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2009-03-07 3:08 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Grand Blanc, MI
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
Thanks Mike!

2009-03-07 6:52 PM
in reply to: #1998959

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
mjewen - 2009-03-05 9:29 AM

We have now completed our 2nd month as a group.  As I mentioned above we have different levels of participation.  Let's do a Feb (month 2) report card like we did for Jan (month 1).  Grade yourself on these categories,  A-F with + - as needed.   If it wasn't a goal, list it as NA.  I added a race category for those who have done a race during the month.


1. Swim

2. Bike

3. Run

4. Strength

5. Plan

6. Feel

7. Weight

8. Races

9. Overall


For 5) Plan - stay on plan (not necessarily a formal plan but what you expected to do, even if you're a wing it type)  and for 6) Feel - how do you feel compared to a month ago.  Cut and paste between the lines and add your grades/comments. 


1. Swim  B-  I am finally seeing some improvement here,  still not able to do the freestyle an entire length, but I am finally learning how to not panic, and starting to work on form to improve my technique.  I HAVE noticed that in my comfort stroke, that back stroke, I have improved greatly on endurance and speed.  So it is a start.  I am getting there.
2. Bike  NA – yet  searching for a bike.  I think I will go road bike, as I enjoy races, but the ones I choose tend to be 22 miles or less, and I like long distance rides… so I don’t think a Tri bike is for me. 
3. Run B+  starting to get some endurance, and better at keeping the walk breaks to a minimum.  I am very pleased with my last couple of runs.
4. Strength  C  need to make time to do more strength, core and balance work
5. Plan  A-  I have been sticking pretty close to my plan
6. Feel  A-  I am feeling much more confident that I may actually live thru that triathlon – though I am not yet into that training.  I am also feeling better about my running.  My heart rates are starting to stay down to a reasonable rate, and I am enjoying it more once again.
7. Weight  C  ooohhh I keep maintaining.. and that is good.. but my body in spite of all I do is set at this point.. No matter what I do with my foods (and I am eating on plan and for fuel) and how much I work out.. the number on the scale does not move.  ugghh.. but.. I will stay consistent.. and keep at it.  Eventually, all this has to let the scale know I mean business.
8. Races  A  I had a great time doing the 5K at the beginning of the month.  It was a race to see what I could do – and I did so much better than I thought possible for where I was in my training.  I will have another 5k in a month.. and will gauge my progress from that… and see how much harder my training has to kick in before my half marathon in May.
9. Overall B+  I feel pretty good about where I am with training, and physically.  Actually, health wise, I am feeling very good.


ok.. I had more to say than I thought.. LOL

Great question Nole runner..  thanks mike for helping on that one.  I kind of wondered too.  My tri training officially starts next week.

2009-03-09 4:21 PM
in reply to: #1998959


Crawfordville, Florida
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL


Hello Everyone:

1. Swim - C+  I am lame.  I can do 500 yards in 11 minutes but get very tired after that.  I need to build endurance and improve everything!  I am thinking of joining the local Masters swim group but they get up and swim at 5 am. 

2. Bike  - B+.  I feel very good about my progress on the bike.   A lot of people are recommending spinning at the gym but the weather is improving and I like bicycling outside.

3. Run- B-.  I can do 6 miles but at a slow pace.  My 5K pace has not improved. I have been reading about interval training and probably need to get serious about it.  It is a matter of finding time to train properly.

4. Strength - F -  I have done no strength training at all. 

5. Plan -  B -  I am thinking of starting the olympic distance training for a Tri in May.  My friends entered for the olympic distance and want me too do it as well.  I will most likely stick with the Sprint distance until I can build my swimming endurance.  The training plans on the web site are good.

6. Feel - B -  I stuck with the basic sprint plan and finished my first Tri March 1, the Seattle Rainman.  I feel great and now know where I need to concentrate my training. 

7. Weight - B - Stuck at 195.  The first 20+ pounds came off pretty quickly.  Why did it stop???  I think I need to work harder and improve my diet.

8. Races - A ! I completed the Chilly Hilly (50K) bicycle tour of Bainbridge Island February 22 and the Seattle Rainman Sprint Triathlon March 1st.  The next Tri is May 3rd in Napa, California.

