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2009-03-02 8:12 PM
in reply to: #1992330

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

I'll post my race report in the morning, but the quick version I did really well. The weather was not primo for fast running but I met my time goal of 1:55, I did 1:54.41. Placed 36th overall in my age group pretty pumped considering it was my first stand alone half. We had to run into about a 20 mile an hour wind down bayshore blvd. for about 3.5 miles that pretty much stopped a whole lot of people in their tracks, mine included. Mile times went above 9:00 at this point, but I just stayed relaxed and dealt with it. The cups from the aid stations were passing us at some points. Just when I finished the rain finally came, but we were rapped up in our solar sheets so it didn't matter much.

In all a good day, I ran within myself avg. was 8:40.

See my race report in the morning. And thanks for checking.

AHHH my star color has changed.

Interesting note that the mens half and womens full were won by professional triathletes.

Edited by tri/tbay 2009-03-02 8:12 PM

2009-03-02 9:30 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Roy: that's an awesome "in an nutshell".  Not a bad time either considering the 20MPH head wind

I did see Nina Kraft in the news winning the full.  I do know that there were thousands of people.

Me, Back to the grindstone.

2009-03-03 10:50 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Discussion Topic:

% increase in difficulty of bike and run in triathlon versus just going for a bike or a run.  For example, if you average 22 MPH on a hard 24 mile bike ride on your own, what would you expect your bike leg MPH to be in a triathlon? (conditions constant, etc)  Any standards? 

I'm trying to dial in realistic goals with no race experience and I keep running into what I think I SHOULD be able to do.  I averaged 20 MPH on 60+ mile solo rides last year on my road bike against 15+ MPH winds for half of each ride (it is ALWAYS windy here).  When in shape I could hold a 6-6:15 pace for a 10k.  And I did a 1500 swim today in 24 minutes on the nose with a 140 finishing HR.  I realize I can't do those things back to back to back, so what can I factor in to come up with a realistic time to hit?  Right now I am targeting 2:25 for Olympic length.  :24 swim, 1:12 bike (20 MPH ave), :45 run (7:20 pace) with a total of 3 minutes in transition.  Am I way off base?  Pretty close?  Not challenging enough? 

2009-03-03 7:12 PM
in reply to: #1994020

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
aesophs - 2009-03-03 11:50 AM

Discussion Topic:

% increase in difficulty of bike and run in triathlon versus just going for a bike or a run.  For example, if you average 22 MPH on a hard 24 mile bike ride on your own, what would you expect your bike leg MPH to be in a triathlon? (conditions constant, etc)  Any standards? 

I'm trying to dial in realistic goals with no race experience and I keep running into what I think I SHOULD be able to do.  I averaged 20 MPH on 60+ mile solo rides last year on my road bike against 15+ MPH winds for half of each ride (it is ALWAYS windy here).  When in shape I could hold a 6-6:15 pace for a 10k.  And I did a 1500 swim today in 24 minutes on the nose with a 140 finishing HR.  I realize I can't do those things back to back to back, so what can I factor in to come up with a realistic time to hit?  Right now I am targeting 2:25 for Olympic length.  :24 swim, 1:12 bike (20 MPH ave), :45 run (7:20 pace) with a total of 3 minutes in transition.  Am I way off base?  Pretty close?  Not challenging enough? 

Its good to be preparing a plan for the summers events especially one that will be an A race for you. I don't think your off base at all, in fact I'm kind of thinking you'll be able to go a bit faster say 2:15-2:20. A 1:20/100 pace would give you a 23.28 swim time, swim distance for some reason seem to always be in question at some events, but we'll stick with that. If it is a flat bike and with your tri bike I think you can probably do avg. 22mph in 1:08 and I think you'll be holding back for the run at that pace. And then with a 6:20 mile pace for 39.22 10K plus 4 minutes of transition that puts you in at 2:15. I really think you can do this.

