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2010-01-16 4:43 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

Hey gang. Ya'll are doing so well,even in my absence. I've had a hard week, crashing at 7P every night. Not sure exactly where the fatigue is coming from, but I did get in my 3 runs.

Checking in...

Maggie: I guess you're off on the road to Morocco now. We'll miss you. Be safe.

Marla: Hope your weekend workouts are better. I like the way you plan for the week. I think I'll take some tips from you and lay out my stuff at night for the next day.

Amy: Awesome weight loss. 2.5 pounds!!! And you're out in the snow. You are a champ.

Jon: Hope you're getting some rest in between work and workouts and fixing the car. Night work is rough. Like the idea of new videos. They're great motivators. I think you ought to get some activity points for getting up at 2 AM with the child. Those days will be gone too soon.

Mary: How did your week go?

Kristen: Good work on the 1.2 pounds. Don't worry about us. We'll be here for you when you get back.

Fernando: Hope things went well.

Marla: I like the idea of running home. I have some friends who like in town and can do that too.

Daniel: I think your hard work is paying off. Stick with your plan. It's working. Remember, it took time to put it on. You are most likely putting on lean body mass as well, so your net loss at the scale may be deceiving. I see this all the time in my clients. They are disappointed with the loss at the scale, but my scale measures lean body mass as well, and often that is increasing. Keep up the good work man.

More later...

2010-01-16 4:57 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

Sorry for my absence gang. January is the toughest month for me. I'll check in more often next week. Work is requiring a lot of time...EMR, end of year reports and W-2's (I do my own bookkeeping), website updates (yeh, I'm the webmaster), and e-mail blast to do (I do marketing too). Anyway, not complaining, just wanted to let you know, even when absent, I think about you guys.

I'm thinking about adding a yoga class to my business. There is some interest from my clients. I've done a few DVD's but never a class. Have any of you taken classes and what did you think?

Anyway, time to set goals for the next week and think ahead for Feb. In Feb, we're each going to each choose a tri distance (HIM or IM) to train over the month. For example, if you choose a HIM, you swim at least 2000 yds, bike at least 56 miles and run at least 13.1 miles some time in the month. Iron distance is S 2.4 miles, B 112, and R 26.2. You record your distances each week in the following format:

Done this week: Done this month: Goal

So if my goal was HIM, and I ran 1 mile this week, and 5 for the month, it would look like this...

R 1:5:13.1

Think about what you want to do. This week, I'm up for 3 runs, with long one 8+ miles, and weighing in. That's all I can handle. How about you guys?

2010-01-17 12:45 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Daniel here,

I really like the idea of completing a half or full tri in February. 

I am still on the elliptical and in spin class - not actual running or biking.  I have 8 weeks to tone and drop weight before starting again - and the warmer weather. 

Can we still complete the contest if we base it on time in the saddle or on the elliptical? If so, I am in...

I started pilates (not yoga) 8 weeks ago.  I go to class twice a week.  Yes!!!  Offer the class Twylite!  Encourage men...  I did my spin class this morning and then swam my 40 lengths - 1000 yards.  Since starting pilates, it is so much smoother.  I was not tired, my back was flat, I reach further on my strokes, I kick more efficiently... 

I am not a great swimmer.  I am very smooth, do not splash, but I breath every stroke on my right side...  I exhale under water.  I will never be a great swimmer but fine for my purpose.  My point is...  pilates has made all the difference in breathing and comfort in the pool!

Off the class!!!

2010-01-17 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Daniel here...

Just received a text from Maggie in Morrocco!  She wants me to say hello and is pulling for everyone while she is AWOL!  The weather is warm and windy.  She said her husband liked the "new" Maggie!!!

Also, Triathlon Life has a cover article on "Yoga... Triathlon Style.
Interesting article that supports all the stretching...

2010-01-17 6:52 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

Thanks for the tip  on yoga, Daniel. I really needed the encouragement. This last year has been so scary for me, starting a new business in a bad economy, my creativity is just about zapped. I'll look up the article you mentioned.

Also thanks for the word from Maggie. I'm glad she made it over there OK.

You can sub an activity for the run or bike, like elliptical for either, or stationary bike. or spinning for bike, You make the call. The point is to just get up and get moving.

Again, sorry I was AWOL last week. The Haiti earthquake got to my head. For several summers I've done a medical mission in the Dominican Republic, about 50 miles from Port au prince. My husband has worked with a friend to get water purification systems built in churches in Haiti. It's kinda hard to detach. I got down.

But the sun is out and it's in the low 60's today. Hope reigns eternal! I feel much better. I'm up in AM for run. I think I'll choose the IM distance for FEB. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Ya'll have a good week and I'll check in with ya later.

