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2009-01-03 11:08 AM
in reply to: #1857670

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to the New Year!  I am back, off of orientation at my new job (which means better hours and more time), happy from a successful first date with a new boy, and ready to get this new year going!

Okay so this is officially it.  I want a list of your top three goals as well as your first race of the season (which one, when is it, and what kind is it with distances).  I am going to comply this list so everyone knows what we should be encouraging everyone else to do!

Let's start with that today and then we can go from there.  Hope everyone's training is going well.  Let's start the year off right!!! 

2009-01-03 4:13 PM
in reply to: #1884132

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

I may choose to change these a bit but here is round #1


1)  Get over my fear of the pool and get my swimming going (NOW!!!!!)...

2)  Get used to my tri-bike and start going long (i.e. 2 and 3 hours)...

3)  Keep to the cross training, supplements, etc. to match the workouts that I do...


Ford Ironman series 70.3 in Oceanside California on April 4th, 2009

While doing all of the above raise some serious money for prostate cancer...

2009-01-03 4:26 PM
in reply to: #1884425

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

For our resource guide

Good Knowledge:

Running, training plans, supplements, diet, goal planning, nutrition, hydration

Basic Knowledge:

Riding, energy management

Limited or no Knowledge:

Swimming, Swim to bike transition, gear-set selections for bike

I will add more as they come to mind, but we will want to create an inventory of expertise... I know Pam is really good in the pool (no matter what she says!)


2009-01-03 5:56 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Me good in the pool is highly debatable.  I can get anyone through a workout, but any college swimmer will blow by me.


Just got done with an hour and 20 minute drainer ride.  I hate winter! 

2009-01-03 5:58 PM
in reply to: #1884425

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
etknowles - 2009-01-03 4:13 PM

I may choose to change these a bit but here is round #1


1) Get over my fear of the pool and get my swimming going (NOW!!!!!)...

2) Get used to my tri-bike and start going long (i.e. 2 and 3 hours)...

3) Keep to the cross training, supplements, etc. to match the workouts that I do...


Ford Ironman series 70.3 in Oceanside California on April 4th, 2009

While doing all of the above raise some serious money for prostate cancer...


Do you have a link for your fund raising for prostate cancer so anyone who wants to donate can? 

2009-01-03 7:28 PM
in reply to: #1884132

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
crea0029 - 2009-01-03 11:08 AM

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to the New Year!  I am back, off of orientation at my new job (which means better hours and more time), happy from a successful first date with a new boy, and ready to get this new year going!

Okay so this is officially it.  I want a list of your top three goals as well as your first race of the season (which one, when is it, and what kind is it with distances).  I am going to comply this list so everyone knows what we should be encouraging everyone else to do!

Let's start with that today and then we can go from there.  Hope everyone's training is going well.  Let's start the year off right!!! 

Well, goals are pretty simple:

  • work on that mental toughness and believe in myself... 
  • tackle the swimming pool...
  • and have fun while doing this all!

By "first race", do you mean our first important ("A" ) race, or our first race in general?  Because I consider the important race my HIM on May 9th -- the Gulf Coast Triathlon.  But leading up to it I have several other races -- I'll probably do a local 5K at the end of this month (trying for Grand Prix winner), then I have a 15K early in February and a HM in early March, plus I'll probably run a couple other local races -- but these are all supporting my HIM goal.

Confused?  That's me!

Edited by Sledge 2009-01-03 7:28 PM

2009-01-04 7:31 AM
in reply to: #1857670

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Good morning everyone!

One of my resolutions this year is to get mentally tough and believe in myself.  I'm trying to think about this every day, and started posting a daily inspiration on my training log.  Pam asked if I would also post it here, so here goes.  I'm going to start back at the beginning because I love the first one!  Each inspiration starts with "I have the courage to..."

I have the courage to embrace my strength.

This is an important one for me.  It's amazing what each of us can do!  Everyone has their strengths, and we need to learn to embrace them.  I'm a good runner, and it's taken me awhile to be able to say that.  I have a friend who coaches me, and he pointed out that I'm afraid to recognize what I am capable of.  It's still a struggle for me, but sometimes I can dig down deep and pull up the strength to do things I never thought I could do!

What can each of us do to embrace our strength?


2009-01-04 8:51 AM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
My top three goals for 09:

1) Manage my nutrition, training and work better so I don't end up with a broken down body like I did in 2008!!! I have a Chiropracter/Nutritionist that wants the challenge of helping me acheive this goal for 2009, so I will be having regular visits with him so he can review my training, nutrition and work stress levels.

All of the above with make my race season a better and enjoyable experience, and I agree with Cheri, I want to enjoy the experience.

2) Of course I want/need to drop a min. of 20 lbs, it will help me mentally and physically on every's just fact.

3) Just have fun and encourage others that need it, we all need encouragement at certain low times in our training, I hope I recognize that for all of my friends here on BT and my local groups here at home...I enjoy helping others see their strengths when they feel their weakness has a grip on them.

