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2009-01-19 5:50 AM
in reply to: #1915491

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

kcarroll - 2009-01-18 9:42 PM Question about HR training.  I know my max (223) and therefore Zone 3 for running is approx 154 - 176.  Right now I'm keeping my running exclusively in Zone 3. How do I adjust for the bike and swim?  Do I drop each end of the range by 10bpm for bike and 20bpm for swim?  For that matter, should I even worry about HR during bike and swim?

As a rule of thumb, that might be OK, but ideally you should check your max HR for each sport.  There's a couple of really good HR articles on BT that explains how to do a lactate threshold test, which is supposed to be easier and have less risk of injury than a max HR test.

And 223 max seems REALY high - how was that determined?

2009-01-19 10:37 AM
in reply to: #1915786

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
bwingate - 2009-01-19 6:50 AM

kcarroll - 2009-01-18 9:42 PM Question about HR training.  I know my max (223) and therefore Zone 3 for running is approx 154 - 176.  Right now I'm keeping my running exclusively in Zone 3. How do I adjust for the bike and swim?  Do I drop each end of the range by 10bpm for bike and 20bpm for swim?  For that matter, should I even worry about HR during bike and swim?

As a rule of thumb, that might be OK, but ideally you should check your max HR for each sport.  There's a couple of really good HR articles on BT that explains how to do a lactate threshold test, which is supposed to be easier and have less risk of injury than a max HR test.

And 223 max seems REALY high - how was that determined?

Thanks.  Will look for the articles on BT.  I know 220+ sounds high.  I had it tested by 2 different personal trainers, both using Sally Edward Heart Zones method.  They both came in at 220-223.  Of course, if the method is flawed no surprise but it has a decent reputation.  Plus, I'm pretty comfortable and can carry on a good conversation between 150 - 175.
2009-01-19 12:31 PM
in reply to: #1916128

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
kcarroll - 2009-01-19 11:37 AM
bwingate - 2009-01-19 6:50 AM

As a rule of thumb, that might be OK, but ideally you should check your max HR for each sport.  There's a couple of really good HR articles on BT that explains how to do a lactate threshold test, which is supposed to be easier and have less risk of injury than a max HR test.

And 223 max seems REALY high - how was that determined?

Thanks.  Will look for the articles on BT.  I know 220+ sounds high.  I had it tested by 2 different personal trainers, both using Sally Edward Heart Zones method.  They both came in at 220-223.  Of course, if the method is flawed no surprise but it has a decent reputation.  Plus, I'm pretty comfortable and can carry on a good conversation between 150 - 175.

That was partially just a way of asking if that was a typo . . .

Anyway, start with this article and follow the links and the Part II article:


2009-01-19 8:32 PM
in reply to: #1856606

Slidell/Pearl River
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
anybody care to share how they handle the week before a race?  the day before the race?  read somewhere that the day before the race you should do a short time in all 3 sports, slow..  what do yall typically do?
2009-01-19 9:35 PM
in reply to: #1856606

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
mmm, only done super sprints so no real need for a taper, I just ease back a bit the week before and have a day off the day before and eat a bit more carbs.
2009-01-20 9:24 AM
in reply to: #1917252

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
lforce - 2009-01-19 9:32 PM

anybody care to share how they handle the week before a race?  the day before the race?  read somewhere that the day before the race you should do a short time in all 3 sports, slow..  what do yall typically do?

In general, keep up the intensity, but reduce the volume. And the longer the race, the longer the taper. If you're doing a sprint, I would pretty much do a normal week. Maybe 3 days before, cut back on volume. 2 days before - complete rest. Day before - very easy in all 3 sports - 10-15 minute swim, 20-30 min bike, 10-15 min run. Just to loosen up the muscles. Err on the side of caution.

2009-01-20 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1915491

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
kcarroll - 2009-01-18 9:42 PM

Question about HR training.  I know my max (223) and therefore Zone 3 for running is approx 154 - 176.  Right now I'm keeping my running exclusively in Zone 3. How do I adjust for the bike and swim?  Do I drop each end of the range by 10bpm for bike and 20bpm for swim?  For that matter, should I even worry about HR during bike and swim?

Agreed that 223 seems high, but everyone is different. Sounds like it's right though. You're just a few standard deviations away from the norm. It makes sense now about your high HR's when going easy.

For me, I adjust the bike down 5-10 bpm from the running max. Supposedly the more seasoned you are as a cyclist, the closer your Bike Max is to your Running Max.

Swimming - I don't use the HRM.
2009-01-21 7:35 AM
in reply to: #1856606

New user

Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

I did it. I actually signed up and paid for the first mini sprint. I have been talking about it and training for it, but not actually paid. Now I am financially committed. IT IS ON!!

Training has been going well. I had my first stroke analysis class the other day and found that I was keeping my head all the way under water and looking straight down. Now I look forward a little bit and it keeps the water breaking in the middle of my head and I just have to turn my head to breathe, not lift and turn. I am making progress. Wish me luck.

