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2011-02-01 2:57 PM
in reply to: #3332847

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Subject: snack
So, I almost didn't eat my afternoon snack because I was so far over on calories yesterday.  In fact, I'm only under on calories in one of the last 7 days.

Whatever.  I ate the snack anyway and went to livestrong to log because I needed a break from horrible financing documents and found that 1 cup of sliced cucumbers is only 16 calories. 

16!!!  YES!!!  Delicious and almost free.  : )

2011-02-01 7:17 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I don't quite trust Daily Plate. With Sedentary Lifestyle and Lose 2+ pounds a week (which would be nigh on impossible), it said I was 990 calories short of my daily allowance...And I was very accurate!! 

My dog is too out of shape to run with me. Occasionally when I racewalk I take her along, but she still can barely keep up. 

Hope the core is going well!
2011-02-01 9:01 PM
in reply to: #3332333

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
calluna - 2011-02-01 1:07 AM I can't help with the stroller discussion much, I'm afraid.

Now, if we talked about running with dogs...that would be something I could talk about. In general I don't because it doesn't make for a steady run, but I know one of my dogs would like it if she could go along. Do any of you run with dogs?

Oh yes, we have 3 dogs and one is my running buddy.  She's a boxer/pit mix and loves to run.  Although she has not gone with me much lately (has not been convenient) and she huffs & puffs when I get home and she smells sweat.  She will try to snub me, but can't stand it for more than about 20 minutes.  I do take the other two occasionally, but one is afraid of people, and the other is a spaz!

I wish I could run off leash with them.  The one I typically take probably would be ok, she might veer off but if I called her she'd come right back.  But there's a leash law most places around here, and my fear would be more of her getting attacked by a loose dog.

Has anyone trained a stubborn dog that is horrible on a leash?  I really want to start taking my Rhodesian running, but she is a handful and just about pulls my shoulders out of their sockets when she sees a person, dog, squirrel, leaf, rock, anything really.
2011-02-01 11:21 PM
in reply to: #3334435

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Subject: Running with dogs
The dog I have in mind is pretty young, about 18 months. Her leash manners are so-so, but I just know she'd love the exercise. My dogs are Great Pyrenees...if I tried to run with my big  boy Pyr he'd just laugh in my face, but the little girl would eat it up. I may try it one day soon when I have plenty of time and have lots of daylight.

2011-02-02 6:45 AM
in reply to: #3334246

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
ebal - 2011-02-01 8:17 PM I don't quite trust Daily Plate. With Sedentary Lifestyle and Lose 2+ pounds a week (which would be nigh on impossible), it said I was 990 calories short of my daily allowance...And I was very accurate!! 


I think the calorie counts for fitness on Daily Plate are high and my metabolic burn might be a little low.  I also picked "sedentary" because I usually sit at my desk or in a meeting all day and my average non-exercise spend is 1600 calories a day.

Regardless, since you are younger, your metabolism runs a lot faster than someone in their 30s so you will burn a lot more calories from just living than an older person.  Add your exercise (you seem to average at least an hour every day) of 700+ calories and reasonably healthy food choices and no alcohol and you can't help but be short on calories. 

However, if you are working out all of the time, you are building muscle and burning off fat, but you don't see a difference (or much difference) on the scale because muscles are smaller and heaver than fat.  That is why I think weight alone is a flawed way to assess your fitness - it just doesn't show that you are gaining fitness.

If you are habitually under on your calories (and feeling hungry or tired), you may want to consider adding some healthy snacks (banana, peanut butter, handful of nuts, yogurt, apple, etc) to your morning or afternoon between meals.  That will help keep your energy up and even out your blood sugar but not add a ton to your caloric spend.

Frankly, I really detest logging the food and the focus on everything that I eat.  However, it is helping my DH (who does all of our cooking right now) make better food choices for us.  He now understands that an extra TB of butter is 100 calories that extra beer is 125 calories, both of which can put me over for the day.  While the extra calories are nothing to him because he needs to work on fueling better for his activities, I am a natural grazer so I can't have binges without sabatoging myself.  And, because I have a lot of GI issues, I'm better keeping a constant intake and blood sugar and not having any high fat/high sugar splurges.  It's interesting that we seem have "limiters" in our fueling just like in our sports.
2011-02-02 7:10 PM
in reply to: #3334704

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Mrs. brown_dog_us - 2011-02-02 7:45 AM
Regardless, since you are younger, your metabolism runs a lot faster than someone in their 30s so you will burn a lot more calories from just living than an older person.  Add your exercise (you seem to average at least an hour every day) of 700+ calories and reasonably healthy food choices and no alcohol and you can't help but be short on calories.