Now with that said it will take a good coordinated effort of training of all the disciplines, this is where being able to put all three together will come together for the result your looking for.  Good bricks, bike/run combinations that prepare the legs and for the upcoming event. Good dieting and of course some battle testing sprints that will lead up to you event. Even if you get more conservative with your estimates I think that 2:25 is on the high side. Obviously conditions of the day, terrain and whatever other influences that you don't control may alter what happens. But if we assume(bad word) neutral conditions, good training coming into the event I feel that you'll be able to break 2:20.

But as we've discussed it may take a season to be able to put this all together. But you will be able to put these together back to back to back.


2009-03-03 7:13 PM
in reply to: #1993102

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
TrkHilo2k - 2009-03-02 10:30 PM

Roy: that's an awesome "in an nutshell".  Not a bad time either considering the 20MPH head wind

I did see Nina Kraft in the news winning the full.  I do know that there were thousands of people.

Me, Back to the grindstone.

Thanks it was fun your next?

2009-03-04 7:10 AM
in reply to: #1995256

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Great goals , I think you should start incorporating specific transition trainings - not sure that's how it's called but just practicing your transistions, to see if you can shave part of those 3 mins you're proposing.  I think that's a lot of time for a Sprint or Oly.

Few tips I learned at a tri clinic last week:

1. don't ever put your sunglasses on the helmet if you're gonna put it on the handlebars, unless you're the first in your rack, they are bound to get knocked off and end up in another rack

2. FORGET THE SOCKS! unless you're doing IM

3. rack your bike on the opposite side of those next to ya, place ALL your gear on the transition mat (space) in the exact order you will be using it.  These two will give you more working room.  To do this correctly you must have practiced your transitions, so we go back to the top of this response.

4. on race morning (or the day before) practice coming into T1 so that you know exactly where your gear is - many people waste time looking for their rack.  It's OK'd by USAT to have markers like a balloon or chalked up message on the floor.

I am no expert - done only oneSprint tri last yr, but the guy who was giving the tips should be, so i will take his word for now.

Good luck

2009-03-05 11:55 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Is there something wrong with our message board?  It seems to be switching from 11 pages long to 10 pages?  Either that or I am hallucinating. 

Roy, what was the name of the race you just competed in? 

Mike, where the heck are you?  How am I supposed to live vicariously through your races if I don't get a report?  C'mon man! 

Olman, I plan on incorporating transition training as soon as the 30+ inches of snow on the ground melts.  I might wipe out if I try riding my bike on the ice.  My plan is to incorporate it into my bricks when I am within 6 weeks to the season starting.

Ran outside again today.  Temps have been holding around 15-25 above the last few days.  Slipped and fell down a little decline on a sidewalk this morning during my run.  Had to laugh at myself.  Morning runs are definitely the way to go for me as I really struggle if I eat a real meal even 2+ hours before I go. 

2009-03-05 12:41 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Hello Guys,

I was thinking the same thing about the pages, I figured we were about to fill a page or borderline and the program is trying to figure it out. I don't know. But Steven you still sane.

Yes Mike where are you? Maybe took vacation while he was out that way.

The race I did was the Gasparilla Classic, or Bank of America Gasparilla Classic, it is a weekend of races, 5k 15k on Sat. and Full and half on Sunday, They have is timed out you can do three events if you are up to it. EEHHH>

Be careful with that Ice.

2009-03-05 1:05 PM
in reply to: #1992934

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Nice half marathon Roy!  Don't underestimate what that wind did to you--I ran into the same thing in Moscow last September, was all I could do to hold a 9:15 pace for the 3+ miles I was bucking a hard headwind (I had been putting down 8:50 miles for 15 miles and feeling great...right up to the point I made the turn into the wind!).

You now have a very good benchmark for you on long training runs, and something to shoot to improve on as well.  A sub-2 hr half is an awesome time for your first half.

I'll post detailed recap of Napa in a few.

