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2011-02-05 6:09 PM
in reply to: #3340461

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Good work on getting the three swims in and staying on track with your goal. 
I'm sorry to hear about your mother-in-law.

2011-02-05 6:24 PM
in reply to: #3257876

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Well this week has been a good one both training and otherwise. 
I've stayed on track now with training four weeks in a row.  I got my two bike rides done this week to hit my goal. 
On the personal front I've been looking for a job since I moved to Canada seven months ago.  I've been lucky enough that I have been consulting full time for this seven months but that was drawing to a close.  I received a job offer this week and will be starting work around March 1st or so.
The downside is that this will make training much harder than it has been for the last seven months.  First I'll now have to commute rather than working from my living room.  Secondly I'll be working longer hours so will have less time.  Finally, I won't make it to my girls swim training which is when I usually swim.  I'm considering cycling to work as it is only 8 miles (mostly downhill / flat on the way to work).  Still this puts me in the same position as most of you so I'm not looking for sympathy.  I'll just have to knuckle down and find ways of fitting things in.
Hope everyone has a good week.
2011-02-06 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3340928

New user

Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Hey Ray,

Congratulations on the new job man, and on the consistent training, that's excellent!

I feel your pain, I have an hour and 15 minute commute each way, time that could be better spent training. In March I'll join you with biking rather than taking the train. It's harder but it will defiantly be faster than stopping every kilometer at a station and it will cover my bike training. I'm sure you will find other ways to get the rest of your time in, good luck and keep us updated!
2011-02-06 5:04 PM
in reply to: #3340461

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law.  Hopefully her health turns around!
2011-02-07 10:05 PM
in reply to: #3338916

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Neil - Thanks. If I can get the swimming under control I should be fine, although when I looked at the route it looks like it's open water so I'll need to get over my fear of it which was mainly from jumping of a platform in one of the "sea pools" (part of the ocean near the beach partitioned off from the main thing) here and going straight under. I'll stick to the pool and work on distance for now though. Hope your MIL gets better soon
Tim - congrats on the job.

My main goals for this week though are to get back on track with the walking and get to the gym
2011-02-08 11:17 AM
in reply to: #3257876


The Neutral Zone
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
hey Neil and rest of group,
sorry i have been MIA for a little while. i have been super busy with school, and for the last 3 weeks, (or a little less) i have had no computer. I know very odd coming from someone studying computers, but now, everything is back up and running - and i am here ^_^.


2011-02-09 10:35 AM
in reply to: #3257876

New user

Subject: Missing sorry
Sorry guys lost my log on and took a few days to dig it out.Neil, my thoughts are with you. There are times we need to put our family first and be strong for them, so our thoughts are with you and your nearest and dearest.Keep on running, etc, guys, lorna
2011-02-09 10:38 AM
in reply to: #3316550

New user

Subject: What ya up to girlie
Nicole, where are you? Havent heard from you in a while. How is it going? Is the training going ok? Love to hear from ya. Lorna
2011-02-11 11:26 AM
in reply to: #3346852

New user
Subject: RE: What ya up to girlie
Hi folks, hope you are all well. Its been a tough week, found out my mother in law has cancer and she is very poorly. They are hoping to operate but she is very weak, a few added complications too arose today so its not looking good right now. Keep training, I'll check back in soon. Neil x
2011-02-13 2:03 AM
in reply to: #3257876

New user

Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Hey there Neil,

I'm sorry to hear about your mother in-law. Family comes first, and we know you are busy. I'm sending good thoughts to you and your family.

I don't know about everyone else, but my training has left me exhausted. I actually think it's my lifestyle added to my training. I need to adjust if I'm going to survive until August, no more all-nighters for awhile. Fortunately next week is an easy training week so I can get in some RnR. Is everyone else doing okay? I just saw Nichole and Lorna posted, anyone else out there?
2011-02-13 2:28 PM
in reply to: #3350533

New user
Subject: RE: What ya up to girlie
I'm sorry to hear about your mother-in-law.  I hope it becomes possible to operate.  Hang in there.

2011-02-13 2:33 PM
in reply to: #3257876

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Hi everyone. 
It's been an interesting week.  I spent 9hrs on Tuesday skiing.  Unfortunately I twisted my knee and was only able to swim for the rest of the week.  I just went for a run and the knee held up fine (only the occasional twinge) so should be able to get back to my training next week.

Unfortunately I've now missed my goal cycling twice every week in February.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

2011-02-14 7:21 AM
in reply to: #3352907

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
hope the knee lets you meet the cycling goal again soon Ray
2011-02-14 8:42 AM
in reply to: #3352907

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED

Knees are not a good thing to hurt!  I'd take it easy on it when you do pick up riding again!

