BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Ryan and Mike's beginner group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-01-21 6:03 PM
in reply to: #3314018

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
bigr82 - 2011-01-21 2:51 PM I read somewhere that one of the tubes(I think Latex) doesnt like CO2 as much as being pumped up, it looses some air.  I'm worried if i get a flat 20 miles into 56, for me, CO2 wont hold long enough.  Guess I will pack a full industrial use 4ft tall CO2 tank haha.

Yea, I saw a post about that too.  The person suggested having your spare tube be butyl.

2011-01-21 6:55 PM
in reply to: #3314018

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Central Oregon
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
bigr82 - 2011-01-21 12:51 PM I read somewhere that one of the tubes(I think Latex) doesnt like CO2 as much as being pumped up, it looses some air.  I'm worried if i get a flat 20 miles into 56, for me, CO2 wont hold long enough.  Guess I will pack a full industrial use 4ft tall CO2 tank haha.

Hmm... visualizing a bike with water bottles, behind the seat storage, gu's taped all over and a CO2 tank for a back pack... LOL

So, anything exciting happen today?

I got a speeding ticket. Cry <--- trying not worry about that... I also got my resistance training band (to help me with pull ups) in the mail. YAY!

Tomorrow it looks like a run with kids in the stroller and I am hoping it isn't windy and it doesn't rain. What's the weekend like for you guys?
2011-01-21 7:41 PM
in reply to: #3309176

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Subject: RE: Plan
My plan is to lose 25 lbs by May 1.  I'm not going to be running until then.  My goal is to exercise 4 times a week.  I'm going to a plan starting a program in May till August when my first tri is.
2011-01-21 9:39 PM
in reply to: #3314490

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Plan
_T2_ - 2011-01-21 7:41 PM My plan is to lose 25 lbs by May 1.  I'm not going to be running until then.  My goal is to exercise 4 times a week.  I'm going to a plan starting a program in May till August when my first tri is.

Sounds good.  What is your plan for losing 25 pounds?  What is a typical breakfast, lunch and dinner for you?

I've never followed a strict diet or counted calories, but I did lose quit a bit of weight a couple years ago by exercising 3-4 times a week, cutting out most unhealthy snacks, switching to water instead of soda in the afternoon, watching my portion size, and using fat free salad dressing when I did eat salads for lunch.  I also added breakfast back in to my diet and a piece of fruit as my afternoon snack.  I also didn't cut out the things I love, like bacon, burgers, steak, ribs, onion rings, etc.   I just try to keep things in moderation.  I love to cook and I love to eat and use the philosophy "you gotta live".  I think most people can lose weight and not feel like they aren't enjoying life anymore.  If I want to lose the last 10-15 pounds I could lose, I'm going to need to be much more strict.  I'm not ready for that level of commitment.
2011-01-21 9:50 PM
in reply to: #3314429

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
Brightbow - 2011-01-21 6:55 PM
bigr82 - 2011-01-21 12:51 PM I read somewhere that one of the tubes(I think Latex) doesn't like CO2 as much as being pumped up, it looses some air.  I'm worried if i get a flat 20 miles into 56, for me, CO2 wont hold long enough.  Guess I will pack a full industrial use 4ft tall CO2 tank haha.

Hmm... visualizing a bike with water bottles, behind the seat storage, gu's taped all over and a CO2 tank for a back pack... LOL

So, anything exciting happen today?

I got a speeding ticket. Cry <--- trying not worry about that... I also got my resistance training band (to help me with pull ups) in the mail. YAY!

Tomorrow it looks like a run with kids in the stroller and I am hoping it isn't windy and it doesn't rain. What's the weekend like for you guys?

Nothing too exciting here today.  Meetings at work, like usual.  Friday night get together with some neighbors, as usual.  Oh, my son turned 14 today, so that was exciting.  He's having some friends spend the night.

