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2011-01-05 11:53 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Chet and Jeff, thanks for the advice and feedback to the wet/tri suits.  I j, ust bought a pair of tri shorts, need to get a tri shirt.  I guess I'll need to go somewhere and try some on to get a feel for it. 

Oh BTW I signed up for some swim tri lessons starting in Feb.  I want to get in the pool this month an get comfortable then start the lessons.  Chet, I am doing that with Xcell/Jackie.  Do you know of her?

Nighty, night!!

2011-01-06 9:06 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Top of the morning to ya'll.  Just getting us up to the top of the list.  Have a great day.  No workout for me today.  My "saddle" is a bit sore from that spin class yesterday.  Why did I do that 3 days before my 1/2, lol.  Oh well, Im sure by Sat I'll be good to go.

See ya!!
2011-01-06 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Jeff- "Buoyancy" damn.  Working on my spelling

Chris-  I have a friend that can't wear a wetsuit.  We tried a couple different sizes and types but he panics in the water with one.  He says it feels too constricting.  Other than him, everyone I know says they are faster with one on.  Also, water here in the spring is in the 50's -60's.  St George Ironman is in the 40's! brr

Sheila - I think lessons are a fantastic idea.  The more comfortable you are in the water, the more you are going to enjoy Iron Girl.   
2011-01-06 12:17 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
I really like the different areas of experience this group has.  Don't ever hold back when you have something to add.  We are a group looking to successfully complete our goals and any input is valuable.  

Another goal I am adding to my list this year is to never be on page 2!!!  

Got my six in this morning.  First race Saturday. 
2011-01-06 2:57 PM
in reply to: #3281991

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
I'm a little nervous about the wetsuit because I have a hard time in OWS keeping my face in the water.  I'm fine in the pool, can go all workout without any problems, but come race time, I just can't get into a rhythm.  I end up swimming with my head up.  I think part of my issue, is this was the way I was taught when I took lifeguard training in the Boy Scouts.  I know it slows me down, but I can site the course really well.
2011-01-06 5:25 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Chris - Changing a habit is tough.  It is going to just take practice doing it in the open water.  Start with 100 m then work to 200 etc.  What might help during the race is finding some feet to follow.  If you can get into a good draft, you can concentrate on the feet and won't have to sight that often.  Hopefully the person in front of you is sighting ok  If you have to pop your head up then you have to though.  Anxiety can cause your HR to spike and to go anaerobic.  You don't want to waste precious energy in the water.  Stay comfortable.  Slow is Smooth.  Smooth is Fast.  

2011-01-06 9:15 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
David- Balinda Granger workouts out in Noosa.  Ever run into her?  Or have her fly by you?
2011-01-07 12:56 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
After a couple hard days of running and the treadmills all full due to those new years resolutions the pool was empty and calling my name. I did a couple of warmups and was able to do a series of 6 x 100's. My breathing is terrible any advice? I can only breathe on my right side and that throws off my stroke.
2011-01-07 1:06 AM
in reply to: #3283574

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
cbarnes1 - 2011-01-07 12:15 PM David- Balinda Granger workouts out in Noosa.  Ever run into her?  Or have her fly by you?

Not seen her, there's lots of triathletes living in or visiting Noosa, it's become a sort of triathlon town due to the annual Triathlon Festival and good climate and training facilities.

Link to Noosa Tri:
2011-01-07 1:24 AM
in reply to: #3283782

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
kacerrob - 2011-01-07 3:56 PM After a couple hard days of running and the treadmills all full due to those new years resolutions the pool was empty and calling my name. I did a couple of warmups and was able to do a series of 6 x 100's. My breathing is terrible any advice? I can only breathe on my right side and that throws off my stroke.

I have been using the "belly to the wall" drill to improve my breathing; basically you do a lap swimming with your left arm extended and right arm against your right buttock with your cheek pressed against your biceps - using fins is a good idea.
Swim along with your face down then when you want to breath roll to your right aiming to point your belly to the wall of the pool.
Then swim the next lap with your right arm extended, breathing to left etc...

If you do 2-4 laps of this every time you swim you should find your breathing becomes much more relaxed!

2011-01-07 8:26 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Robert - I agree with David.  That is a freestyle kick drill.  I do that drill, "catch-up" drill and "finger drag" drill as a warm up almost every swim.  These drills help correct my stroke and gave me better balance in the water.  You can find videos of them on Youtube.  I would give you a link but I can't access Youtube when I am at work.

The drills were hard for me when i started.  They get easier.

