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2009-01-20 2:36 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Man I know what you mean about sleep.

Sometimes I work out in the evening and feel great and I am all gung ho - of course I am going to get up tomorrow at 5am for more of this, no way can I drag myself out

I need to be more consistent with the morning workouts and then add the evenings as a bonus when I can


2009-01-20 3:19 PM
in reply to: #1918602

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
jpjewels - 2009-01-20 3:36 PM

Man I know what you mean about sleep.

Sometimes I work out in the evening and feel great and I am all gung ho - of course I am going to get up tomorrow at 5am for more of this, no way can I drag myself out

I need to be more consistent with the morning workouts and then add the evenings as a bonus when I can

Yes, sleep is good. I'm normally OK on 6 or 7 hours a night, but every once in a while I just need a couple hours more or maybe a nap in the middle of the day. I definitely can't work out in the evening though. I just don't have any motivation late in the day. I am definitely a morning person which works out well because my wife is a late sleeper, so I can train while she sleeps.

2009-01-20 3:35 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

On Christmas Eve I had a minor fender bender in a parking lot. Completely the other driver's fault and it was witnessed by a State Trooper so no problem getting their insurance to pay for it. No big deal except for 2 little things. First, it was my wife's car which was only 3 weeks old and only had like 300 miles on it. Second, apparently I twisted my wrist a little funny and hurt my thumb a little. Not much, but it was my right hand which made me nervous, so I had a doctor look at it. He said just a little ligament strain, should heal fine. Over the weekend it started to feel a little worse, so I went back to the doc today, and now I'm going to get some weird treatments, but it should be OK. The good news is that he said it is OK to ride my bike, which I had been avoiding because I thought I might have to rest it a little.

Well, that story was pretty boring, but at least it has a happy ending!


2009-01-20 4:09 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Anthony, sorry to hear about your fender bender.  What kind of weird treatments are you getting?  Have the MD send you to see a certified hand therapist/OT- they can do a bunch of anti inflam. treatments (if that is your problem) and possibly make a splint that can help you heal faster and ride without pain.  It helps to not wait too long, once these things become chronic, it takes a lot longer to make it better.

OH, the concert was GREAT!!!!

I am a morning work out person- I am much better off at 5 am than 5pm!  Today I had a nice track workout in 41 degree rainy weather.  It soon turned much colder (25)and we are actually getting snow, with a smidge of acumulation!  I havent had a snow day in 15+ years!!  We got to leave at noon and will probably have a delay tomorrow!  I thought only teachers got this luxury- gotta love the south- people are petrified of the thought of snow, let alone the real thing. 

Stay warm everyone!


2009-01-20 7:57 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Anthony, take care of that wrist.  Can you swim??

I, too, am an am workout girl, although not a 5 am girl!  More like 8:30! 

I had to go back to work today (I teach at Ithaca College).  I work there on Tue/Thur, and then at a different college on Wed., so my workouts get tricky. (This work stuff really gets in the way of my training!)  Anyway, on Tuesdays, I have a break in my schedule around 2 so I try to get over to the gym for a run.  I got there today, and every single treadmill (there are about 20) was taken!!  And all the spin bikes were full too!  I couldn't believe it.  I might have to reevaluate my workout plans on Tuesdays if this keeps up.

Hoping to get a swim in tomorrow.  I'm almost done with my 4-week plan, and I really think it has made a difference.  I'm going to do 800 yds at the end and see where I am.

2009-01-21 3:21 PM
in reply to: #1918821

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-01-20 5:09 PM

Anthony, sorry to hear about your fender bender.  What kind of weird treatments are you getting?  Have the MD send you to see a certified hand therapist/OT- they can do a bunch of anti inflam. treatments (if that is your problem) and possibly make a splint that can help you heal faster and ride without pain.  It helps to not wait too long, once these things become chronic, it takes a lot longer to make it better.

I did speak to several people I trust for rcommendations, and it turned out the consensus was for a doc right here in my building, so that's convenient. I shouldn't really say weird treatments, but I don't really go to the doctor very much, so when I see machines with electrodes and stuff it seems a little out of the ordinary to me

OH, the concert was GREAT!!!!

Good to hear. I'm glad you had a good time.

I am a morning work out person- I am much better off at 5 am than 5pm!  Today I had a nice track workout in 41 degree rainy weather.  It soon turned much colder (25)and we are actually getting snow, with a smidge of acumulation!  I havent had a snow day in 15+ years!!  We got to leave at noon and will probably have a delay tomorrow!  I thought only teachers got this luxury- gotta love the south- people are petrified of the thought of snow, let alone the real thing.

To tell you the truth, I think 41 and rain can be colder than 10 degrees and dry. Hard to keep warm when you are all wet. I was surprised when I looked at the weather channel this morning and saw snow all over the Carolinas and parts of Georgia. At least you get a little time off!