9. Overall - B  Coming off the couch in September to completing a sprint triathlon for me was a personal best!  I am hooked and I really enjoy the challenge of the triathlon and the training.  My health has improved dramatically and I feel fantastic. Because of work and family commitments, it is difficult to stay exactly on the training plan, but doing a run instead of a bike or swim worked when it was all I could do.  Maintaining the commitment to keep physically active is as important as sticking to the letter of the training plan. I look forward to the next one.

2009-03-30 7:04 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Hey all!  quiet group here!  I hope that means everyone is going forward with training and just really sticking to it!

LOL.. well.. one can hope.

I have been busy on the work front - after a whole month without formal assignment, I am happy to be busy.  I am struggling yet with the swimming, but have been getting out for some cycling.

Actually just went thru a very time consuming search for a road bike!  I finally found one - after hours out in the MN cold weather trying every bike in every shop around!  I even went to a shop in Omaha when there last week and trialed several brands side by side.  That was a very important step, as it really helped me where I needed to go. 

It came down to which bike would handle the hills the best.  I had 3 top runners, a Cannondale Synapse, a Trek Madone 4.7 (my favorite but WAY out of my budget), then along came a 2007 LeMond Versailles.  That bike was on sale for only $1500 yet it gave me much the same feel as the Madone.  Not quite as smooth, but the frame is very similar, all carbon, the components were exactly the same, the wheel set was the same.. but it was 1/2 the price.. I couldnt go wrong!!

I am excited to do the bike fitting next weekend, then get out for a ride at Baker Park and the back roads to Hamel with my brother.

but first, I have another 5k to do at Como Park.  This saturday is the annual Challenge Obesity run at Como.  That was one of my first 5k races 3 years ago - when I first began my journey to lose weight, and get healthy.  So it will be my weekly tempo run.  I kind of like doing these 5k's I am signed up for at least 1 per month.. I figure they are good for speed work, and tempos... and I can gauge my progess by my times.

 speaking of times.. I did a 5k on St Patty's day - and ended up placing in my age group!!  shoot!!  I didn't think it was possible!!  but I took 3rd!!  (0ut of just 5 people.. but what the heck.. it is a placing!)  LOL

I started using pod runner beats per minute mixes for my running.  I have picked a pace that is a pace I won't hit 120% of max hr!!  I tend to go out wayyyyy tooo fast, and cannot get the pace at a point where I can continue running.  I find myself absolutely needing walk breaks - and I really don't feel so good on the runs...

the pod runner is REALLY helping me to pace myself better... I keep it slower, but I stay running - and then, even if I need a walk break the walk is just as fast and I keep to the bpm pace. 

my long run with the group last week was 6 miles, and I did it in just over 64 minutes... that is sooooo much faster than usual - yet I ran it at a "slower" pace... but I ran it... very little walk.. and my HR stayed in a more doable range... not dieing!!   :D  I feel I am getting there.

Mike, I figured if you were asking, I should share my news!!  eeeeeeek!!  I have a new bike!!!  lots of grins here!!


2009-04-02 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1867684

New user

Plainfield, IL
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Ok...I need your help!  I lost my motivation for a while..I was only going to the gym about once a week and not logging anything in my training log.  It's like one bad day dominoes for me.  I woke up this morning feeling very's only 10 weeks until my first TRI!  I need to get moving.  I am very confident on my swimming...I can swim 1000 yards without a problems (and to think when I first  started I could only swim a lap....haha

I'm ready to get back into the swing...and I need to have everyone get back too!  Everyone has been so quiet.  Whenever I get an email always motivates me!  Please start posting again...I want to hear what you are doing!

thanks for the help!  I'M BACK!!



2009-04-02 7:51 PM
in reply to: #2057148

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
Sandy43 - 2009-04-02 10:09 AM

Ok...I need your help!  I lost my motivation for a while..I was only going to the gym about once a week and not logging anything in my training log.  It's like one bad day dominoes for me.  I woke up this morning feeling very's only 10 weeks until my first TRI!  I need to get moving.  I am very confident on my swimming...I can swim 1000 yards without a problems (and to think when I first  started I could only swim a lap....haha

I'm ready to get back into the swing...and I need to have everyone get back too!  Everyone has been so quiet.  Whenever I get an email always motivates me!  Please start posting again...I want to hear what you are doing!

thanks for the help!  I'M BACK!!



