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2011-01-28 5:06 AM
in reply to: #3271854

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Other than ear plugs, the only other way to be sure that water won't get in your ears is to not swim. 


Components are important to a bike, for sure.  When you're looking at an entry level bike, upgrading can almost cost more than the actual bike, so it's not always a good option to go that route.  What's the bike you're looking at, and maybe I can find a little more about it out for you?

2011-01-28 9:14 AM
in reply to: #3324648

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
kerux - 2011-01-27 12:08 PM Anyone got any advice for dealing with shin splints?  Left shin toward the outside was killing me today.  I always battle them to some extent but this time around is not fun at all.

Compression socks or sleeves will also help with the shin splints.
and direct icing as Chad described, is a very good thing. cool method to freeze with the handle!
I usually just use a kitchen towel to hold an ice cube, and massage until its all melted away......
2011-01-28 9:20 AM
in reply to: #3325200

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Peachfor3 - 2011-01-27 3:09 PM Okay, please feel free to e-roll your eyes at my bike questions.  I am still shopping around (would love to get my bike and have it all fitted and ready to go mid-feb.)  I have a few questions:

Do I really need STI shifters, or can that be for my big-girl bike I get in a couple of years?

How important is name brand parts?  I am looking at an aluminum bike with 24 gears but the derailleurs  are "micro shift?" I have never heard of that brand at all. I am also eyeing one with Shimano parts, and I have heard of that. 

Also, I am a semi-tall blonde, so what color would best suit me?  I kid, I kid, I don't care what color my bike is!!!  I guess I only had those two questions! 

 I am going to say that you should probably stick with Shimano........the components are actually more important than the frame, in terms of longevity and ease of use.
STI shifters are awfully nice. Click click right at your fingertips..

But all depends on your budget.
Confession: I adore riding with every fibre of my being, but i am actually not too much of a gearhead.
And please do not hesitate to also ask any of this stuff in the tri talk forum. Tons of advice to be found there as well!    
2011-01-28 9:24 AM
in reply to: #3271854

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
I struggled with water in my ears after swimming for years....until I heard that if you just put the drops in after the water dries right up. I used to buy the proper swimmers ear drops, but now I just use plain old rubbing alcohol. Just a tiny bit does the trick.
Lately i have been swimming with my ipod, so the headphones are acting like ear plugs! 
2011-01-28 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3325766

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
cbredderman - 2011-01-27 5:42 PM Also, down 3 more pounds!  So close to that goal weight...only 7 pounds to go...

Yay you!!!  So good!
2011-01-28 9:44 AM
in reply to: #3271854

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
This is the one I am thinking of getting:

The used market is really lacking right now here.  I would like to get it within the next couple of weeks to start riding (I am going to need a TON of practice.)  I know my LBS will fit/tune/assemble it for me.  

2011-01-28 2:01 PM
in reply to: #3326652

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
There certainly isn't anything wrong with that bike.  It's got Shimano components, and should get you through any triathlon, and even a century ride if that's what you wanted.  Having more integrated shifters is nice, but it's not going to hold you back.  The only exception to that, is that you wouldn't be able to clip on aero bars if you wanted to.  Otherwise, I don't see any problem with it at all.
2011-01-28 2:50 PM
in reply to: #3327336

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Okay, wow, that wasn't the right bike. You were so nice to look!  Here it is, and I think this is the one I am going to start with and race with for the next few years:
2011-01-28 8:39 PM
in reply to: #3327429

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Peachfor3 - 2011-01-28 12:50 PM Okay, wow, that wasn't the right bike. You were so nice to look!  Here it is, and I think this is the one I am going to start with and race with for the next few years:

It looks like it would suit a semi-tall blonde, so go for it... Laughing

Good luck with the riding!
2011-01-28 8:42 PM
in reply to: #3327957

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Went running today, and had seriously bad knee pain. Yesterday my son fell and started hopping on one foot, so I hopped with him. Then I hopped on the other foot, where I had the operation, and discovered that this is a REALLY BAD IDEA.

It seems to have carried over to today.

If it doesn't improve, I am going to have to take a break again...Cry
2011-01-29 5:32 AM
in reply to: #3271854

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
I got my first 1-mile (1650 meters) swim in yesterday and I'm extra proud.  I will need to get some lessons in March and April because I'm extra slow and I know my technique needs work (especially learning how to breath bilaterally).  It still feels good to be able to swim the distance.

Now I just need to get my long run in tomorrow.

Have a great weekend of training group.

