BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!! Rss Feed  
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2009-02-20 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1971901

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Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

reid15 - 2009-02-19 7:45 PM Greg - If you check in I hope you are enjoying your vacation. Ricky/Greg - Of course we support you. You are doing things that many of us are only hoping to accomplish at this point. It might not be my place but I'll offer a couple of suggestions for more interaction in the group; 1) What are some of the things you learned (training, nutrition, gear) when you were just starting out? Share them with the group. Ask for their experiences. 2) Let's go through the group and send some "inspire me" messages to let people know we want to know how they are doing and value their input. I've looked and there are people who are logging workouts but aren't posting any messages here. 3) .....add your own ideas here. I'm just a newbie. Art

Sorry I have been MIA guys...I like the idea of posting questions and experiences.  For me, I have been trying to build up a base in anticipation for my Ironman Louisville training that will start in April (I think).  Sounds crazy that in essence I am training in order to be ready for training?  I have my first sprint race of the season coming up at the end of March, followed by an Olympic in May and a couple of other sprints in June and July.  I also have a swim lesson next week.  I decided to bite the bullet and get a technique lesson since I am self taught.  I am hoping it will make me more efficient in the water.  When is everyone else's first race of the season?

2009-02-22 2:35 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Josh - The best thing I did last year when I decided to do my first tri was get some swimming lessons. I'm sure you're a a much better swimmer than I am but having a coach evaluate your stroke is invaluble.

My first sprint is in May. Winter has always been my time off. I didn't realize how hard it would be to change and get early start. That's the biggest reason I joined this group.

2009-02-22 6:30 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

Had a great weekend: 50 on the bike & 11 on the feet. I'm feeling good about New Orleans!! I hope warmer weather is around the bend for all of us. Everyone's first race of the year is closing in fast. Stay focused & no pushing beyond our limits this early.




2009-02-22 6:35 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
I have mentioned this before, but I can't tell you guys how much better I'm doing on the bike since I started using Infinit drink. Yesterday while everyone else had their jersey stuffed with food,gels,etc.... I had my bottles filled with my custom mix,nothing else-No Thinking/Just ride & drink!!!! I'll gladly send you a detailed graph with my mix if interested.
2009-02-24 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1976100

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Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

opiejoe - 2009-02-22 6:35 PM I have mentioned this before, but I can't tell you guys how much better I'm doing on the bike since I started using Infinit drink. Yesterday while everyone else had their jersey stuffed with food,gels,etc.... I had my bottles filled with my custom mix,nothing else-No Thinking/Just ride & drink!!!! I'll gladly send you a detailed graph with my mix if interested.

I am actually about to order infinit myself to start getting use to it for Louisville.  I have a mix saved, but would like to see how it compares to yours.

2009-02-25 5:48 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
PM your email & i'll slingshot my mix chart to you. I talked to the owner about 3 months ago & he talked me through a few adjustments & it helped alot. I increased my calories & dropped almost all the protein. I'm able to do most all my long rides(3-4 hours) with only the mix-no gels/food. But!!!! I have not started the mid summer-6-7  hours ironman rides, so we'll see when that time comes. I also dropped the flavor down. I do not use it while running. I use water/gels/gatoraid endurance w/ fuel belt while running. That way I can live off the race supplied stuff in NO & IMKY during run/walk of death Embarassed

2009-02-26 1:31 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

Well, i new it would happen. Training has been too good lately. I had a terrible run yesterday. Had some stomach issues pre-run. Knew i was dehydrated. Did not take anything with me to drink. Stomach issues hit again about mile 5 in downtown area. Had to make a sprint to a wooded lot & take care of business. But, I pushed through and finished with 7 miles.

Everyone has bad days. This experience could help out later in the year-who knows??? Took today off & hoping for a couple of good workouts over the next few days if rain stays away.

2009-02-27 9:14 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Heh Gang

I made it back from Mexico in one piece and had such a great time with my wife. It is so nice to get away with my best friend to just re-connect and remember what it was that brought us together and why we love each other. Sometimes life gets too busy and its hard to connect like we should.

I did get some runs in and ran 7 miles one morning and felt pretty good the morning after but the next day I had a bad limp again so I'm praying that it goes away. I felt so good during the run and thought I'd be back on it again so we'll see.

