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2009-04-16 3:27 PM
in reply to: #2089640

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

SteveyD - 2009-04-16 4:18 PM re run pace. I today managed to go a whole lot faster than i normally do. Normally i have been doing 1 on 4 off, with the one on at a pace that i find it comfortable to stride quite large steps (i have longer legs than most i find it easier to run by long slower steps ) however today i took it a bit slower and did a more jogging pace and maanged o knock about a minute off my 1.55 mile/2.5k run (still slow but average speed of 7.3kph which is much better to me)

Re: "larger steps", just be careful that you don't overstride, ie, let your feet land in front of your hips. You want your feet to land directly underneath you. Running long, slow steps often forces you to overstride. That doesn't mean, however, that you can't use your long legs to your advantage. There was recently a thread about cadence/force/stride in Tri Talk - I will see if I can find it. Aside from the 5 pages of bickering between some of the fasties around here, there are many good points made, and I believe, some books referenced. Good running form is incredibly important, since it's such a high-impact activity. Poor running form can screw you up.

Congrats on knocking a minute off of your time, though!

2009-04-16 3:32 PM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

Here is the link to the thread I was talking about. Like I said, aside from the bickering, there is some good advice in here.

2009-04-16 4:42 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
well in that case i definately overstride. part of it comes from my cricket side i think, where i'm only urnning distances of 10 meters and bowling, and the bowling technicque requires you to put the left foot ahead. The thing about running as you say is i feel i'm not using my whole leg properly as i've always had a lot more muscle at the top of my legs from cycling etc.
Any suggestions on how to improve it?
2009-04-16 5:22 PM
in reply to: #2089838

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

SteveyD - 2009-04-16 5:42 PM

well in that case i definately overstride. part of it comes from my cricket side i think, where i'm only urnning distances of 10 meters and bowling, and the bowling technicque requires you to put the left foot ahead. The thing about running as you say is i feel i'm not using my whole leg properly as i've always had a lot more muscle at the top of my legs from cycling etc.

Any suggestions on how to improve it?

Yup - let me get back to you on that, as I've got a busy evening, but I will follow up tomorrow!

2009-04-17 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Okay, so I have a quick report on swimming last night and then I have to work.

I was nervous.  I think now that was silly, but I was.  I went to Endure It! in Naperville, IL which is a tri store and also sponsors the masters swimming b/c it was across the street from where the practice was and I had been wanting to go there.  They were doing a cool compu-training cycle class where peope were on their own bikes hooked up to a computer that was measuring heart rate and cadence.  It was cool to see.  I checked out the Shimano pedals and shoes since I want to get them for my bike.  Then I went to the pool.

It was so laid back it was great!  The coach (who has won the tri I am doing in June the last two years) was great.  She wrote the workout on the dry erase board and people did it at thier own pace.  We did 2500 yards. 

W/U: 400 yards every 4th length kicking
6 x 75 Pull
8 x 25 odds fist, evens fast
6 x 200x
2X     (50 F, 50 E, 100 F)
         (100 F, 50 E, 50 F)
         (50 E, 100 F, 50 E)

I was beaming when I walked out because I FINISHED.  What a great feeling.  I don't know that my FAST laps were that much faster than my EASY ones, but I put the effort in. I may dig out my heart to swim in next time.  I wear the band on the EQ at the gym and have the reciever watch somewhere in a bag from last summer.  That will help me guage things better next time.

I am so sore though (traps) I had trouble sleeping and I am trying to stretch them out this AM.  Over all I am glad I went, but I am definately going to have to stretch out today so that I keep my neck and shoulders from becoming giant knots.

I give it a 10 and myself an 11 for going!  LOL
2009-04-17 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
PS has anyone noticed that below the planned training there is a button that says "collapse".  I know it is so that the planned training disappears on the screen... but I always see it and laugh cause I look at my training schedule and hope I don't collapse.  LOL.  Sorry, just wanted to share my little chuckle.  Bet next time you look at it you think of that too!