2009-01-21 3:32 PM
in reply to: #1919206

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-01-20 8:57 PM

Anthony, take care of that wrist.  Can you swim??

Yes I can swim, and you are right, I really need to. I have an appointment tomorrow during lunch tomorrow, so I won't be able to. I will definitely swim Saturday AM, though.

I, too, am an am workout girl, although not a 5 am girl!  More like 8:30!

Yes, 5 is a little early for me too, but I definitely like the mornings because it revs you up for the rest of the day 

I had to go back to work today (I teach at Ithaca College).  I work there on Tue/Thur, and then at a different college on Wed., so my workouts get tricky. (This work stuff really gets in the way of my training!)  Anyway, on Tuesdays, I have a break in my schedule around 2 so I try to get over to the gym for a run.  I got there today, and every single treadmill (there are about 20) was taken!!  And all the spin bikes were full too!  I couldn't believe it.  I might have to reevaluate my workout plans on Tuesdays if this keeps up.

Isn't Ithaca kinda far from you? Too bad no treadmills or bikes. Hopefully there is a quiet time of day that fits in your schedule

Hoping to get a swim in tomorrow.  I'm almost done with my 4-week plan, and I really think it has made a difference.  I'm going to do 800 yds at the end and see where I am.

It definitely has made a difference. You have made some impressive gains for such a short time.

2009-01-21 3:37 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

This is very OT, but we had an interesting call from a hygienist who used to work for me a few years back before she took some time to have a family (4 boys BTW!). It turns out her grandmother was in the plane that crashed in the Hudson! Grandma is fine but apparently she didn't have her dentures in and she lost them on the plane, so she wants some new ones really fast. I'm hoping some of her good luck will rub off on me


2009-01-21 6:28 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Ok everybody, back to training talk! I've really been focusing on the run so far this Winter, and doing my best to follow  a plan. I got the plan from the Runner's World web site, and I like it. You put in a few variables like your time for a recent race, race distance you are training for, your current volume, and # of weeks you will be training and it gives you a plan with distances and suggested pace for each workout. Incidentally, marmadaddy and ron are working on something similar for BT to give you a more specific training plan here. They are hoping to have it ready for the Spring. Anyway, I have been pretty good about keeping on the plan. I do have a trouble hitting the suggested paces for the "speed" workouts, but I 'm trying!

This week I am changing it around a little. I have a 5K on Sunday and I would like to post a good time. Normally Sunday would be my LSD, and Thursday would be my speed workout (8 miles with 4 1 mile hard intervals), but I did my LSD today, and on Sunday I think I will do a 2 or 3 mile warmup. run the 5K at what will hopefully be a PR, and 2-3 miles cool down to total 8 miles. Should be good, but we'll see how I feel on Monday!

My run today was fantastic! What a pleasure to run on clean and dry roads. Last Sunday in the snow I did 10 miles @ 10:43/mile with an average heart rate of 150. Today was 10 miles @9:59 and AHR of 144. I knew I was working harder in the snow, but I didn't realize it was that much harder! I feel much better about my running after today.

Well, that's my (overly long) success story for today. Anyone else have any little triumphs to share?For example, I know that Kelly and JoAnn have been working on their swimming and making very good progress, so let's hear about it.


2009-01-21 7:06 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Anthony, good luck on Sunday.  I'll send you 24 minutes worth of fast vibes!!

I will wait three more swim workouts to share my swim improvements over the past month.  I decided I would base it on my 800 yd swim, since that is the time that I know.  (I might check my logs and see if I have a 1000yd time in there somewhere.)

I also had a great run today (on the treadmill!) five easy miles, I'll take them however I can get them.

Have a great night!

2009-01-21 7:39 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

I wasnt able to swim this morning because of weather issues,  I didnt want to miss the call and mess up the phone tree if we were delayed ( of course we WERENT!).  I have a 6 mile tempo run at 8:37's scheduled for tomorrow AM.  Hope it warms up a bit because I am freezing!  Our inch and a half of snow yesterday is all the talk!  Its all gone but a little ice on the roads still.  Tomorrow am could be interesting.  I am off to Boston tomorrow night.  I have to eek out a 10 miler in the arctic on saturday but I am sure I can handle it.  My schedule just got crazy busy.  I really need to get on the bike trainer in the evenings because my weekends are now nearly full until the last week in Feb.  My first tri is March 14!!  I need to get a rack for my car so I can take the bike with me on some of my obligated road trips and at least get some time in.  Running is sooo much easier to do in strange lands though.