2009-03-05 1:11 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Brazoria County
Subject: I'm baaack!

OK, guys, just got back back from Napa last night, so haven't been able to post.  We took a few extra days in the Valley, toured wineries, ate well, etc. so am trying to get back in the saddle.  Here is my race recap for the Napa Valley Marathon:

This was an outstanding race, one I highly recommend to everyone. Not only is it a well-organized boutique marathon (total entrants are limited to 2300), but it is a great destination marathon as well. The Napa Valley is just beautiful, folks there are quite friendly and laid back, and there is, of course, lots of wine! (But we also sniffed out some great locally-brewed beers also…just to cleanse our palates).

The expo Saturday was at a local Napa Mariott, not very big, but just fine. Very nice schwag: your choice of a nice embroidered backpack or gym bag, plus long sleeved technical shirt, neoprene Ipod arm holster, etc. Of course there was a wine tasting table on the patio--never knew I enjoyed wine and champagne so much at 10:30 in the morning--friendly people, etc.

The little motel we stayed at called us Sat. evening to let us know that they would be opening up the breakfast room at 4:30 AM to accommodate marathoners, so that was a nice surprise. Since the start is a very small area at the north end of the Silverado Trail, in the town of Calistoga, you had to be bussed from the Napa high school (finish area) to the start. Lucie and I had picked out several spots along the way where she would meet me, exchange bottles of energy fluid, etc. so I bummed a ride to the high school with another runner staying at the motel. From the HS, we immediately boarded nice warm school busses and drove up valley. It was drizzling steadily, 51 degrees, not much wind. We hung out on the busses until right before race start, checked our bags so they could be taken to the finish, hit the heads, then went to the corral--all was within about 50m of where the busses were parked.

The Silverado Trail runs through the heart of the Napa Valley, millions of grape vines on either side of the road the entire way. It took all of about 100m to get clear of the crowd and run your own pace. The first part of the course had some nice hills, 2-3% grades, nothing too much, many twisting S turns, beautiful scenery. Water breaks every 2 miles, ones on the back half of the course had oranges and bananas, plus Gu gels (I cannot say "YUCK" loudly enough…never touch the stuff), very helpful volunteers. About every mile or two a cross road cut over from highway 29 that provided spectators a chance to park and greet the runners--if your pace didn't pick up going through those spots, man, but you were deaf.

I used my body as a test bed this race (do as I say, not as I do), trying a number of Hammer products. I started taking Race Day Boost 4 days prior, and had made four 1-hour bottles of Perpetuum which I nursed along the way. Also, I took 1-2 Anti-Fatigue capsules every hour, and also 2-3 Endurolyte capsules every hour. I only added water at the breaks, never took any energy gels or sports drink. My energy level stayed good throughout the race, muscles did not cramp, and I never needed a walk break start to finish, so I guess my cocktails worked.

My race goal was to start out at an 8:30 pace and hold it at least through 15 miles, longer hopefully, before starting to run/walk, hoping to come in at 3:50:00. In actuality, I ran 8:25 for about 15 miles, before starting to fatigue a bit and my mile times slipped into the 8:40-:50's, and my slowest 2-3 miles were in the 9:15-:30 range. My average overall was right at 8:50, for a 3:51 and change chip time. Not bad, missing my pre-race target by about a minute!!

Things I learned along the way: it's all about training; long runs come in two different colors--endurance runs at :45 sec more than race pace, and race pace runs teaching your body to turn over at a faster pace for long distances; high-mileage weeks/runs are mandatory; lactate threshold runs are mandatory; speed and hill work are mandatory; don't think you can't do it--you can; don't be afraid to experiment--just be prepared for the downside if things don't work out; quiz other runners on how they train--amazing what you can learn; "pick up" flagging runners along the course--it is an incredible way to give yourself a shot of adrenaline when you see the appreciative look on their faces.