Hope everyone had a great training week and I'm hittin' it hard until Cali 70.3. Good to be back with the kids we always miss them but love getting away to.
2009-03-01 6:03 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
woke up  to 2 inches snow, yes in Central Alabama!!! I'm starting to think this long bike ride thing is not gonna happen before NO.
2009-03-01 6:30 PM
in reply to: #1989029

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Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

opiejoe - 2009-03-01 6:03 AM woke up  to 2 inches snow, yes in Central Alabama!!! I'm starting to think this long bike ride thing is not gonna happen before NO.

Yeah...we got 6 inches here in Memphis.

2009-03-02 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
cry guys are getting soft there in the south. Snow, rain, sleet, you just gotta get out and ride but on the other hand thank God for indoor trainers eh??? Is Memphis considered south??? anyway good luck guys and rent a couple of movies and spin

2009-03-04 5:14 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Thought I'd pull us off the 2nd page since you all seem to be snowed in there in the south. Good Training!!!
2009-03-04 5:57 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
weather here will be mid 70's for the next 3-4 days. Hope to get some nice long workouts in!!!!
2009-03-04 8:34 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Your weather down south is bi-polar. Snow one day and 70's the next. That is unusual. Glad you can get your work in. We are due to get a little snow this weekend also but should be in the low 40's so it is perfect biking weather. The only bad thing about snow is the sand they put on the road. It all gets shoved to the shoulder where you ride.
2009-03-07 5:18 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
4 weeks to go!!!!!
2009-03-07 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2003345

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Ran 5 miles on Tuesday and couldn't walk Tuesday night. Went to the doctor and we are still trying to figure out what is going on. Not Good!! Here is my dilemma though. I have been doing the fund raiser for Operation Rebound so it isn't an option for me to not go. I'm thinking I'll go and do the best I can do on the run, if that means I have to walk it then so be it.

I did some really positive hill work yesterday and was very happy with my effort and results so after being really bummed out after Tuesday I felt good after yesterdays workouts.

Some prayer for healing would be great.

2009-03-07 10:56 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

I had ITBS flare up before FL 70.3 last year. I convinced myself that I could run 13.1 miles, even though I could'nt run over 30 minutes the entire month prior to race. Well, i was hurting before I got out of T2. I am glad I did the race, but not very proud of my 7 hour finish time. It was tough walking & knowing I could have done much better uninjured. My advice is to be realistic pre-race & enjoy the day. If you have to walk, maybe give some support to others who are struggling to even walk at that point in the race. Your words might be the spark to help someone achieve a goal of just finishing!!!


2009-03-09 5:41 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
I had a great weekend of training. It's amazing how much easier it is to train when the weather is nice. Off today for a nice relaxing bike ride with my wife. Hope all is well with you all.
2009-03-09 9:25 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Finally got to ride outside yesterday, but the 30+ mph winds didn't make it much fun....still better than the training bike though.
2009-03-10 1:12 PM
in reply to: #2005950

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Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
It is almost 80 degrees today but the high for thursday is 40.  Man is the weather fickle here or what?
2009-03-10 1:19 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
You gotta take advantage of any good days this time of year.

2009-03-10 1:29 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Okay...I officially quit!!! No not really but trying to nurse my leg along hasn't gotten me anywhere so I'm going to stop most all training here for the next week at least. I went to the Dr. yesterday cuz I was not able to walk very well and my knee is now swelling and tight so something is messed up. I may have some torn meniscus or something so probably have an MRI next week. I have to keep my eye on November for my Ironman but it sucks in the short run. I'll keep givin' ya all grief in the meantime though. Gonna try to keep swimming but just want to get it all right before it never goes away.
2009-03-11 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Dude, very sorry to here that. But, the Ironman should be your main focus-great call!!! Get the MRI & get that problem fixed ASAP. You'll be back training before you know it. You gotta promise to follow me online for my 70.3 in a couple of weeks. I'm starting to get a little banged up myself & I'm ready for a taper. But this does diminish my training goal of beating the doughnut eating cops' time the day after his 70.3-lol
2009-03-15 8:25 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

You gotta set your goals way higher than beating this doughnut eating cop, which by the way I am!!!. Who doesn't love a doughnut and I'm gonna miss out on Krispy Kremes by not going to California for the race. Looking forward to hearing some great results from you from New Orleans though...
2009-03-18 5:21 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

how is the leg??? Any idea when you can resume training??

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