2010-01-18 1:37 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Daniel here...

It is so nice to have a day off!  I teach 7th grade lit/LA and it is Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  We studied him all last week and are drafting a letter to him tomorrow using information we discovered and reacted to. 

Time to clean the house.  Make the wife happy.  Had time to read today.  Having my lunch of "Save My Life" WW soup - soooo good!

Tweaked my workout today.  Increased the weights significantly - not as challenging as it was 5 weeks ago.  I am excited about February's challenge.  I am in for the Iron Man - never thought I could do!!!

Here is - in a nutshell - what this issue of "Triathlon Life" says about yoga workouts for triathletes...
  1. Flexibility
  2. Strength
  3. Balance
We know that... but as a newbie to pilates... I can tell you it works!

Enjoy your Monday!


2010-01-18 6:50 PM
in reply to: #2578050

New user
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Hey there everyone,  Haven"t heard from anyone in a while  hope all is well.  I am still working alot but trying to do what I can. There is an anchor news lady on the TV who sponsors a 26.6 mile marathon each year.  Jacksonville is over an hour away making it impossible to make the trainings wsdith my work schedule, so I inquired into starting one here in my town.  Already have some interested ladies, just need some sponsors.  It gonna be hard to do the meetings and such so wish me luck.  After reading an article on this site about a 50 yr old and an 84yr old both doing marathons and triathelons  I feel I can do anything  what an inspirational article  Hope to hear from someone and keep up the good work
2010-01-19 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Sure you can. Anything is possible. When there is a will there is a way. Good luckk with your training group, hope it works out.
I'm excited too about February. I did some calculations, and I should be able to do an IM. A little nervous about the bike distance, but we will give it a shot.
Keep working hard gang!!
2010-01-19 8:34 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Howdy all!  Enjoyed my three day weekend with the family.  Go see Avatar if you haven't already.  And see it in 3D.

Made half of my goal this weekend - did the run, but just ran out of time for the bike.  I am not too bummed though, because this is basically teaching me all of the pitfalls of planning my training. 

I am in for the HIM for February.  Cool goal!

Edited by mmgoldenb 2010-01-19 2:16 PM
2010-01-19 2:31 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Hey gang. I just got back from trying my new's awesome! I hadn't had a new road bike in many many years. Incredible what technology has achieved. Anyways, I wished I lived in Fl right now to go out more often!Fernando
2010-01-19 7:44 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
I am definetly in for the IM for Feb.  What an awesome idea.    Looking forward to intensifying my workouts some.  I feel it is time to change it up a little, especially on the run, bike.  Hopefully will get in the pool tomorrow for the 1st time. Frown  Better late then never right lol.  Hopefully everybody has a good work.


2010-01-19 8:39 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Daniel here,

Hello everyone.  Hope everyone is having a great start to the week.

Maggie sent this message to me and asked that I forward it on to the group...
I did a 1 hour exercise paced walk in the neighborhood here with my music and then 3 hours of more leisurely walking in the afternoon. Kind of hard to do what I want since I have to be safety concious. But at least I can do something. I checked into the gym but they do classes 3 days a week (wouldn't be able to understand them) and the machines are only on fridays! Can you imagine??? only being able to use the machines at the gym one day out of 7??? We'd go crazy. another issue is finding good food. Not good as in taste but healthy. This morning I sat down to breakfast: bread, cookies, some mixture of sugar, spices and nuts, and moroccan donuts which are like a plain frech crueller. So I had omar take me to the store and I got a cereal that looks reasonably healthy. They serve bread at pretty much every meal as it is used for the eating utentil. I am only using it at one meal and using a fork or spoon at other meals. Funny I used to go with the flow but now it's all conscious choices. Beeen drinking lots of water and limiting the sodas. the moroccans are famous for saying takuli takuli! which means eat eat I'm like I don't need to eat!! LOL.
How is your training going? I am so jealous that I can't train like I want but I will enjoy the trip and make up for it later.

Take care.

I will keep her messages coming!  Lots going on with most of us.  First time in the pool, new bikes...

Keep us the motivation!

2010-01-19 8:58 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
I did it! First adult swim class, and I can swim a  little better than I thought I could.  And, I didn't sink.  WHoo hoo!  Definitely much work to be done on stroke and breathing especially.  I need to slow it down and focus more.  But I am really excited to work on it.  Good day!  =)  Marla
2010-01-20 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
185 pounds this morning! Something must be working.
2010-01-21 8:09 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Wow Fernando, that's AMAZING!  Way to go!  Keep doing what you are doing.    =)  Marla
2010-01-21 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Well, I did my first "swim workout".  I did 12 very untidy laps in a 25 yd. pool.  My laps were 75% freestyle and 25% backcrawl/floating on my back.  I have a long way to go.  =)  I was in the dentist's office yesterday and a little boy came out and said to his mom, "Mommy, I was so brave!"  I feel a little like that today.  It's been a week of a lot of firsts.  My laps weren't pretty, but I did them.  And maybe next time I will be able to breathe better and do 14.  Good stuff. 

