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2009-01-27 4:51 PM
in reply to: #1856771

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Subject: RE: Mike's group closed
The event I'm training for is the St. Croix Half Ironman.... It's a lofty goal but that's how I work best.  I've been prety much following the beginner to HI plan on this website but the weather around here is killing me.... we got 4 inches of sleet last night and their's more falling now.... That means for me to get in 2 hour bicycle workouts or 1.5 mile runs, I have to do it all indoors which absolutely sucks.....

2009-01-27 5:27 PM
in reply to: #1856771

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oregon ave,
Subject: RE: Mike's group closed

I am using the beginner IM 20 week plan.

Swimming first would be nicer, but if you can't, you can't.  I always did what you did for the same reason.  I think your fitness probably is just not as good as your mind wishes it to be.  I feel like I should be running 7-8 minute miles-I just can't.  My mind feels 20 but the reality is I am almost 40.  Give it time though.  You'll always feel a little tired.  If it was easy......... 

Swimming has a to do with getting through the water in such an efficient way that you use less energy which also equates into going faster.  It's NOT about going harder such as the bike and run can be.  It is about being relaxed, smooth and good form.  That's why so many swimming workouts are almost always broken into drills rather than just long, constant swims.  Your doing things right Pete.

I know what you mean about the indoor training Matt.  It does suck!  One thing that I like about training is getting outside and obviously this weather crushes that.  The only thing that keeps me going through a bike ride longer than an hour is watching UFC.  Regular shows or movies don't work.  I get too caught up in the story and realize I am coasting.  However, I can't seem to run and watch TV at the same time so long runs on the readmill are the last resort for me.  I have run in some real crappy weather this year.  Hang in there and know that come race day, you'll hard core compared to the nice weather, year around folks.

2009-01-28 12:11 PM
in reply to: #1856771

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Subject: RE: Mike's group closed

lol... I just noticed I said 1.5 mile runs instead of 1.5 hour runs.... big difference....  Well the sleet had 6 inches of snow added to the top of it, so I just have to do something indoors....

I have a hard time watching much TV too when i'm on a treadmill but I will have to figure it out.  The indoor track is rough for anything more than about 15 minutes because it's so short (18 laps= 1 mile) and the corners are banked slightly so it starts wearing on one leg pretty bad.  I guess I could do what someone else in here suggested and just head out in the snow for a nice long run.... The true meaning of a polar bear

2009-01-28 12:36 PM
in reply to: #1856771

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Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Mike's group closed

Have had some good swims the last couple days.  Up through until Dec. 26, I did all my swimming using a pully buoy.  When I started swimming without one on Dec. 27, I couldn't do 50 yards without gasping for air.  Now, a month later, I feel totally comfortable swimming over an hour without any floatation devices.

An interesting thing is I used to hate swimming and was only going to learn to do it because I had to in order to compete in a tri.  But now that I've been forced to focus on the swim because of an injury, I've found that I really enjoy it.  Didn't expect that.

2009-01-28 12:43 PM
in reply to: #1933704

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Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Mike's group closed
MSURDYKE - 2009-01-28 1:11 PM

The indoor track is rough for anything more than about 15 minutes because it's so short (18 laps= 1 mile) and the corners are banked slightly so it starts wearing on one leg pretty bad.  I guess I could do what someone else in here suggested and just head out in the snow for a nice long run.... The true meaning of a polar bear

I've never run on an indoor track that was <200m for more than a half mile.  Couldn't take it.  Treadmill trumps the track for me, and going outside, even if it's cold, beats both.

2009-01-28 7:16 PM
in reply to: #1856771

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oregon ave,
Subject: RE: Mike's group closed
The snow gods took a big poop on us today.  My wife got stuck in the driveway and a sky light started to leak.  So I had to come home right after work and get to work.  I ditched the swim because of all of this.  That sucks.   If and when you miss a workout like I did tonight, it is best to just let it go.  When you start to rearrange things too much, often times it causes more harm then good.  Realize, you won't suffer and it is OK once and a while to miss a workout.  It still bums me out though.

