BT Development Mentor Program Archives » IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Closed for business! Rss Feed  
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2011-01-18 7:20 PM
in reply to: #3307471

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Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
Hi Bobbi Jo, welcome!

I rested today. Freezing rain making a crust layer over the snow with slush underneath is not my friend.

2011-01-19 6:37 AM
in reply to: #3262562

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
Welcome Bobbi Jo!
2011-01-19 6:38 AM
in reply to: #3262562

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
Good morning everyone!

It's been pretty quiet around here, let's chat it up!

What questions do you guys have?

I'm home again today, roads are ice here, I learned that the hard way by sliding all over the road trying to go to work. So I'll be on and off the computer.

Let's get chatty!!!
2011-01-19 7:01 AM
in reply to: #3262562

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Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
Welcome Bobbi Jo
2011-01-19 7:02 AM
in reply to: #3308067

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Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
ironannekidd - 2011-01-19 6:38 AM Good morning everyone!

It's been pretty quiet around here, let's chat it up!

What questions do you guys have?

I'm home again today, roads are ice here, I learned that the hard way by sliding all over the road trying to go to work. So I'll be on and off the computer.

Let's get chatty!!!

We have ice on the roads also
2011-01-19 7:36 AM
in reply to: #3262562

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Chicago suburbs
Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
Still trying to decide about a plan for my half marathon. With work travel and normal schedule I have to come up with something on the custom side. Was going to start with Higdon's plan and go from there. Anyone use the custom plan creator on BT yet? Not sure I understand the mechanics....

2011-01-19 8:03 AM
in reply to: #3308153

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
Out2BeALoser - 2011-01-19 8:36 AM Still trying to decide about a plan for my half marathon. With work travel and normal schedule I have to come up with something on the custom side. Was going to start with Higdon's plan and go from there. Anyone use the custom plan creator on BT yet? Not sure I understand the mechanics....

I looked at it the other day and I only saw where you could customize tri training plans, not just running. I'll look again.
2011-01-19 8:24 AM
in reply to: #3308224

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Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
Morning all!  Welcome Bobbi Jo!

Can't help you guys with ice on the road.  It's going to be 64 and sunny here today.  Going to get a short run and some weights in today.  First appointment with new chiro is this afternoon.  After that, I'll evaluate going back to the ortho.

Hope everyone is well!
2011-01-19 9:38 AM
in reply to: #3262562

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Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!

Welcome Bobbi Jo.

Good Morning.  Last night, schedule was pretty tight.  Ran/walked for 20min and jumped on the bike for 15.  Hopefully get a swim in tonight.  It will be in the mid 40's here but expecting rain on and off.  Hope everyone has a good day.

2011-01-19 12:18 PM
in reply to: #3262562

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Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
Aloha Ann

I wonder if your group is still open? If it is I would love to apply and will send you my info so you can 'vet' me.

Many thanks (Mahalo) Paul
2011-01-19 3:51 PM
in reply to: #3309065

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
paul walker - 2011-01-19 1:18 PM Aloha Ann

I wonder if your group is still open? If it is I would love to apply and will send you my info so you can 'vet' me.

Many thanks (Mahalo) Paul

Sure you can come on in.

2011-01-19 3:52 PM
in reply to: #3262562

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
I think I'm going to do a head count tonight and we might close the group, so if there is anyone out there who wants in who hasn't joined yet speak now.

2011-01-19 6:40 PM
in reply to: #3309065

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Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!

Welcome Paul.

2011-01-19 8:12 PM
in reply to: #3262562

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Chicago suburbs
Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
Anne, we've had some folks ask to join but not post since. Do we want to make sure they are "in" before we close it? If we only have a few active folks it's goin to get lonely
2011-01-19 9:06 PM
in reply to: #3262562

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
Hi, everyone. I hope your Wednesday is going well! I'm exhausted! I started with a new personal trainer yesterday and it was like Boot Camp... which is great! Then, I rode a bike for 7.5 miles going up & down hills (virtually) this morning and did my 2nd swim lesson tonight. I swam 600 yards! I really am BEAT! And, I have a planned run & ST workout planned tomorrow as Friday will be impossible. So, I'm questioning my sanity!