Edited by amkaz 2009-04-17 8:49 AM

2009-04-17 8:58 AM
in reply to: #2089927

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

wurkit_gurl - 2009-04-16 6:22 PM

SteveyD - 2009-04-16 5:42 PM

well in that case i definately overstride. part of it comes from my cricket side i think, where i'm only urnning distances of 10 meters and bowling, and the bowling technicque requires you to put the left foot ahead. The thing about running as you say is i feel i'm not using my whole leg properly as i've always had a lot more muscle at the top of my legs from cycling etc.

Any suggestions on how to improve it?

Yup - let me get back to you on that, as I've got a busy evening, but I will follow up tomorrow!

All right to answer your question:

I think I understand what you mean about saying that you don't feel like you're using your entire leg. I find that for ME, overstriding puts a lot of strain in my quads. a general rule, gripping with your quads and hip flexors (ie, relying on them too much) can mess with your full range of motion. For good running form, you want to activate your glutes and hamstrings (actually, this goes for cycling as well, but that's another thread). For a lot of people, this is hard - hamstrings tend to be weaker than quads in a lot of people, since quads are the dominant muscle group. So it's hard to learn how to "use" your hams/glutes.

So learning good running technique will help you learn engage them. Learning good running technique will also teach you to NOT overstride. "Good running technique" is sort of a relative term. There are definitely things that you should NEVER do (like overstride), and general principles that are the same, however it's sort of intricate and what's natural for one person isn't natural for another person. And you never want to force yourself into a new technique or style quickly. However, since you're new at this and probably have not settled into anything concrete yet, it's not a bad time to start trying different things. 

There are several methods out there - I only have experience with one of them. A lot of people have found that the book "Chi Running" is spot-on for them. I've heard mixed reviews about the"Pose" method (also a book). Our tri team's running coaching is slightly aligned with a book called "Evolution Running" by a guy named Ken Mierke - he happens to be local to the area and coaches a local pro triathlete who is good friends with the team's head coach, so she comes and does clinics with us. I'm not plugging this method per se, since I know some people have certain beefs with aspects of it, though you'll find that with just about any book/method/technique out there. However, there are some basic principles in the drills that we do that align themselves with everything else I've read/heard from other athletes, as well as watching really good runners.

Since I'm not a coach, I am hesitant to give you any real instruction in this arena (since I don't know what BT elitists are perusing the Mentor threads and I don't want to incur their wrath). The best thing you can do is either get a coach-type to look at your form, or at the very least someone who ran in high school or college (preferably college). Otherwise, check out some of the books I mentioned, or check out articles on

In general, when you run, as your legs come around in each cycle, you don't want your leg to swing out, but rather, draw your knee up, so that your thigh is parallel to the ground. Your feet should land directly underneath your body, and you should be using your glutes and your hamstrings to push off and back from the ground, in order to go forward. Think about trying to kick your butt. This is a little exaggerated, but as a drill, it's effective.

There is some debate about cadence around here as to what is "optimum" since it sort of varies by each person, but there is such a thing as "too slow". (Cadence is how many times in a minute your feet hit the ground, also called leg turnover) Since it's hard to overstride with a quicker cadence, you may want to try increasing your cadence. Note that this does NOT mean that you are running faster. You can run with a high cadence and not go very fast ("fast" is sort of determined by how much force you apply to the ground in order to push yourself forward). So this might mean that you will have to slow down a little - trying to take smaller, shorter steps will help to keep your feet landing underneath you. Once you've broken that habit, you can work on using your long legs to your advantage, ie, you can learn to take longer strides without overstriding, if that makes sense.

I apologize if this explanation isn't the best. But some of this is hard to describe without actually being able to show you, or watch you do it. If you have any other questions or want something broken down a bit more, please ask.



2009-04-17 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2091026

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

amkaz - 2009-04-17 9:40 AM Okay, so I have a quick report on swimming last night and then I have to work.

I was nervous.  I think now that was silly, but I was.  I went to Endure It! in Naperville, IL which is a tri store and also sponsors the masters swimming b/c it was across the street from where the practice was and I had been wanting to go there.  They were doing a cool compu-training cycle class where peope were on their own bikes hooked up to a computer that was measuring heart rate and cadence.  It was cool to see.  I checked out the Shimano pedals and shoes since I want to get them for my bike.  Then I went to the pool.