Anthony, sounds like you might be getting e-stim or iontophoresis for your wrist- 2 of the modalites that require electrodes.  The ionto is an anti inflam treatment- should work good for ya!  Good luck and it doesnt hurt (much lol)

 Hope to reconnect when I get back on Sunday.  Have a great weekend everyone!!


2009-01-22 9:44 AM
in reply to: #1921287

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-01-21 8:06 PM

Anthony, good luck on Sunday.  I'll send you 24 minutes worth of fast vibes!!

SmileThank you!! I will be thinking of you all for inspiration as I try to push my self to that "just this side of puking" pace/

I will wait three more swim workouts to share my swim improvements over the past month.  I decided I would base it on my 800 yd swim, since that is the time that I know.  (I might check my logs and see if I have a 1000yd time in there somewhere.)

I have a good feeling about it. Your logs show good progress plus I get this feeling that you are more confident, as well. The mental aspect is very important.

I also had a great run today (on the treadmill!) five easy miles, I'll take them however I can get them.

I do not think I have the mental toughness to run that long on a treadmill. Nice job!


2009-01-22 10:45 AM
in reply to: #1921347

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-01-21 8:39 PM

I wasnt able to swim this morning because of weather issues,  I didnt want to miss the call and mess up the phone tree if we were delayed ( of course we WERENT!).  I have a 6 mile tempo run at 8:37's scheduled for tomorrow AM.  Hope it warms up a bit because I am freezing!  Our inch and a half of snow yesterday is all the talk!  Its all gone but a little ice on the roads still.  Tomorrow am could be interesting.  I am off to Boston tomorrow night.  I have to eek out a 10 miler in the arctic on saturday but I am sure I can handle it.  My schedule just got crazy busy.  I really need to get on the bike trainer in the evenings because my weekends are now nearly full until the last week in Feb.  My first tri is March 14!!

Less than 2 months until your first tri! I'm jealous because I wish I had a tri that soon.

Since your race is so soon it got me wondering if you have done any bike/run bricks. There is a BIG thread over on tri talk about bricks and thier usefulness, and there are a lot of very strong and different opinions. I do a short 1-2 mile run after almost every long bike ride in the Spring and Summer, and my legs usually feel pretty good coming out of T2. They are tired, but don't feel heavy and I still have a little spring in my step. I personally think that a beginner should do several bricks before their first race. You have to experience tha heavy leg feeling just so you are not surprised on race day. Also, it's good to know that the feeling goes away, usually after a half mile or so.

I need to get a rack for my car so I can take the bike with me on some of my obligated road trips and at least get some time in.  Running is sooo much easier to do in strange lands though.

Yep, you have to get the time in when you can.

Anthony, sounds like you might be getting e-stim or iontophoresis for your wrist- 2 of the modalites that require electrodes.  The ionto is an anti inflam treatment- should work good for ya!  Good luck and it doesnt hurt (much lol)

Just e=stim so far, although he may add in the iontophoresis.

Hope to reconnect when I get back on Sunday.  Have a great weekend everyone!!

Have a safe and fun trip.

2009-01-22 10:56 AM
in reply to: #1922377

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Spokane, Washington
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Anthony, Have a good run on Sunday!

Kelly, my 5-year old daughter loves the name of your bike. She says, "Now I know 2 Buttercups. One from Princess Bride and one from that lady's bike!" Have fun with Buttercup this year!

I've been working mostly on swimming  this month and have seen improvements in speed and distance. I used to just swim for distance but now I'm doing three workouts a week: one distance, one short interval, one longer interval. I'm enjoying the variety and seeing results.

Hope you all have a good weekend!




2009-01-23 7:39 AM
in reply to: #1922418

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
SpokaneJo - 2009-01-22 11:56 AM

Anthony, Have a good run on Sunday!

Thank you!

I've been working mostly on swimming  this month and have seen improvements in speed and distance. I used to just swim for distance but now I'm doing three workouts a week: one distance, one short interval, one longer interval. I'm enjoying the variety and seeing results.

Yes, what you are doing is definitely working; you have made significant progress.

Hope you all have a good weekend!

You too!

2009-01-23 10:56 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hey Anthony

Have a good run on Sunday, are you going to need those "chains for your shoes" things?


2009-01-23 11:36 AM
in reply to: #1924908

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Sorry to hear that your toe hasn't healed all the way yet and you can't really run. The good thing is that you are an excellent runner with a good base. Once you are better you will be able to come back quickly, especiallly if you keep up your cycling.

jpjewels - 2009-01-23 11:56 AM

Hey Anthony

Have a good run on Sunday, are you going to need those "chains for your shoes" things?


Thank you! Luckily there is no snow in the forecast, so the roads should be clean and dry. We're having a heat wave, so the temp may even go up into the 20's


2009-01-24 1:14 PM
in reply to: #1925088

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hello everyonr. I hopeyou are all having a nice weekend. My oldest son is home from college for the weekend. He doesn't actually spend much time at home when he is here, but it is still good to have him around.

