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2009-01-28 7:57 AM
in reply to: #1931156

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
ctawresey - 2009-01-27 8:54 AM

I'm on facebook too... Courtney Tawresey. I actually have two accounts, so hit me up on either, or both.

So I ran on the treadmill last night with the nike+ thing that I've been using to calculate distance and pace, and its totally off.  I was hoping to avoid buying more stuff, but I think I need a watch that will tell me the pace/distance.  Ideally it would be something polar, since I already have a polar watch and could use the same heart rate strap, but it doesn't have to be.  I guess the main features I'm interested in are distance, pace, heart rate, and calories (not that the calorie numbers are right, but I just like to compare and its a good way to motivate me).

In other happy news, after about a week and a half of mostly good nutrition, I'm back into my size 10 pants! (I had been in 12 and 14s!) They are a little snug, but workable.  Now I just need to get into those 8s I used to wear!

My goals for this week are to actually get the water in, I was better last week but not great, and to get in at least 2 swim workouts...

Hope everyone is having a good week!


That is EXACTLY where I am-- trying to get back into the size 8s!! Injuries that cause 5 months without running and 6 weeks on crutches are NOT good for fitting into pants-- especially they coincide with the holidays!!!!!!!!!!!  Not to mention that my office is full of candy hounds- my body can handle it when I am training-- but not when I am injured! UGH! Oh well, I am back to consistent workouts and resisting the sugar.....

I am on FB, too- Amy Fisher Quinn

2009-01-28 8:19 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
Yeah - the sugar is what gets me.  There's all sorts of garbage lying around the office and the staff room ... Sometimes I can be good but when I have a bad day it all goes out the window.... *sigh*
2009-01-28 2:04 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Random question....

 Do all of you train with a heart rate monitor?  If so - do you have a preference?  I'm thinking about getting one.

2009-01-28 3:01 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Sugar (and fried foods) get me every time.... I get teased that I don't have a sweet "tooth," I have sweet "teeth."  I've found that the penalty jar works well (i.e. I get one free "fun sized" candy a day, after that the price is fifty cents, and eventually I donate the money to charity)...

I train alll 3 sports with a heart-rate monitor.  I have a Garmin unit for my bike that has a heart rate moniter.  Then for spin class, swimming, or running, I have a polar watch.  It's nothing fancy, but it tells me my heart rate, time, calories, etc.  The polar ones are good because the watches can be worn in the water, they just caution you not to push any of the buttons while the watch is in the water... I would caution you that often the formula's they use to calculate your max heart rate isn't totally accurate, but on most watches you can change the number.  I also don't think that the calories burned number is anywhere near correct, but I have no data to back that up... I just don't believe that burn 1,000 calories on an hour run, otherwise I would be really skinny

2009-01-28 6:34 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

ohhhh!  I think I could like your heart rate monitor. Which model is it.  I went to look up heart rate monitors and there is like 20 to choose from.


No garmin for me yet.  Maybe after I complete my first traithlon that will be my reward.

2009-01-28 9:18 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
My first heart rate monitor was one that just reported heart rate. It was neat to play with, but I wanted more...

A few years ago, I got a Polar S710, which I am still using. My spouse has the Polar S625X, which has the foot-pod for running distance. I also have the USB infrared thingy to download the exercise files to my computer. I'm a geek and I love numbers, so I like being able to look at the pretty graphs and see if that workout really was as hard as it felt...

I typically don't swim with the Polar, although I do wear it swimming during a race. Otherwise I do wear a heart rate monitor for all my biking and running. I recently got a PowerTap for the bike, which is my new favourite toy for bike training - it measures heart rate, cadence, and power, so the pretty graphs are even prettier!

My only wish is that I could have the GPS capability that some monitors have (e.g. Garmin's Forerunner series, although Polar has apparently introduced a line with GPS capability). Again, it's just the numbers and pretty graphs thing.

I guess the other "downside" to the higher end Polar models is that you have to send them in to get the batteries replaced, although I can't complain about the battery life or the service when I did need it replaced.

I don't pay any attention to the calculated max heart rate or calories. Before I got the PowerTap, I used to do some testing to determine heart rate zones for cycling. While not as accurate as a VO2max test, the testing is certainly better than some magic 220-age or whatever arbitrary formula is being used. (Now that I have the PowerTap, I've done different tests to set my power-based zones.)

