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2011-01-12 7:36 PM
in reply to: #3295947

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Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
barbsduck - 2011-01-12 8:24 PM 
I'm also interested in TK's question, because I always exceed my training plan's scheduled bike workout.  I'm supposed to be biking 5 miles right now, but it's such a short workout -- so I do 50 minutes, which is 13-15 miles.  It doesn't tire me out for the following day's workout at all.


Right there with ya! I'm way past the run mileage, mid-range on the bike, and way deficient on the swim. I can get up to distance on the bike pretty quickly, but the swim I definitely need to work on.  

2011-01-12 10:35 PM
in reply to: #3295589

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL

Hey Ron,

Before I get into the specifics of your question just some general thoughts about plan selection.  First, I think it is best when selecting a plan that you find one where you think you have the opportunity to overperform .  You are more likely to stick with a plan when you are hitting your goals in training versus not hitting your workouts because you selected a plan that was too big of a stretch. 

Secondly, recovery is really important.   Make sure that recovery is built into the plan on a daily, weekly, monthly basis.  For example, my HIM plan builds volume the 1st 2 weeks and then backs off  the 3rd week, builds volume weeks 4 & 5, and backs off again in week 6, etc…  In addition, my long bike/run days (Sunday) will be preceded by a swim (less stress on the legs) and will have an Easy day afterward.  On the Easy day I have the option of really dialing it down by doing nothing or if I’m feeling good I can do some form of active recovery (slow run, easy bike or maybe just walk). Gaining fitness is all about safely placing a greater stress load on our bodies, letting the body recover, and then increasing the stress.

Finally, as you get closer to your race you want your key workouts to mimic your actual race.  Make sure you are doing S/B (swim/bike) , B/R (bike/run) bricks.  For me personally my fitness is such that if I were going to do a sprint distance race I would work on my threshold paces (going hard). 

Without knowing the specifics of the plans you are looking at and how they are put together it’s a little tough to comment.  However, having looked at your training log you’re a pretty fit guy already.  Swimming 2500 meters at 2 min./100 pace is not going to put you at the BOP (back of the pack) in most Olympic distance races.  You are already a strong swimmer.  So, if I were you I wouldn’t back down on the swim.  Continue doing what you are doing in the water provided the mix of the other activities don’t get you overly tired.  Then as the plan catches up with you current level of fitness in the water roll with plan.

Another thing you might want to consider is training to your limiters.  You’re a strong swimmer.  I’m not sure where you stand on the run and bike.  Rather than selecting a 3X (Swim, Bike, Run) Balanced plan you might want to consider selecting a plan that has a run/bike focus.

tkdrq - 2011-01-12 5:00 PM Okay, so here's my question....I am getting ready to pick my first race so that I can plan when to start an official training plan.  I've just been focusing on improving my overall fitness and losing weight.

I look at several of the plans and when I look at distances/times it seems that some of the workouts at the begining are less than I already do (runs and especially the swim portion).  Is there a problem if I just ignore there plan and continue to swim on my own?  Or will it hurt my overall readiness?  Also not sure if first race will be a sprint or an olympic.  feedback?
2011-01-12 10:38 PM
in reply to: #3295947

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Continue rolling like your rolling Barb.  You doing great.

barbsduck - 2011-01-12 8:24 PM Evening all,

I'm supposed to be biking 5 miles right now, but it's such a short workout -- so I do 50 minutes, which is 13-15 miles.  It doesn't tire me out for the following day's workout at all.


Edited by junthank 2011-01-12 10:38 PM
2011-01-12 10:45 PM
in reply to: #3295973

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Ditto Melissa.  Read above.

For the group, a lot of times we train to our strengths because it is more fun, easier, etc..  Make sure you train to your weakness!!

melkat - 2011-01-12 8:36 PM
barbsduck - 2011-01-12 8:24 PM 


Right there with ya! I'm way past the run mileage, mid-range on the bike, and way deficient on the swim. I can get up to distance on the bike pretty quickly, but the swim I definitely need to work on.  
2011-01-13 7:49 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Jeff - thanks for the encouragement!  And the advice about the recovery time.  I'm going to check my training plan, but I think it has weeks with less volume - so now I know what they are for!