Sandy, HUGS!!  I suspect you are doing with your bike and run training exactly what I am doing with the swim....  avoiding it.. because it overwhelms you with how far you NEEEED to get!

how about we work together on this - you on either the bike or the run (whichever one is your real nemesis), and me on my swim...  I have been avoiding the pool... because it overwhelms me.

Maybe you can guide me in the pool, and I can guide you on the bike.  maybe we should just do each other's portion of the tri!  LOL... that would do for me!   oooohhh golly.

You can do this, Sandy.. just set out to do a little bit... if you dont get out and just get started, it ain't happening..  what do you think you could commit to??  what do you want to be accountable for?? 


2009-04-06 4:28 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
Hey all.  how is everyone doing? 
I had an amazing weekend!  Not a fantastic time on my 5k - but great for me.  33:56 so sub 11 minute miles.  that is big for me.
slowly bringing that down.  The amazing thing.. LOLOLOL.. I won women's grand masters.  LOLOL... me???  hah!!  I guess there is something great about being over 50!  LOL
It was a 5k promoting running - no matter what size you are - for the health of it.  there were 7 of us that had lost over 100 lbs - I was honored with bib number 1 for my 185+ lbs off...  wow!!  VERY inspiring, and the reason for the 5k very dear to my heart.
so to win grand masters on this 5k was kind of cool...  I have a long way to go to get a better time - next goal is to get it down to 10 min miles a 31 minute time for the 3.1  I have several more of these 5k's planned.  they are a good distance for me to work on the speed.

post race - I picked up a new machine!  I finally picked a road bike for my racing...  I test rode many, many bikes, and then test rode them several more times.. back and forth.. and finally chose one.
I chose a 2007 LeMond Versailles.  the feel and look is much like the Trek Madone - but because it is no longer being made - I got it for about 1/2 the price of a madone.  It rides INCREDIBLY SWEET!!  I went for a 20 mile ride - hills and all on Saturday.  yup.. post race... but it rides with such ease.. it seems to float... so the ride almost seemed easy.  :D  ooohhhh do I love that feel.

hope all of you are well.. wish you weren't all so quiet.
I am off to the pool tonight.  I have been out of town, so unable to get to masters swimming.  I am going to the pool to work a bit with the coach tonite while I am in town.
2009-04-06 5:03 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Great news on the 5k, Roxann!  Congrats on the finish and on the great weight loss. 

New bikes are great, they get to want to ride more which in turn helps you get faster, so it's a win/win.   The new bike "high" lasted most of last year for me.    

2009-04-06 5:08 PM
in reply to: #2057148

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
Sandy43 - 2009-04-02 10:09 AM

Ok...I need your help!  I lost my motivation for a while..I was only going to the gym about once a week and not logging anything in my training log.  It's like one bad day dominoes for me.  I woke up this morning feeling very's only 10 weeks until my first TRI!  I need to get moving.  I am very confident on my swimming...I can swim 1000 yards without a problems (and to think when I first  started I could only swim a lap....haha

I'm ready to get back into the swing...and I need to have everyone get back too!  Everyone has been so quiet.  Whenever I get an email always motivates me!  Please start posting again...I want to hear what you are doing!

thanks for the help!  I'M BACK!!



Sandy, your logs show you have a few days in a row again.   Great job getting the bug back!  Just remember how good you are feeling these last few days the next time you want to ditch a few workouts. 

2009-04-06 5:13 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

We've been pretty slow here on the forum but doing a good job staying in touch with inspires on each others blogs.  We  have now completed our 3rd month as a group.  We didn't do real weel on our Feb report cards but let's do a March (month 3) report card.  Grade yourself on these categories,  A-F with + or - as needed.   If it wasn't a goal, list it as NA.  I added a race category for those who have done a race during the month.

Many of us have done our first race or it is approaching fast.  Give some race details as well.    



1. Swim

2. Bike

3. Run

4. Strength

5. Plan

6. Feel

7. Weight

8. Races

9. Overall


For 5) Plan - stay on plan (not necessarily a formal plan but what you expected to do, even if you're a wing it type)  and for 6) Feel - how do you feel compared to a month ago.  Cut and paste between the lines and add your grades/comments. 