I still haven't found a good protocol for running tests to set heart zones... any suggestions? I'm thinking I'll just start doing some 5K races and use some of that data for setting paces and heart rate zones.

2009-01-29 6:21 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

I have an ancient Polar HRM.  It does HR range and beeps if I'm out - but I have to fiddle with it because it changes depending on the activity ...   I can't use it in the pool because it's only water resistant to 30m but I use it on the bike and the run when I remember.  Lately it's been I get all dressed THEN remember.  Although at the gym I just have to wear the band because the dreadmill picks up Polar equipment.

If I was going to buy one I think I'd go with a Garmin.  I just bought a Nike+ for my iPod because it was 20$ instead of several hundred for the Garmin - and I have a HRM that works perfectly well - even if it isn't fancy...l.

2009-01-29 9:53 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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New user
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
I got the Garmin FR 350 for Christmas and I love it.  I use it on the bike and when running.  I love th graphs it shoots out on the PC.  Having the heart rate monitor is wonderful, and I love the GPS capabilities and the pace setting.  I haven't figured out all of the functions yet, but the ghost runner, HR beeper and other functions will be very helpful I think when I actually learn how to use them.
2009-02-01 8:30 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

End of another week.

I missed my goals:  missed 3 bike workouts
                                did get in 2 swims
                                did not run at all

Why did I not complete what I wanted had planned to do:  I went to my daughters for 3 days and didn't bring my bike but could have run those days, chose not to.  So it was my choice not to meet my goals.  As it is always my choice to train or not, to eat well or not.

This week I will make better choices.

How did everyone else do?  Did you do all your planned training?  Did you make the best choices every day?  

What's in your plans for the coming week?

Edited by cathyd 2009-02-01 8:31 AM
2009-02-01 8:40 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Erg.  I worked out every day - but not much of it was quality.  I'm starting to lose motivation being stuck inside and on the dreadmill/trainer...

I also ate a ton of garbage this week.  Garbage in = garbage out.

However, my friend did set me up with a new weight program so that gives me something new.  My pool is closed until Wednesday (but possibly for the week) which is a good thing because they've had trouble with it for a while now... hopefully they can solve the problem.

I'm going to do 7-10 this morning - it's going to get up to 4 degrees (40 F?) so I'm going to take advantage.  I got my groceries done, I have a bit of prep before I head over to my friend's to watch the Super Bowl ads. *laughing*

So my plan for the week:

Sunday - LSR

Monday - Weights/Spin

Tuesday - Spin

Wednesday - Run

Thursday - Weights/Spin

Friday - Run

2009-02-01 9:54 AM
in reply to: #1939676

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
I was doing well until Friday afternoon, and then the general exhaustion from a busy week just derailed me. I missed my Friday run and my Saturday bike, and I only hit the pool once. I will get on the bike momentarily, and then I may try to do a little run this evening - so that should salvage something from this weekend.

Next week... If I can get 2 quality sessions in each of swim, bike, run, and strength/core, I will be happy. I'm also running in a 10K race next Sunday(!). I hope the weather is okay...

2009-02-02 4:57 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
All I want to accomplish this week is to get on the bike more. 
2009-02-04 6:52 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Okay everyone, we're halfway through the week.  How are we feeling?  Starting to get a little cabin-fevery?  I know I'm going nuts on the treadmill/trainer...

What is something you have accomplished this week that you are proud of?

I got my classroom cleaned and organized which has been a goal for a couple weeks.  I'm also catching up on my marking.

2009-02-04 8:31 AM
in reply to: #1944681

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

I got outside for an afterwork run last night, short and slow but my first run in weeks.

The trainer drives me nuts for sure... I really hate it, much more than I dislike the treadmill. 

I'm thinking I'll focus more on running this month and in March when I can ride outside again I'll add in more biking.  (I was biking outside last year on March 3)

2009-02-04 9:24 AM
in reply to: #1944681

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
I have done three morning workouts in a row! I was reading that people who get their workouts done in the morning are more likely to stick with their plan. So I'm back swimming with my tri club, and I'm trying to do other workouts in the morning to stay in the "get up and go" mode.

