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2010-03-23 7:48 AM
in reply to: #2734722

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Everyone,

While preparing for his 5K race last Sunday, Jason asked me about what he should do for a warm up.  I just came across a good article about this on runner's world.  This is a little bit more elaborate than the warm up I gave him to use, but looks pretty solid:

Warm Up link

Please also note that your warm up should vary depending on how long of a distance the race is.  The longer the race is, typically the less you want to warm up.  For a sprint triathlon, I typically don't ride my bike in my warm up, but do run for 10-15 minutes with some strides.  I only do a brief swim 4-5 minutes in the water just prior to the start of the race.

Hope this helps and I hope everyone's training is going well.  Race season is right around the corner!  I'm now only about 6 weeks out from my first tri of the year!!!

2010-03-27 3:37 PM
in reply to: #2742118

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi everyone,
finally back at it today after almost 2 weeks of inactivity. Mexico was great, moving on from tragedies is tough to do but you must move on. Strng family sand freind support is the key. Had a great 70 min run this morning, body felt fresh and strong. Start hitting it seriuosly next week in prep for IM program that starts in 2 weeks. looking forward to it. Hows everyone else doing out there in Tri land ?
2010-03-30 8:08 AM
in reply to: #2575024

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey guys,

I was just looking over how pathetic my training log is... and comparing it to Colin's didn't help   Anyway, last year I only ran about 175 miles over the whole year!  So I'm setting a goal for myself to get the season started by running my 2009 mileage in April.  At not even 10km/day, I know that it is an easily attainable target, and I figure that having those miles in before the season really starts will get me on the right track to have a good year.  Most of the miles will be slow ones, but there will be some speed workouts in there as well, especially if the weather is nice enough for me to get to a track.

If, for any reason, you think this is a really bad idea, let me know.  But, I think the main reason why I never do as well as I want to do is because I just don't put in the miles.  I'm going to go to the gym tonight and do a good LT test for my running HR, then I'll probably rest tomorrow and get into it on Thursday.  With a long weekend coming up, I'll try to get some big runs in to get me started. 
2010-03-30 8:56 AM
in reply to: #2752541

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Dave,

Great to hear from you!!!  Glad to hear your trip and your run went well.  This time off could be really good for your training as your body is hopefully nice and fresh from the time off.  Seeing how your IM training plan starts in 2 weeks, I think this should work out really well for you.  At the same time, don't rush into heavy training and as always, make sure you listen to your body.

My training is going quite well.  I moved in with my girlfriend this weekend and also played in a hockey tournament so I was really busy.  Oh yeah, so my team went 2-0-1 and we didn't make the finals.  There was a 3 way tie and we didn't make cause we had 1.5 more minutes in penalties than the team we tied.  LOL, that was a tough way to be knocked out, but it actually worked out well cause I had so much to do with the move.  Its been really rainy here, but I've still been getting my training in.  Less than 6 weeks from my first tri of the year!
2010-03-30 9:01 AM
in reply to: #2757256

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey Jason,

Haha well we both have different goals so please don't feel bad when checking out my logs.  Another guy on here was saying the same thing the other day.  He told me looking at my logs make him feel lazy, LOL.  As long as you're pushing yourself and having fun, don't worry about it Smile

I love the new goal and that's great about how much stronger your run log looks from last year.  I am a big believer in getting the miles in as long as you're not pushing too hard and asking for an injury.  My run focused over season training went extremely well for me.

How's everyone else doing? 
2010-04-02 5:27 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
2 days in, and I'm up to 9.32 miles so far.  It was a nice, sunny day today.  I ran an easy 10k, and came in at just under 52 minutes, which would have been a PR not too long ago.  My average HR was 175, but I was right around 170 most of the way, which felt pretty comfortable.  It will be interesting to start to look at my times compared to avg HR.  Do you find that your numbers stay fairly consistent?  Like, if you run at a certain HR, can you pretty well guess what your time will be (without looking at the pace on your Garmin of course)?

2010-04-03 11:50 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Prairie Village, KS
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey guys.  I have been MIA for quite some time, so I figured I would check back in and give an update.

My training is going very well.  I am in my heavy week for base 2 of HIM training (10 hours) and have got in every workout except one.  The focus for the week has been cycling, which coincidentally is the weakest discipline for me.  I have seen huge improvement in my bike times over the first 10 weeks and this week has been great for my confidence.