Today was wog/swim - and my gym was finally open, so I was able to get back into the pool.

I'm doing all my wogging on the treadmill (is that a bad thing?) - and I'm keeping track of all the stats now, so I can see the improvement.  Today I increased the running speed a smidgen, and I was still okay.

Little victories help!
2011-01-13 8:09 PM
in reply to: #3298464

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
From small acorns grow big oak trees.  Just takes time.  Keep accumulating those small victories.

Treadmill - not a bad thing at all.  Thank goodness for gyms and trainers, etc...  Particularly now for those of you that live up North.  It's the opposite for me here is southwest Florida.  I'll take everything indoors when its really hot/humid (July/August/September).  But I must admit, when I can train outdoors, I train outdoors.

barbsduck - 2011-01-13 8:49 PM Jeff - thanks for the encouragement!  And the advice about the recovery time.  I'm going to check my training plan, but I think it has weeks with less volume - so now I know what they are for!

Today was wog/swim - and my gym was finally open, so I was able to get back into the pool.

I'm doing all my wogging on the treadmill (is that a bad thing?) - and I'm keeping track of all the stats now, so I can see the improvement.  Today I increased the running speed a smidgen, and I was still okay.

Little victories help!

2011-01-14 4:57 AM
in reply to: #3298508

New user

Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Hi team! I'm feeling great about my workouts. Rode stationery bike for 50mins. trying to get used to the numb-butt. Did a massive upper body weight workout as well. The extra muscle I've gained from weight-training really helps in all the three disciplines. Has anyone had experience with knowing when to maintain muscle vs. continuing to bulk up?
2011-01-14 6:17 PM
in reply to: #3298830

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Hey Brian,

That's super.  If you feel good about your workouts you will keep doing them.  If you keep doing them your fitness will improve.  Also, nice to have you join in on this thread.

Numb-butt - Actually that's a good sign.  That means that your butt got sore before your legs got sore.  There is probably not much you can do about the saddle on a stationery bike but you do want to have a good saddle on your real bike.  Also, practice riding in different positions.  I'll constantly switch between riding in the aero position, situp and stand-up even on a spinner.

Regarding weight training, I can't tell you much about "maintain muscle vs. bulk up".  However, I think as you get older (ummmm I mean  get more experienced !!  you lose your strength quicker then when you were younger.  So it is more important that have some sort of strength program as you age.  Having said that, the HIM (1/2 IronMan) plan that I'm currently on has a strength component.  However, because I'm time limitted I'm finding it difficult to get in the weight room.  I had a choice, do I do the weights or do I cut down on my SBR's (swim/bike/runs)?  I chose to focus on my SBR's.

BTW: Bulking up.  Your an x-swimmer so you probably already know this - swimming has "bulked up" my shoulder and arms quite a bit.  I was surprised.

55373bsmith - 2011-01-14 5:57 AM Hi team! I'm feeling great about my workouts. Rode stationery bike for 50mins. trying to get used to the numb-butt. Did a massive upper body weight workout as well. The extra muscle I've gained from weight-training really helps in all the three disciplines. Has anyone had experience with knowing when to maintain muscle vs. continuing to bulk up?
2011-01-14 6:19 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Hey Gang,

Curious as to what is on the weekend schedule for everybody - anybody racing?
2011-01-14 6:52 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL

Just a little heads up on inspires (Christi ask about this earlier today).  When someone sends you an inspire and you want to respond to that inspire, make sure you hit the "Reply" button in the inspire your are responding to (then type in your response).  When you do that (i.e.. hit the "Reply" button) your response will show up in the blog of the person you are responding to.  They will know about it.  If you don't, and simply type in a response without hitting "Reply" you response will show up in your blog and the person you are responding to won't know about it. 

Hope that makes sense?

Happy training.

BTW:  If it helps, the "Reply" button has a little pencil to the left of it (or at least I think that is a pencil).

Edited by junthank 2011-01-14 7:01 PM
2011-01-14 8:09 PM
in reply to: #3256830

Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
So my goal is to do at least an Olympic this summer (or maybe even a HIM if I can get my run in line).  Am I better off just training for the Olympic initially or should I try to do a Sprint first?