Thanks for the link David.  I will check it out. 

Edited by cbarnes1 2011-01-07 8:27 AM

2011-01-07 10:58 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Good luck Sheila!!!!!! I may see you out there in the morning. Races are the reward for all your hard work!
2011-01-07 10:58 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Good luck Sheila!!!!!! I may see you out there in the morning. Races are the reward for all your hard work!
2011-01-07 12:01 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed

I saw this on another post and really liked it.... SO I STOLE IT!Laughing

Training when you don't want to...Talking yourself out of quitting a long run when your not feeling it...getting up early when you want to sleep...having a miserable workout that you just suck at but survive.  This is your mental training!  These are the successes you think about in the middle of a race when the wheels are coming off.  You might walk for a minute or 20 and every step is agony and then you take a deep breath and try and pull it back together again and go again even it you have to do it 10 times during a race that is mental toughness.

It's an attitude...failure is not an option.  I didn't get up at 5am for the last 6 months to quit.  You didn't sacrifice all your social time to workout just to quit.  You haven't put up with all your spouses "moods" about your workouts to quit.  It's believing in yourself.  It's getting mad at yourself.  It's pushing yourself.  It's holding yourself accountable.

My IM swim sucked.  The water was 57 degrees and after 20 min the cold had jacked with my HR and I was getting testy with everyone around me and panicky and started having doubts 3/4 of the way through my first loop.  I started thinking that if I couldn't pull myself together I wasn't going to be able to finish.  You have to be able to shut your mind down when it starts talking crap and say "NO", I'm better than that. Or my actual conversation with myself was ", I'm not going back to work to tell everyone I quit".  Then I had to evaluate what was wrong and make a plan and adjust.

1.)  Stick to your workouts and finish them.  If you give yourself excuses in your workouts you will give yourself excuses while your racing.    My personal favorite when I'm having a bad swim or run is to promise myself I'll stop after 200 then just to be evil it's another 500 or whatever.  My brain hates my ego we talk to each other all through the workout. 

2.)  Find your happy/motivated place.  Know what will calm you down.  Is it a memory of a vacation, your kids, spouse, Happy and calm is different than Motivated and Fired up...a visual of the way you are or use to be or who you want to be?

3.)  Tell EVERYBODY you know what you are doing and post it on your office door.  I am not kidding here.  I can't tell you how many times I just wanted to change my goal and forget the IM but didn't because it was on my door and the GM would come by periodically and ask me about how things were going.  Pride is a great motivator.

4.)  Have a motto or two...pick a motto and know it by heart.  Use it in training and it will come to you in racing.  Tape it to your bike if you have to.

ie...Suck it up buttercup or HTFU..just don't tell Suzy. ,  Nothing to it but to do it!  Good, Better, Best, never rest until your good is better than the rest.  Not sure where I got this one from but it works when your running on each foot strike.

5.)  Evaluate and change plans on the fly. (SOOOOO, important)  You should always have a race plan A, B and C and even then you might have to be creative.  Very rarely will you ever have a race that goes exactly as planned.

6.)  Learn the difference between workout pain and injury pain.  There is no shame in pulling out of a race because you feel something that is just wrong.  I've been out for two years because of working through pain.  I am in the process of discovering how I need to prepare my body to race and what I need to do when things feel off but I won't ever hesitate to stop if I can't get things undercontrol because one race isn't worth two years.  We aren't talking blisters here.

7)  Know why you are doing this.  This isn't the simple answer, "because somebody asked me to do it."  There's a reason you decided to torture yourself.  You may not even know why right now but you will discover it in your training.  Race day is a catered training day.  It's just another day in the end.  Triathlon is a journey of self discovery.  The work, blood, sweat, tears and money come from a place within.  Know what your motivation is and use it when the going gets tough.

7)  Last but not realistic with your goals and be prepared.

Sorry this got so long.  You hit a sore spot that I've been struggling with to get back on track.  You might have to feed this back to me as I go.

2011-01-07 8:15 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Too close to page 2.  So what is your long workout of the weekend?
2011-01-08 1:38 AM
in reply to: #3285818

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Chet, I am going to ask only because I am a newbie and it's too durn late to surf for the answer. What is HTFU? It's killing me, I just have to know. I am just sure I am not supposed to ask but I have this sneaky suspicion that others are also wondering (No giggling, I could be wrong).

Man I am so out of shape for me. I will have to use my mantra tomorrow..I CAN.