My workout today was a 1.5 hour bike which followed immediately by a 30 minute run.  I average 19mph on the bike and then went just over 4 miles on the run (7:23 mile average).  I came away from the workout today feeling great and quite confident in myself.  Tomorrow is the long workout for the week as I have a 2.5 hour bike.  I am looking average 19mph for the ride.

I hope everyone else is doing well and staying on top of their training.  Keep working hard!
2010-04-05 8:35 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED

Hey everyone,

hows everyone doing? great training weekend. weather is changing, warming up. Got out for a couple of great rides on the weekend and a swim today. 70+km on Sunday in a brisk wind. man does the wind want to take your bike where you don't want it to go. Love my Cervelo but in windy conditions its freaky, when it blows from the side you have to focus and stay with it or bad things can happen with gusts. Lots of fun though.Some local Tri maniacs were going in the lake on Sat.... not sure if they made it but thats big stones. temp was about 10 c, still a little cold for me.
train well

2010-04-05 8:35 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED

double post

Edited by DaveBIM2010 2010-04-06 12:41 PM
2010-04-06 2:13 PM
in reply to: #2767187

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey Matt,

Great to hear from you!  I thought we had lost ya there, but glad to see your post.  Your logs are looking great.  I really commend you on walking when your legs didn't feel good.  That was a very smart move.  The only recommendation I have is to make sure you're not pushing to hard, especially on your brick workout runs.  It appears you're going pretty hard on the bike which should be OK (I'm not sure which zones your HR data is putting you, but my guess is your spending a decent amount of time in zone 3, maybe higher, which is pretty high) but I wouldn't push too hard on the runs.  I would consider them more as recovery runs and preparation for the making the switch during the race.  If you want to push coming off the bike, that should be OK as well, but make sure you are slowing down/cooling down for at least the last 10 minutes of the run.

Keep up the great work!
2010-04-06 2:23 PM
in reply to: #2770110

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Dave,

They may have started out big stones, but they probably ended up with pretty small stones after a swim in water that cold, lol!

That's awesome that you got a few good rides in this weekend.  I had a pretty nice one Sunday morning.  I'm actually pondering doing a century ride this weekend, but it depends on the weather.  Its supposed to rain on Friday and may run Saturday so we'll see.  Besides that, everything is going quite well with me.  I'm not sure if you crazy Canucks follow NCAA basketball or not, but I won my pool and have a little over $600 coming my way.  I'm putting it towards a HED Jet 9 race wheel!  Smile

2010-04-06 3:13 PM
in reply to: #2771988

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Nice wheels,
good luck on the century I hope to get a long one in this weekend as well, maybe a metric century is in  order.
did follow the tourney. Always put a bracket together with some buddies. got killed! way to many top seeds out and come on Butler I had Kansas winning it all over Kentucky! They almost won it though, I thought that last shot was going in. You coulld hear a collective hush as it went thru the air and rim out. great game!
2010-04-10 9:52 PM
in reply to: #2772134

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey Guys,

So I got my century ride in today!  It was really windy so it was really tough, but it was a great accomplishment.  However, it also really put how hard completing an IM is going to be.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
2010-04-12 10:07 AM
in reply to: #2782894

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey gang
nice owrk on the century Colin
did not get century in, but got 90 done, man to think I have to do that twice. Nutrition is the key. Cardio wise felt great, legs got real heavy and stated to cramp last 20 km. Did not bring enough to eat. Lessons learned ! don't go at hills to fast and blow the legs up, pace yourself for a negative split. hydrate with some electrolytes. 100kms + is definatley doable though. But doing it twice, holy crap. I guess thats why we train so long to get to the line.

2010-04-13 2:01 PM
in reply to: #2785035

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Yeah, it really puts things in perspective huh?

While its not good that your nutrition didn't go well, as you said, lesson learned.  This is the time to try things out and get your nutrition figured out.  A lot of people say that nutrition is the most important aspect of an Ironman.

Well keep plugging Dave!
2010-04-18 6:52 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey guys,

I don't know if anyone still checks in on this thread, but I just wanted to let you all know about my race on Saturday.  I shaved over 1 minute off my PR for the 5km, and actually won the race!  I ran 22:40, and placed first out of over 69 people (69 registered before race day and there were some who registered at the event).

Even though I'm still not at my sub-20min goal, I know that I'm well on my way. 

