BT Development Mentor Program Archives » PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed! Rss Feed  
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2008-05-13 12:07 PM
in reply to: #1351583

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!


I did my 50 min of running today in celebration, as promised.

2008-05-13 4:33 PM
in reply to: #1351583

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Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
WOW! You guys have made my day! I didn't know that turning 50 could be so much fun! From eating 50 Oreos to running 50, that's what I call a group of people that are truly supportive! Thanks a ton! I decided today that probably my 50 things will have to be "50 errands". I'm leaving tomorrow for Texas and the wedding and it seems like I am running like crazy and going nowhere fast. But, I was driving home from one of the 50 errands and just turned the car and headed for the pool, deciding that if I didn't do it then I wasn't going to. Got there just in time to join a high school boy's swim team in all the lanes. There were four other old farts there with me swimming amongst these young pups. I don't think they (the old farts) liked it much, but I kind of thought it was cool. Those cute boys were trying to impress us with their form and speed (and pretty much were) and I was trying to swim through all their waves and pretending like I was in a lake! And their coach was yelling out all this great coaching advice and I listened to all of coaching on my 50th birthday! It doesn't get any better than that! I practiced treading water for five minutes so now I know I can do that if I need to in the swim and that was good, too. All around an incredible pool day. I'm hoping to get in a bike ride and swim again early tomorrow morning before I head out of town. Then my hubby and I have committed to running together while we are out of town so we don't use any excuses not to train.  SO, thanks again everyone for such a wonderful celebration of 50. I can't think of a better way to bring in the second half century of my life!
2008-05-13 5:43 PM
in reply to: #1400443

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Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

Big Mama!!! you rock!  way to go grab that pool time!!!  And the bonus of buff boys   sweet!

I'm 2/3 done with my 50 reps of core exercises for you... I'll get em done before sundown! 

2008-05-13 11:18 PM
in reply to: #1351583

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Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Happy Birthday! I ran 50 min. for you :-)

May you have a wonderful, happy, and healthy birthday year.

2008-05-13 11:43 PM
in reply to: #1351583

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Wisteria Lane
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Sounds like a great day! Way to get to the pool!! WOOT!!
2008-05-14 7:43 AM
in reply to: #1351583

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2008-05-14 10:51 AM
in reply to: #1400443

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

Safe travels to ya TJ! Can't wait to hear how the wonderful wedding went when you get back.

Great job on the 50's workouts everyone! That was a fun motivator. Ok, who's birthday is next?

2008-05-14 12:01 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Wisteria Lane
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
I just had my birthday so I am out.

Elaine, will you give us some tips on nutrition (I saw that you use Infinit) when you have a second? When do you know that you need a product like that instead of just Gels?
2008-05-14 12:03 PM
in reply to: #1351583

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2008-05-15 3:50 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Not feeling very well today guys! I think it's because of two days of traveling and lack of sleep for two nights. We're going to go out and have a lite dinner and I'm hoping that after that settles for a bit I can go run with the hubby before it gets too dark. Everything is going well and I think the wedding is going to be fabulous (weather is going to cooperate it looks like for this outdoor garden wedding) but I am actually missing working out. I would so much rather be riding my bike or swimming or running. But I need to get some sleep!!!!  Tomorrow will be even crazier than today but I WILL run today, tomorrow and Saturday!!!!
2008-05-15 3:56 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Wisteria Lane
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Ah Big mama I feel your pain! I am exhausted!! I have so much emotion leading up to this race that I just need about a week of sleep. I have it all plotted though that I am going to go to bed early tomorrow night and try to sleep past 7 on Saturday. That should get me enough sleep for the 4 am wake up call on Sunday! EEEKKK!!!

Great job planning your runs on the go!

2008-05-15 4:01 PM
in reply to: #1351583

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2008-05-15 9:37 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Sorry I haven't been participating much, I kinda stuck my head in the sand after I injuried myself & am having a tough time finding my way to the pool. I hope my downtime is over for a while. I may try to run a few miles Sunday, thanks for all the support.
2008-05-16 7:58 AM
in reply to: #1406006

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2008-05-16 10:43 AM
in reply to: #1402093

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

Javamom - 2008-05-14 9:01 AM

Elaine, will you give us some tips on nutrition (I saw that you use Infinit) when you have a second? When do you know that you need a product like that instead of just Gels?

For me, it was just a matter of taste. I hate the taste and texture of gels. It's bad when you don't like training with some nutrition products because you know in a race you really aren't going to like them.

I switched to Infinit for the longer races. On the bike, my previous nutrition just wasn't working out. Gatorade doesn't give me enough, so I tried Gatorade + Carbo Pro. I really hate the sweet, sticky taste of Gatorade though. The Gatorade + Carbo Pro combo was a bit better, but I was still falling flat on the run. So then I tried Infinit. I have a formula that has a little bit of protein in it for the bike and that keeps me from getting hungry. I don't like the feeling of my stomach growling while racing.

I REALLY like that you can customize the strength of the taste of Infinit. I have mine turned almost all the way down on strength. I filled out the online survey and it gave me a recommendation on a formula, and then I played with the sliders a bit (like the flavor one). I've just made up a new formula for the shorter Xterra races. I'm going to use that on the bike and run. I've tried out the new formula on some training rides and it seems to be working well. It gets hot here in AZ, and I like that Infinit doesn't get gross when it warms up. I really don't like hot Gatorade or other drinks. I stop drinking and then it gets bad later in the race. But I can tolerate warm Infinit.