2009-01-21 1:36 PM
in reply to: #1856606

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

Okay guys . . . I am sorry that I am a slacker on the forums. Mostly because I have been a slacker everyone else. SOOOO I am doing my rehab more and I am getting my butt in gear. I am nowhere near where I need to be . . . but at least I am doing SOMETHING. A local gym is offering 5 weeks of triathlon training. I think I am going to do it because this will ensure that I am getting 4 hours of cardio (and come corework) in AT LEAST every week . . . which is WAY more than what I usually do. Do you guys think this is a good idea? Have you ever done anything like this?

Ah, oh yeah, and my stupid knee. Just thought I would mention it. It's making me angry.

2009-01-22 12:55 PM
in reply to: #1919672

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
Jayfoe - 2009-01-21 8:35 AM

I did it. I actually signed up and paid for the first mini sprint. I have been talking about it and training for it, but not actually paid. Now I am financially committed. IT IS ON!!

Training has been going well. I had my first stroke analysis class the other day and found that I was keeping my head all the way under water and looking straight down. Now I look forward a little bit and it keeps the water breaking in the middle of my head and I just have to turn my head to breathe, not lift and turn. I am making progress. Wish me luck.

Way to go Jay! For the signing up and for the stroke analysis. That'll pay huge dividends. I wanted to do that myself before I started up this round of training, but I just never got to it. So now, I get to reinforce all my bad habits.
2009-01-22 1:04 PM
in reply to: #1920580

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
tri_jean - 2009-01-21 2:36 PM

Okay guys . . . I am sorry that I am a slacker on the forums. Mostly because I have been a slacker everyone else. SOOOO I am doing my rehab more and I am getting my butt in gear. I am nowhere near where I need to be . . . but at least I am doing SOMETHING. A local gym is offering 5 weeks of triathlon training. I think I am going to do it because this will ensure that I am getting 4 hours of cardio (and come corework) in AT LEAST every week . . . which is WAY more than what I usually do. Do you guys think this is a good idea? Have you ever done anything like this?

Ah, oh yeah, and my stupid knee. Just thought I would mention it. It's making me angry.

I don't think you need to ask us whether the training program is good. Re-read what you wrote. (it's a good thing!) I've heard of alot of people doing these and motivation is THE biggest benefit.

I hear ya about the knee. I've been angry at my own for the past couple months, but we seem to be getting along better now. It's a very long story, but in a weird sense, at first it seemed like someone had a voodoo doll and had it out for me. But, the way things worked out, maybe someone was looking out for me. Nonetheless, I'm looking at my downtime as a chance to rest, recover and heal all the other things that were on the verge of getting injured. It's really frustrating, but hang in there.

2009-01-22 5:31 PM
in reply to: #1856606

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

hang in there. Healing the right way once is way better than healing 90% and reinjuring or always having trouble with it.  I've learned this one the hardway.

 A week out of surgery and the shoulder is feeling pretty good.  Totally off painkillers (I didn't even need ibuprofin today)  A twinge here and there and some tenderness over the insision but its going well.  Now, I am already antsy and dreaming of biking, but my roomate has strict orders to strap me to my bed and steal my bike and running shoes if I try to start training before February 1. It's going to be a long week!

2009-01-23 7:38 AM
in reply to: #1856606

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

This is it, the day after the rest day.  Can I get on the bike after work as planned or am I doomed once again to have another couple unscheduled "rest days" because I'm a slacker...

Anyone else have this problem?


2009-01-23 8:15 AM
in reply to: #1924336

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
mrhighside - 2009-01-23 8:38 AM

This is it, the day after the rest day.  Can I get on the bike after work as planned or am I doomed once again to have another couple unscheduled "rest days" because I'm a slacker...

If Maine (right?) is having weather like NY, today will be your one break in the cold for a week.  Get out and enjoy it.  I've run with my screw shoes all week and had a blast out in the snow and ice.

2009-01-23 11:42 AM
in reply to: #1856606

Slidell/Pearl River
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
not trying to rub it in since it sounds like most of you guys have horrible cold to deal with but a perfect day here...  lol, mid 60's, sun is out, went out for a run and went 2.5 mi further than my longest run so far, went 10 mi today, couldn't believe it,  and my pace was much better than i thought it would be..  seems like im able to go a bit further each time i do a long run, which has been about once a week lately
2009-01-23 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1925115

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

I just got back from Florida where they were having record cold - lows in the high 20's.  Ran outside almost everyday and happy that it was at least warmer than New Jersey.  Still have some making up to do for the week.  I suppose it is going to be a long ride on the trainer tomorrow. Very envious of everyone having nice weather. 

