BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed Rss Feed  
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2008-06-14 4:54 PM
in reply to: #1364886

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2008-06-14 10:29 PM
in reply to: #1364886

Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed
Libby did you just challenge me?!?!?!  It is so on now.  Just name the time and
2008-06-14 10:32 PM
in reply to: #1364886

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2008-06-14 10:36 PM
in reply to: #1364886

Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed
Oh I Heard you Libby....and I Understand what you are saying...and Acknowledge by saying.... bring it on sister
2008-06-14 10:37 PM
in reply to: #1364886

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2008-06-15 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1364886

Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Good morning group!

First off, thanks for all the good feedback last week. I'm in a better place mentally now.

Secondly, I'm looking for thoughts on tri clothing. I'm planning on wearing 8" tri shorts with an athletic bra/top for the swim and then throw a singlet on for the bike and run. It seems that the shorts are necessary for the bike portion, but that it will be pretty uncomfortable to run in hot weather with those tight bike shorts. Does anyone have any experience or opinions on this? Maybe I'll post the same question in the gear forum.

Lou- let us know how your swim goes today!


2008-06-15 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1364886

Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Hello again,

I did my own mini-tri today and tried out the shorts. They were great. No trouble with the run as I had feared.

It was fun practicing transitions, too. I'm always so clumsy after a workout- droppings things, missing the lock with the key, etc. Its like fine motor skills go straight out the window. So.... transition practice is really needed for me!

I hope you are all having fun out there. The weather in Chicago was so nice this weekend!

2008-06-16 7:37 AM
in reply to: #1364886

Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Good morning Group,

As everyone knows this Saturday the 21st will be Marcy's (skywashed) first triathlon. Let's keep the words of encourage going as we count down the days. She has been training very hard for this and we know she will do great.

So would it be 5 days till her race? or would it be 4? 

4 days and a wake up

2008-06-16 8:55 AM
in reply to: #1364886

Hockeytown, MI
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Good Mrning everyone!!

 Sorry i have been out of the loop of awhile, its ben pretty craxy of here!!  Had a really bad asthma attack that kept me out of trainig for awhile and then caught a really bad cold.  I swer i never get sick and this year its been must be catching up with me!

 But I am happy to say that i am hitting the gym, yes first time in amonth, so its kinda like a new beginning.  Sorry that i have missed so much, hope the move went well, hope you do good at your race coming up and those of you that did race hope all went well, cant wait to catch up and read it all so i see whats going on on here! 

Happy Monday to all!!

2008-06-16 9:51 AM
in reply to: #1364886

Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Jennifer - you and I are in the same boat.

 Everyone - my apologies for disappearing on you.  I was on vacation for a couple weeks and then...I just wasn't getting back into the swing of things.  I hope you'll have me back...

2008-06-16 9:57 AM
in reply to: #1364886

Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed
Marcy - good call practicing transitions!  I, like you, am a little on the clumsy side...add a little race day adrenaline & I even surprised myself at how little I could control my shaky hands.     I'm sure the practicing will help out a'll do great!

Edited by jellogal 2008-06-16 9:57 AM

2008-06-16 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1364886


Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Marcy, It sounds to me like you are ready! You're going to do awesome and I am looking forward to reading your race report next week.

Good news -- open water swim went well. I know I'm in the minority here, but I love swimming and getting in the lake was a blast. Here's what scares me: the whole sighting thing throws me off, but I think that will get better with practice, and it was a very disconcerting to get in the water with all those people around and no lanes! I also got a preview of the course for Danskin, and I feel confident I can do the 750 (800?) meters.

Bad news -- I'm headed to Athletico this morning. I think I broke my little toe. Hopefully this won't throw off my training too much.

If you want to read more about either, I've posted about both on my blog.

Other stuff -- I'm looking at my training log from last week and feeling kind of like a bad (Are we aloud to say that on here ?)! Today is my day off and frankly, I think I've earned it!