Colin - I took your warm-up advice, and probably jogged about 3km before the race and did a fair amount of stretching.  When the race started, I felt much better than usual, since it usually takes me a couple of km's just to get settled in.  The next competitive 5km that I run will be as part of my sprint duathlon in June (I think it's actually just over a 5km run, then a 20km bike and just over a 2.5km run).  If I can be around 22 and 11 for the runs, and pick up my bike speed to 30km/hr (it has been right around 26km/hr for the last 2 years), I could actually do really well in my AG! 

2010-04-18 9:07 PM
in reply to: #2800000

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED

 Hey Jason, great job on the PB for your run, don't you love those breakthru days. Nice work !
I am in the same spot as far as breaking that 30 km/hr . I am floating around 26-28 km/hr still after 2 years as well. Its a tough one to crack.
I just finished my first week of my IM training program, I had a good week for the most part. all my sessions were good and I felt greta for them all, except my swim on Friday I tweaked my shoulder a bit. Still got my 2200m swim in though and will test it again Wed. looking forward to the program, feel really good right now, physically and mentally.
train well all
whats everyone else up to, not hearing much out there

2010-04-19 11:16 AM
in reply to: #2575024

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi guys,
Haven't posted in a really long time, but I do check in from time to time. Congrats on all of the accomplishments- sounds like you're all starting out with a great season! I'm headed down to Galveston, Texas this weekend for my first HIM this Sunday (Lonestar Ironman 70.3). Already nervous, but excited!! Just looking to finish and enjoy it. The wave starts didn't work out in my favor. My AG is third to last and we start over an hour after the pros start. Bleh! Oh well, can't change that, so I'll focus on the positive. Perhaps less people yelling, "On your left!" on the bike. Ha!!

Once I get this out of the way, I can focus on getting faster and ready for the National Age Group Championships in September.

Hope everyone is doing well! Happy Tri-ing!
2010-04-19 12:14 PM
in reply to: #2800000

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Congrats once again Jason!  That is really cool and it must have felt awesome winning the race!

I'm glad that warm up felt good.  When you're racing in an event as short as of 5K, the warm up is critical.  As you don't really have time to let your body get loosened up during the first 1-2K.

That is one heck of a start to the season!  So since you won this race, I'm expecting you to win every race you do this year! Smile  LOL, completely kidding.  In all seriousness, there's only certain things you can control on race day and who else shows up to the event isn't one of them.  If some super fast people show up, so be it.  All you can do is race your race.  If you execute your race and its put you on the podium, terrific!  If not, what are you gonna do?  Just keep training and try to get faster for next time Smile

Congrats once again Jason!
2010-04-19 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2800280

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey Dave,

Congrats on finishing your first week of your IM training!  You should be proud and I hope you're optimistic about your training.  Sorry to hear about the tweak in the shoulder.  Definitely be careful with it.  Its too far from raceday to pushing it and you obviously need to avoid injury.  With that said, take a break on the swimming if you need to.

2010-04-19 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2801347

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey Shannon!

Its great to hear from you!  I hope all your training has gone well.  Don't worry about being nervous as being nervous is a good thing.  It sounds like that your body is getting prepared for this great event.  I wish you all the best in your race and I hope it goes well.

Please be sure to fill us in on how it went.  Good luck!!!

2010-04-19 12:40 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Everyone,

So my new mentor group did start last week so I've been really busy with that.  It filled up really fast!  I was only planning to have 10 people in the group, but we ended up with 15 so I spent a lot of time over the weekend working with my new group.  Nonetheless, I'd be more than happy to keep this thread going if you guys want to.  You guys will always be my first group and I had a great time working with you all and I hope you benefited from being in the group!  We had a few people that didn't quite stayed involved as much as I would have hoped, but I think things went pretty well.
2010-04-19 3:11 PM
in reply to: #2801655

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey Colin

I did not even realize the new groups were starting, I saw the thread but for some reason did not really see it if you know what I mean. I would certainly like to continue to pick your brain if thats possible every now and again. I have enjoyed it so far and appreciate your excellent knowledge and help in with some of the issues I have had. I will have to check to see if there is any open still.
2010-04-22 9:13 AM
in reply to: #2802175

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Sounds great Dave!  Like I said, I certainly don't want to lose touch.  If you have any questions down the road, please don't hesitate.
2010-04-22 1:17 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey Colin,

I thought I joined this group?
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