That sucks about the speeding ticket.  How fast did they clock you and what was the speed limit?  I got a warning last year for 59 in a 45 and a ticket for 82 in a 65.  I hired a lawyer to get me out of the ticket in case I get more.

This weekend is a long run and long ride for me.  There is 10 inches of snow on the ground so I'll probably so my long run on the treadmill.  I was off yesterday and actually ran for an hour in the 10 inches of snow.  It was really pretty but very tough.  It was like running one minute intervals with ankle weights.  I would run for a minute then walk to let my hr come back down.  I got some cool pics I'll post on my blog this weekend.

Besides the workouts, I'm a big football fan and always have my neighbor's over to watch the championship games.  I'm also a big Steelers fan, so hopefully they can beat the Jets.
2011-01-22 8:10 AM
in reply to: #3314650

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Subject: RE: Plan
There are two things that I'm trying to work on.  Portion size, calories, healthy choices (that is why I'm using fitday to see carbs, protein, and fats ) and not eating lots of food at night.  I work out at night so that I'm not sitting around eating.  Breakfast is always a good thing.  What I like to say to myself is eat a little less and move a little more.  I'm trying to see the big picture and not the short term weight loss.

2011-01-22 8:16 AM
in reply to: #3314932

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Subject: RE: Plan
Swimming, biking, and working on getting my knee stronger.
2011-01-22 8:26 AM
in reply to: #3314429

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Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
Knock on wood but I haven't been pulled over since 1999. I went to court but the police officer lied and they told me that they would add on more to my ticket.  I did run the stop light but the officer lost the video tape and was describing my car from memory which was wrong.  It was in a construction zone so they told me that they were going to add that on also.  I should have got a lawyer like Ryan but oh well life goes on. FYI In Michigan if you try to fight a speeding ticket and the officer doesn't show up you automatically get the case dismissed. I plan on studying for patho exam this weekend, playing with daughters and going to watch Michigan vs Minnesota in basketball.
2011-01-22 8:29 AM
in reply to: #3314949

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Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
I meant Mike.
2011-01-22 10:02 AM
in reply to: #3314932

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Plan
_T2_ - 2011-01-22 8:10 AM There are two things that I'm trying to work on.  Portion size, calories, healthy choices (that is why I'm using fitday to see carbs, protein, and fats ) and not eating lots of food at night.  I work out at night so that I'm not sitting around eating.  Breakfast is always a good thing.  What I like to say to myself is eat a little less and move a little more.  I'm trying to see the big picture and not the short term weight loss.

Perfect!  In my opinion, small long term changes are better than crash diets.
2011-01-22 12:38 PM
in reply to: #3260767

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St. Louis
Subject: open for more?
What does everyone thnk about opening the group up for a couple more?  There are a few people in our group that aren't very interactive (which is fine).  Having a couple more people might stimulate more interesting topics.

2011-01-22 7:51 PM
in reply to: #3315237

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Central Oregon
Subject: RE: open for more?
ransick - 2011-01-22 10:38 AM What does everyone thnk about opening the group up for a couple more?  There are a few people in our group that aren't very interactive (which is fine).  Having a couple more people might stimulate more interesting topics.

Sounds great.
2011-01-22 8:03 PM
in reply to: #3314932

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Central Oregon
Subject: RE: Plan
_T2_ - 2011-01-22 6:10 AM There are two things that I'm trying to work on.  Portion size, calories, healthy choices (that is why I'm using fitday to see carbs, protein, and fats ) and not eating lots of food at night.  I work out at night so that I'm not sitting around eating.  Breakfast is always a good thing.  What I like to say to myself is eat a little less and move a little more.  I'm trying to see the big picture and not the short term weight loss.

Your plan and attitude sounds great! I know that one of the biggest factors for me in losing weight was not eating after a certain time at night. (Usually 7pm for me)

ransick - 2011-01-21 7:50 PM

That sucks about the speeding ticket.  How fast did they clock you and what was the speed limit?  I got a warning last year for 59 in a 45 and a ticket for 82 in a 65.  I hired a lawyer to get me out of the ticket in case I get more.