2008-06-16 10:20 AM
in reply to: #1364886

Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed
Lou  -  I'm glad you're feeling better about the open water swim.  One less thing to worry about!     Sorry about your toe!  Let us know what the doc says!

Edited by jellogal 2008-06-16 10:20 AM
2008-06-16 4:31 PM
in reply to: #1364886

Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Hi everyone!

Sorry I haven't been on here everyday lately - it took longer for the moving truck to arrive than I had planned on and now things are just barely starting to come together!  But I'm supposed to now be working from home this week which means I'll have to chain myself to the computer most of the day, so I won't have much excuse NOT to check in on all of you now!

Nevertheless, this thread and group is of course all about all of YOU, and I'm glad you all have been keeping it alive despite my absence!

Lou - Ouch!  I hope that toe feels better soon and won't impede your training!  Darn toes.  But hooray for a great OWS experience!

Marcy - If I had seen your post before you updated that you had already tried them and liked them anyway, I would've suggested you go ahead with the tri shorts.  I have a couple pairs of 6" tri shorts and a pair of 4" ones I have yet to wear (saving them for a REALLY hot race) and have not had any trouble with them.  For most races, while they don't stay sopping wet after the swim, they do stay damp enough to keep me cool, and the additional compression is good for the thigh muscles.  Soooo are you excited, nervous, or a little of both for your first tri this coming weekend???

Sherist (Jellogal) - WELCOME BACK!  Yay!  I was wondering what happened to you and am happy to see you're back with us.  Have you also gotten back into the swing of things, training-wise?  Any races planned?

John & Libby - Glad to see you both are still continuing to challenge each other!!  Great motivation!

Hi also to Jennifer & Mitch - how are you both doing?

2008-06-17 7:50 AM
in reply to: #1364886

Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

I'm doing well.  I've been in a taper phase the last couple of weeks and have my first Sprint Tri of the year on Sunday.  I'm a bit concerned that my legs are still feeling a bit fatigued.  We'll see how they improve as the week progresses?!?  I did a spinning class this morning for 45 minutes and tried to stay light on the resistance.  I have a shorter run tonight for 30 minutes that is supposed to be at a higher intenisty.  I'm back on the bike on Thursday (higher intenisty) with another run (lower intensity) in the evening.

I have a high intensity swim in my plan for tomorrow followed by a recovery swim on Friday.

Saturday I'm scheduled to do a short brick and then race on Sunday.

 I welcome any comments on this last week before the race.  I skipped (on purpose) a couple workouts last week and am struggling with the right course of action for this week.

Edited by dangremond 2008-06-17 7:53 AM
2008-06-17 10:03 PM
in reply to: #1471044

Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Hi Mitch!

Looking at your log for the past few weeks, it looks like you've got plenty of balanced, quality training to prepare you for this sprint.  At this point, I'd err on the side of too much rest rather than too little (especially if your legs are feeling a bit fatigued).  So don't beat yourself up for skipping a few workouts last week.  The best thing you can do is to listen to your body, and if it's telling you it needs more rest, go with it.

The times you have planned for training the rest of this week are good, but I'd keep the intensity on the lower side.  You might want to consider also dropping the brick on Saturday.  You've already done plenty, and the full day of rest would be a good idea so you're truly fresh and ready to go on race day.  But if you'd mentally feel more prepared by doing the brick, go ahead (it won't hurt as long as you keep it easy).

2008-06-18 8:16 AM
in reply to: #1473148

Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Thanks for the input.  I didn't run last night and I skipped the swim this morning.  I plan on doing a medium intensity spin class tomorrow and medium run in the evening.  I'd like to swim on Friday and then see how I feel Saturday morning.  Maybe just a short ride (15 minutes) followed by a short run (like a mile?) at a high intensity.

Legs are feeling a bit better today and I think the day and half of rest will be good.