Plus Feb. will be spent pretty much only swimming. I do a fitness challenge if Feb where I swim everyday and at least 100,000 yards (monthly total).  Leading up to then I'm just working on overall fitness and building a base.

Edited by tkdrq 2011-01-14 8:12 PM

2011-01-14 8:23 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
I got really behind in reading this thread, and for that I apologize. You would think I would be on top of it, given all the ice we had in Atlanta. Work was closed Monday through Thursday and half of Friday, and I just got my mail for the first time today!

Like Barb, I found a neighbor with a treadmill for one of my runs. The other days I was on the bike trainer. Unfortunately I have not swam in weeks because of the University holiday pool schedule, and this week because the University was closed.
2011-01-14 8:28 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Melissa nice job beating Al Roker!

I did in fact race last weekend. It was the Atlanta Fat 50k trail race, though I only ran the first 16 miles. It is a very low key and social event open to members of my trail running club. Best of all, it is free!

This was held on a 5.3 mile loop at Sweetwater Creek State Park on the west side of Atlanta. I was planning to run 2 loops, and for my dog to join me on 1-2 of those loops. Well my IT band was feeling great so I ran 3 loops for the 'Half ' version of the 'Fat 50k'. Best of all, my dog also ran 3 loops! So her new distance PR is 16 miles (previously had been 11 or 12 miles).

No recovery period to speak of since I ran it slow and easy with the dog. I was back on the bike the next day.

2011-01-14 10:18 PM
in reply to: #3300606

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Albany Oregon
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Thanks for the info on the Inspires....I think I did it wrong a couple times before you sent this note.  So to those of you who sent me a message that way, I answered you, but I didn't do it right so you might not have seen it.  Embarassed

No race for me until June or July....which reminds me....  When I bought my running shoes yesterday and mentioned when my race was, the guy fitting me made it sound like there's no way I'll be ready by then.  Really dude?  It's a Sprint distance, and you don't know what I'm doing to get ready.  Guess it bothered me.  I haven't bricked any workouts yet so maybe it's going to be harder than i thought.  But really, these distances aren't crazy....especially with consistent work.  Am I out of touch?  I'm overweight (25 lbs), but I'm not afraid to walk if needed.  Where's the "mad" smiley face icon?
2011-01-15 8:16 AM
in reply to: #3300688

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Morning Ron,

If I remember correctly you have already done a sprint, right?  Is so, your next race won't be your 1st experience at a Tri race.

What's your current long run and long bike like (give me an idea of the distance/time.... i.e... long run 6 miles/1 hour)?  Your swim is already there for an HIM.  I ask about the time not to know how fast your going but I just want to get an idea what a long day of continuoius training is like for you.  Race time for FOP to BOP for a Sprint distance race is something like 1-2 hours, 2-4 hours for an Olympic, and 4-8 hours for an HIM.

Wow, 100K in a month!!  Impressive.  I once ask Gordo a question about swim volume for elites. He wrote about it on  Here is his response:

tkdrq - 2011-01-14 9:09 PM So my goal is to do at least an Olympic this summer (or maybe even a HIM if I can get my run in line).  Am I better off just training for the Olympic initially or should I try to do a Sprint first?

Plus Feb. will be spent pretty much only swimming. I do a fitness challenge if Feb where I swim everyday and at least 100,000 yards (monthly total).  Leading up to then I'm just working on overall fitness and building a base.
2011-01-15 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3300710

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Good to have you back Amanda.

atlveg - 2011-01-14 9:23 PM I got really behind in reading this thread, and for that I apologize. You would think I would be on top of it, given all the ice we had in Atlanta. Work was closed Monday through Thursday and half of Friday, and I just got my mail for the first time today!

Like Barb, I found a neighbor with a treadmill for one of my runs. The other days I was on the bike trainer. Unfortunately I have not swam in weeks because of the University holiday pool schedule, and this week because the University was closed.

2011-01-15 8:24 AM
in reply to: #3300719

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Congrat's on your race Amanda.  I think I mentioned this to you in a inspire, but you have a mighty fit dog there.

atlveg - 2011-01-14 9:28 PM Melissa nice job beating Al Roker!