2009-01-23 6:50 PM
in reply to: #1856606

Slidell/Pearl River
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
yeah we did have a cold snap, and its hilarious to see everybody break out the winter clothes/jackets for 50 degree weather, however it did drop to 40's here...   but right back to 60s and 70s..
2009-01-24 7:24 AM
in reply to: #1856606

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

I have to brag a little bit.  I had a 6 mile pace run scheduled for this morning, I was tired and I have a very busy week ahead of me.  I really wanted to sleep in before I went to the first day of an all-weekend training session.  I wanted to sleep late, but I was a good boy, got up, got dressed and got out.  At least it was warm.

I pushed slightly the whole way through and finished at my pace.  Even had a little left in the tank at the end.  I was really worried because the last pace run I did was on the 'mill and boredom made it really hard to finish.

11 miler tomorrow followed by 8 hours of lecture - whoopee. 

2009-01-24 7:44 AM
in reply to: #1856606

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

Great job on the run, Bruce! 

Today I've got a threshold test scheduled.  So much fun.  Good thing is that it will be at the gym with a group and an instructor telling me what to do.  I did it this way last year and there's no way I could have done that by myself. 

2009-01-24 10:02 AM
in reply to: #1926556

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
bwingate - 2009-01-24 8:24 AM

I have to brag a little bit.  I had a 6 mile pace run scheduled for this morning, I was tired and I have a very busy week ahead of me.  I really wanted to sleep in before I went to the first day of an all-weekend training session.  I wanted to sleep late, but I was a good boy, got up, got dressed and got out.  At least it was warm.

I pushed slightly the whole way through and finished at my pace.  Even had a little left in the tank at the end.  I was really worried because the last pace run I did was on the 'mill and boredom made it really hard to finish.

11 miler tomorrow followed by 8 hours of lecture - whoopee. 

Bruce, great job!  Sometimes the mental toughness is the most difficult.  Good luck tomorrow and let us know how you do on the 11.

2009-01-24 10:46 AM
in reply to: #1856606

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
Good job y'all.

I went for a ride with my club this morning - first one in quite some time. The trainer just doesn't cut it for me. I don't remember those hills being as long and steep. Winds started picking up and it got c-c-cold by the end. But it was good to get one of these under my belt. 37 miles.

(Kim - Ya gotta get outside. Can't use the weather in NJ as an excuse if I did it. )

2009-01-24 10:52 AM
in reply to: #1926556

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
bwingate - 2009-01-24 8:24 AM

I have to brag a little bit.  I had a 6 mile pace run scheduled for this morning, I was tired and I have a very busy week ahead of me.  I really wanted to sleep in before I went to the first day of an all-weekend training session.  I wanted to sleep late, but I was a good boy, got up, got dressed and got out.  At least it was warm.

I pushed slightly the whole way through and finished at my pace.  Even had a little left in the tank at the end.  I was really worried because the last pace run I did was on the 'mill and boredom made it really hard to finish.

11 miler tomorrow followed by 8 hours of lecture - whoopee. 

Good job Bruce. That's not bragging. THat's inspiring the rest of us to get our own butts out of bed and doing what we're supposed to.

Which is going to require more endurance - the run or the lecture???
2009-01-24 5:29 PM
in reply to: #1856606

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

Walt- I'm so jealous that you are still riding outside!  I doubt that we'll see clear pavement until the end of March (hopefully it won't be in April). 

I did my threshold test today.  Oh, what fun that is!  Results are in my training log.  I didn't redo the test this summer, so I don't have much data to compare to it.  This year we will do it again in July to *hopefully* see some gain.

2009-01-27 7:28 AM
in reply to: #1856606

New user

Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
I have seen someone's tagline on here that says " the only way to get better at doing hills is by doing hills". I am going to apply the same philosophy to running. I just signed up for the Kentucky Derby mini marathon on April 25th. Since I have never ran more than 3.5 miles I am going to be asking for lots of support. One question I have: I have been running a lot more as I prepare for the mini tri and have noticed my left foot starts to go numb after about 2 miles. There is no pain and no issues when I am done running. I think it might just be a shoe issue. I don't know. Any advice or should I just see a doctor?
2009-01-27 8:07 AM
in reply to: #1930993

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
Jayfoe - 2009-01-27 8:28 AM

I have seen someone's tagline on here that says " the only way to get better at doing hills is by doing hills". I am going to apply the same philosophy to running. I just signed up for the Kentucky Derby mini marathon on April 25th. Since I have never ran more than 3.5 miles I am going to be asking for lots of support. One question I have: I have been running a lot more as I prepare for the mini tri and have noticed my left foot starts to go numb after about 2 miles. There is no pain and no issues when I am done running. I think it might just be a shoe issue. I don't know. Any advice or should I just see a doctor?

Try adjusting how tight you tie your shoes - especially up near the top. They might be too tight.

That's good about signing up for the mini marathon. "Hills are speedwork in disguise." Just be careful on the downhills - go slow. You have lots of time - just run consistently and don't try to do too much too soon. It'll be a great experience!!
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