injured myself in 2006, and I remember I was given a homeopathic remedy (drops) that worked like a miracle.   I get occasional bouts  now and then and always have the drops on hand.   You take 10 drops under your tongue, every 10 minutes initially, until the pain starts to subside and then you can spread it out to 15 minutes, 20 minutes, etc.    I swear that the pain was gone within 30 minutes.   If the pain comes back, just start the drops again.   It actually helps heal, not just masking the pain.   It is called PHONIX C-15, DIN: 02232079, Manufactured by Phonix Laboratory, 71145 Bondorf, Germany.  


I checked out the link you provided to Baxter Park.   OMG, it looks like heaven.   I checked out all the pictures on their site as well as your last trip.   We have added it to our MUST DO list!   We love to hike and canoe and x-country ski too.   We have something else in common.   I love to eat and try out new recipes and printed all of yours.   Can't wait to try them.   I have some really good quinoa recipes.    I have really gotten interested in sports nutrition over the last few years and am always thinking about how the food I am eating is going to fuel the body.   That being said, I won't eat ANYTHING unless I absolutely love it.        Glad that everything worked out for your friends in Chile (for the most part).  


Hope that you had a great birthday.   Really sorry I missed sending you greetings on the actual day.    


Have fun learning how to mount/dismount.   I was SO scared the first time I tried it.    Ken took me to a big school yard   that had some paved walk ways with lots of grass around and I would get my feet out of the shoes, ride off the paved part onto the grass and dismount.    Only took a few times before I was OK to dismount on the pavement.   I didn't need to be so scared.        For the mounting, I just kept practising on the paved playground area.   That took me a while.   I don't have the best shoes for this and although everyone thinks I'm a 'pro' racer  Laughing when they see me running with my shoes already clipped in and held with elastics, I am so pathetic at it, it actually takes me 1-2 minutes longer to get on the bike and up to speed.    Last season was the first time I said, forget this, I am running with my shoes on and jumping on the bike and I was much faster, despite having to run very carefully with the shoes on.    I still do the dismount though and run with bare feet.    It is fun, definitely faster, and exciting.      

Bike Riding

2010-03-02 3:13 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

STEVEA, STEVEB, Anyone Else,

I have a set of ZIPPS for when I race but need a new set of wheels for everyday training.   Plan was to get some discounted Mavics, but haven't come up with anything.   Am going to the Toronto Bike Show on the weekend to look around.   Do you have any recommendations for something that I could get for $500.00 or less?   650C's. 


2010-03-02 3:42 PM
in reply to: #2701054

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
SteveA and Shaun,

I have enough confidence in the bike shops with regard to fitting. For every bike that I've tried out, both shops have made sure to check saddle height and reach quite extensively. So yeah, they're good in that respect. Other than that, I dunno. Sometimes I feel that I'm being taken advantage of since I don't talk the talk (or walk the walk for that matter), but that may just be my bike insecurities talking.

I'm still mulling over the decision to get that Trek, and I'm going to go back in tomorrow to try out some new ones. I'll keep you guys updated.

Thanks for the thoughts!

2010-03-02 4:06 PM
in reply to: #2703082

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
augeremt - 2010-03-02 1:42 PM SteveA and Shaun,

I have enough confidence in the bike shops with regard to fitting. For every bike that I've tried out, both shops have made sure to check saddle height and reach quite extensively. So yeah, they're good in that respect. Other than that, I dunno. Sometimes I feel that I'm being taken advantage of since I don't talk the talk (or walk the walk for that matter), but that may just be my bike insecurities talking.

I'm still mulling over the decision to get that Trek, and I'm going to go back in tomorrow to try out some new ones. I'll keep you guys updated.

Thanks for the thoughts!


I'm the same as you...I generally have no real idea about all the techie stuff.  I like to let them know there's another rooster in the hen house.  I tell them straight up that I'm talking to another LBS about a few models - and can they tell me what the differences are between their gear and the other gear.  Sometimes, if they know someone else is talking to you as well, they limit the BS as they assume you might know more than you let on.

That and just don't be concerned about being annoying.  "What does that mean?", "What's the difference?" and "Why is that?" are great open ended questions - I just look for someone who gives me a thoughtful answer, even if I don't fully understand. 

I also like to ask what other products (whether it be a bike, or shoes, or clothing or whatever) are in the relative price range of whatever I'm looking at.  Then I ask open ended questions like, "Tell me what is different about these products?" 

2010-03-02 4:22 PM
in reply to: #2703144

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Two things:

First, I want to cry on your regional shoulder, as I have just learned that legendary weatherman Don Kent has died. One of the staples of my earliest TV-watching was the Big Brother Bob Emery show, which came on sometime around noon, as I remember. Big brother Bob was a nice, avuncular guy and he featured the Crusader Rabbit cartoons......but also partway through his show was weather, with Don Kent, which was a segment I loved right up there with B.B. and C.R.. My dad was always a fan of big weather, so i maybe came by my equal love of it honestly, but even at he age of 4 or 5 I was enthralled by Don Kent and his weather map and his great chalkwork on it, and I think he helped create my love of weather issues.