What's everyone up to?  Board is vewwwy quiet.   Marla

2010-01-21 6:04 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Hi Marla. I guess the group is on vacation. Good stuff with the swimming. Check out this website: Terry Laughlin has a presentation there (6 youtube videos that last a total of approx 60 min). Very interesting concept. I bought his book. It reshaped my thinking. I did a little swimming in high school, and tons of surfing during my college years, so I've never been afraid of water, but this style totally reshaped my stroke. I feel much more efficient now.Fernando
2010-01-23 4:12 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Show Low, Arizona
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Still trying to get use to the "night shift", school and getting in my workouts. Was able to hit a few of them, but not all. Got back in the pool but had a weird reaction to the chlorine, not sure if the gym is using new chemicals or not.

Definately going to try to get in ALL of my scheduled workouts next week.

Train safe......

2010-01-23 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Wow. For a while I thought the group's thread had migrated to some other site and nobody told me! Today my oldest one got his first road bike. He is psyched! Went out for a very short ride. He was a tad nervous because of size, posture, speed, etc. But in the end he had a blast.
2010-01-23 3:32 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Daniel here...

Hello everyone.  It has been quiet.  Like everyone else I have been busy.

Had a great week - completed every workout (3 spin classes, 2 swims of 1000 yards, 2 pilates classes, 3 upper body weight workouts, 4 elliptical sessions - all over 45 minutes) and recorded all my food.  Never exceeded my Weight Watchers Points any day this week.  Even received compliments at work that I am looking so different. 

Then... I weighed in this morning at WW.  I GAINED 3.6 POUNDS!!!  I was stunned.  To be honest - so confused.  On good weeks I lose a half pound.  Our WW discussion was how to add 3 - 10 minute activities a day for our exercise.  And they are all losing weight!!!  No one else in my class even goes to a health club...

I am right back where I was on Christmas day - a month ago...  I feel that even though I worked so hard this week and kicked workouts so hard I let this group and myself down.

Sorry to vent... just at a complete loss.  My 229.9 by 3-21 for my Shamrock Shuffle 8K seems like a very unrealistic goal. 

Not giving up but ready to drop the idea of losong weight and just continue working out.  It is just too depressing...  So I am dropping WW and just continuing my workouts...  My wife and a trainer at the health club told me to stop the weight loss and just enjoy my workouts...

Good luck to all of you!

2010-01-24 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
I would really consider what twylite148 said earlier on our forum before you give up. I have noticed on occasions too that initially your weight can stay pretty steady despite your best efforts. The reason is you are loosing fat but increasing muscle (and it sounds you had a great workout week). A better indicator would be to track body fat %.  Besides, one week is too short a period to evaluate a trend.
There are many other health benefits to a good, balanced diet (i.e cholesterol, TG, etc), not just the weight aspect. I hope you don't give up, and be patient. No doubt it will pay off.

2010-01-24 5:43 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
twinstrimom, I kow what you mean about nights.  I swtich from days to nights every 2 weeks usually.  It can be very difficult to get in workouts.  Keep trying it will get easier.
2010-01-24 5:56 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Training for the week:
Mon: Weights and swim
Tues: Run and /or trainer
Wed: Weights and maybe run
Thu: off
Fri: Weights and swim
Sat: Run or trainer
Sun:Run or trainer

Hopefully I will be able to get this done with work kids and famiy.  Hope everybody has a good week and stay positive.

2010-01-25 4:59 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
So much for Monday workout. The oldest is sick so I have to go home.  Double whammy, no workout and no sleep.  Oh the life of a parent.  I would not trade it for anything. Have a great Monday.

2010-01-25 8:48 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

Thank goodness for new weeks!  Last 3 days were a total wash due to sickness and general family busy-ness.  This week may or may not be better, but I am going to fit in my workouts where I can.  The general plan is:

Monday - strength
Tuesday - light bike/Swim
Wednesday - Pilates -
Thursday - Run/Interval
Friday strength/Bike
Saturday - off
Sunday- Run or Bike - depends on the weather.

And Daniel -- don't give up so easily!  I am glad Fernando posted what he did because he took the words right out of my mouth!  You are doing good things!  Keep it up and it will pay off.  =

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