What are you trying to say here??  Is this like "person of a certain age"?

Question for the group - does anyone else have issue with retaining water?  I have always had issues and wondered if anyone has found anything to help besides the usual drink lots of water & avoid too much sodium.  Normally I don't notice it until summer time because I'm a huge "sweat-er".  It takes me all week for my body to get back to normal, just in time for the next weekend of big workouts and big sweating.  Just curious if anyone else has similar issues, and found something to help.

2011-02-03 10:11 AM
in reply to: #3336287

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
karen26.2 - 2011-02-02 8:10 PM
What are you trying to say here??  Is this like "person of a certain age"?

Question for the group - does anyone else have issue with retaining water?  I have always had issues and wondered if anyone has found anything to help besides the usual drink lots of water & avoid too much sodium.  Normally I don't notice it until summer time because I'm a huge "sweat-er".  It takes me all week for my body to get back to normal, just in time for the next weekend of big workouts and big sweating.  Just curious if anyone else has similar issues, and found something to help.

No, I was just trying to say that younger people burn more calories than older people!  How you choose to define "older" is up to you.  ; )

I find that I retain water in my feet/legs when I'm not drinking enough.  My hands don't seem to swell, but the skin there does not pass the elasticity test.  My only solution is to drink more and avoid sodas.
2011-02-03 7:41 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I know very little about race nutrition and I want to start trying things out now so that I am not stressed the last couple weeks before my HIM. I never seem to have problems with what I eat--I've eaten a doughnut in the middle of hill repeats and it didn't phase me. Stomach of steel! Now that may change when the race is 6ish hours, so what do you all recommend? Gu, Shot Blocks, Kind bars? And can I find them cheap and in bulk (Costco)? What is a good way to experiment? Any info you guys have or good internet links would be fantastic!
2011-02-03 9:15 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I dont know the answer to the nutrition question but was going to ask the exact same thing.  I'm going to start longer bike rides next week and want to start practicing soon.  I dont do well with low blood sugar.  Anyway, any info would be great.

Anyway, off to Park City for a few days.  Will be back next Monday.  Have a great weekend everyone.
2011-02-03 9:32 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Nutrition is key for the longer races, so the earlier you start figuring out what works and what doesn't the better.  I used to think I had a stomach of steel, but realized while I am exercising that is not the case.

I think what works for one person will not necessarily work for another, but here are some things I do like and seem to sit well on my stomach.

Biking -
Nature Valley Granola Bars (Peanut Butter are my favorite)
Lara Bars (again, Peanut Butter Cookie)
Ritz Peanut Butter Crackers (the six pack of round crackers filled with PB - heavenly)
Peanut Butter filled pretzels
(you notice the theme of PB)

Running -
I have yet to figure this one out.  During training, GuChomps seem to sit well, but in races not so much.

I am not a person that like gels, I need something to chew on.  I think I might try the PB crackers running and see how that goes.  I think my problem is all the sloshing around in my stomach, does not feel good, and gels make it worse.  Pretzel with salt are also good at that point.

Let us know what you try and works well for you.  I'm always up for trying something new.

Oh and for where to buy in bulk - once you find what you like check Costco.  They have Lara bars, Ritz crackers (or some other brand) and the granola bars.  I also search the internet and see what deals are out there.  I stocked up on Luna Moons (my absolute favorite) when I found out they were discontinued.  I think I found them at for a pretty good price.  REI also has sales fairly often, I want to say 10% off nutrition products.  I stock up when they have a sale.

Edited by karen26.2 2011-02-03 9:37 PM
2011-02-03 10:54 PM
in reply to: #3338437

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I'm hoping to see some discussion on the nutrition topic too, so lots of input is a good thing.

2011-02-04 7:05 AM
in reply to: #3338318

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Subject: Nutrition

Nutrition is hard because everyone's body is different and they are able to tolerate different kinds of stuff.  Karen is right that you need to experiment and see what works for you.

First, go to this calculator on and figure out approximately how many calories you will need during your race.  You can adjust by your weight and expected finishing times for each leg of the race.  Second, determine how you want to consume your calories and experiment in your long workouts and bricks.  You will find that the amount on the calculator is likely a little high or low.  This is fine - you want to see how it feels to eat too much or too little.  Then, you can adjust your intake on your next workout and note how you feel.  Eventually, you will figure out a range of calories that works nearly every time.