2008-06-18 11:32 AM
in reply to: #1473509

Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed
Good plan!  Swimming Friday is no problem, and yes, wait and see how you feel Saturday.  If you're feeling good and just want that last confidence-boosting short brick, go for it.  Luckily, a sprint race is short enough to not require heaps of extra tapering and rest prior to it.  Still, no sense in overdoing extra workouts now (too late for them to make a difference in your race performance anyway, really) and going into the race tired.  As I said before, just listen to your body and let it tell you whether it needs rest or an energizing low-to-moderate intensity workout.
2008-06-18 12:36 PM
in reply to: #1364886

Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed
Thanks for all the advice.  The best statement is that busting my but this week will not result in a faster time.  I'll take it to heart and leave it all on the course on Sunday. 
2008-06-19 10:24 AM
in reply to: #1364886

Hockeytown, MI
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed
Mitch - hope your training is going well!!  Hope you are getting lots of rest as well!!  I wish you luck for this weekend, and bet your getting excited..use that excitment on the course!!!
2008-06-19 2:04 PM
in reply to: #1476490

Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Thanks for the well wishes.  In cycling class this morning I was trying to visualize myself on the course and just concentrating on my pedal stroke.  Thinking of how hard I want to go and how much I can push myself. 

I just completed reading Dean Karnazes book, Ultramarathon Man, Confessions of an All Night Runner, and Lance Armstrong's, It's Not About the Bike.  I think I learned alot about endurance and competing from these two books.  I'd recommend them both.  From Dean's book I took away the maxim that if it doesn't hurt you're not trying hard enough.  I've often read that in a Sprint Triathlon you can go b&lls to the wall the whole race.  My goal is to race right at threshold for 1 hr and 15 minutes.  Armstrong's book taught me to perserveer and to want it more than the next guy.  I hope to take both those thoughts with me on Sunday.

In a fun sidenote, last year, unbeknownst to me, my two best friends from work bet each other on an over/under for my finish time for my first tri.  I beat the time (I think it was 1:30 and I finished in 1:24 and change).  They put another bet against each other on my race for Sunday.  The time is 1:17.  I've often read that when you have important goals you should tell as many people as necessary what that goal is because you'll then work that much harder to achieve it.  So there you have it.  I want to beat 1:17.  That means I swim around a 2:00 / 100M pace, bike around 20 mph and run 8:00 miles.  I think its doable but will be a peak performance for sure if I obtain it.  Wish me luck!

2008-06-19 3:29 PM
in reply to: #1477139

Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Woo hoo!  Sounds like you're mentally ready and PUMPED for your race, Mitch!!  We already knew you were physically ready - so I think you will do awesome and surely meet or beat your goal time if all goes well.  You're right - it's incredibly motivating to know that a bunch of people are watching and waiting to see how you do when working toward a goal.

Marcy - how are you feeling going into your race this weekend??  Best of luck to you as well!

Sherist, Libby, John, Jennifer, and Lou - How are all of you?  Any weekend plans?

2008-06-19 10:08 PM
in reply to: #1364886

Subject: ...
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2008-06-20 10:52 AM
in reply to: #1364886

Hockeytown, MI
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Libby - have a great and safe trip... i thonk that John might have to do a little traveling for you to kick his butt still

Mitch - best of luck this weekend, you sound like you have enerything in order.  I can't wait till you take the money from the guys at work!  That will make you run a bit faster at the end!!  Also you will not only have comppleted the race but you will have bragging rights as well

laura - hope you are completing up the moving process and getting everyhitng all in order

As for the weekend goes for me, I still working on my training, being off a full month really sets you back.  So i just plan on work back to my goals and getting outside for some bike rides.

 Hope everyone has a great weekend

2008-06-20 11:22 AM
in reply to: #1478733

Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed


 The sad thing with the bet at work is no matter how I do I get nothing.  They're just betting on if I do the race faster or slower than 1:17.  One guy has under 1:17 and one has over1:17.  Now, I'd love to see the guys with the "under" take the other guys money so I'm going to go as hard as possible to help him out.  Thanks for the well wishes and train hard this weekend!

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