My marking starts now! The students submitted their first assignment of the term today. Another assignment for a different class comes in next week, so I'm going to bust my butt trying to get this pile done before then.
2009-02-04 9:45 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY area
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

I didn't hit my planned workouts over the weekend either but I've made up for it this week so far. Even though I had to make yesterday an unintended day off, I'm planned to hit my goals for the rest of the week.

It's nice to read about others having similar issues which lessens how drastic they feel to me when otherwise I'd think I'm on my own and the only one (being a part of a support group has its benefits! :] Oh the fun of being an athletic supporter! -ha!

Thanks for everyone's great info!

2009-02-06 4:59 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Hey guys--

 Sorry I've been so absent! I caught a bit of a bug and work has been busy, so I sort of fell off the wagon....

I'm back on it now though, got in two good bike workouts last night and this morning.  I know what you mean about the trainer! I can't stand it!

 Does anyone have any suggestions about days off? I have been doing one day (usually Thur or Friday before the big weekend training), but I'm thinking that maybe I need to switch to 2 days, or at least 1 total rest day and 1 active recovery day.  I just seem to be exhausted, even though I'm sleeping 8 or more hours and eating pretty well....  I've started eating more red meat, 'cause I've had problems with iron before, but it doesn't seem to be totally working... maybe I just need an adjustment period too...


Hope you all have great weekends.  The weather here is supposed to be in the 50s tomorrow, so as long as it isn't really windy, I'll get to go on a morning ride with our local bike shop! I really love those rides. 

2009-02-06 5:25 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling tired Courtney. I know exactly what you mean though. For me it hits the days I am doing my night shifts and trying to get back on daytime family schedule. But it passes. If it is a feeling that isn't going away though maybe it is more serious? It sounds like the iron is a good idea but have you been in to the Dr. lately? I think you should go if it has been awhile! I hope you feel better soon, winter time is hard sometimes. I miss the sun!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, please think happy, positive thoughts as I become a sprint distance triathlete (yay! spelled it right lol) tomorrow at 12:00!!

Thanks for all the encouragement you have given... we have the coolest support group!!!

2009-02-07 8:54 AM
in reply to: #1949920

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
ctawresey - 2009-02-06 3:59 PM

Does anyone have any suggestions about days off? I have been doing one day (usually Thur or Friday before the big weekend training), but I'm thinking that maybe I need to switch to 2 days, or at least 1 total rest day and 1 active recovery day. I just seem to be exhausted, even though I'm sleeping 8 or more hours and eating pretty well.... I've started eating more red meat, 'cause I've had problems with iron before, but it doesn't seem to be totally working... maybe I just need an adjustment period too...

That's such a great question, and there is no one answer. My first observation is you might have bit off a lot early in January, and you could be paying for it now. As you get back into a routine, look back at your recent logs and strive to meet one of the lower volume weeks. Then gradually add more volume (rule of thumb: add only 10% per week).

Two rest days will likely work, but consider spacing them out - one earlier in the week (to recover from the weekend) and one later in the week (to get ready for the weekend). I like active rest days. E.g. an easy swim on a Monday to stretch out after a hard weekend, and weights and core later in the week, so I stay active without stressing the same system.

Try to space "hard" workouts throughout the week. You can do two workouts on one day, and you can do workouts on consecutive days, but if you're doing hard bike intervals on Tuesday, then don't try to do hard run intervals on Tuesday or Wednesday - do the run, but at a lesser intensity. Do hard run intervals another day, backed with a lesser intensity bike.

Weekends are usually a good time to get lots of volume, but gradually build up to that. And you can still fit in some good quality intervals with some long slow distance work. For those not working the traditional Monday-to-Friday work week, move the volume days to what suits your schedule - just remember alternate high intensity with lower intensity, and include rest days in your week.

And yes, there will be some adjustment period as your body gets used to the new routine, but if you start small, and grow gradually, you'll soon be finding this easy and not as exhausting.

Hope that helps.
2009-02-07 9:12 AM
in reply to: #1949920

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
ctawresey - 2009-02-06 3:59 PM

I'm back on it now though, got in two good bike workouts last night and this morning. I know what you mean about the trainer! I can't stand itl!