2011-02-14 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3257876

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Hi Team

Very sad day for us here today. My mother in law died at lunchtime, peacefully after suffering for sometime. We are all devastated as she was a wonderful lady but know that its for the best and she is comfortable again. Thanks for all your kind messages and I'll be back as soon as I can.

Neil x
2011-02-14 5:11 PM
in reply to: #3355006

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.  Take time to be with your family.

2011-02-14 7:10 PM
in reply to: #3355006

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED

I'm so sorry for your loss.  My thoughts are with you and your family.

2011-02-16 9:38 AM
in reply to: #3355006


Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
my thoughts are with you and your family neil. 
2011-02-20 8:05 AM
in reply to: #3257876

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
hi folks, been a tough old week as you would expect, very tired right now. The funeral is on tuesday after which I'll get back into training and supporting our little gang. Thanks for all your good wishes we appreciate them greatly x
2011-02-21 12:47 PM
in reply to: #3363792

New user

Subject: Best wishes
Neil, my thoughts and love are with you and your wife. Take the time to be the great husband I am sure you are, and look after yourself. Hugs lorna
2011-02-22 4:58 PM
in reply to: #3257876

New user

Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Best wishes Neil, I`m sending good thoughts your way.

2011-02-27 3:24 PM
in reply to: #3367647

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Hi Gang

I hope you are all ok. Things are getting back to normal here, hmm i hate that word, the funeral was very dignified, I wrote and read the eulogy which was a challenge but I'm pleased I did so. My wife. Janet, is fighting allsorts of emotions but is getting stronger each day. I have returned to training which is helping me, ran on Friday, did some strength work on Saturday and was due to ride today (Sunday) but my back brake was solid and I had to turn home after about 30 seconds. I tried to sort it but alas failed so did a 10 mile run instead, loved it despite my legs being very sore from the previous 2 days (not looking forward to the morning)! So how are we all doing, training going well I hope, let me know over the course of the next few days and any questions you may have, I'll check the logs too. It's great to be training posting again, let's crack on team!

Neil x
2011-03-01 3:07 AM
in reply to: #3374454

New user

Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED

Welcome back Neil.  I can appreciate it is still a hard time for you and your family.

Things have been a bit "shaky" in this part of the world.  You may have heard of the major earthquake down in the South Island.  It will take years for that area and indeed NZ to recover.  Christchurch is the biggest city in the South Island and it has been pretty much totalled.

I am pleased with the way things have been ticking along with my training.  Bit hard to get out sometimes, but worth it when you get home.  I managed to "tweak"my time by around 7 mins for a mini sprint race on 20 Feb.  The thing I was rapt with, was the 3 1/2 mins I shaved off my run time. 

Have started to do double sessions once a week, I think they are called brick sessions ? 

Are about 3 weeks into swimming lessons...dont like swimming in a pool as I feel a need to stop everytime I get to the wall at the end of a length.  Going to do an open water this weekend to see if lessons have made any difference. 

The other bonus is I have lost around 5kgs in weight.  Wife reckons we need to go shopping for new wardrobe now...!!

Next goal on my journey is a sprint event on 27 March, last triathlon event until Nov.

After the 27th event, we go into triathlon ( as we know it )  hibernation with winter, but no where near winter weather as some of you others experience.  We are very fortunate here with mild winters in comparison.

Duathlon will the craze ! No swimming...yeah right !  just keep swimming...just keep swimming...

Hope everyone else are ticking along well. 

All the best

2011-03-01 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3374454

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Hey Neil (and everyone else)!  Glad to see your back

My training is coming along pretty well.  Ran two miles non-stop at a 14 minute/mile pace.  A little slow, but definitly progress!  I ran my first mile outside last night.  It felt good, but I got a cramp in my side and felt winded a lot sooner than I would have liked.  I got fitted for running sneakers on my birthday.  Just running on the store treadmill I could already feel a huge difference.  My knee didn't hurt at all!

Swimming is coming along slowly... I'm considering signing up for a lap swim class that starts at the end of the month of March.  I think I need some help making sure my form is right and getting my endurance up.

Biking is going great.  I anticipate being able to bike outdoors again pretty soon.  The weather is finally starting to warm up here!

Hope training is going well for everyone else!

2011-03-01 8:46 AM
in reply to: #3376752

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED

I just started doing the brick sessions as well - they weren't as though as I'd thought they'd be!

Congratulations on the weight loss!  You should definitely reward yourself with some new clothes

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