Anyway, I DID IT!!! I signed up for my first triathlon! It'll be May 7th. I'm nervous & excited... & very nervous! I'm already questioning if I can possibly be ready by then. We shall see!

Has anyone else signed up for a first tri? Or have you already done some?
2011-01-19 10:40 PM
in reply to: #3262562

Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
I am so tired the sleep issues are killing me I ended up falling asleep this afternoon for a couple hour broken sleep and I am still tired! I cleaned hous all weekend shopping for DDs and made a Photograpy backdrop which kept me up till late last night running the late hours i ma eating too much. I honeslty don't even remember what I did Mon. and Tue. Thing is I know working out especially the running is going to help a LOT but I 'feel' to tired to get ready and go @@  Someone needs to out a sign on my back, "Kick me till I move!"

2011-01-19 10:48 PM
in reply to: #3262562

Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
Can I subscribe to just this Group's thread? Going through the Mentor Group thread to refind my group is a tiny bit of a PIA
2011-01-20 5:51 AM
in reply to: #3262562

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Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
Aloha all

Started to read through the old posts and my home lap top is down so give me a few days to get in the swing and I'll be a bit more supportive and active. Here is a little about me.

Name:  Paul Walker         Scotland UK

Family:  Married 26 years with 2 kids (two sons 11 and 13)

Background:  Played Rugby at school and in late teens to a very high standard and always been quite well built. Did a lot of weights when I played rugby. Started to run for fun really for the first Edinburgh marathon but had to give up with really bad shin splints.

Went back to running a few years later and trained myself (only for fun) and did a few half marathons doing a best of 76mins after about 8 months of training. Entered a local 3 mile road race, again just for fun and won but I had a very bad experience with some of the other competitors and gave up.

Steadily gained wight but kept jogging for 6 months at a time intermitantly and then went to a conference in Kona and decided I would come back one day to do the IM. Mmmmmm didn't realise you had to qualify! LOL. Still after a few years was able to train and found BT. I ran into trouble with plantar fascititis (PF) and after very slow start to my triathlon experience ended up giving in about 18 months ago. But I still am of the attitude that a triathlete is what I am, my internal identity if you like.

I also had a sleep condition which I was unaware of till the last few months and now it is controlled I never realised how tired and lacking in energy I had become. Well now I am full of energy. Last month PF suddenly cleared up completely! and I am ready to continue the Journey.

I am now 5' 9 and some 270 lbs ! Mmmmm fair to say I will be going a little slower than I used to! I did complete 3 Sprints a couple of years ago. I am a poor swimmer though of course always improving and I guess cycling will, for the meantime be my strongest event.

My goal is still to complete an IM (though I realise I may be 80 by the time I qualify for Kona!) but it is the person and the health I will achieve on the journey that is important to me rather than reaching the goal.

So I start from next to nothing really. I am going to follow the couch to 5K (aggresive) plan and add short cycles inbetween. I will be doing the 100 pushup challange and the 200 situp and squat challenges as a base for core as I like the thought of no equipment (so a plan for life I can do anywhere, anytime). I am also going about addressing the body weight issue! BUT I do not want to diet. What I plan to do instead is follow a regime where I will reach my normal body weight and maintain that for life. So I am making lifestyle changes instead and I am sure I will pick up advice from you folks to. I plan to make use of the weight loss forums again.

Short term goals? Well I am aiming for a 5k in late summer and maybe a sprint early winter. We will see how PF stays at bay and I am looking to stay well out of injury so going cautious at this weight.

I will be re-doing my training log pages in the next few days there is old info etc. there and hopefully add you guys to my friends lists and start to 'stalk' you all into reaching your goals to.