At the finish, lots of volunteers waiting to help you find things around the high school grounds. They had hot soup and bread waiting in the cafeteria, hot showers available in the locker rooms, many, many massage tables set up in the gym (I think my free massage lasted about 20 minutes!), a small stage band playing, etc. They had the awards ceremony in the gym, and the top male and female finishers won their weight in cases of wine--pretty cool! Then they raffled off a half dozen big goodie baskets, and lo and behold, I won the last one! Couple bottles of wine, a Napa Valley Marathon wine glass, and other Napa Valley goodies. All in all, a great day!

Edited by wildcat83 2009-03-05 1:21 PM
2009-03-06 7:06 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Mike glad to have you back. As I suspected there was winery tour in your plans, I don't know much about wines, but I do have an old HS friend that goes to that area specifically to buys wines from that area.

Great Marathon, you knew your training was right on before you went and the result speaks for itself. Its great how each event no matter where it is will have its own identity. In Tampa its about the pirate themes of the old port days and Gaspar the pirate hence the name Gasparilla. Your event being in Napa Valley had the wine theme. And you got to bring some home, so enjoy.

Looks like the Hammer products did you right. I like perpeteum, some don't like the taste. Did you have any problems getting it to mix initially? There good products and they have done alot of research on performance.

Glad you had a good time. 

Edited by tri/tbay 2009-03-06 7:06 AM

2009-03-06 9:57 AM
in reply to: #2001269

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Re: the Perpetuem, I didn't have any troubles getting it to mix, but I am sure that carrying a couple of bottles on my fuel belt kept it shook up quite nicely during the race!  I didn't have any problems with what I took, with the lone exception of about blowing chow at mile 19 or so...not sure why, but all of a sudden I started getting the salivary glands acting up, coughed and about gagged, but it passed after a half mile or so and I was fine.  Probably was just getting tired of the mush food by that time!
2009-03-06 10:06 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Brazoria County
Subject: Out of pocket this weekend
I'll be off the internet until late Sunday night, I agreed to drive for a team from my running club that is doing the Texas Independence Relay this weekend.  Will catch up with you guys on Monday!
2009-03-07 9:07 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Mike: awesome marathon, and keeping right on with your time goal. 

Never been to Napa (or California) but I hear the area is great. 

Roy - thanks for the oppty to swim in your team today, you wife was very helpful, she gave me a few new tips and the workout was challenging.

9:00 AM I swam 1200 yd: 200 warmup + 500 straight (9:45)+ 5x 100 on 15sec rest (1:45-1:53). 

5:00 PM 23.35 miles on mi roadie. 20 mph Pace. I did feel the difference in strength during my sprints and climbs (yes, this is FL, but we have some hills). I could feel the explosion in my legs, however, I have to continue expanding my endurance.  Meaning more 30+ mile rides

An awesome day with lots of exercise, I was ready to add a run but my bike drained my legs.  Even though this is my "other bike", the knee pain from my last run didnt flare up, so I need to watch if this comes back only on runs or

Yesterday I got me a 56t FSA aero chainwheel for my 650c bike (I still have to mount it though), I hope it will get me up to par with the 700 riders.  Now that I think of it, during my one race last year I had a lot of people pass me on the bike.

2009-03-08 9:58 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed


this early AM run felt awesome - all the tiredness from last night was gone (maybe the CBEX before bedtime>  I didnt feel any knee/leg aches, just a smooth easy sail (run),  Extended to 8.8 (I thought I would have reached 9 miles but my calculation missed - I could have gone longer had I known).

Preworkout routine:  some ankle/achilles stretching + protein shake + 1/2 dose of CBEX - still no caffeine and no energy pills either.  These two have always worked for me, so I am sticking to it.  I didnt even bring any water on this run and didnt need it - might have been a stupid mistake had the weather been warmer but it worked today. 

