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2010-03-03 11:55 AM
in reply to: #2704903

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

General question about swimming for the group...How much 'glide' or pause in your stroke do you have? And when?

I seem to not have one with freestyle. Some other strokes (breast, side, etc) I glide but not with freestyle...

Edited by smarx 2010-03-03 12:14 PM

2010-03-03 12:07 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Sorry to hear about your father-in-law.   No matter how prepared we are, it is still very hard when it actually happens.   Thankfully, Lynn has a good support system around her.   

Take care,

2010-03-03 12:13 PM
in reply to: #2559115

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
My bit of humour for the day for everyone...

So hadn't weighed myself at the gym lately so I decided to on Monday. Thought I've been doing darn good, figruing I was down 10+ lbs since mid December. Fairly impressed and thinking my 7-8 hours a week training are taking effect....Then one of the girls that works at the gym tells me the reading is off. Ok, how much? 10 lbs!! Ugh...are you serious??

Demoralizing? Only slightly as I was feeling darn good and eating a bit more liberaly lately. So there goes that. Moreso funny to me as I was getting proud of myself and before I really had a chance, it was taken away!

Edited by smarx 2010-03-03 12:15 PM
2010-03-03 12:26 PM
in reply to: #2704922

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I lose track of who is in the Total Immersion and who isn't; forgive me if you are---or aren't!

If you are, then you maybe have read about the "catch-up" drill. This is a great one to do to slow down your stroke and get more glide/distance from each stroke. When T.I. talks about taking less strokes to go a length of a pool, this prety much assumes that people with low stroke counts are getting a lopt of glide.

The best way to describe catch-up is to not begin the catch phase (the first part of your pull) until the other hand has "caught-up" to it out in front. And this keeps repeating. In a sense it is kind of a staccato feeling, but once mastered it feels very smooth.

Do you have a picture of how this would work?

Once, say, your left arm enters the water, it slices forward and then bends at the elbow and begins the pull. While this is happening, the other arm, the right arm, is completing its pull and is recovering out of the water before entering the water again. With "catch-up", keep the left arm out there until the right hand has caught up to it -- and then begin the pull. At this point the right arm is out there, and will stay there until the left arm has renentered the water, extended, and caught-up to it. Does thta help?

You might need an aid with this -- either fins or a pull-buoy. I say that because at least initially, your bottom half has to work some to keep balance and buoyancy. But try it first without any toys and see how it feels.

And if you can get to the T.I. website ( -- I think), they probably have a video that would be far, far better than my explanation above.

Have you done a stroke count down one length of a pool? If not, do it and let me know what it is. That will help some in determining how much you need more glide, but it will alos be very useful later on as a possible indicator of when your stroke is falling apart. For example, I can go to the pool now and do a few lengths (of 25m) with about 19 strokes. After maybe 10 minutes, the count will be 20, sometimes 21. And when I get tired - or sloppy - that will be at about 23 strokes. 22 is a warning bell; 23 tells me to stop doing freestyle -- either leave the pool or go to breast for a while. And actually, there have been times I have done a few lengths of catch-up, just to restore my easier pace, and then I can often return to what I was doing with my mnore efficient lower stroke count.

There are downsides to too much glide; at least for me there are. But I will save this for sometime later, and for now do a stoke count and try to make sense of, and try to execute, the catch-up drill. Please let me know about this stuff as it happens for you!

And continued fine work on the run! What a nice roll to be on!

2010-03-03 12:31 PM
in reply to: #2704988

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

SHAUN again -

Fie on those scales that don't tell the truth!

But don't get down about less apparent weight loss than what you were hoping for. You KNOW that the fitness gains have happened and are continuing to happen, and in time the weight will begin to slough off. But for now you still have every reason to be proud of yourself -- you've been very dogged about your workouts, and as near as I can tell you are being remarkably smart in your approach to them. Keep your sunny side up!