It was so laid back it was great!  The coach (who has won the tri I am doing in June the last two years) was great.  She wrote the workout on the dry erase board and people did it at thier own pace.  We did 2500 yards. 

W/U: 400 yards every 4th length kicking
6 x 75 Pull
8 x 25 odds fist, evens fast
6 x 200x
2X     (50 F, 50 E, 100 F)
         (100 F, 50 E, 50 F)
         (50 E, 100 F, 50 E)

I was beaming when I walked out because I FINISHED.  What a great feeling.  I don't know that my FAST laps were that much faster than my EASY ones, but I put the effort in. I may dig out my heart to swim in next time.  I wear the band on the EQ at the gym and have the reciever watch somewhere in a bag from last summer.  That will help me guage things better next time.

I am so sore though (traps) I had trouble sleeping and I am trying to stretch them out this AM.  Over all I am glad I went, but I am definately going to have to stretch out today so that I keep my neck and shoulders from becoming giant knots.

I give it a 10 and myself an 11 for going!  LOL

Congrats on a fantastic swim! Glad you had a good time.

If you ever get a chance to ride a computrainer, do it. A couple of the local bike shops here rent time on them during the winter, and my friends and I will go and "ride" various courses, like sections from IMs, etc. It's a lot better than riding a regular trainer, since there's variation on the resistance. And you can practice shifting a lot more, because it forces you to shift as it gets harder or easier. If I had a computrainer to ride all winter, I'd probably be a stronger cyclist. I always get a better workout on those than I do the regular trainer. Unfortunately, you can get a trainer for as little as $100, whereas a computrainer is about $1500 msrp (though you could hunt for REALLY good deals on Ebay or something). The computrainers I ride don't meansure heart rate or cadence (you can always do that with a heart rate monitor and a bike computer with a cadence sensor), but they do measure power (wattage), which is cool. And of course, mph, etc. And you can "race" the other people who you are riding with

2009-04-17 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Ok question regarding training plans.
I Put a 20 week sprint plan on my trianing plan, yet the distances on there at the start are quite short. Should i just do the distances so my body is constantly increasing and in time with the plan or should it be ok if when it says a 2 mile bike i do a 10 mile bike because i'm used to it?
2009-04-17 9:16 AM
in reply to: #2091133

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

SteveyD - 2009-04-17 10:04 AM Ok question regarding training plans.
I Put a 20 week sprint plan on my trianing plan, yet the distances on there at the start are quite short. Should i just do the distances so my body is constantly increasing and in time with the plan or should it be ok if when it says a 2 mile bike i do a 10 mile bike because i'm used to it?

Depends. Biking is one of the things where it's okay to sort of over-train the distance a little. However, the plans are designed to be heavy or light on certain days, certain weeks, etc. So you don't want to do "extra" biking on the day before a larger run day, etc or you can add it, but go easy, don't hammer it out and trash your legs. However, if you are accustomed to riding longer, on a regular basis, you could tweak the plan a little bit. Just make sure that if the plan has a week where it backs off on distance, do so appropriately.

The saying around here is "train your weaknesses and race your strengths". So if you're only planning on training for sprints, and you're a really good cyclist but a crappy runner, for example, I might pick a plan that emphasizes running a bit more.

2009-04-17 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2091100

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
wurkit_gurl - 2009-04-17 8:58 AM

(since I don't know what BT elitists are perusing the Mentor threads and I don't want to incur their wrath).

LOL after reading the thread about running I completely understand that.  I left that thread knowing I probably run wrong so I will read more to figure it out (and thanks for your tips, they make sense)... but I was like WHOA don't trip on your words around these guys!  I am sure they are full of valuable info, but man one wrong step and WHEW!

Tongue out

2009-04-17 9:29 AM
in reply to: #2091226

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

amkaz - 2009-04-17 10:26 AM
wurkit_gurl - 2009-04-17 8:58 AM

(since I don't know what BT elitists are perusing the Mentor threads and I don't want to incur their wrath).