At no point in my run did I feel any fatigue. Running without pain is awesome.  Due to the little bit of cold early in the run I noticed I was clenching my fisst but whenever I noticed, I relaxed the hands and shoulders.

Between the workouts from the last two days I know I can complete an OLY, however I am still a little worried about swimming in a muddy, not so deep lake, and the ocean water is still too cold.  I am shooting for a few races starting in late May.

- This week I reached the 25 Lb loss mark.  Weigh after run, 189 - even after 2 glasses of water.

PS  CBEX is not available in the US (as a finished product) yet. It is an ingredient we sell,  selling ingredients for te nutritional and food industry, I get my hands on a lot of new ingredients, just last week, on April's Triathlete Magazine, I saw an add for a product containing trehalose and cluster dextrin - I have been pushing a very similar formula to FLorida's formulators, maybe now they will catch on.  But CBEX (Chicken Breast Extract is a blend of specific aminoacids whose main fucntion is to control LA buildup, it also flushes it out)  The beauty of it is that it's taken right before the workout - no need to buildup, load, etc.  it works in about 30 minutes.  The raw material sells very expensively, which is whay I haven't had any bytes yet, so I am working on bringing it direct (if I could only translate the label).  If any of you guys have any questions about supplements I might have the answer - especially separate raw materials.  I will agree though that HAMMER makes an awesome set of products.  I usually buy theirs when I run out of samples.

For overall health defense I am a firm believer in Vitamin C (antioxidants), beter yet, Glutathione.

Edited by TrkHilo2k 2009-03-08 10:00 AM
2009-03-09 5:55 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Good Morning Boys,

How was your weekend. Mine went well got in some decent work as Triathlon season quickly approaches. I'll be doing a spring training event this weekend, pool swim event. But a good place to start and see how fit I am. My legs feel good from the run emphasis over the winter so hopefully this means a good tri season. So yesterday my daughter and I go for a ride on one of the local trails, I stop to help her with something, start to get going, I have to turn around, I'm clipped in on one side not sure what happened other than I fell, going exactly 0 mph. Nice going and sporting a nice little cherry on the left knee. 

Olman nice  going Saturday with your swim, you should be pleased with those 100 times, even though some fatigue began to show those are really good times and you know have something to compare your fitness to in the coming months. Your 500 TT will also serve as your base time, we'll be doing another in two weeks at a little further distance. Also my wife enjoyed  having you over, and she really appreciated that you jumped in and stretched with the kids.

Congratulations on the 25lb. weight loss goal. And interesting product your explaining. 

Have a great day. 

Edited by tri/tbay 2009-03-09 5:58 AM

2009-03-09 8:21 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Wow, well "it" happens.  I hope my kids enjoy riding as much as I do so when they get a little older we can ride trails together like you're doing.  That, to me, would be tops.

I enjoyed the swim workout lots.  I also needed the stretching so, why not.  It was kinda fun to be there with the kids and hear their complaning... it was a flashback!  Yes, it is good to have a baseline number.  I just need to find more pool time.  As I told you wife, I have grasped the "swim with the whole arm" thing real well.  That has helped me lots.  I can visualize it and feel it in the water.  That's how I most learn.

The other day when I was running I realized that as I got tired, I started kicking my right foot out, just like you pointed out in the water.  Obviously losing form doesn't help out of the water either, and now I am more conscious about it and can pay attention and correct it.

I see you were able to workout some on the weekend.  Also your Friday swim was open water?

I thought about doing De Soto on 4/11 but it is somewhat expensive (I also have to add the cost of a wetsuit rental)... Good luck on your training race this coming weekend.  Let me know where it'll be.