2009-01-28 8:55 PM
in reply to: #1856771

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Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Mike's group closed
We had an ice storm roll thru last night and it took down some major tree limbs, and one of them took out part of our fence.  Some chain saw cross training coming up this weekend.
2009-01-29 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1856771


Subject: RE: Mike's group closed

Chalk another member of the group to have training interrupted by snow & ice.  Couldn't get to the gym last night which was disappointing.  Mike/Rob - sorry to hear about the house problems due to the weather, luckily I didn't have any issues this time, but been there done that before!  I did hook my road bike up to my trainer in the basement last night but it was really just too cold & uncomfortable (space heaters just makes the environment even more unnatural).  I got a 20 minute ride in, but it wasn't a good workout.  As much as I love my bike - I love it on the road not the trainer.

Weather is clearing up though, so I'll hit the gym tonight for a swim/run workout.  For now I think I'm going to lift weights a couple of days a week, but do some abs/back work each day to strengthen my core.  I know how important that is and those exercises are really things I can do at home at almost any time of day/night.


2009-01-29 1:25 PM
in reply to: #1935720

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Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Mike's group closed

I know what you mean about riding the trainer in the basement being a drag.  I have the same setup for my trainer - in a corner of our unfinished basement next to the furnace.  Doesn't exactly make me want to jump on it for an hour when it's already dark outside.

Reading the various forums here on BT, it sounds like A LOT of people are struggling trying to get their training in due to weather issues.

2009-01-29 2:01 PM
in reply to: #1856771

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Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Mike's group closed

Aquaman here again...

Anyone use flip turns?  I know they don't matter for OWS, but several of the sprint triathlons in this area have pool swims. I've noticed that I lose a lot of distance to good flip turners, even though I can maintain the same pace between the walls. I tried them today and was out-of-breath after two turns.  Is this something that goes away with practice, or is it part of doing a flip turn?

2009-01-29 2:30 PM
in reply to: #1856771


Subject: RE: Mike's group closed

Hey Rob - I wish I could help, but I'm personally not a flip guy.  I never got comfortable doing the flip and don't think I do them correctly.  Whenever I do try I feel it messes up my rhythm a bit.

I would think that if you keep practicing them, it will become natural and not take as much out of you as it seems to now.



2009-01-29 3:44 PM
in reply to: #1856771

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oregon ave,
Subject: RE: Mike's group closed

My trainer is in the unfinished basement, right next to the furnace too.  Not exactly high tech.

I am not a flip turner.  I always got a little dizzy when I tried and never felt I had a need for them.  i would assume the out of breath thing in a matter of timing your taking a breath at the right time before the turn so that it is comfortable and natural.  Part of it could be the amout of effort it takes to actually flip too.

I am off to the basement for a hour ride next to my favorite furnace.

2009-01-29 3:48 PM
in reply to: #1936291

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Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Mike's group closed

Have fun.



2009-01-29 4:03 PM
in reply to: #1936127

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Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Mike's group closed
Pliggy - 2009-01-29 3:30 PM

I would think that if you keep practicing them, it will become natural and not take as much out of you as it seems to now.

I'm going to go ahead and work on it for a couple weeks and see if I can improve enough to be comfortable. 

2009-01-30 1:58 PM
in reply to: #1856771

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Subject: RE: Mike's group closed

I've done flip turns quite a bit although I typically don't because I'm working on distance more and don't want the extra kick off the wall.  Although, the upside to doing flips, if you can keep yourself from kicking off hard is that you don't get the extra opportunity to breathe.  Since OWS doesn't have a wall evry 25M to catch a breath on I probably should go back to flipping.

And you're right, you have to get the timing down right on your breathing to do a flip.  Depending on how frequently you breathe and how long it takes you to flip, it just takes practice.  I typically try to breathe about 1 to 1 1/2 full strokes before the flip and then catch another one right after the flip.  I hope this helps

2009-01-30 3:28 PM
in reply to: #1937891

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Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Mike's group closed

Thanks Matt.  I worked on them today, and I noticed what you're saying.  If I didn't time my breathing correctly, it was really a struggle.