My strengths:
I'm not a strong runner unless I decide to be, I haven't really decided that yet. I'm a consistent swimmer, but not fast...I guess I haven't decided to be that yet either.
Bike - I'm pretty strong.
But I am strong willed and minded when I decide to face a challenge, I guess for this season it will be the Half Ironman.

Amy IN

Edited by amy mutz 2009-01-04 8:54 AM
2009-01-04 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1857670

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
My top three goals for 2009...

1. Tackle the freestyle stroke and get some experience/confidence swimming in open water.
2. Get over my fear of clipless pedals and gain more confidence riding in traffic.
3. Pay more attention to my nutrition = weightloss & not getting sick as often.

Hmmmm, as far as the race goes. I was planning/training for my first Olympic distance race which takes place at the beginning of March. With my mom's illness (she is still in the hospital and will probably be there for a while) I might have to rethink that one. I will continue to train, as time permits, and see how things go in another week. I have a Sprint planned for April and the option of an Olympic in July or September.
2009-01-04 2:12 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

I see that it looks like a lot of our goals will overlap with each others which is good.  My goals would be to

1) continue to develop more confidence in myself and what I can accomplish (push myself a little more with the training);

2) learn to use by clipless pedals and better develop my skills on the bike by doing some group rides with my husband (I'm still very apprehensive since my accident last year);

3) make better nutrition second nature (need to eat more protein, drink more water, drop some weight, etc.).

My first planned race is a local 5K (Spring Fever) on March 7th, and possibly a half marathon in Little Rock on March 15th with my niece (which is dependent on plane fare and costs more than anything since I've got a trip planned to NYC in February). My first triathlon will likely be a sprint on May 2nd (500m open water, 15m, 5K), although there is one I'd love to do on April 4th (1/3 mile open water, 12.5m, 5K) as well.  Then I'd like to go back and race again in the second event that I did last year on June 28th (300m pool, 10m, 5K) for comparison. I'd still like to figure out an Olympic distance race towards the end of the season.

2009-01-04 4:35 PM
in reply to: #1857670

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
My goals...

Train consistently. I seem to train in spurts. A lot for a few weeks or months then I find excuses.

Better nutrition. I eat what kids eat. Frozen pizza, mac and cheese from a box, local taco shop. Staples in our house. I guess I eat like I train. When I am training I eat pretty well, but old habits..

I would love to feel like I am able to race longer than a sprint. I have done five sprints and I know I can finish the race without much follow through in my training, but I am afraid to take the next step. I guess that goes with training better. If I only train sprint distances, I will never get into longer races.

My first race of the season will be the Mission Bay spring sprint. I think it is the Moores Cancer Center spring sprint but I could be mistaken. It is in the beginning of May. The first weekend I think.

Edited by abud7373 2009-01-04 4:37 PM

2009-01-04 4:56 PM
in reply to: #1857670

Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
hi pam  my bloody computer crashed.  first the avatar won't load then all the problems started. arrrgh  will try to read everything.  take care  cath
2009-01-04 5:06 PM
in reply to: #1885647

Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

my goals for the yearSmile

1/2 iron man

believing in my self alot more than i do now

become more confident on the bike  especially on the highway

and one more......... no alcohol

2009-01-04 5:09 PM
in reply to: #1857670

Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
plan on doing sylvan lake him but might do calgary
2009-01-04 5:21 PM
in reply to: #1885662

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Cath, good to see you appear...  Now all I have to do is get Kathy to pop her head up...

A nice list of goals starting... yes, I do deserve a kick in the butt for not swimming... it is cold and raining here today and it is an outdoor pool so I rode my desk today...  Tomorrow is bike and swim, Tuesday will be run... Wednesday back in the pool and more...   I hate to fail, so my best way to succeed with something I don't do well is to publicly say I will do it... You have heard it now... 

Here is some first rate desk driving...

2009-01-04 5:51 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

I'm being rather lazy today, but that is about to end tomorrow.  Tomorrow is the first day of 36 weeks of Ironman WI training.  In 36 weeks, baring mechanical or very bad health problems, I will be an Ironman!


Tomorrow I will also start polishing up my nutrition.  Research says to start slow and change your lifestyle slowly so that you don't go into total deprivation.  I will make two changes a week.  Remember it is far easier to add something, not take something away!!

I have done a bunch of reading and research... so far here is the consistent information I have found that I think makes sense.

First off, you need to drink the water.  Water amounts that I have read vary from an ounce per pound of body weight to anywhere from 64 to 100 oz of water per day.

I personally will aim for 64 to 100 oz a day.  They say the more water you consume the better you are able to flush fats, toxins, and other bad things out of your system.  You are not able to efficiently cool yourself if you do not consume enough water.

So that will be my first goal. 