LOL after reading the thread about running I completely understand that.  I left that thread knowing I probably run wrong so I will read more to figure it out (and thanks for your tips, they make sense)... but I was like WHOA don't trip on your words around these guys!  I am sure they are full of valuable info, but man one wrong step and WHEW!

Tongue out

Yes, I was active for a bit in that thread too, but I know that what I was saying made sense and wasn't completely incorrect or invalid, so I just left it at that. After a point, it's not worth arguing. They just like to bicker about who knows more than who (and who is faster and why, etc). :-P But I posted the link, because if you weed through the bickering, as I said, there's good info there.

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2009-04-17 9:31 AM
2009-04-17 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Near Lake Tahoe, NV
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Amy- I totally understand the nervous feeling, I get that way too. Congrats on just doing it. And great swim.

Stevey- I am definately not even close to an expert on running, but I completely agree with what Chrissy said about higher cadence (shorter, more frequent strides). I used to hate running, not be able to run for more than a few hundred feet without getting completely winded.

Then I read some posts (may have even been the ones Chrissy posted) about the benefits of a higher cadence. I used to take longer strides when running and wasn't having much success, so I figured I would give it a try. The first time I did it, it was amazing how much easier I found it. I was probably not going as fast, but I was able to run (slowly) for almost a mile compared to much shorted distances before. Again, this is only my experience and may be completely different for you.
2009-04-17 9:49 AM
in reply to: #2091274

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

JJackson07 - 2009-04-17 10:36 AM Amy- I totally understand the nervous feeling, I get that way too. Congrats on just doing it. And great swim. Stevey- I am definately not even close to an expert on running, but I completely agree with what Chrissy said about higher cadence (shorter, more frequent strides). I used to hate running, not be able to run for more than a few hundred feet without getting completely winded. Then I read some posts (may have even been the ones Chrissy posted) about the benefits of a higher cadence. I used to take longer strides when running and wasn't having much success, so I figured I would give it a try. The first time I did it, it was amazing how much easier I found it. I was probably not going as fast, but I was able to run (slowly) for almost a mile compared to much shorted distances before. Again, this is only my experience and may be completely different for you.

Excellent point. Back in the fall, I had to take a hiatus from running due to what I'm certain was just overuse, in training for a marathon. So I took 6 weeks off and slowly got back into running by helping a non-runner friend train for her first 10K, which I was also planning to run. I started her off with run/walk intervals, and since we were only running like 13 minute miles, I HAD to quicken my cadence in order to run that slowly. So this is what I did for several weeks. And now, I'm actually considerably faster than I was BEFORE I was injured. Part of it has to do with all the marathon training I did, which made me stronger. Part of it had to do with getting the shoe insert to even out my leg length thing. But I'm also pretty convinced that being forced to run like that helped my efficiency. I find that focusing on cadence helps me get up hills without getting winded, helps me keep going if I start to get tired, etc.

2009-04-17 12:05 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
to today i conquered the mountain-both literally and figuratively. out of s/b/r biking is my favorite, but i havent been able to ride hills in a comfortable fashion until this morning. i live in suburban los angeles, and yes there are mountains 10 mins from my house. i have rode up glendora mountain road probably 2 dozen times, but i havent ridden it since october i think. glendora mountain road is steep and windy and if i can maintain 8mph i am happy. well this morning was my first attempt to try it with the new hardware in my knee. it was a tough climb, and i usually climb seated, but at 6mph this morning i am happy. the elevation increase is over 2500ft in about 5 miles. my knee felt great and still feels fine. it was a beautiful morning to conquer the mountain.
2009-04-17 12:18 PM
in reply to: #2091827

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

wplummer - 2009-04-17 1:05 PM to today i conquered the mountain-both literally and figuratively. out of s/b/r biking is my favorite, but i havent been able to ride hills in a comfortable fashion until this morning. i live in suburban los angeles, and yes there are mountains 10 mins from my house. i have rode up glendora mountain road probably 2 dozen times, but i havent ridden it since october i think. glendora mountain road is steep and windy and if i can maintain 8mph i am happy. well this morning was my first attempt to try it with the new hardware in my knee. it was a tough climb, and i usually climb seated, but at 6mph this morning i am happy. the elevation increase is over 2500ft in about 5 miles. my knee felt great and still feels fine. it was a beautiful morning to conquer the mountain.
Congrats! And glad to know the knee is holding up well. I'm not a very good climber. I should be, since I'm small - less weight to haul up. But I'm super-weak. Gah.