35 in a school zone. The officer was nice enough, he wrote 30 on the ticket. I hope the judge at the very least lowers the fine, it was an accident, I don't usually drive past the high school (on purpose) at that time of day and I caught myself and slowed down, just not before I was clocked I guess.

I felt like crying. I am not an emotional person, but I was like, 'bummer, there goes next month's running shoes!' Frown

But, I am always telling my kids that if they don't stay in their car seats then they might get a ticket and the officer will take all the money out of their piggy banks. Now they get a field trip to the court house. I look at it as an involuntary donation to the city.

ransick - 2011-01-21 7:50 PM
This weekend is a long run and long ride for me.  There is 10 inches of snow on the ground so I'll probably so my long run on the treadmill.  I was off yesterday and actually ran for an hour in the 10 inches of snow.  It was really pretty but very tough.  It was like running one minute intervals with ankle weights.  I would run for a minute then walk to let my hr come back down.  I got some cool pics I'll post on my blog this weekend.

I saw on your log that you had to dodge cars today Mike. What's the story on that?

In snow, I like to pretend that I'm running on the beach... some beach... some where. LOL The cars going by kind of sound like ocean waves. Yes, I am serious.
2011-01-22 9:19 PM
in reply to: #3315237

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Subject: RE: open for more?
Go for it!
2011-01-22 9:56 PM
in reply to: #3260767

Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
Opening up to more is good for me

 My diet has not been the best.  I don't want much just the Triathlete body, one of those would be great!  I have recently lost 35lbs and as I have said before at my top of my healthy BMI so loosing some more would be great. I would love to be 105 again and yes that is in my healthy BMI I am only 5'2".  

My main goal is to finish training to the point I won't be scared to death the day of my tri-sprint.  

Everyone is talking about tires, co2 cans and spares.  Gee is this something I should be looking into for just a sprint?  I just thought it was a short ride so that might not be something I would have to worry about.

Sorry to hear about your ticket!!  YUCK!

Plans this weekend-finsih my long run on sunday-you know I am not looking forward to it I am not sure why but I didn't want to do my laps on Friday night either but I did.

Edited by paygilr 2011-01-22 9:57 PM
2011-01-22 11:10 PM
in reply to: #3315710

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Plan
Brightbow - 2011-01-22 8:03 PM
I saw on your log that you had to dodge cars today Mike. What's the story on that?

In snow, I like to pretend that I'm running on the beach... some beach... some where. LOL The cars going by kind of sound like ocean waves. Yes, I am serious.

I decided to run outside today.  It was about 25F and sunny (and not windy).  Given the 11 inches of snow we got the other day, the bike trail and sidewalks are a bumpy, icy mess so I ran on the road.  Some streets had nice shoulders, some had none.  So I ran against traffic, cut back and forth across the road if one lane was clear, and stepped off the road if there was a car in each lane at the same time.  Not ideal, but it sure beat the treadmill. 

2011-01-22 11:17 PM
in reply to: #3315857

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
paygilr - 2011-01-22 9:56 PM Opening up to more is good for me

 My diet has not been the best.  I don't want much just the Triathlete body, one of those would be great!  I have recently lost 35lbs and as I have said before at my top of my healthy BMI so loosing some more would be great. I would love to be 105 again and yes that is in my healthy BMI I am only 5'2".  

My main goal is to finish training to the point I won't be scared to death the day of my tri-sprint.  

Everyone is talking about tires, co2 cans and spares.  Gee is this something I should be looking into for just a sprint?  I just thought it was a short ride so that might not be something I would have to worry about.

Sorry to hear about your ticket!!  YUCK!

Plans this weekend-finsih my long run on sunday-you know I am not looking forward to it I am not sure why but I didn't want to do my laps on Friday night either but I did.

I would love a triathlete body too!  While I don't have one yet I can say I'm probably in the best shape of my life after two years of training. 