2010-03-03 2:59 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

I am so sorry for your loss.


2010-03-03 4:46 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

So sorry to hear about your loss.  Please extend our condolences to your wife and your family.  We'll be thinking good thoughts for you.
2010-03-03 4:51 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Sorry for your family's loss. Be sure to take care of yourself and Lynn and your kids right now. As you've said, there is a lot of knowledge in the group, we can support each other.
2010-03-03 5:02 PM
in reply to: #2705054

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-03-03 10:31 AM SHAUN again - Fie on those scales that don't tell the truth! But don't get down about less apparent weight loss than what you were hoping for. You KNOW that the fitness gains have happened and are continuing to happen, and in time the weight will begin to slough off. But for now you still have every reason to be proud of yourself -- you've been very dogged about your workouts, and as near as I can tell you are being remarkably smart in your approach to them. Keep your sunny side up!

Also, keep in mind that muscle is heavy.  I've noticed my upper body (chest, shoulders,lats) are bulking up as my swims get harder.  I'm up 2 lbs on the scale, but I'm not looking any heavier in the belly where I carry my fat.  You may want to take some basic measurements (waist, chest, arms, etc) and I'd bet you notice they are all improving, regardless of what your weight may be doing.
2010-03-03 6:23 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Wow, so much catching up to do. Had a great visit with my daughter (and, yes, DENISE, she's the actress) ... will get to see her again in about 3 1/2 weeks when she's home for a wedding shower, so we both have that to look forward to.  We did our first spin class together yesterday morning (her best friend was the instructor) and had fun.

STEVE B, sorry to hear about your M-I-L. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

MANDY, good new (for the most part) about your friends in Chile. If you want to compare yet another marathon plan, you might want to take a look at the Smart Coach on Runners World (

MARK, were you able to figure out how to get your Garmin to download the info on to BT (if that's what you were trying to do)? It's actually fairly easy, but I think you may have to be a silver member? ...  and download the software.  I like chocolate milk as a recovery drink but use 1% milk and "lite" chocolate syrup for fewer calories ... don't like plain milk, so get my calcium in that way as well.

DIANE and TRACY, hopefully the sciatica is getting a bit better. That is no fun at all. Besides ice, you might try those 8 hour heat wraps. I use those when I'm sitting at my desk all day when my back is bothering (have also been known to wear them on cold days at the ballfield just for the warmth).

M, good job on the swim. You will be surprised how quickly those laps wills start adding up. 

STEVE A, have a safe trip tomorrow and enjoy your time with your family.

Got to run and get ready for a ball game tonight. Hoping it won't be quite a chilly as the last few games.


2010-03-03 7:50 PM
in reply to: #2706027

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Edited by midlifeinsanity 2010-05-24 9:28 PM

2010-03-03 8:13 PM
in reply to: #2704521

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Edited by midlifeinsanity 2010-05-24 9:29 PM
2010-03-03 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Steve, I am so sorry about your mother in law.  My condolences to you and your family.  Even when it's expected, it is not easy saying goodbye.

Anne, thanks for the info on the Phonix product.  I started taking a homeopathic supplement about a month ago and it seems to be positively impacting my sciatica as well.  Between the stretches and the supplement, I am healing much more quickly than usual.  But I will keep the info for future reference.  And I love your comment about the wind.  I will try to view it as a postive training tool.

Lisa, the heat simply does not help me at all with this problem.  Not sure why, but if anything it seems to exacerbate the pain.  The only thing that works for me is the ice.

The ride yesterday went fine despite my back.  I did use a support belt just to make sure I didn't do any further damage but no problems.  Got in 8.6 miles. 