Please note, however, that your nutrition intake and ability to digest without upchucking or GI distress is heavily dependent on your level of exertion.  If it is hot or you are going fast, you will need more calories, but won't be able to digest them as well or as quickly.  So, try to mimic race conditions as much as possible so that you know how to adapt if you have a problem.

Naturally, since I am a GU Ambassador, I am partial to the GU line of products, but you need to find out what works for you.  REI frequently has sales on their nutrition (usually when it is about to expire) and you can get a bunch of different kinds to try and if you have them ship it to the store for you to pick up, the shipping is free.  Like Karen, I like to eat some solids if we are going for a long ride.  I am not a fan of all-in-one products because they do not give you any room for changing-it-up if you have a nutrition malfunction (drop your bottle, mix it badly, get tired of the flavor, get gas, crave some salt, etc), so I go with the rolling buffet theory.  I will tell you what I've tried and the results and my current strategies.  Please do not be offended by the mention of GI distress, gas and the like.  Many people get the "runners trots" and gas just happens.  That is the way it is.  We are all adults here and you need to figure out how to avoid those problems if you can.  I tend to give a little too much GI information because it is a big concern for me.

In my first HIM, I drank Accelerade (with protein) in one bottle, had GU2O or water in the other bottle and ate GU.  In total, I had a poptart pre-swim, and 3 bottles of Accelerade on the bike with approx (don't really know because they were in a flask) 1 GU per hour.  On the run, I was supposed to have 2 GUs but I only managed to eat one.  Accelerade is great on the bike but at high intensities and anytime on the run, the protein gives me gas so I don't drink it any more.

For the IM last year, and in my training, I have a GU or pop-tart or granola bar pre-swim and consume about 200-250 calories per hour on the bike.  I drink GU Electrolyte Brew (140/150 calories) from one bottle and water from another as desired.  I have one GU sachet (100 calories)  per hour  (easier to measure and not a problem if I drop one).  Mid-way through my bike or if I get hungry earlier, I substitute a solid for the GU for one or 2 hrs (GU Chomps, granola bar, fig newtons, etc).  Then on the run, I drink water or water plus Nuun (electolyte tablets - no calories) if it is hot and eat 1 GU per hour or every 4 miles.

This may be a little too many calories for me.  If it is hot, it is definitely too many so I may have to adjust this year to see if I can do less without getting the loopy/shakey feeling.

Bottom line, you need to experiment with what works for you at race pace and running after a bike.  Accelerade worked great for me in training, but caused horrible cramping at race pace.  I like granola bars, but prefer the dry ones because they aren't as oily.  Peanut butter crackers are too greasy for me but cheetos have been fine.  Go figure.

So, hopefully the calculator and info are helpful.  Please let me know if you have other questions PM if you want me to send you some GU samples to try.

2011-02-04 2:43 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Karen and Steph are definitely right about trying things out.  

I am a pretty good eater (!) but when it comes to nutrition before, during, and after races I am surprisingly difficult.  I get nauseous very quickly and the thought of solid food during and after training does not sit well.  

I eat a plain bagel or an english muffin with a little peanut butter before a long workout and then I am all non-solids from there on out.  Each hour I try to do a bottle of fluid nutrition (Hammer Perpetuem, Ironman Perform, etc) and one additional product like a gel or a serving of chews (I try to do one chomp per 15 minutes if that is my food for the hour).  I prefer Gu products because of their consistency and flavor - they go down well for me unlike some other products.  Depending on the heat and my workout time I will also rotate in water with nuun (electrolyte balancing tablets) or endurolyte tablets.  On workouts lasting more than 4-5 hours I really focus on my watch and use that to drive my nutrition and hydration.  Being hungry and/or thirsty can sometimes mean it is too late for me.  I try to stay on top of it using my watch and the frequencies of intake that work for me.  

Anytime I am doing something for longer than 1.25 hours I try to bring something with me.  And practice makes perfect so get out there and give it a try!   

On a sidenote - Hammer recently came out with Perpetuem Solids which I have been hoping someone would come out with at some point.  No more messy powders in plastics baggies.  I wonder how they will do. 
2011-02-04 2:49 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Here's a good article on nutrition:

It's written by a nutrition company (Hammer) so there is a little spin to tailor it to their products but overall it has good information on what you need, why, and when. 
2011-02-04 6:51 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Great info! I don't even know where to start on all this nutrition stuff. I don't feel like it's been much of an issue for me so far. But with the 70.3 on the horizon it will for sure be interesting. I don't have many problems with riding so far, and running I have to be some what careful what I eat or I can have some of the GI issues and for sure gas...another reason I hate to run on a TM at the gym. :blush: It's going to be an adventure I can tell.