Later, Olman

2009-03-09 1:22 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Brazoria County
Subject: My weekend

Although I got in minimal running this weekend, I did agree to drive for a team from my local running club as they did the Texas Independence Relay, 203 miles from Gonzales, TX to the San Jacinto Battlefield in Houston.  The route follows the "running scrape" as Gen. Sam Houston's army retreated from the advance of Santa Anna's army, which was vastly superior in numbers to Houston's force.  Of course, the story ends with the Texan's catching Santa Anna's army literally sleeping as they camped on the banks of Buffalo Bayou, thus ending the war for Texas's independence from Mexico, 1836.  If you've never done one of these relays, it was an awesome event--it kiled me not to be running, but finances so soon after our CA trip just weren't in the cards, but glad I could help out.  I did get in one pre-dawn leg with one of our gals who was really hurting--I just keep telling her stories about whatever came to mind, and we ended up finishing her 6 mile leg at about 9:15 pace, so she was really glad.

 Olman, can you send me anything on the supplements, or is none of it available retail yet?  I have sure become a believer in the anti-fatigue stuff from Hammer given my performance in CA.  Back out for a run this evening--can't wait!

Edited by wildcat83 2009-03-09 1:23 PM
2009-03-09 7:52 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Mike:  let's time it.  I do have a bunch of stuff for formulations, not necessarilly ready to use. but this CBEX is awesome, 1000% better than the buffers being sold today (in fact,you can get as much Ca and Potasium lactate from some juice beverages that are calcium or potasium fortified). I rep a Japanese co. and the Japanese swear by their supplements, so we mainly source from JPN.

At this stage I am still working on various product formulations, I will be sure to let you know when I start recruiting lab rats, ok with you?  Believe me; there is science and there is voo-doo in this industry. Me and my partner plan to start sponsoring simply by providing training and race nutrition as well as patches/temp tatoos, or something low key so we can start to get exposure w/o killing the hen...

- That seems like an awesome run, I gotta get more into the running scene (bit with what time?). Anyways, yesterday, while I was running my 9 miles i listened to the Tri Zen, talking about the Rocky Raccoon and it sounded so fascinating - 50 miles on trails.  I have tried trails but even running in grass scares me, not having the constant flat surface takes a lot of energy from me.

Roy, I see you finally posted a pic, and I also see a Hammer Nutrition shirt... uhm, maybe I should keep all this stuff to myself for a bit longer.  That aside, they do make science based products - buy many of ours already.

Today I swam another 1200 yd (200 wu + 500 + 5x 100 + 100 cd)  I felt great. I could have should have, but time is essence.  the 500 were also 9:45 like the first time, the 100s avg 1;50, but thats because the first lap I did an all out sprint and really beat the heck out of my arms, once I got back into a rhythm "it was all cool".  I am enjoying these swims a lot.  Never felt like I was a swimmer even at an inferior level but now that's changing.  ME LIKE WATER!

Hasta la Vista.

2009-03-10 11:32 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

(please notice the all caps as I am yelling)


Not to mention I have been sick for two days (going on 3) with an upper respiratory infection, so even if it was 80 out I wouldn't be able to work out.  This sucks. 

On a lighter note, check out the link below.  We had a pond hockey tournament this weekend and our team picture made the Zubaz website!!!!  I am on the far right with the black hat and bandana.  Keep in mind I'm wearing a big sweatshirt under my jersey.  Photo #1.

2009-03-10 11:39 AM
in reply to: #2008409

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Given the fact it is about 81 degrees where I'm sitting, I think I'll stick to this climate. Looks like a hardy bunch though. Did you win? Man I know you are getting anxious to get outside to train, I can't really imagine what would be like to have to wait so long. But I know when it does get nice in your part of the country people make the most out of it. So you will be getting your turn soon.

Mike this picture is for you, sorry its a little dark and I had trouble getting it resized. I realized its about the only picture I have for the sport.

2009-03-10 6:51 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Yeah, Roy, it's about dang time you got your mug posted on here! :-)

Steven, I have to tell you, coming from KS like I do, I don't miss that slushy cold crap one tiny bit.  I love being able to get outside whenever I want to, you just have to develop a really good sweat reflex (I'll often lose 4-5 pounds on a double-digit run--and that's WITH all of the fluids I take in during the run!)