AND I felt like I had a major breakthrough on my swimming today!  I had stopped using the pull buoy for part of my lap swims last week and as usual my legs sunk like a stone.  My trainer suggested another drill on Monday and that didn't help much either.  But through lots of experimentation today, I finally found something that seems to be working.  With each recovery, I am taking a loooong time on each side before starting the next stroke, like 3-4 kicks, and making sure my hips are completely up at the surface before beginning the next stroke.  It took awhile to get it down, but once I got it, it seems to be working.  I figure if I can get my body trained to keep my hips up on each side for awhile, then I can simply begin shortening the time in between each stroke.  It worked and I drilled for 30 minutes just trying to relax and stay buoyant.  For whatever reason, it truly felt like some kind of a new revelation, primarily because I actually kept them up, did freestyle the whole time, was breathing on both sides, had no problems with my shoulders (far fewer strokes there) and was not using a pull buoy to keep me up!  I am so excited to find a drill that really seems to work for me.  Given that I am not running this week, I am going to swim every day and try to get this drilled into my muscle memory.  This obviously is not doing anything for my speed, but if this can become my "sweet spot" even if I need a break while swimming I can return to this and not stop swimming.  WooHoo!

As noted above, my sciatica is improving far more quickly than usual.  So I am not running this week but hopefully still can pull off the 5K, even if I need to walk part of it.  All of this is so new to me that I really feel like I need to get through a race to get beyond that.  This probably seems crazy to the veterans in the group, but just doing the race is huge for me. 

Our weather here finally seems to be reverting to normal rather than cold so it will be a great time to focus on getting comfortable on my bike and swimming while I am not running.  And I am really looking forward to the volunteer time for the sprint tri on the 14th. 

2010-03-03 8:50 PM
in reply to: #2706027

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
lufferly - 2010-03-03 7:23 PM

Wow, so much catching up to do. Had a great visit with my daughter (and, yes, DENISE, she's the actress) ... will get to see her again in about 3 1/2 weeks when she's home for a wedding shower, so we both have that to look forward to.  We did our first spin class together yesterday morning (her best friend was the instructor) and had fun.

STEVE B, sorry to hear about your M-I-L. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

MANDY, good new (for the most part) about your friends in Chile. If you want to compare yet another marathon plan, you might want to take a look at the Smart Coach on Runners World (

MARK, were you able to figure out how to get your Garmin to download the info on to BT (if that's what you were trying to do)? It's actually fairly easy, but I think you may have to be a silver member? ...  and download the software.  I like chocolate milk as a recovery drink but use 1% milk and "lite" chocolate syrup for fewer calories ... don't like plain milk, so get my calcium in that way as well.

DIANE and TRACY, hopefully the sciatica is getting a bit better. That is no fun at all. Besides ice, you might try those 8 hour heat wraps. I use those when I'm sitting at my desk all day when my back is bothering (have also been known to wear them on cold days at the ballfield just for the warmth).

M, good job on the swim. You will be surprised how quickly those laps wills start adding up. 

STEVE A, have a safe trip tomorrow and enjoy your time with your family.

Got to run and get ready for a ball game tonight. Hoping it won't be quite a chilly as the last few games.



Thanks LISA.

I'm happy to report my back is doing much better! I was able to get out today for both a run and swim.


2010-03-03 9:10 PM
in reply to: #2704110

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Really sorry for your loss. Your family is in my prayers.

2010-03-04 7:28 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

You do alot of early morning workouts.   Can I ask, what you eat, if anything, before swimming?     Thanks.  

2010-03-04 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2706291

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Thanks, all, for the well wishes; they are greatly appreciated.

We are still in flux here, but it looks like I will drive down tomorrow morning, returning Sunday afternoon/evening. I would like to think I can check in here somehow, someway, but not sure what machines will be available to me. So, if I'm not around much........don't think it's because I don't love ya!

And my responses may be pretty brief for a while, just because there's lots of running around still to do. (I guess that's one way to keep me from writing reams of nonsense -- create a good old family crisis!)