2011-01-29 5:33 AM
in reply to: #3327961

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
r1237h - 2011-01-28 8:42 PM Went running today, and had seriously bad knee pain. Yesterday my son fell and started hopping on one foot, so I hopped with him. Then I hopped on the other foot, where I had the operation, and discovered that this is a REALLY BAD IDEA.

It seems to have carried over to today.

If it doesn't improve, I am going to have to take a break again...Cry

Good luck with the knee pain.  Hopefully it won't set you back too much.
2011-01-29 6:50 AM
in reply to: #3327957

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
r1237h - 2011-01-28 9:39 PM
Peachfor3 - 2011-01-28 12:50 PM Okay, wow, that wasn't the right bike. You were so nice to look!  Here it is, and I think this is the one I am going to start with and race with for the next few years:

It looks like it would suit a semi-tall blonde, so go for it... Laughing

Good luck with the riding!

I will match your hair beautifully !
As I said before....I am not really a gearhead but it looks like a sweet bike for a sweet price!
2011-01-29 6:53 AM
in reply to: #3327961

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
r1237h - 2011-01-28 9:42 PM Went running today, and had seriously bad knee pain. Yesterday my son fell and started hopping on one foot, so I hopped with him. Then I hopped on the other foot, where I had the operation, and discovered that this is a REALLY BAD IDEA.

It seems to have carried over to today.

If it doesn't improve, I am going to have to take a break again...Cry

Oh Ron.........that seriously sucks.
Don't panic quite yet. You have irritated it, so just do the old RICE thing and maybe skip the runs for the next couple of days? Does it hurt to ride? 
2011-01-29 6:54 AM
in reply to: #3328165

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
nmroach - 2011-01-29 6:32 AM I got my first 1-mile (1650 meters) swim in yesterday and I'm extra proud.  I will need to get some lessons in March and April because I'm extra slow and I know my technique needs work (especially learning how to breath bilaterally).  It still feels good to be able to swim the distance.

Now I just need to get my long run in tomorrow.

Have a great weekend of training group.

Yay you on your swim!
Now you are swimvincible! 
2011-01-29 9:28 AM
in reply to: #3271854

Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
My legs weren't really thrilled with the spinning at night, again in the morning, and trying to throw some running into the mix as well.  So today they get a break and only have to swim.

I'm all registered for the indoor tri at the beginning of March!  Now I need to find something to do in April...

2011-01-29 10:46 AM
in reply to: #3271854

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
first the good news - I've lost 10 lbs since 1-9-11 and I had my your a 50 yr old physical and came out with great results.  

The bad news - This weeks training was tough to get motovated.    Its great I lost the weight, but I need to find the diet balence so I can have enough energy.  I've been about 1200 calories a day and expending 300 - 400 during the workouts. 

Oh yea & the strees level at work has tripled.   I'm going to repeat this weeks training before I go on to the next level. 

Slow & Steady - its the end goal that counts !
2011-01-29 11:02 AM
in reply to: #3271854

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED

In my story I mentioned that I get to visit some of the best resorts in the world.   My job involves me going to these and managing meetings and conferences.  Next week I will be Naples, Florida for 6 days.   My first day will be 30 hours long and will probaly be 10 -12 hours a day after that. 

I take oatmeal with me and try to find a store so I can get fruit and snacks.   The bad thing about a resort is that you are out where nothing is close and your only option is hotel food.  When I see a walgreens within walking distance I am one happy camper.  

I may be able to take a couple of runs and i'm trying to get my bike on the truck with the other equipment.  swimming will depend on the tempature.  any suggestions you may have will be greatly appreciated.  food, exercise, tricks etc.   

PS - I'm at the Broadmore in Co. in April & Downtown San Francisco in May - anybody know the area ? 

2011-01-29 12:05 PM
in reply to: #3271854

Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED

When I'm swimming, is should I be working on improving my technique, or at this point should I just be focusing on endurance?  This week I started switching between free style and breast stroke, 1 length free style 3 lengths breast stroke, and I am able to get more distance in the same amount of time because I don't have to stop every few laps to catch my breath.  Any advice on building the swimming back up would be great.

2011-01-29 1:41 PM
in reply to: #3328390

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
asuit - 2011-01-29 12:02 PM

In my story I mentioned that I get to visit some of the best resorts in the world.   My job involves me going to these and managing meetings and conferences.  Next week I will be Naples, Florida for 6 days.   My first day will be 30 hours long and will probaly be 10 -12 hours a day after that. 

I take oatmeal with me and try to find a store so I can get fruit and snacks.   The bad thing about a resort is that you are out where nothing is close and your only option is hotel food.  When I see a walgreens within walking distance I am one happy camper.  