I felt I needed to get the season rolling fast. I am just not feeling the motivation factor, so I signed up for a bunch of runs. It is a series point system for prizes or something. Tomorrow is my first. The pace I set tomorrow will be my marker for improvement this year. The schedule is a lot more than I have ever done before, but I think I can do it, well .....because I can.

My biggest problem on the start is the nutrition factor. I am having a really difficult time starting this season right and getting to the right foods. I keep saying stay away from the three whites...white flour, white sugar, white fat/shortening. But it seems that's all I am going for lately. It's like I am on some sort of fat bender. Suggestions? Discipline techniques? All chime in's are welcome.

Oh yeah, I may have found a triathlon training clinic/ class near me. A rare find for a rural area. I just wrote the folks yesterday, I hope it works out.

2011-01-08 5:08 AM
in reply to: #3286102

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
HTFU= Hard the f@@# up!

Good luck tomorrow in your runSmile 
2011-01-08 11:39 AM
in reply to: #3286133

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
copa2251 - 2011-01-08 6:08 AMHTFU= Hard the f@@# up!

Good luck tomorrow in your runSmile 
And I thought the h was for hurry, as in, "This is a race, hurry the f___ up!"
2011-01-08 2:20 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Jeff - sounds like you are busy getting back in shape though.  I agree with you on the racing thing too.  Signing up always motivates me to HTFU I always knew it as "Harden the F... Up".  I also like "STFU and run" (shut the F up) and my favorite "Suck it up Buttercup".  You need more than these in the "pain cave" though.  Terminology gets ridiculous Tell us how your run goes.

Chris - Hurry works too  

Sheila did her first half mary today and did great.  I will let her tell you about it.  She needs a big congrats form the group!

I ran the same half mary as a MP run.  Very tough course and it is hard to know how I did pacing.  We were either going up or down.  1300 ft of total ascent with some sustained climbs over a mile.  Overall average was about right though.  Good start to 2011.

So who's racing next week?

Edited by cbarnes1 2011-01-08 6:16 PM
2011-01-08 4:11 PM
in reply to: #3286811

Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
I'm so jealous of you guys talking about being able to race this time of year.  My next tri isn't until the middle of March.  And that's a short indoor tri.  The outside tri's in the Chicago area don't start in earnest until June.

BTW, I just got back from the LBS where I ordered a 2010 Cervelo P1 (gotta love the last year model discounts).  Really looking forward to picking it up in a week!  Goodbye back pain, I hope...
2011-01-08 4:22 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Chet, David and Chris - Thanks for the definitions. Oh yeah/.....I definitely using that. I can tell you what, my right hip needs to HTFU because the other three limbs aren't stopping.

SHeila- Congrats on your first half mary, how did it go?

My race was a good starter with locals. Typical beginning of the year. All of us age groupers checking each other out sizing everyone up for the long duration. We will see come march if everyone will stick it out for the points. Every saturday till march. The most points wins some new shoes or something.

2011-01-08 6:21 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Marc - you can rub it in when it is 120+ here in July and August!  It was beautiful here today though.

Jeff - Congrats on getting the season going today.  Sounds like a solid run.   
2011-01-08 6:39 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Jeff - well done getting out there and racing!

Sheila - How did the HM go? I did my first half at the Gold Coast Marathon festival last year, I really enjoyed it but had to pull over at a McDonald's to get a coffee driving home after, I could hardly keep my eyes open!

Raining like crazy today, flooding all over Queensland, had a relaxed 1200m swim this morning in the rain - all the pools are outdoor around here.
Off to watch the Ironman race at Noosa today (this is surflifesaving not regular ironman!)
2011-01-08 9:17 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Jeff - I struggle with diet too.  What I have found a few tricks that work for me. Give up one thing at a time and really just concentrating on moderation.  If your try to cut too much then you will likely fail.  If you want a cookie, have a cookie.  Just don't binge.  Liquid calories are a killer too.  Pay attention to those.  Sports drinks on a workout under an hour will put in more than you burn.  

Eating a good breakfast will help you eat less the rest of the day.  A glass of water before a meal will make you eat less because you will feel full.  A workout before bed without a recovery meal makes me drop pounds fast!

There are plenty of resources out there for diet and nutrition.  Make it right for you, and not too much at one time.  You are after a lifestyle change, not a binge diet.   
2011-01-08 10:24 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Long day today, the high school I work for hosted a 12 team wrestling match today.  Lots of blood clean up, a few minor injuries, and one kid that had to be spine boarded (he checked out OK at the hospital).  Looking forward to my long run tomorrow.  Have a good Sunday everyone.
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