2009-04-06 5:24 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL


1. Swim - C+  Not a lot of swimming but a few key swim thoughts have me swimming faster than before.  Swim will pick up as marathon training ends. 

2. Bike - C Not a lot of biking but that was expected.  Bike will pick up as marathon training ends.

3. Run - A  Very pleased with how March went in terms of mileage and speed improvement.  Injuries are gone, stretching has become part of my routine.  I'm not where I was for my Vegas marathon but I've got on an outside chance at a BQ time at Boston on 4/20.  

4. Strength - NA

5. Plan - B+ I hit all my marathon workouts but had hoped to get ina little more swim/bike after basketball ended. 

6. Feel - A  As I said above, injury free and feeling good as I'm into my Boston taper!

7. Weight - NA

8. Races - NA

9. Overall - A-  I knew I would be run focused with my marathon training.  I did make some technique improvements on my swim.  Swim/bike time was less than I hoped but I think my expectations were not realistic.  Overall I'm happy with where I am with the caveat I need a race to really tell.  The journey has been fun! 


2009-04-06 9:22 PM
in reply to: #2066502

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

We've been pretty slow here on the forum but doing a good job staying in touch with inspires on each others blogs.  We  have now completed our 3rd month as a group.  We didn't do real weel on our Feb report cards but let's do a March (month 3) report card.  Grade yourself on these categories,  A-F with + or - as needed.   If it wasn't a goal, list it as NA.  I added a race category for those who have done a race during the month.

Many of us have done our first race or it is approaching fast.  Give some race details as well.    



1. Swim C+ - slowly I am getting a bit less fretfull.  I have been doing drills - eventually I get a good 300 meters in - and I am not paniced anymore.  tonite the coach was happy with my body position (this is HUGE change for me) and we finally got a rhythm to help me breath appropriately - not way too late.  so starting to feel much better.  and improvements are happening.

2. Bike B+ - haven't been on a bike since foot surgery, until recently.  So, the 20 miles with hills on Saturday felt good to be able to do - and still have some left to give.  this will only get better as I get back out.

3. Run B+ - feeling pretty good about this.  I am consistently staying in the 11 min/mile pace for my long runs.  For the longest time I was at 12 min / mile at best.  so this is a big improvement.  This can only get better, right?

4. Strength D ; honestly, not paying enough attention to this, and I know I need to.  yikes.  will have to work it in.  Maybe start by scheduling at least 1 day a week to start.

5. Plan B+ - I feel I am following my plan fairly well.  I am basically concentrating on the running - but am throwing in the other pieces as a cross training and to get a head start.  Sometimes hard to do with my job travel, but making it happen.

6. Feel B- overall feeling pretty good about things.  Getting much better about the swimming, but still a bit apprehensive.  It is very overwhelming for me.  But now that the other areas are falling into place and feeling more "comfy", I am feeling better overall.

7. Weight B+  for the most part ok here.  I am leaving weight out of the equation right now, as my body seems to think it is done with weight loss.  So concentrating on clean eating for fuel, and training for my races.  Then come winter and my period of "rest" will be the time to concentrate on the weight again.

8. Races A!  - I am feeling good about the 5k races I am doing.  They are small little races, but good practice for pacing myself by placing myself in the area of faster runners.  I need to keep MY pace, and this is getting me to practice that.
I have done 3 5k races this winter/spring so far.  My first 5k was a 12:30 pace, second was about 11:14 pace, and this last one was a 10:56 pace.  slowly getting more consistent and feeling like I can make my goal at the Flying Pigs half marathon on May5th.

9. Overall B+ / A-  ; I feel I am making a lot of good progress, though I still feel overwhelmed at times.  The improvements are definitely starting to finally add up, and are starting to make me much happier about where I am in my training.  I am enjoying this process!!  and love how the races are keeping me focused to continue being active.  This is proving to be the motivating factor to weight management / maintenance for me.  That is an area I totally stunk at in the past.. I am loving finally having something totally awesome to keep that focus in line.


For 5) Plan - stay on plan (not necessarily a formal plan but what you expected to do, even if you're a wing it type)  and for 6) Feel - how do you feel compared to a month ago.  Cut and paste between the lines and add your grades/comments. 