So I have a question about logging training. Does anyone know if there is a way to edit your lap data when you download it from your Garmin? When I run on the TM it would be great if I could put in the miles. I do know that you change the total miles, just wondering about the laps.
2011-02-05 7:10 AM
in reply to: #3339963

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
julta - 2011-02-04 7:51 PM gas...another reason I hate to run on a TM at the gym.

Just cough when it's about to happen or clear your throat.  The gym is so loud that probably no one could hear anyway.  That is what I tell myself, anyway.  ; )

Does anyone know if there is a way to edit your lap data when you download it from your Garmin? When I run on the TM it would be great if I could put in the miles. I do know that you change the total miles, just wondering about the laps.

I don't think you can edit once it is uploaded, but you could just press lap on the Garmin at the end of every mile and then you'd have the data there when you upload.  Outside, you can set the Garmin to autolap (beep and new lap) every mile so that is easier.

I noticed that the laps upload only if you are a paying member of the site, which I was last year but am not now. 

2011-02-05 7:26 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Thanks Steph that's what I've been doing but sometimes I don't do a "lap" as a mile and it would just be great if you could change it to reflect the mileage. Up until this year I was using a different site to log and you were able to update, it was nice.

Oh and that cough only for 1/2 of the problem.

So this week has been a bit of a bust for me. That cold weather just threw me and I just couldn't seem to find a grove. The core workouts only happened twice so far but I'm hoping to do them this weekend too and my bike is done at the shop so I can get back on the will be so good to have my "baby" home...I've missed it/her. My other goal of cutting back on night time snacking went pretty good, gut need to keep it up. Hope the rest of you are doing better on you challenges then I.
2011-02-05 9:23 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
After a great January - February has been almost a complete bust so far.  I have done no core, not even the forum challenge for this week.  I'm going to do this weeks core next week, along with whatever new weekly goal we decide on.  Which - I would like to suggest the no late night snacking.  I'm great all day, but after I get home, have a healthy dinner, and settle down for the night, I start looking for the sugar.  The craziness must stop!

Heading out on an easy run now, taking my dog Marlo, hoping this jump starts things for me.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far!
2011-02-06 12:03 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: Running shoes
Yesterday I went to a local running store to check out the shoe selections. We went through various fitting procedures and I found two shoes that I liked - one is Brooks Glycerin 8 and the other is Mizuno Wave Rider. I'm a neutral with medium-high arches. The Brooks wasn't available in double-extra-huge (10.5) so I went home with the Mizunos. Good first experience with the shoes yesterday and I think they'll serve just fine, though I think I will also eventually try the Brooks. It's a new experience for me, going to get running shoes that are fitted. I've a touch of imposter's syndrome going on.

The running store I think is probably best is in Anchorage (Skinny Raven) and I'll visit there when I go up for a conference in a few weeks. Go through the fitting stuff with them and see what they have to say also.

I'm also going bike shopping then. My primary ride right now is a Cannondale mountain bike that I've been riding for five years. I figured I'd get a road bike, not a tri bike, and I'd like to get one new that is properly fitted. That's not a sudden or even a tri-based decision - I did a lot of cycling last year and loved it, and thought I'd get a better bike for longer/comfortable rides this year. I've only purchased one bike new in my whole life, and that was when I was about 12, so this is a pretty big deal for me.

How is everyone?
2011-02-06 1:04 PM
in reply to: #3341544

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Subject: RE: Running shoes
I've been sick with a head cold so that has sucked the last few days.  On the nutrition front, I start with the tri-talk calculator and then try out stuff on long rides and runs to use as those calories.  I love peanut butter crackers on long rides (like one package and then gels/chomps, gatorade, etc. for the rest of the time).  It is a nice break and is cheaper than gels.  

If you figure out a gel/semi-solid brand and flavor that you like, you can get them in bulk online.  The samples they give you in race packets are a great way to try different products (although it is never a good idea to try something for the first time in a race).  Actually, I typically always carry my own "food" at races and pickup a gel at aid stations occasionally to replenish my supply.