2009-04-17 12:29 PM
in reply to: #2091876

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
wurkit_gurl - 2009-04-17 10:18 AM

  • Congrats! And glad to know the knee is holding up well. I'm not a very good climber. I should be, since I'm small - less weight to haul up. But I'm super-weak. Gah.

    thanks chrissy. i am not build like a cyclist-more like a linebacker-6'2 about 230, but it is sheer strength, persistence, and the blaring metallica in my headphones that lead me up the hill. and i think that on sunday i will make a return trip.
    have a fantastic friday.
    2009-04-17 1:41 PM
    in reply to: #2068561

    Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

    All right peeps, since the afternoon seems to have made everyone disappear, have a good weekend! I will be MIA again this weekend, as I will be down at my race, without connection to the interwebz

    2009-04-17 3:34 PM
    in reply to: #2092160

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    Oklahoma City
    Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
    wurkit_gurl - 2009-04-17 1:41 PM

    All right peeps, since the afternoon seems to have made everyone disappear, have a good weekend! I will be MIA again this weekend, as I will be down at my race, without connection to the interwebz

    Good luck at your race!
    2009-04-17 4:24 PM
    in reply to: #2068561

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    Extreme Veteran
    Glendora, CA
    Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
    hey chrissy good luck on the race this weekend, and i cant wait to read the RR. good luck and have a great time.
    2009-04-18 9:53 AM
    in reply to: #2068561

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    Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
    Good luck on your races, both of you!!!!!  We are all rooting for you!!!!!

    2009-04-19 5:42 PM
    in reply to: #2068561

    Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

    Hey mentees - back from my race. Fun weekend overall, but I did terribly at the race. The race report will be up tomorrow probably, but in brief, my bike sucked, which killed my run. And the run was hot and hilly. I'm pretty disappointed and I really hope the rest of the tri season goes better than this. After my 10-Miler run, I was looking forward to it.

    Steph, how did your race go?

    2009-04-20 3:37 AM
    in reply to: #2068561

    Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
    yo... hope all of your training and racing is going well...

    quick report from australia... running and swimming lots... brought pedals and shoes to put on a rental bike here, but they're all beach cruisers, so no dice... i'll check in in a week when i get back...
    2009-04-20 8:08 AM
    in reply to: #2096354

    Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

    sage - 2009-04-20 4:37 AM yo... hope all of your training and racing is going well...

    quick report from australia... running and swimming lots... brought pedals and shoes to put on a rental bike here, but they're all beach cruisers, so no dice... i'll check in in a week when i get back...

    Enjoy your vacation!

    Morning, mentees. How was everyone's weekend? Anything fun on tap this week, in terms of training?

    Just wanted to share something, with regard to open water swimming. I did my first really cold OWS at my race yesterday. I've done OWS many times at this point, with and without a wetsuit. But I think the cold water (62 degrees) messed with me. I felt fine getting out of the water, but when I stopped at my transition spot in T1, I felt dizzy and kinda nauseous and pretty shaky - couldn't get my stuff on and off fast enough. I've heard that the cold water can cause this, esp. if it gets in your ears. So if any of you ever plan to do an early-season race in colder water, get some practice and maybe bring earplugs. But swimming in the water, once I got going wasn't bad at all, actually. The important thing is to get in before the race and swim around, get your face in, etc. so you can get over the initial shock the cold water will have to your body, heart rate, breathing, etc. Once a layer of water gets in your wetsuit, your body will heat it, and it will act as an insulator.

    2009-04-20 9:05 AM
    in reply to: #2068561

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    Oklahoma City
    Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
    Good morning everyone.

    You are now speaking to an official TRIATHLETE!!!!! The race was great, and I felt pretty good the whole time.  I'm swamped at work, and my sister just had a baby. Hopefully I can fully report tonight.

    Chrissy, I'm sorry your race sucked! I'm sure the rest of the season will rock!

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