Olman, let me know when you're ready for a moving test bed--I'm game.  That is pretty much what I did to myself at Napa, with no adverse effects.  

Along the lines of performance enhancing items--any of you guys wear the new over-the-calf compression socks or gaiters?  A friend who owns a tri store swears by them, both during the race and before/after to increase blood flow to leg extremities.

Roy, I'm getting back into my regular workouts, the week after Napa, followed by the relay, took me out of my game.  I got in a good 5 mile tempo run last night, and some excellent speed intervals tonight, and feel great.  Man, but that relay really energized me for running!  I need to get back in the pool, but frankly, I am much more comfortable and much less nervous about that after having swam the past 5 weeks or so.  Need to focus on the bike now.

First sprint tri for me is May 15, so looking forward to that.

2009-03-11 6:46 PM
in reply to: #2008427

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

I finally got back in the pool tonight after laying off for the marathon and ultra relay...boy, did it feel good! 

Roy, I did another time trial on the 500yds, this time in 8:30...will have to go back and look, but I'll bet it was almost 45 sec faster than the last one.  Pulse was 160, so higher than the last time, but still not bad.  I did a bunch of drills, then did a 100yd TT, 1:20, fastest one I've done yet, pulse was 170 at end so I know I was in anerobic  range then.

I've noticed that others in the pool whenever I swim tend to have a much higher stroke count, many more strokes per distance than I do, so not sure if I am too casual, or if they are just inefficient, but I always seem to catch/pass them, so think I'll stick with what is working for me.

Run is good.  Swim is good.  Gotta focus now on the bike.

Edited by wildcat83 2009-03-11 6:47 PM
2009-03-12 6:33 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Hey Mike, those are awesome numbers on your swim. I can tell your are feeling pretty good about going into Tri season, with the swimming not going to be a big hinderance. You used the word comfortable about your swimming, I think that also equates to confident. This is probably what I consider the most important for the people I've helped. I want them to feel confident in their ability to not only complete the swim portion, but to also compete in that portion and use it to set up the remainder of the day. So well done.

As to your TT, and all out 100, smokin those are great times, HR's right where they should be for those efforts. Now you can see if you were to go out to quickly in an event like your 100 time, elevate the HR to that level, do you feel you could recover during the swim while still holding your race effort. So its is learn as you go, and get to know what your body is going to feel like at these different pace levels. Its just like what you do with your running.

Just let the arm slingers you swim along side continue to do so, your are correct they are not swimming efficiently, and using a lot of energy to do what they are doing.

Also check you inbox, and get back to me. I'm most curious.

Edited by tri/tbay 2009-03-12 6:35 AM
2009-03-12 9:22 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Mike, those are great swim splits - when's your next race?   I do try to have the fewest strokes I can, yes, that's efficiency and your passing the other swuimmers shows it.

Roy: is your training acmp this weekend?  I am thinking of just showing up at Wildman and support other BT'ers, however, I gotta put my needs ahead.  Pls let me know. 

On Wed PM: I did a HRM'ed bike TT:  I was able to really keep the pressure the entire route.  AVG speed (23.3MPH) shows a great improvement.  Weather was real nice and cooperative.  75ish, lo humidity

HR reading: I stayed just hovering 150 most of the way. Awesome!

I made the mistake of racing it counterclockwise and had to stop for over a minute at a trafffic light (at about 10 min into it) but other than that this was an awesome ride I fit in before handling a bunch of other responsibilities.

Nutrition:  1HR pre wo: Mucle Milk-1 bottle, carried 1 water bottle with me and didn't finish it (unusual for me).  I feel great and near peak.  I thought of racing Wildman this weekend but having to reant a wetsuit in addition to an 85 race fee, plus swimming in a grossed out lake, was too much.  I am looking for the next ocean swim to register.

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