Calluna: A new bike will be awesome!  Getting a proper fit on a bike is a great investment.  I bought a bike and had to make a lot of changes to it to get it to fit properly (I did get the right frame size, but it wasn't the best frame geometry for me).  
2011-02-06 1:17 PM
in reply to: #3341544

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Subject: RE: Running shoes
calluna - 2011-02-06 1:03 PM

. . . two shoes that I liked - one is Brooks Glycerin 8 and the other is Mizuno Wave Rider.

1.  You are not an imposter.  Anyone needing to buy running shoes is important to the shoe store folks.  If a store treats you differently (other than explaining stuff more) than other customers because of lower mileage, they are not a good store and you should try another one.
2.  I've run in both of those shoes (currently in the Glycerin 8s) and liked them both.  The Wave Rider was too narrow in the toe-box for me (even in a men's shoe), though.  It will be very interesting to hear if the Anchorage store recommends a different shoe or not.
3.  Good luck with the bike shopping!  That will be fun!

I did OK but not great on the core challenge this week and was less than 50% on my personal hydration goal.  You can really tell because my face is all broken out.  For next week, I will hit the hydration again.  I am a total sandbagger on this week's group goal because we go straight upstairs after cleaning up the kitchen in the evenings so I don't have an opportunity to snack at that time.  ; )

2011-02-08 8:06 AM
in reply to: #3341618

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Subject: RE: Running shoes
So how is everyone doing?  My motivation is starting to dip too but it is a new week (well 1 day into one) and I can try to do well this week.

I've got some strange merged goals for this week:
- Drink two large glasses of water a day (for someone who dislikes water this is still a significant challenge
- Do core workouts every day (I started off well last week, but fell off the wagon quickly)
- Watch the evening snacking (totally self-sabotaging goal as I wanted more snacks last night than in weeks)

So a friend of mine did a kind of funny thing on facebook.  She posted that her and a friend have made a commitment that if they don't reach their weight loss goals by July 1st, they are going to post a picture of themselves in a bikini on facebook (and her friend made the same post and they were each tagged in each other's post).  I don't think I could make that kind of a commitment.....

2011-02-08 9:17 AM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
My week is just starting today.  We went skiing in Utah over the weekend and I ended up with a nasty head cold so took a few days off when we were there.  I'm back in the office now and planning on running later today. 

My motivation just got huge because I just realized that I only have 16 weeks until Boise 70.3.  YIKES!!!  Its time to get back in the pool this week and so I'm going to have to suck it up and start two-a-days this week. 

I did really good with the core workout last week - I have to sit in the hall in the dark outside the boys' bedroom to keep them quiet and in bed so I've started doing my stretching and core workouts there.  Its a little pathetic doing them in the dark in the hall but at least I'm getting them done.  I'm going to keep that as my goal again this week.  My other goal is to do at least two early morning workouts.  I love being done early but HATE getting my butt out of bed.
2011-02-08 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3344518

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Subject: Bikini
While is is laudable that your buddies are committing to their workout goals, Katie, I am not volunteering to post any bikini photos on facebook!!  : )

Way to go on the core/stretching, Elizabeth!  Good job finding your window of time to do it!  Hope you are feeling better this week.  

It's funny, but my kids seem to like to do the core or the yoga with me.  I encourage them by putting "their" music on the computer.  We discovered that creating a "Cotton-Eye Joe" station on Pandora radio makes a pretty good little (free!) workout station.  Of course, they don't do all of the exercises that I do, but they like to count and show me their exercises from school.  They also really like to yell "Superman!" when we do those.
2011-02-08 11:47 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: Tricks!!

I had planned to write a long post today about identifying your limiters and finding ways to work within or overcome them.

Then I started thinking about Elizabeth and her sneaky hallway core workout and decided that maybe we should be a little more positive about our activities, especially with the weather as challengiing as it has been here lately.

So, everyone post some ideas on how to get more activity when life is throwing you curveballs.  These do not have to be things you actually do - they can even be things you would never do, but let's brainstorm some ideas.

I'll start.  Each time you reply, copy the list so far and add your numbers at the bottom so that folks don't have to scroll up and down to see if their idea has already been mentioned.

1.  Walk or bike to work.
2.  Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
3.  Use the bathroom on a different floor from you, requiring use of the stairs each time.
4.  Park far from the building wherever you go.
5.  Jump on the trainer after your kids go to bed.
6.  While your kids are in brownies/sports/school/church, run laps around the facility or better yet, run away from the facility.
7.  Stretch while reading the internet at lunch.
8.  Conference call leg lifts or downward dog. 

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