I may be able to take a couple of runs and i'm trying to get my bike on the truck with the other equipment.  swimming will depend on the tempature.  any suggestions you may have will be greatly appreciated.  food, exercise, tricks etc.   

PS - I'm at the Broadmore in Co. in April & Downtown San Francisco in May - anybody know the area ? 

You have a very cool sounding job........but it does seem busy and stressful.

OK for food, try and think portable and non-perishable. Apples, raw almonds, dried fruit, Cliff bars, and a big bottle of water are all things that you can keep with you to keep your energy levels up without resorting to junk. Buy this stuff at home and throw it in your suitcase.  I also tend to use Slimfast as a meal replacement in a pinch, since its cheaper than the ready made protein drinks. You could bring along a ziplock bag full of it with you .Hotel food does not have to be a poor option I would think
Stick to plain rice, baked potatoes, grilled meat and fish, salads and fruit and you should be fine.

If you can bring your bike, that would be terrific. If not, I am sure the resort has a gym, no? Even time spent on a yucky elliptical machine is better than nothing at all.
2011-01-29 1:46 PM
in reply to: #3328451

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
cbredderman - 2011-01-29 1:05 PM

When I'm swimming, is should I be working on improving my technique, or at this point should I just be focusing on endurance?  This week I started switching between free style and breast stroke, 1 length free style 3 lengths breast stroke, and I am able to get more distance in the same amount of time because I don't have to stop every few laps to catch my breath.  Any advice on building the swimming back up would be great.

Technique, technique, technique. At this point that will serve you better.  It's very important to learn to swim as efficiently as possible, and practicing poor technique just tends to ingrain bad habits.
Any chance of getting a private lesson or two? Some one on one time spent with an instructor can go a long way in improving your efficiency.
Once your technique is reasonably sound, then you can work on building swim endurance up. And note that I said REASONABLY, because the reality is that you will still be trying to improve your technique for a long time..............all of us do! Except of course for those super "I swam with a team as a kid" types. Grrrrrrrr................ 

2011-01-29 1:51 PM
in reply to: #3328376

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
asuit - 2011-01-29 11:46 AM first the good news - I've lost 10 lbs since 1-9-11 and I had my your a 50 yr old physical and came out with great results.  

The bad news - This weeks training was tough to get motovated.    Its great I lost the weight, but I need to find the diet balence so I can have enough energy.  I've been about 1200 calories a day and expending 300 - 400 during the workouts. 

Oh yea & the strees level at work has tripled.   I'm going to repeat this weeks training before I go on to the next level. 

Slow & Steady - its the end goal that counts !

Hey congrats on the weight loss and the fab fifty physical!

I am not the right person to be chiming in about weight loss, since I sort of have the opposite problem but I just wanted to say that its very important to get enough calories in to still have the energy for your regular  day AND  your workouts.
This can be a challenge. 1200 sounds a bit on the low side to me..........but again, this is not my thing, so I defer to others to help out with this one.
Also, we have a forum here called "tri ing for weightloss"......might be able to find some good advice there as well. 
2011-01-29 3:08 PM
in reply to: #3328451

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
cbredderman - 2011-01-29 1:05 PM

When I'm swimming, is should I be working on improving my technique, or at this point should I just be focusing on endurance?  This week I started switching between free style and breast stroke, 1 length free style 3 lengths breast stroke, and I am able to get more distance in the same amount of time because I don't have to stop every few laps to catch my breath.  Any advice on building the swimming back up would be great.

Corey, slow down in the water, and focus on getting your breathing right. 

Being out of breath in the water means only two things.
1) You're going too fast
2) You're not breathing properly - not getting a good enough breath in, and not breathing all your air out while you're face is in the water

It can also be both.
2011-01-30 9:38 AM
in reply to: #3327961

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New user
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
r1237h - 2011-01-28 7:42 PM Went running today, and had seriously bad knee pain. Yesterday my son fell and started hopping on one foot, so I hopped with him. Then I hopped on the other foot, where I had the operation, and discovered that this is a REALLY BAD IDEA.

It seems to have carried over to today.

If it doesn't improve, I am going to have to take a break again...Cry

Aw man!  I hope it feels better today!
2011-01-30 9:41 AM
in reply to: #3328165

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New user
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
nmroach - 2011-01-29 4:32 AM I got my first 1-mile (1650 meters) swim in yesterday and I'm extra proud.  I will need to get some lessons in March and April because I'm extra slow and I know my technique needs work (especially learning how to breath bilaterally).  It still feels good to be able to swim the distance.

Now I just need to get my long run in tomorrow.

Have a great weekend of training group.

Great job!  I need to get up there, too.
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