Had a very good swim workout this morning. Some how I didn't feel like doing any kind of sets or drills, so I just swam 1200 yards straight. I swam it a litttle faster than usual because there was a guy in the lane next to me who was a little faster than me, so naturally I had to try to keep up with him. Felt great. I always like to just do a swim on the day before a race.


2009-01-24 6:53 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hey Anthony

Get a nice early night ready for the run tomorrow, that means no internet!


2009-01-25 8:14 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hey, Anthony!!  It's 9:10 a.m and I'm  not sure when your race is, but I hope it goes/is going great!!  Run fast, man!!!

I had a concert last night and another this afternoon, with lots of rehearsals in between, so I'm taking the day off today.  (I might do my push-ups and some abs, though.)  I think I'm going to take it a little easy this week too.  I have a couple of recitals coming up in February and really need to spend my extra time practicing this week.  I do have one more day of my swim program, and I'm going to try to get my 800/100 tt swim in this week.  I'll keep you posted.

Have a great day, everyone!

2009-01-25 12:52 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hey everyone,

  Just got back from a fun weekend with the girls in Boston.  It's good to return to the north every now and then- just reconfirms the decision to stay in the south!!!  ITS COLD up there!  I managed to get in my 10 miler yesterday- my friends think I am crazy and were still hovered around the kitchen table when I returned.  My pace was slow but mostly because of the snow/ice on the roads- the last 2 miles were tough mentally too.  I was hoping to go faster but it just didnt happen.  This week is my toughest week of training- then the taper begins.  I am anxious to run my 1/2 marathon, just to see if I meet my goal of 2 hours.  I really want to start focusing on the tri training too.  I will have much more time to devote to the bike and swim, when I am not killing myself 3 days a week running.

Anthony, hope your race went well!!  I have not done a brick work out yet- only been on my bike twice so far!  I will definately work that into my  routine, as soon as I get some time.  I am not overly concerned about the tri in March- that is just the practice one to see how things work for the big one in May.

Gotta go catch some zzzz- very early flight this am and I am exhausted and have to play volley ball tonight too!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!


2009-01-25 7:43 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL did it go??
2009-01-25 8:08 PM
in reply to: #1927617

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-01-25 9:14 AM

Hey, Anthony!!  It's 9:10 a.m and I'm  not sure when your race is, but I hope it goes/is going great!!  Run fast, man!!!

Race wasn't until 11, so I saw your note right before I ran out the door. Thanks for the extra boost!

I had a concert last night and another this afternoon, with lots of rehearsals in between, so I'm taking the day off today.

Any chance this performance is on the internet somewhere?

(I might do my push-ups and some abs, though.)  I think I'm going to take it a little easy this week too.  I have a couple of recitals coming up in February and really need to spend my extra time practicing this week.  I do have one more day of my swim program, and I'm going to try to get my 800/100 tt swim in this week.  I'll keep you posted.

I am looking forward to seeing how you do on your swim TT


2009-01-25 8:20 PM
in reply to: #1927870

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-01-25 1:52 PM

Hey everyone,

  Just got back from a fun weekend with the girls in Boston.  It's good to return to the north every now and then- just reconfirms the decision to stay in the south!!!  ITS COLD up there!  I managed to get in my 10 miler yesterday- my friends think I am crazy and were still hovered around the kitchen table when I returned.

  Sounds like a fun weekend. Boston is a great town. Your friends may act like they think you are crazy, but they probably just wish they had your drive and determination.

My pace was slow but mostly because of the snow/ice on the roads- the last 2 miles were tough mentally too.  I was hoping to go faster but it just didnt happen. This week is my toughest week of training- then the taper begins.  I am anxious to run my 1/2 marathon, just to see if I meet my goal of 2 hours.

Completing a  tough workout like you did this weekend will help you in your 1/2 mary, especially when you hit that last 5K where you need that mental strength.

I really want to start focusing on the tri training too.  I will have much more time to devote to the bike and swim, when I am not killing myself 3 days a week running.

Anthony, hope your race went well!!  I have not done a brick work out yet- only been on my bike twice so far!  I will definately work that into my  routine, as soon as I get some time.  I am not overly concerned about the tri in March- that is just the practice one to see how things work for the big one in May.

I think you will like mixing up your training with some more swimming amd biking.

2009-01-25 8:22 PM
in reply to: #1927232

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
jpjewels - 2009-01-24 7:53 PM

Hey Anthony

Get a nice early night ready for the run tomorrow, that means no internet!


I actually stayed up kinda late because my daughter was over, but I figured I would just sleep late. Unfortunately, I woke up a little before 6 like I always do. Oh well.

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