Just start experimenting with different stuff in training and see what you like. Those little trial-sized versions of nutrition that come in race packets are perfect. It's a lot of trial and error and fun with stomach chemistry.

2008-05-16 10:47 AM
in reply to: #1351583

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

Have a great weekend everyone! Especially those RACING!!! Woohoo!

I was thinking of starting up a Goal of the Week. At the beginning of the week we could post any goals we want to accomplish for that week. It could be anything as far as training, nutrition, heck even sleep goes. Feel free to get creative!

My goal for the week of 5/19 is to do 3 swim workouts. I've been really bad about getting back to the pool consistently. 1 - 2x per week isn't cutting it!

2008-05-16 10:50 AM
in reply to: #1351583

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2008-05-16 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1351583

Wisteria Lane
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Thank you for that advice on nutrition Elaine! I experimented this week with freezing my bike bottles...the stuff we have to do in this heat! Crazy! I will try the infinit because I don't like Gatorade either but I don't think nuun is enough for the long rides.

I love the goal of the week. My only goal for next week is to chillax!
2008-05-16 11:57 AM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Yeah, crazy heat... I bailed on Wednesday workout (small brick, but did ride to preschool yesterday so got some of it back).  I was thinking last night I'd get up early for a run today before the heat kicked in again but then due to the heat I didn't sleep so I bailed on getting up early.  Argh.  I know, I should train in anything b/c who knows race day weather, but it was 104 yesterday on my backyard thermometer.  It was a low 77 when I (finally) got up this morning at 7:30.  Maybe I'll run tonight at 10PM.  It's only supposed to get to 95 today...
2008-05-16 1:37 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
My goal will be to swim 4000 meters, considering I've been avoiding the pool, I need to start somewhere.
2008-05-17 11:50 AM
in reply to: #1407327

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

This morning it was 60 when I got up so I took off running.  half an hour later it was 70 and I was done with my run. I'm now showered, fed, and watered and hunkered indoors.

The diapers will dry fast today.


Big Mama = Happy wedding day!  I hope the weather is more pleasant for you and the day goes brilliantly with only one good story


Goals: hmmm.  I'd like to figure out how to "happily" keep to my plan despite the heat.  Swimming time isn't an issue, I think I need to plan on getting up early when the heat hits like this.  Hopefully it will cool soon, though as it is hard to sleep with the eat and then hard to get up early.  I'll adapt!

2008-05-18 9:54 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

I know what my goal should be!  core or strength exercises 3 times this week, and not all on the same day (as for Big Mama's bday)  so how about making it T/Th/Sa.  Yes. I need them on a calendar so I get them done.

I had a great ride today - hauling the trailer with kids for 13 miles - with some hills to grind up.  My daughter cheering me on, "Go mama, go!  you can do it"  and then at the top, "fast mama, fast."    I think she needs to be at my triathlon cheering me on!  I'll have to talk to my folks (the designated sitters for the race) and see what they are willing to do. 

2008-05-19 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1351583

Modesto, California
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

I'm kind of skeptical about setting goals with summer kicking in, but a core exercise goal just might be what I need(Thanks movingsouth)! 3x is perfect, any ideas about a routine?

I just registered for a swim stoke analysis clinic,  a company is comming to my masters pool and will be underwater video taping our swim, basically its a chance to lower my swim times.We will go home with our own dvd and a coached review of our swim. At 40 dollars I could not say no to a 2-hour video coaching session. Another benefit of my masters swimming program.

2008-05-19 10:35 AM
in reply to: #1410259

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
nevergivin - 2008-05-19 5:53 AM

I'm kind of skeptical about setting goals with summer kicking in, but a core exercise goal just might be what I need(Thanks movingsouth)! 3x is perfect, any ideas about a routine?

this is the set I've been doing: set of 15-20 reps is plenty for me right now. 

nevergivin - 2008-05-19 5:53 AM

I just registered for a swim stoke analysis clinic, a company is comming to my masters pool and will be underwater video taping our swim, basically its a chance to lower my swim times.We will go home with our own dvd and a coached review of our swim. At 40 dollars I could not say no to a 2-hour video coaching session. Another benefit of my masters swimming program.

wow, sounds great, I want! 

2008-05-19 4:36 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
I'm BAAACCKKK! Oh man, the wedding was incredible! My husband and I decided it was the coolest ceremony we had ever seen in our lives. Our daughter and her new man had a very beautiful yet relaxed setting and it was just plain fun! The weather was absolutely PERFECT and she looked beyond stunning. Considering we had two little ones that were flowers girls and....a DOG as the ring bearer (yes, I said dog and trust me, when I first heard about it I was fit to be tied) it went off without a hitch. My new son-in-law cried a lot and it was really neat to hear him talk about my daughter and how much he loves her. Made this momma really proud and happy! To top it all off all my other children and my husband said I was the hottest lookin' lady there! What more could a woman want I ask you!! I'm going to try to put a picture on here if I can make it happen. Seems like I have trouble with that.  I did work out on Friday, but Saturday I just didn't get it done. Sunday we were in the car all day long driving home and today I have had a bit of a case of "intestinal upset" so exercise was out of the question. So, tomorrow morning I'll hit the floor running!  
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