A few ways to make trainer rides more bearable:
  • Do the ride with friends. Drag your trainer to their house or have them bring their trainer to yours.
  • Do intervals - after a 15 minute warm up, do 1 minute hard alternating with 1 minute easier, or whatever combination. Finish off with 15 minutes easy spinning and then stretch. Keeping focused on small chunks of time makes the big time go by easier
  • Good tunes can help, or a good show. Caution with watching a show - make sure you still get a quality workout instead of getting caught up in the story.
  • Break really long sessions into two blocks - e.g. one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening.
  • Practice visualization - see yourself riding outside, breeze in your face, and sun shining...
  • Focus on posture, stability, and other skills. Put your bike by a mirror or watch your shadow. Is your upper body stable and steady? Is your back flat? Do your arms have a slight bend? Are your shoulders relaxed? Are your feet in a neutral position (toes and heels pretty even)? If not, pick one thing and focus on that for a while. Then switch to focusing on something else.
  • Do something else! If your "A" race isn't until later in the season, splitting a long bike ride into a shorter but quality trainer session backed with something aerobic and fun outside will still get you benefits without the boredom. Many of the cyclists I hang out with do a lot of cross-country skiing or speed skating during the winter months.
See? Trainer rides don't have to be so bad!
2009-02-07 4:12 PM
in reply to: #1950361

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

amg - 2009-02-07 9:12 AM

  • Good tunes can help, or a good show. Caution with watching a show - make sure you still get a quality workout instead of getting caught up in the story.

Ha ha! Sometimes I play video games ... I stop pedaling without realizing it when I get caught up in the action. *laughing*


I had a great swim today - so I'm happy about that! Plus - it's above 0 outside - so I'm looking forward to a long run tomorrow!!! Whoooohoooooo!

Edited by Silver_wlf 2009-02-07 4:12 PM

2009-02-08 6:39 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to share my Saturday with you all... The hours leading up to the race turned out to be a bit more of a trauma than I had anticipated as I found out right after I posted here on Friday that my Mom was in the CCU at the hospital as she had just had a heart attack. I wasn't sure if I should still race but my brother and sister and husband and friends that I talked to asked me to give them some alternative to something I could do for my mom if I didn't race and I couldn't come up with anything. I cried a little before my heat and when I was waiting to be able to set up for the race but then when it was time, I was able to get focused and went ahead with my race plan. The swim and the bike felt really great. I was slower on the run than I wanted but I still came under my 1:35 time that I had hoped for. I have written and saved a race report but it hasn't posted yet. I'm not sure if I did it correctly, i guess we will see about that later. Mom is stable and will stay in CCU at least through today and I am glad that I raced. I remember reading that the goals we set for ourselves should be more about how our lives can be enriched through our athletic training and the things we learn as a result of our tri experiences and not just about winning races. I really experienced that yesterday. The other participants and the people who came out to cheer were so wonderful. It didn't matter how fast you were. There was amazing support for being the best you could be on that day and in that moment and for finishing the race. Thank you so much for your peer support too! Have a wonderful Sunday!

2009-02-08 9:34 AM
in reply to: #1951086

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Sorry to hear about your Mom keri... hope she is doing well.

Congrats on your race triathlete !

2009-02-08 11:02 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Keri, Keep us posted on your mom.  We're thinking of you!

I'm glad you documented your experiences as well.  Some of my favourite moments are the emotions experienced during racing, everything else is just icing on the cake.  We are so lucky that we've realized the life experiences that can be gained through sport. 


2009-02-08 5:08 PM
in reply to: #1951086

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
kerilynn - 2009-02-08 5:39 AM

I have written and saved a race report but it hasn't posted yet. I'm not sure if I did it correctly, i guess we will see about that later.

You have to click on the "Make race public" button on the top of the race report page so everyone can see it. If you still can't get it to work, let us know what you've tried, and we can help troubleshoot!

Mom is stable and will stay in CCU at least through today and I am glad that I raced.

I'm glad to hear that your mom is getting good care. I hope her recovery goes well.

I remember reading that the goals we set for ourselves should be more about how our lives can be enriched through our athletic training and the things we learn as a result of our tri experiences and not just about winning races.

I love that! I hadn't heard goals described like that, but that matches with my philosophy well!

Congratulations on your race!
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