I did in fact race last weekend. It was the Atlanta Fat 50k trail race, though I only ran the first 16 miles. It is a very low key and social event open to members of my trail running club. Best of all, it is free!

This was held on a 5.3 mile loop at Sweetwater Creek State Park on the west side of Atlanta. I was planning to run 2 loops, and for my dog to join me on 1-2 of those loops. Well my IT band was feeling great so I ran 3 loops for the 'Half ' version of the 'Fat 50k'. Best of all, my dog also ran 3 loops! So her new distance PR is 16 miles (previously had been 11 or 12 miles).

No recovery period to speak of since I ran it slow and easy with the dog. I was back on the bike the next day.

2011-01-15 8:36 AM
in reply to: #3301146

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Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
junthank - 2011-01-15 9:24 AM Congrat's on your race Amanda.  I think I mentioned this to you in a inspire, but you have a mighty fit dog there.

She runs much better on trails than road, especially when there are other people on the trail for her to track and keep up with. I'm not sure if this will work but here is a picture from 'our' race:

Race Picture
2011-01-15 8:36 AM
in reply to: #3300872

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Hey Christi,

Who knew what that dude was thinking (a lot of times all people understand about triathon is the what they see on TV, and about the only thing you see on TV is Kona: 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and 26 mile run).  Obviously he wasn't thinking very clearly.

You have a goal.  And more importantly you have a plan to reach that goal and 6 months to get there.   I look at your training logs and your getting out everyday.  So you have the right attitude and your tough.  I'm confident that if you continue doing what your doing you will finish that 1st Tri.

cvochristi - 2011-01-14 11:18 PM
No race for me until June or July....which reminds me....  When I bought my running shoes yesterday and mentioned when my race was, the guy fitting me made it sound like there's no way I'll be ready by then.  Really dude?  It's a Sprint distance, and you don't know what I'm doing to get ready.  Guess it bothered me.  I haven't bricked any workouts yet so maybe it's going to be harder than i thought.  But really, these distances aren't crazy....especially with consistent work.  Am I out of touch?  I'm overweight (25 lbs), but I'm not afraid to walk if needed.  Where's the "mad" smiley face icon?
2011-01-15 8:44 AM
in reply to: #3301164

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
It worked.  Looks like you have a great training partner there!!

atlveg - 2011-01-15 9:36 AM
junthank - 2011-01-15 9:24 AM 

 I'm not sure if this will work but here is a picture from 'our' race:

Race Picture
2011-01-15 10:03 AM
in reply to: #3256830

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Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Congrats on your trail race, Amanda! Trail races are on my to do list for some year! How was it? Don't you have a Silver Comet Trail race up there that's supposed to be pretty cool?

Christi...I can't tell you much about the swim part, but you definitely have plenty of time to get the bike/run together by June. 

It's awful what you guys have to deal with training in the winter! Friends up north talk about putting their bikes away for the winter...I've always lived here so can't quite imagine. I'm with Jeff, though...tend to retreat inside during summer or get up waaaay early.

No race for me this weekend. Just getting back into things. Next race is end of Feb. Running club starts at school this week. Still not sure how I got to be faculty advisor, but that means I have to be present at the group runs so I should be getting back out more regularly now.


2011-01-15 10:33 AM
in reply to: #3256830

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Alright off to the pool.  Man I hope the water is not cold!!
2011-01-15 4:48 PM
in reply to: #3301181

Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Great picture there!! Love it!

junthank - 2011-01-14 9:44 AM It worked.  Looks like you have a great training partner there!!

atlveg - 2011-01-15 9:36 AM
junthank - 2011-01-15 9:24 AM 

 I'm not sure if this will work but here is a picture from 'our' race:

Race Picture
2011-01-15 8:53 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Interesting article on setting up a satifying season from a triathlete/psychologist.  Quick read:
2011-01-16 2:57 AM
in reply to: #3291300

Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
I am little bit of a data junkie as well, I love seeing the progress that I am making and being and to map it quantitatively. Through the graphs and other things like data over the week, month, year etc etc. I think atm for the stage in the sport that I am at the measurement that I am taking are sufficient, but I was looking at the forerunner 310xt and the 305 (as Mel rightly pointed out the later are really cheap because of the newer models). Surface to say I have a confession to make, I do like my little toys, my watch's, tracking devices and all that technology. =P


junthank - 2011-01-09 9:05 PM James,

Garmin has number of products and I'm certain there are a number of Garmin competitors out there was well (Polar).  I really can't comment on any Garmin products other than what I have utilized in my training. 