2009-04-10 2:58 PM
in reply to: #2059177


Crawfordville, Florida
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
I had a terrible run yesterday.  My legs felt like lead weights and did not want any part of what the rest of me was doing.  I had no pain and everything else was fine.  Anyone else have this happen to them?

2009-04-10 7:00 PM
in reply to: #2076822

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

jk809 - 2009-04-10 2:58 PM I had a terrible run yesterday.  My legs felt like lead weights and did not want any part of what the rest of me was doing.  I had no pain and everything else was fine.  Anyone else have this happen to them?


Jim, I've never experienced the lead leg feeling you are describing.  I've had run workouts I did not feel like doing but once I get going things go OK.  SOme days after hard runs when I don't feel like I have a lot of energy but not to the lead legs extreme.  Other training/fatigue/lack of sleep/getting sick could be all reasons.  Could be you need a day or two off from swimming.  Hopefully this will be an isolated incident. 

2009-04-11 12:11 AM
in reply to: #2076822

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
jk809 - 2009-04-10 2:58 PM I had a terrible run yesterday.  My legs felt like lead weights and did not want any part of what the rest of me was doing.  I had no pain and everything else was fine.  Anyone else have this happen to them?


Jim, If I try to go out for a run too soon after a long run, I feel like my legs weigh a ton!  Or sometimes, if I am running on empty - no sleep, poor fueling, bad food choices... Sometimes if I go out too fast, I feel the same..

and of course, some days.. for no reason.. a run just plain sucks!  LOL..  sleep on it.. hydrate well.. and go out again.  Not all runs are that fantastic "high", you just move on from the ones that don't go well.

2009-04-15 11:03 AM
in reply to: #1867684


Crawfordville, Florida
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
Mike, Roxann thanks for the words of encouragement.  I think I may have been expecting too much and had a bad day.  Everything is fine and now I need more time for training!


2009-04-15 11:10 AM
in reply to: #2086033

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
jk809 - 2009-04-15 11:03 AM Mike, Roxann thanks for the words of encouragement.  I think I may have been expecting too much and had a bad day.  Everything is fine and now I need more time for training!


ohhhh more time for training.. YES!!  I think we all are starting to feel the crunch!!  shoot!  LOL
Glad things are going better once again.

remember.. breathe... and ENJOY!
2009-04-20 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1867684

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
Mike, I believe you were doing the Boston Marathon today, right??

I have been thinking of you this morning... and sending speedy vibes.  Sure hope you are doing well.

Eager to see the race report for sure.

2009-04-20 1:53 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Grand Blanc, MI
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
12726 Ewen, Mike 52 M Rochester MN USA

Checkpoints 5k 10k 15k 20k Half 25k 30k 35k 40k

0:25:16 0:50:53 1:16:11 1:42:01 1:47:35 2:07:30 2:33:23 2:59:47 3:25:33

Finish Pace Projected Time Official Time Overall Gender Division

0:08:17 3:37:09 9340 7262 814

Congratulations Mike, you rock!!

2009-04-20 1:55 PM
in reply to: #1867684


Crawfordville, Florida
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Congrats on a great marathon in Boston!
2009-04-20 1:57 PM
in reply to: #2097729

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
Nole Runner - 2009-04-20 1:53 PM 12726 Ewen, Mike 52 M Rochester MN USA Checkpoints 5k 10k 15k 20k Half 25k 30k 35k 40k 0:25:16 0:50:53 1:16:11 1:42:01 1:47:35 2:07:30 2:33:23 2:59:47 3:25:33 Finish Pace Projected Time Official Time Overall Gender Division 0:08:17 3:37:09 9340 7262 814 Congratulations Mike, you rock!!

thanks for sharing this!  whoooo hooooo Mike!!  we are very proud of you!!

2009-04-23 5:33 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Thanks to all for your words of encouragement and congratulations both here and in inspires.  My blog is now up to date and the race report which has all the details is public.  The Boston Marathon was a great experience, one of the top highlights of my athletic career.  A special thanks to my son Scott, who is part of our group for coming along and sharing the experience with me.  He got the marathon bug again in Boston (just like I did when watching him at Grandma's for 2 years).  I told him if he ever qualified for Boston, I'd have to try again so we could run it together.   