2010-03-04 8:27 AM
in reply to: #2706291

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


You may be right about the muscle mass comment, Steve. Right now I am at 175, and at this stage in the last few off-seasons I have benn at 179-181 or so. Each of those off-seasons have featured a lot of lifting, whereas I have been just three times since December 19! Is that a big part of being only 175 now?

There's a trade-off here. I race best when I am relatively light -- 168-174, say. So, it behooves me to keep the weight down, right? But I'm sure that my quick recovery from my separated shoulder last June/July was because I always work my shoulders when I lift, and that's a benefit I can't deny --- but do I want to structure my off-seasons on the possibility of injuries during the season???

2010-03-04 8:29 AM
in reply to: #2706742

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Be thinkful for field-hopping, which is much more pleasant than rink-hopping. Going from one frigid "barn" to another on ice-covered roads for several years........yeah, I'd have traded that for baseball fields any day!

2010-03-04 8:30 AM
in reply to: #2706746

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

And vast quantities of hot chocolate were consumed during those years!

2010-03-04 8:32 AM
in reply to: #2706177

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

M -

Good news on the shoes seeming to work! Also, thanks for the info on the model, which is not one I'm familiar with -- but I will gleefully look forward to checking it out!!

2010-03-04 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2706232

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


FABULOUS news -- on both the sciatica and the swim. The swim "bump" sounds awesome, and I will spend more time later reading more carefully what your trainer suggested and how you implemented it so successfully. Swim bumps can often take a long time to happen, but once they do they can be pretty dramatic -- you seem to be evidence of that!

More later!

2010-03-04 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2704922

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
smarx - 2010-03-03 12:55 PM

General question about swimming for the group...How much 'glide' or pause in your stroke do you have? And when?

I seem to not have one with freestyle. Some other strokes (breast, side, etc) I glide but not with freestyle...

I am not a seasoned swimmer, but I don't think I have any glide. In other words, there is always some part of my upper body that seems to be moving at any given time during my stroke. Maybe I SHOULD have more glide to be more efficient....?


2010-03-04 11:41 AM
in reply to: #2704988

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
smarx - 2010-03-03 1:13 PM

My bit of humour for the day for everyone...

So hadn't weighed myself at the gym lately so I decided to on Monday. Thought I've been doing darn good, figruing I was down 10+ lbs since mid December. Fairly impressed and thinking my 7-8 hours a week training are taking effect....Then one of the girls that works at the gym tells me the reading is off. Ok, how much? 10 lbs!! Ugh...are you serious??

Demoralizing? Only slightly as I was feeling darn good and eating a bit more liberaly lately. So there goes that. Moreso funny to me as I was getting proud of myself and before I really had a chance, it was taken away!

What a bummer!

You must have been wondering why your clothes didn't feel any looser.


2010-03-04 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2705039

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-03-03 1:26 PM


I lose track of who is in the Total Immersion and who isn't; forgive me if you are---or aren't!

If you are, then you maybe have read about the "catch-up" drill. This is a great one to do to slow down your stroke and get more glide/distance from each stroke. When T.I. talks about taking less strokes to go a length of a pool, this prety much assumes that people with low stroke counts are getting a lopt of glide.

The best way to describe catch-up is to not begin the catch phase (the first part of your pull) until the other hand has "caught-up" to it out in front. And this keeps repeating. In a sense it is kind of a staccato feeling, but once mastered it feels very smooth.

Do you have a picture of how this would work?

Once, say, your left arm enters the water, it slices forward and then bends at the elbow and begins the pull. While this is happening, the other arm, the right arm, is completing its pull and is recovering out of the water before entering the water again. With "catch-up", keep the left arm out there until the right hand has caught up to it -- and then begin the pull. At this point the right arm is out there, and will stay there until the left arm has renentered the water, extended, and caught-up to it. Does thta help?


Regarding the catch up drill, as you explain it above, does this mean that for a split second (or less than a second, really), you will have both hands extended at the same time just before you pull one of them back to start the pull?



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