I wanted something that was inexpensive, could track my routes (distances, paces) along with HR data that I could use while biking and running.  So I purchased the Garmin 305 Edge.  There is a bike mount kit (it it mounted on my handlebars so I can see it while riding).  I run with it in my hand.  At 1st I thought this was going to be a pain but now if I don't have something in my left hand while running I feel naked (actually there are a number of elite Aussie triathletes that have things like sticks/gloves that they run with - they say it helps them find their run rhythm - Greg Bennett is an example).

In addition to tracking all the data (HR, pace, distance, elevation) I use it as a "governor" during my workouts.  By "governor" I mean I'll have a HR cap on a specific workout that I don't want to exceed, the Garmin provides that data immediately so I know when to "cool" it. 

Finally, as I mentioned earlier, if you follow my workouts over the course of the next couple months you will see that I do a lot of HR testing.  For example, on the run I'll do a continuous 5 mile run where I'll do 1 mile intervals testing my pace at Walking, 125bpm, 135bpm, 145bpm, 155bpm.  As I collect that data over time I'll be able to understand if my fitness is improving.  I know that currently my run fitness is improving because on 6/1/2010 my pace was 8:24/mile at 155bpm, while on 11/3/2010 my pace was 7:39/mile at 155bpm.  So the training is working, I'm getting faster.

As far as loading the Garmin data on the BT site, rather by typing in all the data by hand (time, distance, HR, etc...), the BT software will recognize that I have my Garmin hooked up to the computer.  I simply hit the download workout button and all the data is transfered into BT. 

Having said all that folks - I'm a data junkie.  I do it because I enjoy doing it.  IT IS NOT WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT.  Getting out there everyday, execising, being consistent, IS WHAT IS IMPORTANT.  Collection of the data by a Garmin just helps me with the enjoyment of the sport.

jamesjong - 2011-01-10 5:01 PM Hey guys,

The Garmin option seems interesting thought, I also notice that in the training log section under a specific days bike run or swim there is an option to upload/import data from you Garmin.

Jeff, I am really interested to hear a little more about it.

junthank - 2011-01-09 12:28 PMHey Christi,

I'm not familar with the Nike wristband but here is what I did.  Initially I went out and purchased an inexpensive watch from Wal Mart that could tell you HR.  I think it cost me around $20.  It could tell time, had a stop watch and it would remember 15 lap times.  In addition, you could push a button and it would display your current HR.  Not fancy, but neither was the price tag and it worked super.

XMAS before last Santa Claus left me a Garmin 305 Edge.  Now I use the Garmin for my bike/runs.  It's a GPS/HRM and I love it.  I no longer have to map out distances for ride/runs etc...  It tracks everything.  More expensive that $20 but not too bad (I think it was under $200).  I don't use it for my swims (although for OWS's I have put it in a ziplock and stuck it in my swim cap).  It worked, but doing something like that might void the warrenty.

What would I recommend.  Well if you don't want to spend much money just get an inexpensive watch capable of telling you your HR.  Train with it, it will work just fine.  Then if you decide that triathlon is something that you really enjoy and want to take it to the next level look into getting a GPS/HRM. 

Hope this helps.

cvochristi - 2011-01-10 1:36 AM
junthank - 2011-01-09 6:19 PM
melkat - 2011-01-09 7:08 PM
junthank - 2011-01-08 9:04 AM

I beat Al Roker!

how would you suggest checking heart rates?  I have a terrible memory so was thinking of some kind of electronic device that kept track of HR, time, distance, calories, the Nike wrist band.  But don't know that it does HR.  What's your suggestion there? 
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