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2012-02-14 5:47 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Japewang- always good to have a good run.  Seeing improvement always makes you feel like the training is worth it for sure.  Are you using that Don Fink BeIronFit?  Seems several people are using it and I'm starting to look at finding a plan to use here in the near future.

Well today I did 2500yd workout in the pool, then got on the bike this afternoon and got an hour in (19.03mph), so a pretty good day. Tomorrow is my last 5 mile run before race day on Saturday.

Hope everyone is having a good week.

2012-02-14 7:13 PM
in reply to: #4047774

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Joey Blankenship - 2012-02-14 5:47 PM

Japewang- always good to have a good run.  Seeing improvement always makes you feel like the training is worth it for sure.  Are you using that Don Fink BeIronFit?  Seems several people are using it and I'm starting to look at finding a plan to use here in the near future.

Well today I did 2500yd workout in the pool, then got on the bike this afternoon and got an hour in (19.03mph), so a pretty good day. Tomorrow is my last 5 mile run before race day on Saturday.

Hope everyone is having a good week.

Joey...yup, using Don Fink.  I'm using his Intermediate Plan.  Funny story.  I bought his book in an airport because I left the novel I was reading at home and needed something to keep me busy on a plane.  Best $12 I ever spent.  3 IM plans for 3 different levels and a boatload of info.  I have the intermediate plan in an excel file if you want me to email it to you so you can take a peak at it.  I'd recommend buying his book.  With the volume you're putting out, the competitive plan may be a good one for you.   I think I have the competitive plan in excel as well....somewhere...

2012-02-15 12:05 PM
in reply to: #4047676

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Good for you...that's a great improvement in efficiency! Always nice to get a reminder now and then that training is working...
2012-02-15 12:06 PM
in reply to: #4047774

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
How are you feeling...nervous..excited?
2012-02-15 4:25 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Oh heck yeah, I'm ready to race. I'm pretty jacked up for this race cause I think I can really tear up my old PR.  Swam 2600yd at lunch then came home and got in my last 5 mile run. Was wanting to run 7:40ish, but I got up alot of energy so I ended up running 7:09 after making myself slow down several times.  Last run and it felt good.

Talked to my buddy, and he's in his mid 40's (and can still do a sub 3), so we have to do the first mile or two at 8:00 to let him get warmed up (and will probably help me get the excitement out and get settled in).  Then we are planning to go 7:40-7:45 and see how it goes.  That's our plan for now.  The weather at Myrtle for the weekend looks great, so it could be an awesome day of running.

Well here's a good question, how much time to do I need to take off after before I get back into my flow, considering I've only got 8 weeks til my HIM.  My plan is to take off totally on Sunday and Monday, then on Tuesday get back in the pool and ride for 60 minutes, Wednesday pool and 90 minute bike and then get back at it full swing.  What are your thoughts?

2012-02-16 8:52 AM
in reply to: #4042082

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
I forgot to reply to this before. Tis definitely happens to me A Lot! My favorite is when a group of people claim they are just going to ride easy then claim they are riding easy while they absolutely blast themselves and you. Then later, before you limp home, they continue to talk about how nice and easy the ride was !

2012-02-16 8:59 AM
in reply to: #4049645

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Joey Blankenship - 2012-02-15 4:25 PM

Oh heck yeah, I'm ready to race. I'm pretty jacked up for this race cause I think I can really tear up my old PR.  Swam 2600yd at lunch then came home and got in my last 5 mile run. Was wanting to run 7:40ish, but I got up alot of energy so I ended up running 7:09 after making myself slow down several times.  Last run and it felt good.

Talked to my buddy, and he's in his mid 40's (and can still do a sub 3), so we have to do the first mile or two at 8:00 to let him get warmed up (and will probably help me get the excitement out and get settled in).  Then we are planning to go 7:40-7:45 and see how it goes.  That's our plan for now.  The weather at Myrtle for the weekend looks great, so it could be an awesome day of running.

Well here's a good question, how much time to do I need to take off after before I get back into my flow, considering I've only got 8 weeks til my HIM.  My plan is to take off totally on Sunday and Monday, then on Tuesday get back in the pool and ride for 60 minutes, Wednesday pool and 90 minute bike and then get back at it full swing.  What are your thoughts?