Mahalo Paul
2011-01-20 6:57 AM
in reply to: #3262562

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
Welcome, Paul! First of all, I went to Edinburgh 2 summers ago and it is the most beautiful city I have ever seen. To run there would be amazing!

Glad to hear your PF is better and hope it stays cleared up so you can train! I found c25K to be a wonderful program, so I hope it works well for you. And, it sounds like you have quite an athletic background so you should get up to speed quickly. I was never an athlete but my sister-in-law was a 'super' athlete in high school & college. I'm noticing a huge difference as we both get in shape & lose weight. It seems a LOT easier for her! Another reason to keep our kiddos in shape & healthy! :-)

2011-01-20 7:21 AM
in reply to: #3310137

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Chicago suburbs
Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
imsmiley88 - 2011-01-19 9:06 PMHi, everyone. I hope your Wednesday is going well! I'm exhausted! I started with a new personal trainer yesterday and it was like Boot Camp... which is great! Then, I rode a bike for 7.5 miles going up & down hills (virtually) this morning and did my 2nd swim lesson tonight. I swam 600 yards! I really am BEAT! And, I have a planned run & ST workout planned tomorrow as Friday will be impossible. So, I'm questioning my sanity!Anyway, I DID IT!!! I signed up for my first triathlon! It'll be May 7th. I'm nervous & excited... & very nervous! I'm already questioning if I can possibly be ready by then. We shall see!Has anyone else signed up for a first tri? Or have you already done some?
Good job Dana! Its important to have the date set so you have something to work towards. What distance are you doing? This is my second season of Tri so I've only done 3 Sprints so far but am working toward an Olympic this season. Nervous is normal but if you stick to the training you'll be fine. Up until the start it's a lot of nerves but once you get in the water, you can clear your head. Actually I find it to be kind of a surreal experience for me.
2011-01-20 7:24 AM
in reply to: #3262562

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
I am doing a sprint. It is 500 m swim, 15 mile bike, and 5k. I'm comfortable with the running, though I'm slow. My longest bike ride to date is 10 miles. And, I started swimming lessons last week. I know how to swim, I just never was a competitive swimmer. Anyway, last night I swam 600 yards during our 30 minute class. But, half of those were with fins. I have almost 4 months to go, though, so I should have plenty of time to work on both swimming & biking & increasing my speed on my running!

2011-01-20 9:27 AM
in reply to: #3262562

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Chicago suburbs
Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
Is the swim in a pool or open water?
2011-01-20 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3262562


Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
Thank you everyone for the welcomes!  Today is suppose to be my long run day, but its 10 out and I moved here to SD from southern CO a cpl months ago and my blood is still pretty thin!  To me 40 is cold  At least it use to be.  Now I look forward to a 30* day so I can get out and run.  I am currently training for a half in April, then I will start training for the Sprint in May for Sept.  I asked a co-worker if his daughter (she's on a local swim team) would coach me with my swims!  I can swim, and can get there, but can't do the traditional face in water thing without feeling like I am going to die.  And I hear its great to learn for my running!
So my plans for today is to go to the fitness center, run a couple miles on the indoor track, a mile on the tread, then back on the track.  Its going to be a LONG day. 
2011-01-20 10:06 AM
in reply to: #3262562

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
Good morning everyone. Sorry it took me so long to get here this morning. I had a doctors appointment scheduled for 7:15 but I never got to actually see the doctor until 8:30. I was pretty annoyed by that time.

After my appointment I had to go over to the hospital to have some tests done. I was hoping I'd get to work today, but nope. They are calling for snow tonight and I don't drive in the snow ( I have to drive 28 miles to work and half of it is winding back roads). So I may just be a bum and be home all week.
2011-01-20 11:39 AM
in reply to: #3262562

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: IronAnneKidd's Mentor Group - Open for business!
My first tri (the one I just signed up for May 7th) is an outdoor lake swim. That part is pretty scary!
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