Heck, I'm probably too old to be a softy about a weatherman I haven't seen "perform" in decades, but there you have it. It is what it is.....yes?

Second, have you tried massaging your foot when the neuroma acts up? I don't think I've mentioned this before, because in my neuroma days I literally only did it once. Mostly my neuroma didn't burn, preferring rather to send "jolts" up into the adjacent toes. But i had read somewhere that when they produce a burning sensation it can be relieved by massgaing fairly vigorously on the bottom of the foot. At my second ironman, in '05, out of the blue at about mile 16 or 17 it started burning, and I freaked briefly before rememberingt the massage suggestion. So I whipped off my shoe and went at it vigorously. Not only did it begin to improve almost immediately , but after maybe just a minute I started running again and it did not bother me for the rest of the race. Anyhow, that might be something for you to try, if burning is its modus operandi.

2010-03-02 4:42 PM
in reply to: #2703169

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


ARGH! I really mismanaged that post to you, and I apologize! I left out the part that would've/should've said that it may not be shin slints, but at leats it doesn't sound like a stress fracture. I'm afraid I left it as an either/or situation, and at some point during the day the lightbulb came on over my head that I had done that. Soooo sorry! It could indeed just be a muscle ache or tightness, which would be better than shin splintts, which are INFINITELY better than a s.f.!!

However, if it is shin splints, don't get too alarmed. At least for me they have always been manageable - respond well to ice, disappear relatively quickly, and usually allow running to continue - except the time I didn't attend to it and it evolved into a s.f. But as you describe your problem, it is early in the sequence IF it is shin splints, so if you tend to it some it should resolve itself. One thought is that overstrding is often a culprit, so think about whether you might tend to overstride doing hill descents. If so, consciously focus on shortening your stride when descending. And even if it isn't technically shin splints ( which now carry the more high-falutin' name of tibial bone strain, overstriding can cause the soft tissues along the shin to micro-tear, which might be causing your discomfort.

2010-03-02 4:55 PM
in reply to: #2703169

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-03-02 5:22 PM


Two things:

First, I want to cry on your regional shoulder, as I have just learned that legendary weatherman Don Kent has died. One of the staples of my earliest TV-watching was the Big Brother Bob Emery show, which came on sometime around noon, as I remember. Big brother Bob was a nice, avuncular guy and he featured the Crusader Rabbit cartoons......but also partway through his show was weather, with Don Kent, which was a segment I loved right up there with B.B. and C.R.. My dad was always a fan of big weather, so i maybe came by my equal love of it honestly, but even at he age of 4 or 5 I was enthralled by Don Kent and his weather map and his great chalkwork on it, and I think he helped create my love of weather issues.

Heck, I'm probably too old to be a softy about a weatherman I haven't seen "perform" in decades, but there you have it. It is what it is.....yes?

Second, have you tried massaging your foot when the neuroma acts up? I don't think I've mentioned this before, because in my neuroma days I literally only did it once. Mostly my neuroma didn't burn, preferring rather to send "jolts" up into the adjacent toes. But i had read somewhere that when they produce a burning sensation it can be relieved by massgaing fairly vigorously on the bottom of the foot. At my second ironman, in '05, out of the blue at about mile 16 or 17 it started burning, and I freaked briefly before rememberingt the massage suggestion. So I whipped off my shoe and went at it vigorously. Not only did it begin to improve almost immediately , but after maybe just a minute I started running again and it did not bother me for the rest of the race. Anyhow, that might be something for you to try, if burning is its modus operandi.


Okay, I'm almost afraid to admit this but I have no idea who Don Kent is! Was he a Boston-area weatherman? My earliest memories of weather guys only go back to around Harvey Leonard (who is still broadcasting, by the way).

I tried the massage once. I massaged the area before a run but it didn't seem to help. I tend to give up on remedies rather early if they don't produce immediate effects though, so maybe that's something I should try to do more regularly...



2010-03-02 5:33 PM
in reply to: #2703228

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


You kids!!

You'll read about him tomorrow, as it was covered prominently on WBZ news at 5 (thank you, satellite!).

He was with WBZ since the early 50s until he retired 26 years ago (I think that was what they said on the news).

Another flashback? Back when, TV in greater Boston was WBZ on channel 4, WHDH on channel 5, WNAC on channel 7. Those were NBC, CBS, ABC. PBS came a bit later and appeared on channel 2. And in Bedford, MA, using just minimal rabbit ears, essentially that was it. On very rare accasions we could make out WMUR (?) from Manchester or Concord, NH, and even rarer was the fuzzy glimpse of channel 13 from Poland Spring, ME.

It is almost embarrassing that i remember that stuff, testifying to the importance of TV to a chowderheaded boy (that would be me!) in the 50s.

(Don't get me started on Howdy Doody, Pinkie Lee, Sky King, Topper, Rin Tin Tin, Lassie......and Saturday morning cartoons....and the ever-stimulating Three Stooges!! )

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