You will need to play it by ear but Definitely don't beat yourself up to do much of anything the first five days or so after. The more you rest in those 5 days, the more recovered will be to get back to a normal schedule the following week. Some thing recovery from a marathon is harder than an ironman. I wouldn't worry about running at all for an entire week save Maybe a very easy, recreational jog on the weekend if IF ou feel up to it and nothing is tweaked etc.It will feel frustrating but your running fitness isn't going anywhere. Easy runs only the second week, then back to normal the third week. Bike and swim will depend on howl far you go into the well during the race. Nothing wrong with short easier swims and bikes two days after the marathon and beyond. You might even feel like a solid ride on the weekend depending on how well your recovery goes that week.Don't make the mistake I did after my one and only marathon ( which was four months of the couch, so also not very well trained) and force running too soon. My calf is still not the same and that was three years ago!All that said, I think you are in a great position to crush your pr if you race smart.
2012-02-16 9:00 AM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
By the way, I only have an iPad during the day so I apologize for my frequent auto correct errors and paragraphs that stretch into eternity
2012-02-16 9:00 AM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Where did everyone else go? Is you alls training going so well you are too busy to post?
2012-02-16 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

I am still here but have been quiet.  Kind of like a stalker  I have been reading everyones posts which is very motivating.  My training right now is not as intense as everyone else.  I am swimming 2 times a week in a masters class and running 2 or 3 times a week as well.  Not so much biking but I just ordered my indoor trainer so I should be getting that next week.  BTW - thanks for everyones input on trainers.  I ended up getting the CycleOps Fluid 2.

My HIM is not till September so I have a long way to go.  I have a Sprint planned for April and an International in July and then the HIM in September.  I may do another race in between somewhere but nothing concrete yet.  So starting in March is going to be when I really start adding in more training and logging in more hours.  Right now I am just trying to keep in shape.   

2012-02-16 1:37 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Rubant- cool that you got a good trainer. I personally hate the trainer, but mother nature makes me get on her often.  Stalking is a good thing in the racing world.  I think of it more like stalking the next person you are about to pass. And yes, I do this when i run.

Japewang_sent you a msg.

Bethany-thanks for the advice for recovery. Gonna take it easy and see how things go. I really want to improve on my biking time, but I'll have 8 weeks to destroy myself there.  The good thing is the plan I'm using as a guide, the week following my marathon is a recovery week, so I won't be far off if I continue to use it.

Hope everyone has a great weekend of training. I'm all jacked up like I've drank a case of Red Bulls and ready to get in on.  I do have a small bet going on (shaving my head), so hoping for a GREAT race.

2012-02-16 1:49 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
joey - sent
2012-02-17 8:21 AM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Good luck with your race Joey!  Can't wait to see how you do.

I've been busy with kid stuff, training, and helping to coordinate a tri camp here in April with Team Red, White & Blue and some pros.  It's going to be great.

Did a 15k in Dallas this past weekend while there for my daughter's volleyball tournament.  Wasn't fast but I negative split the race.  Each 5k was faster than the previous one.

Decided to pull the plug and sign up for Lonestar 70.3 in Galveston April 1.  I really need to get out on the bike and get in some long rides.  The weather and the kids' schedules just haven't cooperated.  When it's nice weather, I have games to watch all day and when I have a chunk of time on a weekend, the weather is bad.  

I'll be heading to Denver this weekend for another volleyball tournament.  I hope the hotel has a good gym and I hope the schedule allows me to get some workouts in, but my main purpose for the weekend is volleyball and making sure my daughter has fun, so it will be what it is as far as workouts go.

2012-02-17 5:33 PM
in reply to: #4050538

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Rubant - 2012-02-16 9:12 AM

I am still here but have been quiet.  Kind of like a stalker  I have been reading everyones posts which is very motivating.  My training right now is not as intense as everyone else.  I am swimming 2 times a week in a masters class and running 2 or 3 times a week as well.  Not so much biking but I just ordered my indoor trainer so I should be getting that next week.  BTW - thanks for everyones input on trainers.  I ended up getting the CycleOps Fluid 2.

My HIM is not till September so I have a long way to go.  I have a Sprint planned for April and an International in July and then the HIM in September.  I may do another race in between somewhere but nothing concrete yet.  So starting in March is going to be when I really start adding in more training and logging in more hours.  Right now I am just trying to keep in shape.   


Cool, well we still want to hear from you! I am all about stalking, too, but not in this context


How is the swimming going?

2012-02-17 5:34 PM
in reply to: #4051181

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

What are the terms of the bet?



GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow right? What is the name of the marathon again?

2012-02-17 5:36 PM
in reply to: #4052512

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

So you're helping organize the tri camp? Sounds awesome!

Good for you  to be supportive of your daughter. Travel can really take a toll. I have a longer work trip in march and I have already google mapped every available pool and cycling studio in the area!

2012-02-17 7:33 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

bar92-thanks. Feeling pretty good. Got a good dinner in with my buddy who flew in to run with me. About time to head to bed.

Bethany-Myrtle Beach Marathon. Bet is if I don't PR, I shave my head bald. Extra incentive for someone like me who worries if they shave their head at 36, it won't grow back.  Gotta love buddies who haven't even ran a 10k to bet ya. But I win, 2 cases of beer.