Second, unless you think about eating fruits and veggies, research states that you are probably not getting enough of them.  The research states that an adult should be consuming 3-5 fruits and 3-5 veggie servings a day.  I personally know I am not eating enough.  These are also the bare minimums so to fill the body up with good nutrition you can and should consume more.   Also remember that you should be eating the fruits and veggies across the rainbow.  Bright and many different colors will give you all the nutrition you need.

So this will be my second goal of the week.

Like I mentioned above I will start slow, adding foods and healthy things to my diet, not taking things away.  As my diet begins to fill with all kinds of good foods, I will less likely be hungry for the bad foods I am use to eating.

So what does everyone think of this?  Any questions so far?  Anyone have any other hints? 

2009-01-04 6:35 PM
in reply to: #1885676

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Yesterday we had a record high of 83 degrees.  My 10 year old and 3 of his friends asked if they could go swimming in our pool (which is not heated).  I checked the water temp in the AM and it was 63 degrees, so it may have warmed up a couple of degrees before they got in.  They stayed in longer than I would have imagined. 

2009-01-04 7:14 PM
in reply to: #1885715

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Hi Pam...

Your idea sounds really good. I just dug out my book Sports Nutrition Guidebook by Nancy Clark. According to her you should be consuming:

Protein - For endurance athletes (that would be us ) 0.6-0.7 grams per body weight lb.
Carbs - For endurance athletes 3 - 5 grams of carbohydrate per pound of body weight.

Fluid requirements - According to her book "On a daily basis, the simplest way to tell if you are adequately replacing sweat loss is to check the color and quantity of your urine. If your urine is very dark and scanty, it is concentrated with metabolic wastes, and you need to drink more fluids or eat more foods with a high water content such a cooked oatmeal, yogurt , and fruit. (Most people get 20 to 30 percent of their fluids from foods; some people actually eat all their daily water requirements). When your urine is pale yellow, your body has returned to its normal water balance, Your urine may be dark if you are taking vitamin supplements; in that case, volume is a better indicator than color.

In addition to monitoring urine and weight loss, you should also pay attention to how you feel. If you feel chronically fatigued, headachy, or lethargic, you may be chronically dehydrated. Dehydration can be cumulative.

2009-01-04 7:46 PM
in reply to: #1857670

Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
hi everyone.  does the 64 - 100 ounces of water include what we drink during a workout?also what is a serving size for veggies? do you go by weight or size? i make a spinach smoothie in the mornings but i just throw a fistful of spinach in with some orange juice(with pulp)   and a scoop of protein i also add blueberries. it tastes surprisingly good
2009-01-04 7:47 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Thank you for the additional information.  However, to comment on the carbo and protein intake.  Those are the numbers needed if you are trying to maintain your weight.  You should be multiplying that percentage per pound by the weight you want to be at.  So let's say I am at 180 and I want to be at 160.  I should be using 160 to calculate that amount.


2009-01-04 7:49 PM
in reply to: #1885868

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

cathcan - 2009-01-04 7:46 PM hi everyone. does the 64 - 100 ounces of water include what we drink during a workout?also what is a serving size for veggies? do you go by weight or size? i make a spinach smoothie in the mornings but i just throw a fistful of spinach in with some orange juice(with pulp) and a scoop of protein i also add blueberries. it tastes surprisingly good

Cath, I do not add what I drink during workouts.  Remember you are sweating more than when you are doing other activities.  Unless you are pushing the fluids very high during training... you are just replacing what you need.  Serving sizes for veggies is hard.  I will get back to you with a better idea on how to handle that! 

2009-01-04 7:50 PM
in reply to: #1857670

Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
just tried again to put up an avatar.  emerson you had sent me the info once before could you do it again  thank you. i e mailed the web site moniter and he suggested i go to avatarist then down load it to my control panel  but it sent it to my pictures and documents.
2009-01-04 9:16 PM
in reply to: #1885879

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Cath, I will get back to you later on the avitar...

As to water, it is not critical about having some more if you have a hard workout.  Just meet your size and weight goal spread out through the day.  Just try to finish in the early evening unless you like to get up a lot during the night...

And remember, it is a lifestyle we are trying to build -- not a diet.  We will never stick to a complicated diet, we can evolve to a lifestyle that takes good care of us.  Since I got away from deserts I don't miss them and feel like I have a hangover the next day if I eat one.  My body and "lifestyle" changed.  I wrote a piece of the "two minds of our body" a while back and I am going to find it then paste it in... be back later with it... EK

2009-01-05 4:48 AM
in reply to: #1884987

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Good morning everyone!

Our inspiration for today is:  I have the courage to get excited about life.

That's why we're here, isn't it?  I'm excited to be able to compete in triathlons and the training that leads up to them.  While we all have our down moments, we are blessed with health, fitness, and the will to do this!

2009-01-05 2:05 PM
in reply to: #1857670

Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.  did everything on my schedule this to the water, does perrier coun't?we like it alot in our house. take care . cath
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