The volunteers and spectators were beyond belief!  2 weeks ago I volunteered at a local 20k and this weekend my wife Barb and I are volunteering at a local duathlon.  I strongly encourage all of us to give some back and volunteer and spectate on some of the dates when we aren't racing.  And always a word or gesture of thanks is much appreciated.   

My next event is 5/31 so I have some bike and swim work to get back into triathlon mode. 

I see they have moved us to the archives so the winter mentor program may be officially over but we can keep posting here and continue to track/encourage each other in our training blogs. 

Thanks again to everyone for the Boston support!  



Edited by mjewen 2009-04-23 5:34 PM
2009-04-23 8:14 PM
in reply to: #2106504

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
mjewen - 2009-04-23 5:33 PM

Thanks to all for your words of encouragement and congratulations both here and in inspires.  My blog is now up to date and the race report which has all the details is public.  The Boston Marathon was a great experience, one of the top highlights of my athletic career.  A special thanks to my son Scott, who is part of our group for coming along and sharing the experience with me.  He got the marathon bug again in Boston (just like I did when watching him at Grandma's for 2 years).  I told him if he ever qualified for Boston, I'd have to try again so we could run it together.   

The volunteers and spectators were beyond belief!  2 weeks ago I volunteered at a local 20k and this weekend my wife Barb and I are volunteering at a local duathlon.  I strongly encourage all of us to give some back and volunteer and spectate on some of the dates when we aren't racing.  And always a word or gesture of thanks is much appreciated.   

My next event is 5/31 so I have some bike and swim work to get back into triathlon mode. 

I see they have moved us to the archives so the winter mentor program may be officially over but we can keep posting here and continue to track/encourage each other in our training blogs. 

Thanks again to everyone for the Boston support!  



Mike, welcome back to MN!!  Awesome job in Boston.. Isn't that marathon just the BEST???  I lived out there a while.. and wow to the spectators... that is all I can say.

I love the advice to work an event.  I just started working events this spring for the Charities Challenge group.  I do a lot of 5k's with the group, but I just worked one of the events.  It was amazing!!
I will also be working the Wobegon Trail Marathon event for the River Runners group.  I am doing a half marathon the weekend before, so wont be able to run it.. but wanted to be a part of the event - so finish line, here I come!!!  in a whole different capacity.

I learned a huge respect for volunteers at my half Marathon last Sept in St Charles, MO.  We ran the event in hurricane Ike.. now we could keep warm by running... but those volunteers were still out there...  passing out the drinks, smiling, cheering us on.. though wet and frozen to the bone!!  They got many smiles and cheers from me that day - that is for sure!!

anyway... is there a new mentor group starting then?? or can we stay?  It has been quite here.
I have been concentrating on my Half Mary for May 3rd, and not so much on my Tri - since that is end of July..  but now.. I have one burning question..

transitions!!!  do you bother putting on socks after getting out of the lake?  or do you go barefoot in both your bike shoes and running shoes??  just curious!  socks could take up a good chunk of time out of a transition.

LOL  sounds like a dumb question.. but gosh.. the only multi I did was a duathlon.. and I really stunk at the transition..  and I didn't have to change anything but the shoes!!

2009-04-23 10:51 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL


    We can stay, it's just we are moved to the archive section as BT is starting spring/summer groups.  You can join another mentor group if you want and still contribute here.  I'll still be monitoring our thread and staying in touch via inspires.   

The sock question comes up quite often.  Personally I go sockless.  I rarely wear socks on the bike when it gets warm.  I do wear socks for most of my training runs but do a try an occasional run without, especially in my racing shoes.  I wear lightweight shoes, not quite racing flats for my races.  Asics Gel Banditos for me coming in at only 7.9 oz compared to my Brooks Adrenaline 8 at 11.9 oz trainers.  A little baby powder in both bike and running shoes helps.  I would definitely recommend practicing barefoot running before trying on race day.  Take some socks with you and stop the moment you feel a hot spot.  For the last 2 years I have not worn socks for my sprints and olys.  I did wear socks for my half iron, actually wool socks for the bike and anklets for the run.  It was pretty cold on the bike.      

2009-04-23 11:14 PM
in reply to: #2107114

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
Thanks Mike.. definitely gives me some things to think about.  hmmm..

say, which du are you working?
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