2012-02-18 11:24 AM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
What a GREAT WEEKEND AND RACE. Ran a 3:17:22, or 7:31 per mile. PR'ed by 11 minutes and 28 seconds.  There is NO WAY I couldn't have done it without my buddy Matt pacing me.  I didn't even look at my Garmin the last 6.2.  We even did negative splits on the second half, not by much, but we did. 13.1 at 1:38:45.  Great race, race report on the blog done, now time to relax. Hope everyone has a great weekend.  Oh almost forgot, props to Bethany. The advice of more rest DEFINITELY helped. I wouldn't have been able to push that hard  without the extra rest, so thanks. 
2012-02-18 1:51 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
NICE!! Great execution and result, too! Sounds like you paced perfectly...negative splitting a marathon ain't easy. Not to mention, Crushing your conservative time estimate!! Enjoy some great rest deserve it!
2012-02-18 3:44 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Wow.  Great race Joey!  Very impressive time!
2012-02-18 4:14 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Great race Joey, you were really moving. Perfect way to start the racing season..    Personally I had less than a perfect week of training, nothing major, just little interuptions. I really cannot complain though since the first seven weeks have been smooth and fun.  This sport is all about the challenges and one big one can be not feeling obsessive about getting every last minute of the workout in.  I feel alot better when I do 100% but #&^% happens.  

Todays 2hr trainer ride went well. I started using Infinit for my longer workouts and I love this stuff. There is no question I got stronger as the ride went on.  The trick will be figuring out how to carry enough for an Ironman distance race.  If any of you guys are unsure about what fluids to carry; gatorade, powerade etc. consider testing Infinit.  Gentle on the stomach while loaded with whatever you decide to include in your mix.          Train well every-one...

2012-02-18 4:40 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!! did you arrive at your custom infinit solution? I find the concet of custom hydration very appealing yet very daunting.
2012-02-18 5:39 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

I found it really daunting myself. I played around with the formula process on the website more than a few times, not sure how to build a drink that I could use right now. At first I looked at it from race day perspective and what I would need per hour over the course of a long day, but that was'nt what I needed exactly in training.  So instead based it on what I need for 3-5 hr workouts.  I plan on using this for my longer sessions on the weekend only,then when race season gets closer ordering a mix with more calories,electrolytes,etc. for the longest sessions and races.   From what I read many use this as their only nutrition even in 70.3 or ironman races but I am pretty sure I am will be mixing in a few GU's along the way.  I like to carry my own nutrition in a race, so Infinit and gels is going to be it for me this year.   I agree, Japewang, even figuring this out took some thinking and pondering. Part of the fun of this sport is the gear and deciding what works for each person.   

2012-02-19 7:41 AM
in reply to: #4054790

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Syrvelo - 2012-02-18 5:39 PM

I found it really daunting myself. I played around with the formula process on the website more than a few times, not sure how to build a drink that I could use right now. At first I looked at it from race day perspective and what I would need per hour over the course of a long day, but that was'nt what I needed exactly in training.  So instead based it on what I need for 3-5 hr workouts.  I plan on using this for my longer sessions on the weekend only,then when race season gets closer ordering a mix with more calories,electrolytes,etc. for the longest sessions and races.   From what I read many use this as their only nutrition even in 70.3 or ironman races but I am pretty sure I am will be mixing in a few GU's along the way.  I like to carry my own nutrition in a race, so Infinit and gels is going to be it for me this year.   I agree, Japewang, even figuring this out took some thinking and pondering. Part of the fun of this sport is the gear and deciding what works for each person.   

Interesting.  I played around on their website and it just feels so arbitrary to me.  Answer a couple of questions and we'll make a mix just for you?  I guess it works though, because I see alot of people on BT swear by infinit.  Maybe just take the plunge and buy some...see how it works?

I'll admit, nutrition is something that i'm REALLY frustrated by.  I don't feel like I have a real "plan" for dialing in my nutrition needs for my IM.  Does anyone have a systematic recommendation on how they tackled figuring out their nutrition.  I feel like i have a general idea of what I like and what I need, but I just feel like i'm throwing darts blind when it comes to having a "plan".



2012-02-19 8:59 PM
in reply to: #4050506

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Still here! Got really busy th epast week or so, which affected my being on here and my training.  Still managed to run last week.  Got back to swimming today.  Had 2 teenagers swimming beside me today and I realized how much work I still need to do! lol  They dusted me!   Any suggestions?! lol

Question - My HIM is in September.  Haven't yet started the bike training.  With spring around the corner I was thinking of holding off until then instead of going out and getting a trainer.  Thoughts?

Also, was talking to a frined of mine today who had also done full and half IMs and I was asking him about bikes.  He asked me if I was looking at a road bike or a tri bike.  I honestly didn't know the difference.  I asked him what he thought; he suggested that the road bike.  Would appreciate everyone's input.

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