The times I managed to get the timing ~correct, I still suffered from missing my usual breath at the wall.  Had to swim a little slower to allow myself to recover from the missed breaths.  Long. way. to. go.

2009-01-30 7:12 PM
in reply to: #1856771

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Subject: RE: Mike's group closed

The ice has kept us pretty much homebound this week as well.  My daughter's school has been out the whole week. 

I fihad my appt. to the sports and orthopedic dr. today.  He gave me a shot of cortizone in the hip joint but feels it is too severe to just be bursitus.  He set up an MRI for next week.  He feels there may be some torn cartlidge or other damage to the joint.  Its progressed to now the only time I even try to get up is to go the bathroom.  He gave me some stronger pain killers and says the cortizone should at least allow me some mobility within a day or two.

 It really pisses me off that when I decide to get serious about my health and fitness that this all happens.  I enjoy reading everyones adventures through this process.  Keep it up guys.

2009-01-31 8:04 AM
in reply to: #1856771

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oregon ave,
Subject: RE: Mike's group closed

Hey Heath, sorry to hear things are not healling so good.  Look at it as an opportunity to learn a whole lot and when your body is ready, you can focus on it and not on how to train.  Keep us up to date.

I wonder where Sandy is?

2009-01-31 8:59 AM
in reply to: #1938387

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Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Mike's group closed

Really sorry to hear that Heath.  That sucks anytime, but especially with kids to take care of.

Like Mike said, I hope you'll keep us posted on the results of your MRI and the diagnosis.

2009-01-31 9:01 AM
in reply to: #1938684

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Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Mike's group closed
mikep - 2009-01-31 9:04 AM

I wonder where Sandra is?

I've been wondering the same thing.  She disappeared quite suddenly - hope everything is alright.

2009-02-01 4:34 AM
in reply to: #1856771

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Subject: RE: Mike's group closed
Thanks guys, I was hoping you guys wouldn't ditch me.  I felt so fortunate to get on this team at christmas.  I will do my best to learn as much  as I can about the sport.  I have thougth about even going and watching some tri's in the meantime.  I don't know whats ahead but I know its overcomeable.  I also have learned in the short time I have been going that I can actually swim a freestroke and ride a road bike and enjoyed both.  I've leaned that i have a very strong support team from my girlfriend that is pushing ahead and from you guys. And I've leanred the inablity to be able to do something you want to do so bad makes you want to succeed even more. I know for the first time in my life know what its like to not be able to get up and run or ride or swim and not the fact that I just chose not to do it.  I want it more than even and will do whatever it takes to complete a tri before the end of this year and sooner if at all possible.   THanks guys...

2009-02-01 8:20 AM
in reply to: #1856771

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oregon ave,
Subject: RE: Mike's group closed
Great attitude!   Maybe along with go to watch a tri, consider volunteering at one too.  In fact, I would suggest that to anyone who has not been to one or raced in one as well.  It is the best way to see the logistics of how an entire race works from set up to swim starts to transitions and so on.
2009-02-01 9:01 AM
in reply to: #1939569

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Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Mike's group closed

Awesome Heath. 

2009-02-03 4:19 PM
in reply to: #1856771


Subject: RE: Mike's group closed

Heath - good luck with the hip.   The best thing is to make sure you don't do more damage, but it's great that this set back has only made you more focused and determined to do a tri.  I agree with Mike & Rob - awesome attitude and I promise to help with encouragement as much as I can!!!

Workouts over the weekend were ok.  I was hoping to get to the gym tonight but the snow is once again falling and definitely going to make it hard.  Looks like maybe I'll hop on the trainer in the basement, not ideal but better than nothing.

How was everyone's Super Bowl?

2009-02-03 7:30 PM
in reply to: #1943935

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Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Mike's group closed

Hi Pete.  Snowed here today too, and now it's really cold.

I was pulling for the Cards as the underdog on Sunday.  Although the Steelers won, I thought the game was pretty fun.  Add in salty food and a couple beers and it was a good time.  Did make Monday's swim a little rough though.


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