You'll be fine at your first tri.  Just keep training and asking questions as they come up.  No matter how stupid you think they are, Ryan or I have asked most of them before.  If we haven't, we'll help you find the answer.

Don't worry about tires, co2 cans and spares for your sprint.  Some of us, like Ryan and I, obsese over some of these details.  It really doesn't have to be that complicated.  You may want a pump and a spare tube (and tire lever) if your rides are in isolated areas where you can't call for a pickup from a friend or your husband.
2011-01-23 12:17 PM
in reply to: #3286030

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Subject: Names
I wanted to make sure that I could remember names.  I put the subject as names so I could  remember where to find it.
bigr82 - 2011-01-08 12:22 AM Quick update on who is on this great team!

  T2             -   Thomas
paygilr        -   Tanya
Brightbow  -  Victoria
MarlaS       -  Marla
Cliffk110    -   Cliff
rebersole2  -  robert
conway9       -  Mike
Metii            -   Gene
akouwenburg  -  adam
soccersandi00  -  Jennifer

If i missed someone sorry, its getting late.

2011-01-23 12:24 PM
in reply to: #3315857

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Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
I know how you feel about training.  But I will keep going forward, also  May I suggest an article about BMI? I just thought it was very interesting.
2011-01-23 12:48 PM
in reply to: #3316339

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Names
I put hyperlinks to everyone on my training log home page.

2011-01-23 3:16 PM
in reply to: #3315857

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
paygilr - 2011-01-22 10:56 PM

Everyone is talking about tires, co2 cans and spares.  Gee is this something I should be looking into for just a sprint?  I just thought it was a short ride so that might not be something I would have to worry about.

I only worry about this stuff bc I am THE person to whom Murphy's Law applies....1st ride ever on my road bike, blew a tire, so learned to carry spares. have had more blown tires, and gotten way too tired of using my nifty portable hand pump while my "group" kept going, thus the co2. Plus, i've enjoyed longer rides - 25, 40+ miles with friends, and, given my typical luck lol, have learned that for me it helps to be prepared. I got a free little bag with my bike that fits under my saddle, so it's no big deal just to leave it there.

2011-01-23 5:58 PM
in reply to: #3316561

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Central Oregon
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
MarlaS - 2011-01-23 1:16 PM

I only worry about this stuff bc I am THE person to whom Murphy's Law applies....1st ride ever on my road bike, blew a tire, so learned to carry spares. have had more blown tires, and gotten way too tired of using my nifty portable hand pump while my "group" kept going, thus the co2. Plus, i've enjoyed longer rides - 25, 40+ miles with friends, and, given my typical luck lol, have learned that for me it helps to be prepared. I got a free little bag with my bike that fits under my saddle, so it's no big deal just to leave it there.

Marla- Have you ever heard of Dave Ramsey? He's a financial guy... and anyway, in his terms, having the spare and co2 and tools already packed on your bike is "Murphy Repellent."

Tanya- You are doing great and it's my opinion that all the workouts that we really don't feel like doing at all are the ones that count the most.
2011-01-23 6:09 PM
in reply to: #3316346

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Central Oregon
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
_T2_ - 2011-01-23 10:24 AM Tanya,
I know how you feel about training.  But I will keep going forward, also  May I suggest an article about BMI? I just thought it was very interesting.

"8. It makes the more cynical members of society suspect that the medical insurance industry lobbies for the continued use of the BMI to keep their profits high."

Evidently I am cynical. I liked that article, thanks for sharing it. I had been taught that body fat percentage was a better indicator of leanness.
2011-01-23 7:09 PM
in reply to: #3260767

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Subject: Earplug Trouble
I'm not a big fan of my ear plug anymore. (Mack's Ear Seal)  When I flip at the wall or move my jaw they seem to move and let water in.
2011-01-23 9:36 PM
in reply to: #3316940

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Earplug Trouble
Try the purple Mack's.  They seem to work better for me than the Mack's you are using.  Mack's makes 5 or 6 different types.
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